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Biological and physiological factors in soybeans   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
There are limitations to which one is justified in drawing broad generalizations concerning the diverse biological and physiological effects of soy protein products. Nevertheless, there appear to be two distinct situations: (A.) Proper heat treatment exerts a beneficial effect upon the nutritive value of whole soybeans, full-fat and defatted meal. Associated with proper heating is inactivation of trypsin inhibitor and other heat-labile factors and conversion of raw refractory proteins to forms that are more readily digested. (B.) Moist heat also has a beneficial effect upon the nutritive value of soy protein isolates. However, a deficiency of certain essential nutrients and the interaction of phytic acid with protein, vitamins, and minerals during processing are the primary factors responsible for the poor nutritive value of soy isolates. Occasionally mineral deficiency symptoms do occur in animals fed soybean meal. It is a misnomer to refer to the growth-inhibiting and pancreatic hypertrophic properties as a “toxic” effect since both properties are reversible. Modern analytical techniques should be used to reinvestigate the relationship between phytic acid and availability of minerals and vitamins in soy protein isolate diets. Research also is needed to determine more accurately vitamin and mineral contents of soy protein isolates and the availability of vitamins and minerals in soy protein concentrates. Breeding soybean varieties genetically deficient in antinutritional and nonflatulent factors does not appear promising. More research is needed to determine whether fermentation and enzyme processes can be used to prepare flatulent-free soy products. Minor factors to be considered in assessing the nutritive value of soy products include a weak goitrogen present in soybeans, and a very low estrogenic activity. ARS, USDA.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests have high diversity and plant abundance of potentially biologically nitrogen fixing (BNF) legume species, attributed to the ecological advantage of fixation. However, there are few estimates of N quantities annually fixed, hindering the understanding of factors that control BNF, like low phosphorus availability. The quantities of N fixed in three dry forest (caatinga) fragments of the semiarid Brazilian northeastern region with different legume plant proportions were determined and seedlings of Mimosa tenuiflora were grown with phosphorous fertilized soil from the fragments to verify if lack of fixation was due to the absence of rhizobia populations or P deficiency. The vegetation of all areas was dominated by legume plants, mainly potentially nodulating ones, despite the relatively high soil N availability. M. tenuiflora was the most abundant nodulating legume in all fragments, with annual leaf productions from 800 to 1400 kg ha?1. BNF amounts were low (1.4, 18 and 3.6 kg ha?1 year?1 in the mature caatinga of Petrolina and in the mature and regenerating caatingas of São João, respectively) considering the high proportions of potentially nodulating plants (33, 61 and 82% of total plant basal area), because 80, 10 and 70% of these plants were not fixing and those fixing had only 20–46% of their N derived from the atmosphere. Since the pot grown seedlings nodulated abundantly, the low BNF could not be explained by absence of microsymbionts but likely to low symbiosis efficiency due to relatively high N and low P availability.  相似文献   

Legume biological N fixation (BNF) is a large source of uncertainty in farm N budgets. This study sought to quantify the BNF-N input to two whole farm nitrogen budgets and establish a simple and accurate method for incorporating BNF values as inputs in whole farm N budgets. Nitrogen inputs and outputs as well as flows of N between animal and crop production components were determined for a dairy farm in New Brunswick (NB) and Prince Edward Island (PE) over a two year period. The 15N natural abundance method was used to determine the %N derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) through BNF at both sites. Red clover (Trifolium pratense) at the PE site derived 77 % of its N from BNF and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) collected at both the PE and NB farms derived 72 % of its N from BNF. Total BNF-N present in legume biomass from mixed forage fields measured with the 15N natural abundance method ranged from 39 to 116 kg N ha?1 year?1. A legume dry matter conversion model adjusted with %Ndfa and %N of red clover and alfalfa samples from both farm sites was selected to estimate BNF-N inputs from mixed forage fields on the farms. Averaged across the entire cropland area at each farm site, the BNF-N inputs ranged from 27 to 52 kg N ha?1 year?1. The farmgate BNF-N inputs are low in comparison to other studies, possibly due to low legume contents in forage fields. BNF accounted for 18–29 % of farmgate N inputs at the farms. Surpluses of N found at both farm sites ranged from 98 to 135 kg N ha?1 year?1, typical to the whole farm N budgets of similar dairy farms.  相似文献   

Symbiotic nitrogen (N) fixation by legumes was investigated using the 15N dilution technique in two Chinese grasslands: one in the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau and the other in Inner Mongolia in China. A small amount (0.03 g N m?2) of 15N labelled (NH4)2SO4 fertilizer was evenly distributed in two soils. One month after the 15N addition, four legumes (Astragalus sp., Gueldenstaedtia diversifolia, Oxytropis ochrocephala and Trigonella ruthenica) in the alpine meadow and two legumes (Thermopsis lanceolata and Melissitus ruthenica) in the temperate steppe were collected. Several non-legume plant species were harvested as the reference. Above-ground biomass of legumes ranged from 8 to 24 g m?2 in the alpine meadow and from 11 to 35 g m?2 in the temperate steppe. The reference plants showed distinctly higher 15N atom% excess than legumes (0.08% vs. 0.02% in the alpine meadow, 0.10% vs. 0.02% in the temperate steppe). The N derived from atmosphere (%Ndfa) ranged from 50 to 90% N in the alpine meadow, while it ranged from 85 to 92% in the temperate steppe. Based on the legume above-ground biomass, total symbiotic N2-fixation rate was estimated to be 1.00 g N m?2 year?1 in the alpine meadow and 1.15 g N m?2 year?1 in the temperate steppe. These N inputs by legumes can account for 9% of the gap between the N demand and the seasonal N release by mineralization in the alpine Kobresia grassland and 20% in the temperate Leymus grassland, respectively. Considering additional contribution of the root biomass, we suggest that biological N2-fixation by legumes plays an important role in the cycling of N in both Kobresia and Leymus grasslands on an annual scale.  相似文献   

The use of the relative ureide abundance (RUA) in the sap of mainly tropical ureide-producing legumes as a means to estimate the contribution of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is potentially an useful technique as it does not require the use of reference plants or additions of 15N-labelled fertilizer, and the analyses necessitate only relatively simple equipment. However, one problem in the application of the technique arises from the difficulty of obtaining sap samples from such legumes, especially small-stemmed forage legumes under field conditions. This study was conducted to investigate the possibility of using RUA in hot-water extracts of the stems of two forage legumes, Desmodium ovalifolium and a Centrosema hybrid, to estimate the contribution of BNF. In this case only ureide and nitrate are analysed to calculate RUA (100 × ureide-N/(ureide-N + nitrate-N)). The technique was calibrated with the 15N isotope dilution technique in sand culture where the plants were fed with 5 different levels of nitrate (0, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 mg N pot-1). Despite the fact that in many stem extracts more than 90% of the N was neither nitrate or ureide, the colorimetric techniques utilised proved reliable and relatively immune to interference from other solutes in the extracts. One problem with the use of the 15N dilution technique to calibrate the RUA technique is that the former gives an integrated estimate of the BNF contribution since planting (or between harvests) and the latter is a point estimate at the time of sampling. This was overcome by using a `plant to plant simulation technique' where estimates of BNF are calculated from the daily accumulation of total N and the labelled N derived from the growth medium by the legumes using a curve-fitting strategy. These estimates of BNF for the days when stem extracts were analysed for nitrate and ureide showed linear correlations (r 2 = 0.82 and 0.90 for the D. ovalifoliumand Centrosema hybrid, respectively). This indicated that RUA of stem extracts of these two legumes was a reliable indicator of the BNF contribution, at least under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

Potassium nitrution and nitrogen fixation by nodulated legumes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seeds ofPisum arvense L.w. Weitor were grown in nitrogen-free nutrient solution for one week and then in the same medium but at a different potassium concentrations (0.0, 0.1 and 10mM) for one month. At the end of the experiment the plants were dried and analysed for total nitrogen, organic carbon, and nutrients (Ca, Mg, Na, K, and P). The number of nodules were counted, and their spatial distribution was studied. The nutrient solution was changed twice a week and analysed for total exuded nitrogen.No positive correlation was found between the total number of nodules and the total nitrogen fixed although nitrogen fixed per one hundred nodules was higher in potassiumrich than in potassium-limited conditions.Plants accumulated higher magnesium concentrations in potassium-limited than in potassium-rich conditions. Roots were relatively more rich in nitrogen (dry weight basis) in potassium-rich conditions. At low supply of potassium a significant amount of the nitrogen fixed was exuded.Increasing the potassium supply increased the total dry weight and total nitrogen fixed by plants but decreased the efficiency of energy (nitrogen fixed per dry weight of green leaves) and potassium utilization for both dry weight production and nitrogen fixation (potassium accumulated per dry weight produced or nitrogen fixed).  相似文献   

Fertility capability of surface (0–20 cm) soils was evaluated at six sites in the North-West Cameroon highlands. Two main soil groups, designated as Classes A and B, were identified based on elevation. The Class A soils from low elevations (600–1178 m) had higher Ca, Mg, K, pH, sorbed less P and were lower in organic carbon and sesquioxides than the highland (> 1200 m) soils. Soil acidity (Al saturation > 30%) and high P sorption appeared to be the most limiting factors to crop production especially on the Class B soils where the Standard P Requirement exceeded 500 mg kg–1. Phosphorus sorption data were best described by the Freundlich equation. Amorphous aluminium was the most important determinant of solution P concentration (r = 0.85,p < 0.001) followed by soil organic carbon, (r = 0.80,p < 0.001) at high P rates. Nitrogen deficiency symptoms of maize were pronounced on the Class B soils. Consequently, crop growth and yield were lower on Class B than on Class A soils despite the high organic carbon in B. We hypothesize that the supply of high quality organic material (high in N and low in lignin and polyphenols) at site B through agroforestry and related cropping systems, would improve the fertility of the soil and crop yield.This article is a contribution from the IITA-IRA-NCRE, USAID-supported National Cereals Research and Extension Project in Cameroon.  相似文献   

As farmers in southern Australia typically apply nitrogen (N) to cereal crops by top-dressing with ammonia (NH3) based fertilizer in late winter or early spring there is the potential for large losses of NH3. This paper describes the results of micrometeorological measurements to determine NH3 loss and emission factors following applications of urea, urea ammonium nitrate (UAN), and ammonium sulfate (AS) at different rates to cereal crops at two locations in southern Australia. The amounts of NH3 lost are required for farm economics and management, whilst emission factors are needed for inventory purposes. Ammonia loss varied with fertilizer type (urea?>?UAN?>?AS) and location, and ranged from 1.8 to 23?% of N applied. This compares with the emission factor of 10?% of applied N advocated by IPCC ( 2007). The variation with location seemed to be due to a combination of factors including soil texture, soil moisture content when fertilizer was applied and rainfall after fertilizer application. Two experiments at one location, 1?week apart, demonstrated how small, temporal differences in weather conditions and initial soil water content affected the magnitude of NH3 loss. The results of these experiments underline the difficulties farmers face in timing fertilization as the potential for loss, depending on rainfall, can be large.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation by trees in relation to soil nitrogen economy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The N2-fixing potential (NFP) (i.e. the amount of fixed N2 in a constraint-free environment) of N2-fixing trees (NFTs) varies with the genotype. The NFP can be higher than 30-50 g N2 fixed tree–1 year–1 in the most active species, be they leguminous trees such asAlbizia lebbeck, Gliricidia sepium andLeucaena leucocephala, or actinorhizal trees such asCasuarina equisetifolia. The actual amount of nitrogen fixed (ANF) (i.e. the amount of N2 fixed in the field) is lower than the NFP or even nil because of various constraints, especially drought, nutrient deficiencies, excess of available N and pathogenic nematodes. As tree litters are mineralized, the amount of available N in the soil increases with time, this process leading to the cessation of N2 fixation in aging plantations. When the mineralization rate is slowed down or inhibited, N2 fixation can continue. NFTs improve the N status of soils, but the transfer of fixed N to associated plants is not always ensured. Three main approaches are appropriate to increase N2 fixation: clonal selection of trees combined with vegetative propagation, inoculation with effective rhizobium orFrankia strains, and proper fertilization (especially P). In the absence of major environmental constraints, a positive response to inoculation is expected only when specific (non-promiscuous) NFTs are grown in sites where the density of compatible rhizobia is low or nil. The potentialities of NFTs are far from being fully exploited. Further investigations are proposed and the economics of NFT management is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, phosphorus fixation in calcareous soils is controlled by means of rosin-coated diammonium phosphate pellets, with several rates of phosphorus release. Four soils from arid regions in the Spanish south-east were chosen and separately treated with one of the following fertilizers: superphosphate (SP) or diammonium phosphate (DAP) coated with 0, 10 or 22% rosin with a dosage of 1000 Kg P/ha. After treatment, the soils were incubated for 8 months, in the course of which samples were taken to evaluate the evolution of P availability by means of the electroultrafiltration (EUF) technique.The results obtained show that the use of DAP with a 22% coating enables phosphorus fixation in calcareous soils to be controlled. The coating was sufficiently stable to last for the time it takes the crop to grow.  相似文献   

A water-soluble complex fullerene and γ-cyclodextrin [C60(γCD)2] mediates an electrocatalytic conversion of dinitrogen to ammonia. The EIS data obtained under the atmosphere of argon or nitrogen were analyzed. A decrease of the charge-transfer resistance in the presence of nitrogen was found and used for selection of the most efficient potential for the electrochemical nitrogen fixation. Optimization was verified by the preparative electrolysis and detection of ammonia.  相似文献   

Assessment of biological nitrogen fixation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The four commonly used methods for measuring biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in plants are: the total nitrogen difference (TND) method, acetylene reduction assay (ARA) technique, xylem-solute (or ureide production) method and the use of15N labelled compounds.The TND method relies on a control non-N2-fixing plant to estimate the amount of N absorbed by the fixing plant from soil. It is one of the simplest and least expensive methods, but works best under low soil N conditions. The ARA technique measures the rate of acetylene conversion to ethylene by the N2-fixing enzyme, nitrogenase. The ethylene produced can then be converted into N2 fixed, using a conversion ratio, originally recommended as 3. Although the method is inexpensive and highly sensitive, its major disadvantages are, the short-term nature of the assays, the doubtful validity of always using a conversion ratio of 3 and the auto-inhibition of acetylene conversion to ethylene. The ARA technique is therefore not a method of choice for measuring BNF.The xylem-solute technique can be used to measure BNF for those species that produce significant quantities of ureide as product of BNF. Although simple and relatively inexpensive, it is an instantaneous assay and also needs to be calibrated against a known method. The most serious limitation is, that only a small proportion of N2-fixing plants examined are ureide exporters, and the method is therefore not widely applicable.The15N methods, classified into the isotope dilution and A-value methods, appear to be the most accurate, but also the most expensive. They involve labelling soil with15N fertilizer and using a non-N2-fixing reference plant to measure the15N/14N ratio in the soil. The15N isotope dilution approach is both operationally and mathematically simpler than the A-value approach. To limit potential errors in the selection of reference crops, it is recommended to use15N labelled compounds or soil labelling methods that result in the slow release of15N or the slow decline of15N/14N ratio in the soil. Additionally, the use of several reference plants rather than a single one can improve the accuracy of the results.  相似文献   

Changes in quantity of soil mineral nitrogen down to a depth of 1 m in cloverfree grassland were monitored within one growing season and over successive growing seasons. Accumulation of mineral nitrogen in the soil occurred on permanent grassland with split application of nitrogen totalling more than 400 kg N ha–1 yr–1 and on young grassland, sown after arable crops, with applications of more than 480 kg N ha–1 yr–1. The relationship between the rate of nitrogen application minus nitrogen uptake, and accumulation of mineral nitrogen in the upper 50 cm of soil during each growing season is described.  相似文献   

In Germany, centralized biogas digestion plants (BGP) have been recently constructed. BGPs purchase the substrates from surrounding farmers and, in return, farmers receive the effluents. Substrate inputs, nutrient inputs and outputs were studied for two BGPs with effluent liquid–solid separation. Additionally, the path of the nitrogen (N) during manure handling was assessed. Silage maize (65–75% of the dry matter (DM) inputs) and grass (ca. 20% of the DM inputs) were the main inputs in both BGPs. During manure handling, it is estimated that 20–25% of the N in the effluents was lost via gaseous N emissions. From an environmental point of view the two main challenges are to reduce these gaseous N losses, and to provide N via the effluents mainly for spring manure application, and less so for autumn application. In solid effluents, gaseous N losses during storage are the main potential N loss pathway, whereas for liquid effluents gaseous N losses during and after field spreading are of great relevance. Current management indicated that approximately 50% of the N in the effluents was available for spring application and approximately 30% in autumn due to cleanout of stores before winter. Calculations show that the use of substrates with high DM content during autumn and winter would reduce the demand for storage capacity, thus reducing the demand for store’s cleanout in autumn. This leads to effluents with higher nutrient concentration that are very suitable for application to spring sown crops. Furthermore, some substrates like cereal grains and grass lead to effluents higher in N, whereas silage maize and other substrates lead to effluents low in N. An adapted substrate management would allow more N for spring application. The cycles of P and K are closed, enabling a complete replenishment of the P and K outputs.  相似文献   

The flows and balances of N, P and K were studied in 20 farms in the Campo Ma’an area in Cameroon between March and August 2002 to assess the nutrient dynamics in smallholder farms. Data were collected through farmer interviews, field measurements and estimates from transfer functions. Nutrient input from mineral (IN1), animal feed (IN2a) and inorganic amendments (IN2b) was absent. Major outputs were through crop (OUT1a) and animal (OUT1b) products sold. Partial budgets for farmer managed flows were negative: −65 kg N, −5.5 kg P and −30.8 kg K ha−1 year−1. For inflows not managed by farmers, deep capture (IN6) was the major source: 16.6, 1.4 and 6.6 kg ha−1 year−1 of N, P and K, respectively. Atmospheric deposition (IN3) was estimated at 4.3 kg N, 1.0 kg P and 3.9 kg K ha−1 year−1, and biological nitrogen fixation (IN4) at 6.9 kg N ha−1 year−1. Major losses were leaching (OUT 3a): 26.4 kg N, and 0.88 kg K ha−1 year−1. Gaseous losses from the soil (OUT 4a) were estimated at 6.34 kg N, and human faeces (OUT 6) were estimated at 4 kg N, 0.64 kg P and 4.8 kg K ha−1 year−1. The highest losses were from burning (OUT 4c), i.e. 47.8 kg N, 1.8 kg P and 14.3 kg K ha−1 year−1. Partial budgets of environmentally controlled flows were negative only for N −4.8 kg N, +2.4 kg P and +9.6 kg K ha−1 year−1. The overall farm budgets were negative, with annual losses of 69 kg N, 3 kg P and 21 kg K ha−1. Only cocoa had a positive nutrient balance: +9.3 kg N, +1.4 kg P and +7.6 kg K ha−1 year−1. Nutrients reaching the household waste (1.9 kg N, 2.8 kg P and 18.8 kg K ha−1 year−1), animal manure (4.9 kg N, 0.4 kg P and 1.6 kg K), and human faeces (4 kg N, 0.64 kg P and 4.8 kg K ha−1 year−1) were not recycled. Five alternative management scenarios were envisaged to improve the nutrient balances. Recycling animal manure, household waste and human faeces will bring the balance at −62.6 kg N, 0 kg P and +1 kg K ha−1 year−1. If, additionally, burning could be avoided, positive nutrient balances could be expected.  相似文献   

Effect of phosphate rock sources on biological nitrogen fixation by soybean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Very little information is available concerning the effect of phosphate rock (PR) sources on biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in legume crops. In a greenhouse study, the15N isotopic dilution technique was used to compare the effectiveness of three sources of PR (Hahotoe rock, Togo; Tilemsi rock, Mali; and Sechura rock, Peru) with that of triple superphosphate (TSP) in increasing soybean seed yield and the amounts of N fixed by the soybean crop. The acid Hartsells slit loam was limed to pH 5.2 and incubated with 8.5 mg N kg–1 as K15NO3 and sucrose for 2 months prior to planting. Then fertilizer P was incorporated into the soil at 12.5, 25, 50, and 100 mg P kg–1 rates.The relative agronomic effectiveness (RAE) of the three PRs with respect to TSP (RAE = 100%) in terms of increasing seed yield was Hahotoe rock = 6.0%, Tilemsi rock = 45.9%, and Sechura rock = 75.2%; this trend followed the same trend as PR reactivity, i.e., Sechura rock > Tilemsi rock > Hahotoe rock. BNF was affected significantly by all the P treatments. Of the total N derived from the three N sources (atmosphere, Ndfa; fertilizer K15NO3, Ndff; and soil, Ndfs), Ndfa was highest with TSP and lowest with Hahotoe rock, whereas the reverse was found with Ndfs. Among various plant parts, more Ndfa was translocated and stored in seeds than in stems + leaves and roots. The RAE values of the three PRs with respect to TSP (RAE = 100%) in terms of influencing the amount of BNF were Hahotoe rock = 3.0%, Tilemsi rock = 43.4%, and Sechura rock = 71.2%. A linear relationship was found between the amount of BNF by the whole soybean plant and the soybean seed yield.  相似文献   

氢是一种无污染的新型、高效能源,受到广泛的重视。微生物制氢是氢能开发研究的一项重要内容。至今 已知的具有产氢活性的微生物有“光合细菌”(photosynthetic bacteria,PSB)、藻类(algae)和非光合细菌(non-photo- synthetic bacteria)。对固氮类微生物的产氢机理及影响产氢的因素、光合产氢的能量利用等进行综述。  相似文献   

Incubation experiments were conducted to determine the relationship between N mineralization potential of soils and yield or N uptake of barley grain. In addition, the effect of soil type and soil depth on N mineralization potential was investigated. In an experiment with 39 cultivated surface soil samples varying in organic C from 1.5 to 8.6%, the amount of mineralized N (as determined by the incubation method of Stanford and Smith, 1972) ranged from 34 to 111 mg N kg?1 over a 12-week period but the correlation coefficient between mineralized N and soil organic C was only 0.49**. Mineralized N was not correlated with grain yield or N uptake (r = 0.29 or 0.32, respectively), but there was a fairly close correlation between soil NO3-N at sowing and yield (r = 0.79**) or N uptake of barley grain (r = 0.82**). Combining soil NO3-N at sowing and mineralized N on incubation did not improve correlation. In the other experiment with just two soils, the mineralized N sharply decreased with increasing soil depth.  相似文献   

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