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基于HOPKINSON杆冲击剪切试验技术、复合材料层板的材料性能及应用特点的分析,对“杆-管”冲击剪切动态力学性能实验技术进行了改进优化,解决了输入杆跳动、同轴调节困难、结果分散大等实验技术问题。根据输入杆、输出管和复合材料试样的匹配分析,确立了输入杆、试样和输出管针对动态冲击剪切实验的约束尺寸条件。通过有限元数值分析,研究了预置剪切间隙对冲击剪切的影响,研究认为0.2mm~0.3mm间隙设计对Ф14.5mm输入杆冲击 2mm~4mm层板试样的冲剪试验是合适的。冲击剪切实验数据表明,加载率对玻纤增强复合材料层板的动态剪切力学性能影响明显。 相似文献
目的实现2024-T3铝合金动态断裂韧性的测量,揭示加载速率对动态断裂韧性的影响机理。方法采用屏蔽措施避免电磁干扰,测量2024-T3铝合金在不同加载速率下的动态断裂韧性,采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察断口形貌,理论分析加载速率对动态断裂韧性的影响机理。结果当加载速率小于103MPa·m~(1/2)·s~(-1)时,2024-T3铝合金的动态断裂韧性约为35 MPa·m~(1/2);当加载速率高于105 MPa·m~(1/2)·s~(-1)时,动态断裂韧性超过40 MPa·m~(1/2),且随加载速率的增加而不断增大至101 MPa·m~(1/2)。断口分析表明,加载速率较低时,断口形貌为微孔聚集型;当加载速率超过105 MPa·m~(1/2)·s~(-1)时,断口特征由延性韧窝向准解理形态转变。理论分析表明,上述现象主要是由于裂纹尖端的无位错区域尺寸随加载速率的增大而减小,位错对裂纹尖端应力场的屏蔽效应增大,从而导致裂纹起裂后迅速由韧窝状态向准解理状态转变。结论电磁屏蔽后的电阻应变片法,能够准确测量电磁环境下2024-T3铝合金的动态断裂韧性,且动态断裂韧性表现出明显的应变率敏感性;2024-T3铝合金的微观断裂机制在准静态下为微孔聚集型,加载速率超过105MPa·m~(1/2)·s~(-1)时,材料的断裂表现为由延性韧窝形态向准解理形态转变。 相似文献
利用动态Hopkinson装置和Instron 4026测试了15%SiCP/Al-5Cu、 15%SiCP/2124、15%SiCP/Al-Li、15%SiCW/6061和30%SiCP/6061铝合金等几种复合材料的准静态和冲击力学性能,探讨了应变率等对于强度、硬化模量和失效应变等的影响。同时观察了上述材料动态拉伸断口,揭示了金属基复合材料破坏的几种不同控制机理。最后讨论了实验中发现的上述复合材料拉压不对称性的新特征,其中考虑了金属基复合材料的热失配应力和不同的损伤、破坏控制机理。 相似文献
目的利用规则化法对CLAM钢(中国低活化马氏体钢)的断裂韧性数据进行处理,获得其断裂韧性。方法采用基于载荷分离理论的规则化法,对CLAM钢卸载柔度法得到的原始载荷(P)、COD(裂纹张开位移)数据进行规则化处理。首先去除卸载柔度法采集的加载和卸载(Unload/Reload)、裂纹扩展(Extend Crack)数据,只保留加载过程中Ramp数据。然后将提取出来的Load-COD数据采用载荷分离的规则化法进行处理得到(J,Δa)数据,从而得到J-R阻力曲线及断裂韧性条件判定值J_Q。结果得到CLAM钢平均断裂韧性J_Q为178 MPa·mm,所有试样厚度(B)及初始裂纹长度(b_0)均大于10J_Q/σ_Y。结论规则化法处理的CLAM钢断裂韧性J_Q满足有效性判定条件。 相似文献
在民用与国防领域,装备或结构部件常常受到高加载率的重复冲击,即冲击疲劳问题。冲击疲劳试验装置是研究冲击疲劳问题的基础,该研究提出一种分离式Hopkinson杆式冲击疲劳试验方法。首先通过真空系统使撞击弹复位,在加载过程中通过弹性约束对入射杆进行限位,最后利用电动推杆使透射杆和试样复位,以上过程通过PLC控制器控制。这种方法操作简易,能通过在杆上的信号采集实现冲击波的连续实时显示,并能改变撞击体几何构形以产生不同形状(梯形波、三角波或半正弦波)和不同加载率(8×10^(5)~3×10^(6)MPa/s)的冲击加载波,加载频率范围在0~0.5 Hz。最后利用高强钢圆柱试样和含有工艺缺陷的增材制造316L不锈钢三点弯曲试样对试验方法进行了验证,证明该方法有效可靠。 相似文献
While the quasi-static fracture load of many composite laminates can be estimated with engineering accuracy, the fracture event itself has not been clearly characterized and is incompletely understood. When cyclic loading is present, the pre-fracture damage state is altered significantly, so that estimating strength (or residual strength) is greatly complicated. The present paper examines this complexity and attempts to assess the manner in which pre-fracture fatigue damage affects residual strength and the fracture event. It is found that the large strength reductions observed prior to failure at low load levels can be accounted for by internal stress redistribution and material degradation events. A careful chain of physical evidence in support of this approach is presented. 相似文献
A novel method for measuring the dynamic fracture toughness, KId, using a Hopkinson pressure bar loaded instrumented Charpy impact test is presented in this paper. The stress intensity factor dynamic response curve (KI(t)−t) for a fatigue-precracked Charpy specimen is evaluated by means of an approximate formula. The onset time of crack initiation is experimentally detected using the strain gauge method. The value of KId is determined from the critical dynamic stress intensity factor at crack initiation. A KId value for a high-strength steel is obtained using this method at a stress-intensity-factor rate () greater than 106 MPa . 相似文献
The dynamic crack growth behavior of adhesively bonded joints under mode I and mixed mode (I + II) loading were investigated. The split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) apparatus and the digital image correlation (DIC) technique were employed to determine the mode I fracture toughness of the adhesively bonded joints during crack propagation under impact loading. The dynamic crack growth behavior for carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) adhesively bonded joints under mode I loading was studied using this method. In order to verify the proposed method, the dynamic crack growth behavior of titanium alloy adhesively bonded joints was also studied. Moreover, the crack growth behavior of CFRP adhesively bonded joints under mixed mode loading was studied using the SHPB technique. For the considered CFRP adhesively bonded joints, the fracture toughness decreased under both mode I and mixed mode loading as the loading rate increased. Microscope observation showed that a shift in the crack location occurred in the high loading tests. 相似文献
Glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites are used in a wide range of applications as a structural material. They have high specific mechanical properties but are prone to delamination as a result of manufacturing defects and impact/shock loading. The ability of the structure to continue to carry load after damage and the subsequent propensity of the damage to propagate are important considerations for the design of damage tolerant composite structures. In order to accurately predict the stability of damage under load, relevant mechanical properties of the material must be accurately determined. In particular, mixed mode fracture toughness data is required in order to study the damage criticality in such structures. This paper describes an experimental study to determine Mixed Mode fracture toughness for thick glass/vinylester specimens. The test methodology used for the experiments and its difficulties will be discussed. Mixed mode fracture toughness results are presented, as are Mode I and Mode II fracture toughness results obtained via Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) and End Notch Flexure (ENF) tests, respectively. 相似文献
Tomohiro Yokozeki Yutaka Iwahori Masaru Ishibashi Takashi Yanagisawa Kazunari Imai Masahiro Arai Tatsuhiro Takahashi Kiyoshi Enomoto 《Composites Science and Technology》2009
Several techniques are introduced to enhance the interlaminar fracture toughness of CFRP laminates using cup-stacked carbon nanotubes (CSCNTs). Prepared CSCNT-dispersed CFRP laminates are subject to Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) and End Notched Flexure (ENF) tests in order to obtain mode-I and mode-II interlaminar fracture toughness. The measured fracture toughnesses are compared to that of CFRP laminates without CSCNT to evaluate the effectiveness of CSCNT dispersion for the improvement of fracture toughness. All CSCNT-dispersed CFRP laminates exhibit higher fracture toughness, and specifically, CSCNT-dispersed CFRP laminates with thin epoxy interlayers containing short CSCNTs have three times higher fracture toughness than CFRP laminates without CSCNT. SEM observation of fracture surfaces is also conducted to investigate the mechanisms of fracture toughness improvement. Crack deflection mechanism is recognized in the CSCNT-dispersed CFRP laminates, which is considered to contribute the enhancement of interlaminar fracture toughness. 相似文献
The paper presented deals with the fracture behaviour of ceramic laminates. The residual stresses in individual layers of Al2O3/5vol.%t-ZrO2 (ATZ) and Al2O3/30vol.%m-ZrO2 (AMZ) are determined. Assumptions concerning linear elastic fracture mechanics and small scale yielding are considered. In this frame the procedure based on a generalization of Sih’s strain energy density factor to the case of a crack touching the interfaces between two dissimilar materials is used for determination of effective values of the stress intensity factor on material interfaces. An important increase of fracture toughness at the AMZ/ATZ interface was predicted in comparison to the fracture toughness of individual material components. Predicted values were compared with data available in the literature and mutual good agreement was found. The procedure suggested can be used for estimation of resistance to crack propagation through multilayered structures and its design. The procedure can contribute to enhancing the reliability and safety of structural ceramics or, more generally, of layered composites with strong interfaces. 相似文献
A F. L. BASTIAN 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2002,25(11):999-1008
ABSTRACT The aim of this work is to propose procedures for the measurement of the fracture toughness of fibre metal laminates (FMLs) reinforced with unidirectional fibres of aramid or glass. Experimental techniques for fracture toughness evaluation by using Compact (C(T)) and Single‐Edge Bend (SE(B)) specimens obeying ASTM standards are introduced. Procedures from the standard for thick metallic materials were modified in order to overcome problems, which can arise when testing FMLs – that is, specimen buckling, indentations and crack growth in planes other than the plane of the fatigue pre‐crack or notch. The methodology proposed was experimentally tested leading to satisfactory results. 相似文献
The present study focuses on a developed crack density-based model for evaluating the material properties of an orthotropic composite ply containing a specified matrix-cracking density. Furthermore, more complementary details of this model, including a closed form solution for evaluating the stress fields as well as stiffness degradation of a damaged ply, will be presented. The derived relations will be applied for evaluating the master plot curve, which is applicable for obtaining the finite fracture toughness (Gmc) of laminated composites. The obtained results will be compared with the available experimental results. 相似文献
针对Z-pin增强复合材料层合板, 开展了断裂韧性的试验研究。研究选取了3种Z-pin直径(0.28、 0.52、 0.80mm)且每种直径下分别以3种分布形式(5×5、 8×8、 10×10)排布Z---pin的增强方式, 为了确定比较基准, 试验中同时测试了不含Z-pin的复合材料层合板试样。通过Z-pin拔出试验测试了3种直径Z-pin从基体拔出过程中的载荷位移关系。利用双悬臂梁试验和端部开口弯曲试验分别测试了不含Z-pin和含Z-pin试样的Ⅰ型断裂应变能释放率GⅠC、 Ⅱ型断裂应变能释放率GⅡC。试验结果表明:? 与不含Z-pin的结构相比, Z-pin增强试样的Ⅰ型断裂应变能释放率GⅠC增大了83%~1110%, Ⅱ型断裂应变能释放率GⅡC增大了23%~438%; 在相同Z-pin体积含量下, 与增大Z-pin直径相比, 增大Z-pin分布密度能更有效地提高复合材料层合板的断裂韧性。 相似文献