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ISO/IEC 17025国际标准5.4.6.1中规定:校准实验室或进行自校的检测实验室必须对所有校准项目和校准类型制定并实施测量不确定度评定的步骤.而且对校准而言,该步骤对各类校准是一致的,对检测实验室,该步骤则因不同的检测项目和类别会有所区别.例如:有的检测包括取样和样品制备,有的则不包含这两个步骤.  相似文献   

依据GB384-81《石油产品热值测定法》对重油的弹热值进行测定,依据JJF1059-1999对测定结果的不确定度进行了评定和表述。根据标准的要求和以往的工作经验,寻找了影响测定不确定度的各个来源,对各分量进行了合成和分析。  相似文献   

针对目前氧气减压器无国家检定规程和校准规范,本文介绍了氧气减压器主要技术要求、安全性能要求,并根据要求提出了检测方法和测量不确定度评定,规范福建省对氧气减压器的检测。  相似文献   

依据GB/T 4214—2000《声学家用电器及类似用途器具噪声测试方法》技术标准对由电网供电或电池供电的家用及类似用途(与家庭环境类似的条件下使用的如商业、服务业用)电器,包括它们的附件和部件所发射的噪声进行测量。  相似文献   

As of 2004, nearly two hundred thousand tons of fly ash monoliths are created each year in Taiwan to confine heavy metals for reducing the leaching quantity by precipitation. However, due to abnormal monolith fracture, poorly liner quality or exceeding usage over designed landfill capacity, serious groundwater pollution of the landfills has been reported. This research focuses on Pb and Cr leaching from monolithic landfill to assess the risk of groundwater pollution in the vicinity. The methodology combines water budget simulations using HELP model with fate and risk simulations using MMSOILS model for 5 kinds of landfill structures and 2 types of leaching models, and calculates the risk distribution over 400 grids in the down gradient direction of groundwater.The results demonstrated that the worst liner quality will cause the largest risk and the most significant exposure pathway is groundwater intake, which accounted for 98% of the total risk. Comparing Pb and Cr concentrations in the groundwater with the drinking water standards, only 14.25% of the total grids are found to be under 0.05 mg/L of Pb, and over 96.5% of the total grids are in the safety range of Cr. It indicates that Pb leaching from fly ash monolithic landfills may cause serious health risks.Without consideration of the parameters uncertainty, the cancer and noncancer risk of Pb with the sanitary landfill method was 4.23E−07 and 0.63, respectively, both under acceptable levels. However, by considering the parameters uncertainty, the non-carcinogenic risk of Pb became 1.43, exceeding the acceptable level. Only under the sealed landfill method was the hazard quotient below 1. It is important to use at least the sealed landfill for fly ash monoliths containing lead to effectively reduce health risks.  相似文献   

针对引伸计示值误差的测量,详细介绍了使用我所研制的GSYB型引伸计标定仪对0.5级引伸计示值误差测量的测量结果不确定度以及其是否满足测量要求的符合性评价。  相似文献   

以OIMLR76国际建议中非自动衡器的称量试验为例,列举了2种容易对非自动衡器称量性能做出误判的情形.结合电子天平称量试验的3个案例,分析了修正误差与最大允许误差限较为接近时,直接采用"简单判定原则"作出符合性判定的误判风险,通过对线性载荷误差测量不确定度评估,分别对3个案例给出了95.45%、80.6%和18.1%的...  相似文献   

The basic aim of this work was investigation of the contents of natural radionuclides in the samples of coal and in the products of its burning in Tuzla coal power plants (CPP), as the beginning steps to estimate total radioactive effects on the surrounding, having in mind that coal power plants are one of the more influential source of the redistribution of natural radionuclides. Coal power plants are backbone of the energy production in Bosnia and Herzegovina accounting for the 75% of the total produced energy. Gamma spectrometric analysis of samples was performed using the most modern high-resolution, low background gamma spectrometric Canberra I-IPGe (high purity germanium) system, with the relative efficiency of 70% at 1.33 MeV, FWHM (full width at half maximum) resolution of 2.3 keV at 1.33 MeV, 1,200 eV at 122 keV. The activity concentration of natural radionuclides in measured samples of coal, ashes and slag were from 4,4 to 56 Bq/kg for Z26Ra, from 4.5 to 38 Bq/kg for 232Th, from 0.3 to 2.7 Bq/kg for Z35U, from 3.1 to 57 Bq/kg for ^238U and from 35 to 333 Bq/kg for ^40K.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a model of quality that makes use of the fuzzily defined variable approach to better understand the concept and, thus, enables the further development of this variable. We propose a general method that may estimate a quality index (QI) that handles both qualitative and quantitative issues. The system further uses a neural network since the system learns how to integrate human factors into a quantitative QI. In our case study, we have examined the measurement of image quality and proposed a theoretical model of pulp quality.   相似文献   

选取最大秤量15kg,检定分度值为1g的高准确度电子秤,以10kg为测量点,对高准确度电子秤的测量值进行了不确定度的分析和评定。  相似文献   

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