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A new n‐sided surface scheme is presented, that generalizes tensor product Bézier patches. Boundaries and corresponding cross‐derivatives are specified as conventional Bézier surfaces of arbitrary degrees. The surface is defined over a convex polygonal domain; local coordinates are computed from generalized barycentric coordinates; control points are multiplied by weighted, biparametric Bernstein functions. A method for interpolating a middle point is also presented. This Generalized Bézier (GB) patch is based on a new displacement scheme that builds up multi‐sided patches as a combination of a base patch, n displacement patches and an interior patch; this is considered to be an alternative to the Boolean sum concept. The input ribbons may have different degrees, but the final patch representation has a uniform degree. Interior control points—other than those specified by the user—are placed automatically by a special degree elevation algorithm. GB patches connect to adjacent Bézier surfaces with G1continuity. The control structure is simple and intuitive; the number of control points is proportional to those of quadrilateral control grids. The scheme is introduced through simple examples; suggestions for future work are also discussed.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm for detecting and extracting the silhouette edges of a triangle mesh in real time using Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). We also propose a tessellation strategy for visualizing the mesh with smooth silhouettes through a continuous blend between Bézier patches with varying level of detail. Furthermore, we show how our techniques can be integrated with displacement and normal mapping. We give details on our GPU implementation and provide a performance analysis with respect to mesh size.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel wavelet‐based transform and coding scheme for irregular meshes. The transform preserves geometric features at lower resolutions by adaptive vertex sampling and retriangulation, resulting in more accurate subsampling and better avoidance of smoothing and aliasing artefacts. By employing octree‐based coding techniques, the encoding of both connectivity and geometry information is decoupled from any mesh traversal order, and allows for exploiting the intra‐band statistical dependencies between wavelet coefficients. Improvements over the state of the art obtained by our approach are three‐fold: (1) improved rate–distortion performance over Wavemesh and IPR for both the Hausdorff and root mean square distances at low‐to‐mid‐range bitrates, most obvious when clear geometric features are present while remaining competitive for smooth, feature‐poor models; (2) improved rendering performance at any triangle budget, translating to a better quality for the same runtime memory footprint; (3) improved visual quality when applying similar limits to the bitrate or triangle budget, showing more pronounced improvements than rate–distortion curves.  相似文献   

Splines are part of the standard toolbox for the approximation of functions and curves in ?d. Still, the problem of finding the spline that best approximates an input function or curve is ill‐posed, since in general this yields a “spline” with an infinite number of segments. The problem can be regularized by adding a penalty term for the number of spline segments. We show how this idea can be formulated as an ?0‐regularized quadratic problem. This gives us a notion of optimal approximating splines that depend on one parameter, which weights the approximation error against the number of segments. We detail this concept for different types of splines including B‐splines and composite Bézier curves. Based on the latest development in the field of sparse approximation, we devise a solver for the resulting minimization problems and show applications to spline approximation of planar and space curves and to spline conversion of motion capture data.  相似文献   

We present an Eulerian method for the real‐time simulation of intrinsic fluid dynamics effects on deforming surfaces. Our method is based on a novel semi‐Lagrangian closest point method for the solution of partial differential equations on animated triangle meshes. We describe this method and demonstrate its use to compute and visualize flow and wave propagation along such meshes at high resolution and speed. Underlying our technique is the efficient conversion of an animated triangle mesh into a time‐dependent implicit representation based on closest surface points. The proposed technique is unconditionally stable with respect to the surface deformation and, in contrast to comparable Lagrangian techniques, its precision does not depend on the level of detail of the surface triangulation.  相似文献   

Fast GPU-based Adaptive Tessellation with CUDA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper presents a method to selectively elevate the degree of an S‐Patch of arbitrary dimension. We consider not only S‐Patches with 2D domains but 3D and higher‐dimensional domains as well, of which volumetric cage deformations are a subset. We show how to selectively insert control points of a higher degree patch into a lower degree patch while maintaining the polynomial reproduction order of the original patch. This process allows the user to elevate the degree of only one portion of the patch to add new degrees of freedom or maintain continuity with adjacent patches without elevating the degree of the entire patch, which could create far more degrees of freedom than necessary. Finally we show an application to cage‐based deformations where we increase the number of control points by elevating the degree of a subset of cage faces. The result is a cage deformation with higher degree triangular Bézier functions on a subset of cage faces but no interior control points.  相似文献   

We propose an algorithm for interactive ray‐casting of algebraic surfaces of high degree. A key point of our approach is a polynomial form adapted to the view frustum. This so called frustum form yields simple expressions for the Bernstein form of the ray equations, which can be computed efficiently using matrix products and pre‐computed quantities. Numerical root‐finding is performed using B‐spline and Bézier techniques, and we compare the performances of recent and classical algorithms. Furthermore, we propose a simple and fairly efficient anti‐aliasing scheme, based on a combination of screen space and object space techniques. We show how our algorithms can be implemented on streaming architectures with single precision, and demonstrate interactive frame‐rates for degrees up to 16.  相似文献   

Bézier subdivision and degree elevation algorithms generate piecewise linear approximations of Bézier curves that converge to the original Bézier curve. Discrete derivatives of arbitrary order can be associated with these piecewise linear functions via divided differences. Here we establish the convergence of these discrete derivatives to the corresponding continuous derivatives of the initial Bézier curve. Thus, we show that the control polygons generated by subdivision and degree elevation provide not only an approximation to a Bézier curve, but also approximations of its derivatives of arbitrary order.  相似文献   

We introduce a unified optimization framework for geometry processing based on shape constraints. These constraints preserve or prescribe the shape of subsets of the points of a geometric data set, such as polygons, one‐ring cells, volume elements, or feature curves. Our method is based on two key concepts: a shape proximity function and shape projection operators. The proximity function encodes the distance of a desired least‐squares fitted elementary target shape to the corresponding vertices of the 3D model. Projection operators are employed to minimize the proximity function by relocating vertices in a minimal way to match the imposed shape constraints. We demonstrate that this approach leads to a simple, robust, and efficient algorithm that allows implementing a variety of geometry processing applications, simply by combining suitable projection operators. We show examples for computing planar and circular meshes, shape space exploration, mesh quality improvement, shape‐preserving deformation, and conformal parametrization. Our optimization framework provides a systematic way of building new solvers for geometry processing and produces similar or better results than state‐of‐the‐art methods.  相似文献   

Independent interpolation of local surface patches and local normal patches is an efficient way for fast rendering of smooth curved surfaces from rough polyhedral meshes. However, the independently interpolating normals may deviate greatly from the analytical normals of local interpolating surfaces, and the normal deviation may cause severe rendering defects when the surface is shaded using the interpolating normals. In this paper we propose two novel normal interpolation schemes along with interpolation of cubic Bézier triangles for rendering curved surfaces from rough triangular meshes. Firstly, the interpolating normal is computed by a Gregory normal patch to each Bézier triangle by a new definition of quadratic normal functions along cubic space curves. Secondly, the interpolating normal is obtained by blending side-vertex normal functions along side-vertex parametric curves of the interpolating Bézier surface. The normal patches by these two methods can not only interpolate given normals at vertices or boundaries of a triangle but also match the shape of the local interpolating surface very well. As a result, more realistic shading results are obtained by either of the two new normal interpolation schemes than by the traditional quadratic normal interpolation method for rendering rough triangular meshes.  相似文献   

We present a new structure‐preserving numerical scheme for solving the Euler‐Poincaré Differential (EPDiff) equation on arbitrary triangle meshes. Unlike existing techniques, our method solves the difficult non‐linear EPDiff equation by constructing energy preserving, yet fully explicit, update rules. Our approach uses standard differential operators on triangle meshes, allowing for a simple and efficient implementation. Key to the structure‐preserving features that our method exhibits is a novel numerical splitting scheme. Namely, we break the integration into three steps which rely on linear solves with a fixed sparse matrix that is independent of the simulation and thus can be pre‐factored. We test our method in the context of simulating concentrated reconnecting wavefronts on flat and curved domains. In particular, EPDiff is known to generate geometrical fronts which exhibit wave‐like behavior when they interact with each other. In addition, we also show that at a small additional cost, we can produce globally‐supported periodic waves by using our simulated fronts with wavefronts tracking techniques. We provide quantitative graphs showing that our method exactly preserves the energy in practice. In addition, we demonstrate various interesting results including annihilation and recreation of a circular front, a wave splitting and merging when hitting an obstacle and two separate fronts propagating and bending due to the curvature of the domain.  相似文献   

We address the problem of generating quality surface triangle meshes from 3D point clouds sampled on piecewise smooth surfaces. Using a feature detection process based on the covariance matrices of Voronoi cells, we first extract from the point cloud a set of sharp features. Our algorithm also runs on the input point cloud a reconstruction process, such as Poisson reconstruction, providing an implicit surface. A feature preserving variant of a Delaunay refinement process is then used to generate a mesh approximating the implicit surface and containing a faithful representation of the extracted sharp edges. Such a mesh provides an enhanced trade‐off between accuracy and mesh complexity. The whole process is robust to noise and made versatile through a small set of parameters which govern the mesh sizing, approximation error and shape of the elements. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a variety of models including laser scanned datasets ranging from indoor to outdoor scenes.  相似文献   

We introduce techniques for the processing of motion and animations of non‐rigid shapes. The idea is to regard animations of deformable objects as curves in shape space. Then, we use the geometric structure on shape space to transfer concepts from curve processing in ?n to the processing of motion of non‐rigid shapes. Following this principle, we introduce a discrete geometric flow for curves in shape space. The flow iteratively replaces every shape with a weighted average shape of a local neighborhood and thereby globally decreases an energy whose minimizers are discrete geodesics in shape space. Based on the flow, we devise a novel smoothing filter for motions and animations of deformable shapes. By shortening the length in shape space of an animation, it systematically regularizes the deformations between consecutive frames of the animation. The scheme can be used for smoothing and noise removal, e.g., for reducing jittering artifacts in motion capture data. We introduce a reduced‐order method for the computation of the flow. In addition to being efficient for the smoothing of curves, it is a novel scheme for computing geodesics in shape space. We use the scheme to construct non‐linear “Bézier curves” by executing de Casteljau's algorithm in shape space.  相似文献   

We present an efficient algorithm for object‐space proximity queries between multiple deformable triangular meshes. Our approach uses the rasterization capabilities of the GPU to produce an image‐space representation of the vertices. Using this image‐space representation, inter‐object vertex‐triangle distances and closest points lying under a user‐defined threshold are computed in parallel by conservative rasterization of bounding primitives and sorted using atomic operations. We additionally introduce a similar technique to detect penetrating vertices. We show how mechanisms of modern GPUs such as mipmapping, Early‐Z and Early‐Stencil culling can optimize the performance of our method. Our algorithm is able to compute dense proximity information for complex scenes made of more than a hundred thousand triangles in real time, outperforming a CPU implementation based on bounding volume hierarchies by more than an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of representing dynamic 3D meshes in a compact way, so that they can be stored and transmitted efficiently. We focus on sequences of triangle meshes with shared connectivity, avoiding the necessity of having a skinning structure. Our method first computes an average mesh of the whole sequence in edge shape space. A discrete geometric Laplacian of this average surface is then used to encode the coefficients that describe the trajectories of the mesh vertices. Optionally, a novel spatio‐temporal predictor may be applied to the trajectories to further improve the compression rate. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms the current state of the art in terms of low data rate at a given perceived distortion, as measured by the STED and KG error metrics.  相似文献   

Most state‐of‐the‐art compression algorithms use complex connectivity traversal and prediction schemes, which are not efficient enough for online compression of large meshes. In this paper we propose a scalable massively parallel approach for compression and decompression of large triangle meshes using the GPU. Our method traverses the input mesh in a parallel breadth‐first manner and encodes the connectivity data similarly to the well known cut‐border machine. Geometry data is compressed using a local prediction strategy. In contrast to the original cut‐border machine, we can additionally handle triangle meshes with inconsistently oriented faces. Our approach is more than one order of magnitude faster than currently used methods and achieves competitive compression rates.  相似文献   

http://gamma.cs.unc.edu/BSC/ We present a realtime and reliable continuous collision detection (CCD) algorithm between triangulated models that exploits the floating point hardware capability of current CPUs and GPUs. Our formulation is based on Bernstein Sign Classification that takes advantage of the geometry properties of Bernstein basis and Bézier curves to perform Boolean collision queries. We derive tight numerical error bounds on the computations and employ those bounds to design an accurate algorithm using finite‐precision arithmetic. Compared with prior floatingpoint CCD algorithms, our approach eliminates all the false negatives and 90–95% of the false positives. We integrated our algorithm (TightCCD) with physically‐based simulation system and observe speedups in collision queries of 5–15X compared with prior reliable CCD algorithms. Furthermore, we demonstrate its benefits in terms of improving the performance or robustness of cloth simulation systems.  相似文献   

Discrete conformal mappings of planar triangle meshes, also known as the As‐Similar‐As‐Possible (ASAP) mapping, involve the minimization of a quadratic energy function, thus are very easy to generate and are popular in image warping scenarios. We generalize this classical mapping to the case of quad meshes, taking into account the mapping of the interior of the quad, and analyze in detail the most common case ‐ the unit grid mesh. We show that the generalization, when combined with barycentric coordinate mappings between the source and target polygons, spawns an entire family of new mappings governed by quadratic energy functions, which allow to control quite precisely various effects of the mapping. This approach is quite general and applies also to arbitrary planar polygon meshes. As an application of generalized ASAP mappings of the unit grid mesh, we demonstrate how they can be used to warp digital photographs to achieve a variety of effects. One such effect is modifying the perspective of the camera that took a given photograph (without moving the camera). A related, but more challenging, effect is re‐photography ‐ warping a contemporary photograph in order to reproduce the camera view present in a vintage photograph of the same scene ‐ taken many years before with a different camera from a different viewpoint. We apply the generalized ASAP mapping to these images, discretized to a unit grid. Using a quad mesh (as opposed to a triangle mesh) permits biasing towards affine maps of the unit squares. This allows the introduction of an As‐Affine‐As‐Possible (AAAP) mapping for a good approximation of the homographies present in these warps, achieving quite accurate results. We demonstrate the advantages of the AAAP mapping on a variety of synthetic and real‐world examples.  相似文献   

针对在流形网格上已有经典的简单割角法不能使用的问题,提出一种流形网格上的简单割角法,此算法使用的边是离散测地线,而经典的简单割角法使用的边是直线段,此算法收敛于网格模型上的Bézier曲线。用几何化生成曲线而不是参数化是研究的主要方法。此Bézier曲线特别适合于网格模型上自由曲线的设计。最后通过实例表明提出的算法正确、稳定、快速且容易实现,具有较好的仿真效果。  相似文献   

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