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Interactive computation of global illumination is a major challenge in current computer graphics research. Global illumination heavily affects the visual quality of generated images. It is therefore a key attribute for the perception of photo‐realistic images. Path tracing is able to simulate the physical behaviour of light using Monte Carlo techniques. However, the computational burden of this technique prohibits interactive rendering times on standard commodity hardware in high‐quality. Trying to solve the Monte Carlo integration with fewer samples results in characteristic noisy images. Global illumination filtering methods take advantage of the fact that the integral for neighbouring pixels may be very similar. Averaging samples of similar characteristics in screen‐space may approximate the correct integral, but may result in visible outliers. In this paper, we present a novel path tracing pipeline based on an edge‐aware filtering method for the indirect illumination which produces visually more pleasing results without noticeable outliers. The key idea is not to filter the noisy path traced images but to use it as a guidance to filter a second image composed from characteristic scene attributes that do not contain noise by default. We show that our approach better approximates the Monte Carlo integral compared to previous methods. Since the computation is carried out completely in screen‐space it is therefore applicable to fully dynamic scenes, arbitrary lighting and allows for high‐quality path tracing at interactive frame rates on commodity hardware.  相似文献   

Recent advances have made interactive ray tracing (IRT) possible on consumer desktop machines. These advances have brought about the potential for interactive global illumination (IGI) with enhanced realism through physically based lighting. IGI, unlike IRT, has a much higher computational complexity. Furthermore, since non‐primary rays constitute the majority of the computation, the rays are predominantly incoherent, making impractical many of the methods that have made IRT possible. Two methods that have already shown promise in decreasing the computational time of the GI solution are interleaved sampling and adaptive rendering. Interleaved sampling is a generalized sampling scheme that smoothly blends between regular and irregular sampling while maintaining coherence. Adaptive rendering algorithms adjust rendering quality, non‐uniformally, using a guidance scheme. While adaptive rendering has shown to provide speed‐up when used for off‐line rendering it has not been utilized in IRT due to its naturally incoherent nature. In this paper, we combine adaptive rendering and interleaved sampling within a component‐based solution into a new approach we term adaptive interleaved sampling. This allows us to tailor new adaptive heuristics for interleaved sampling of the individual components of the GI solution significantly improving overall performance. We present a novel component‐based IGI framework for which we achieve interactive frame rates for a range of effects such as indirect diffuse lighting, soft shadows and single scatter homogeneous participating media.  相似文献   

Image‐based rendering (IBR) techniques allow users to create interactive 3D visualizations of scenes by taking a few snapshots. However, despite substantial progress in the field, the main barrier to better quality and more efficient IBR visualizations are several types of common, visually objectionable artifacts. These occur when scene geometry is approximate or viewpoints differ from the original shots, leading to parallax distortions, blurring, ghosting and popping errors that detract from the appearance of the scene. We argue that a better understanding of the causes and perceptual impact of these artifacts is the key to improving IBR methods. In this study we present a series of psychophysical experiments in which we systematically map out the perception of artifacts in IBR visualizations of façades as a function of the most common causes. We separate artifacts into different classes and measure how they impact visual appearance as a function of the number of images available, the geometry of the scene and the viewpoint. The results reveal a number of counter‐intuitive effects in the perception of artifacts. We summarize our results in terms of practical guidelines for improving existing and future IBR techniques.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new approach for shape‐grammar‐based generation and rendering of huge cities in real‐time on the graphics processing unit (GPU). Traditional approaches rely on evaluating a shape grammar and storing the geometry produced as a preprocessing step. During rendering, the pregenerated data is then streamed to the GPU. By interweaving generation and rendering, we overcome the problems and limitations of streaming pregenerated data. Using our methods of visibility pruning and adaptive level of detail, we are able to dynamically generate only the geometry needed to render the current view in real‐time directly on the GPU. We also present a robust and efficient way to dynamically update a scene's derivation tree and geometry, enabling us to exploit frame‐to‐frame coherence. Our combined generation and rendering is significantly faster than all previous work. For detailed scenes, we are capable of generating geometry more rapidly than even just copying pregenerated data from main memory, enabling us to render cities with thousands of buildings at up to 100 frames per second, even with the camera moving at supersonic speed.  相似文献   

Image‐based rendering (IBR) techniques allow capture and display of 3D environments using photographs. Modern IBR pipelines reconstruct proxy geometry using multi‐view stereo, reproject the photographs onto the proxy and blend them to create novel views. The success of these methods depends on accurate 3D proxies, which are difficult to obtain for complex objects such as trees and cars. Large number of input images do not improve reconstruction proportionally; surface extraction is challenging even from dense range scans for scenes containing such objects. Our approach does not depend on dense accurate geometric reconstruction; instead we compensate for sparse 3D information by variational image warping. In particular, we formulate silhouette‐aware warps that preserve salient depth discontinuities. This improves the rendering of difficult foreground objects, even when deviating from view interpolation. We use a semi‐automatic step to identify depth discontinuities and extract a sparse set of depth constraints used to guide the warp. Our framework is lightweight and results in good quality IBR for previously challenging environments.  相似文献   

Style Transfer Functions for Illustrative Volume Rendering   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Illustrative volume visualization frequently employs non-photorealistic rendering techniques to enhance important features or to suppress unwanted details. However, it is difficult to integrate multiple non-photorealistic rendering approaches into a single framework due to great differences in the individual methods and their parameters. In this paper, we present the concept of style transfer functions. Our approach enables flexible data-driven illumination which goes beyond using the transfer function to just assign colors and opacities. An image-based lighting model uses sphere maps to represent non-photorealistic rendering styles. Style transfer functions allow us to combine a multitude of different shading styles in a single rendering. We extend this concept with a technique for curvature-controlled style contours and an illustrative transparency model. Our implementation of the presented methods allows interactive generation of high-quality volumetric illustrations.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a framebuffer level of detail algorithm for controlling the pixel workload in an interactive rendering application. Our basic strategy is to evaluate the shading in a low resolution buffer and, in a second rendering pass, resample this buffer at the desired screen resolution. The size of the lower resolution buffer provides a trade‐off between rendering time and the level of detail in the final shading. In order to reduce approximation error we use a feature‐preserving reconstruction technique that more faithfully approximates the shading near depth and normal discontinuities. We also demonstrate how intermediate components of the shading can be selectively resized to provide finer‐grained control over resource allocation. Finally, we introduce a simple control mechanism that continuously adjusts the amount of resizing necessary to maintain a target framerate. These techniques do not require any preprocessing, are straightforward to implement on modern GPUs, and are shown to provide significant performance gains for several pixel‐bound scenes.  相似文献   

Fiber tracking is a standard tool to estimate the course of major white matter tracts from diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT‐MRI) data. In this work, we aim at supporting the visual analysis of classical streamlines from fiber tracking by integrating context from anatomical data, acquired by a T1‐weighted MRI measurement. To this end, we suggest a novel visualization metaphor, which is based on data‐driven deformation of geometry and has been inspired by a technique for anatomical fiber preparation known as Klingler dissection. We demonstrate that our method conveys the relation between streamlines and surrounding anatomical features more effectively than standard techniques like slice images and direct volume rendering. The method works automatically, but its GPU‐based implementation allows for additional, intuitive interaction.  相似文献   

Ambient occlusion is a cheap but effective approximation of global illumination. Recently, screen‐space ambient occlusion (SSAO) methods, which sample the frame buffer as a discretization of the scene geometry, have become very popular for real‐time rendering. We present temporal SSAO (TSSAO), a new algorithm which exploits temporal coherence to produce high‐quality ambient occlusion in real time. Compared to conventional SSAO, our method reduces both noise as well as blurring artefacts due to strong spatial filtering, faithfully representing fine‐grained geometric structures. Our algorithm caches and reuses previously computed SSAO samples, and adaptively applies more samples and spatial filtering only in regions that do not yet have enough information available from previous frames. The method works well for both static and dynamic scenes.  相似文献   

We present a method for rendering approximate soft shadows and diffuse indirect illumination in dynamic scenes. The proposed method approximates the original scene geometry with a set of tightly fitting spheres. In previous work, such spheres have been used to dynamically evaluate the visibility function to render soft shadows. In this paper, each sphere also acts as a low‐frequency secondary light source, thereby providing diffuse one‐bounce indirect illumination. The method is completely dynamic and proceeds in two passes: In a first pass, the light intensity distribution on each sphere is updated based on sample points on the corresponding object surface and converted into the spherical harmonics basis. In a second pass, this radiance information and the visibility are accumulated to shade final image pixels. The sphere approximation allows us to compute visibility and diffuse reflections of an object at interactive frame rates of over 20 fps for moderately complex scenes.  相似文献   

Automatic camera control for scenes depicting human motion is an imperative topic in motion capture base animation, computer games, and other animation based fields. This challenging control problem is complex and combines both geometric constraints, visibility requirements, and aesthetic elements. Therefore, existing optimization‐based approaches for human action overview are often too demanding for online computation. In this paper, we introduce an effective automatic camera control which is extremely efficient and allows online performance. Rather than optimizing a complex quality measurement, at each time it selects one active camera from a multitude of cameras that render the dynamic scene. The selection is based on the correlation between each view stream and the human motion in the scene. Two factors allow for rapid selection among tens of candidate views in real‐time, even for complex multi‐character scenes: the efficient rendering of the multitude of view streams, and optimized calculations of the correlations using modified CCA. In addition to the method's simplicity and speed, it exhibits good agreement with both cinematic idioms and previous human motion camera control work. Our evaluations show that the method is able to cope with the challenges put forth by severe occlusions, multiple characters and complex scenes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a rapid prototyping framework for GPU‐based volume rendering. Therefore, we propose a dynamic shader pipeline based on the SuperShader concept and illustrate the design decisions. Also, important requirements for the development of our system are presented. In our approach, we break down the rendering shader into areas containing code for different computations, which are defined as freely combinable, modularized shader blocks. Hence, high‐level changes of the rendering configuration result in the implicit modification of the underlying shader pipeline. Furthermore, the prototyping system allows inserting custom shader code between shader blocks of the pipeline at run‐time. A suitable user interface is available within the prototyping environment to allow intuitive modification of the shader pipeline. Thus, appropriate solutions for visualization problems can be interactively developed. We demonstrate the usage and the usefulness of our framework with implementations of dynamic rendering effects for medical applications.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new representation – radiance transfer fields (RTF) – for rendering interreflections in dynamic scenes under low frequency illumination. The RTF describes the radiance transferred by an individual object to its surrounding space as a function of the incident radiance. An important property of RTF is its independence of the scene configuration, enabling interreflection computation in dynamic scenes. Secondly, RTFs naturally fit in with the rendering framework of precomputed shadow fields, incurring negligible cost to add interreflection effects. In addition, RTFs can be used to compute interreflections for both diffuse and glossy objects. We also show that RTF data can be highly compressed by clustered principal component analysis (CPCA), which not only reduces the memory cost but also accelerates rendering. Finally, we present some experimental results demonstrating our techniques.  相似文献   

Level‐of‐Detail structures are a key component for scalable rendering. Built from raw 3D data, these structures are often defined as Bounding Volume Hierarchies, providing coarse‐to‐fine adaptive approximations that are well‐adapted for many‐view rasterization. Here, the total number of pixels in each view is usually low, while the cost of choosing the appropriate LoD for each view is high. This task represents a challenge for existing GPU algorithms. We propose ManyLoDs, a new GPU algorithm to efficiently compute many LoDs from a Bounding Volume Hierarchy in parallel by balancing the workload within and among LoDs. Our approach is not specific to a particular rendering technique, can be used on lazy representations such as polygon soups, and can handle dynamic scenes. We apply our method to various many‐view rasterization applications, including Instant Radiosity, Point‐Based Global Illumination, and reflection/refraction mapping. For each of these, we achieve real‐time performance in complex scenes at high resolutions.  相似文献   

Interactive global illumination for fully deformable scenes with dynamic relighting is currently a very elusive goal in the area of realistic rendering. In this work we propose a system that is based on explicit visibility calculations and which is highly efficient and scalable. The rendering equation defines the light exchange between surfaces, which we approximate by subsampling. By utilizing the power of modern parallel GPUs using the CUDA framework we achieve interactive frame rates. Since we update the global illumination continuously in an asynchronous fashion, we maintain interactivity at all times for moderately complex scenes. We show that we can achieve higher frame rates for scenes with moving light sources, diffuse indirect illumination and dynamic geometry than other current methods, while maintaining a high image quality.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an automated system for generating context‐preserving route maps that depict navigation routes as a path between nodes and edges inside a topographic network. Our application identifies relevant context information to support navigation and orientation, and generates customizable route maps according to design principles that communicate all relevant context information clearly visible on one single page. Interactive scaling allows seamless transition between the original undistorted map and our new map design, and supports user‐specified scaling of regions of interest to create personalized driving directions according to the drivers needs.  相似文献   

Rendering animations of scenes with deformable objects, camera motion, and complex illumination, including indirect lighting and arbitrary shading, is a long‐standing challenge. Prior work has shown that complex lighting can be accurately approximated by a large collection of point lights. In this formulation, rendering of animation sequences becomes the problem of efficiently shading many surface samples from many lights across several frames. This paper presents a tensor formulation of the animated many‐light problem, where each element of the tensor expresses the contribution of one light to one pixel in one frame. We sparsely sample rows and columns of the tensor, and introduce a clustering algorithm to select a small number of representative lights to efficiently approximate the animation. Our algorithm achieves efficiency by reusing representatives across frames, while minimizing temporal flicker. We demonstrate our algorithm in a variety of scenes that include deformable objects, complex illumination and arbitrary shading and show that a surprisingly small number of representative lights is sufficient for high quality rendering. We believe out algorithm will find practical use in applications that require fast previews of complex animation.  相似文献   

We present an integrated, fully GPU‐based processing pipeline to interactively render new views of arbitrary scenes from calibrated but otherwise unstructured input views. In a two‐step procedure, our method first generates for each input view a dense proxy of the scene using a new multi‐view stereo formulation. Each scene proxy consists of a structured cloud of feature aware particles which automatically have their image space footprints aligned to depth discontinuities of the scene geometry and hence effectively handle sharp object boundaries and occlusions. We propose a particle optimization routine combined with a special parameterization of the view space that enables an efficient proxy generation as well as robust and intuitive filter operators for noise and outlier removal. Moreover, our generic proxy generation allows us to flexibly handle scene complexities ranging from small objects up to complete outdoor scenes. The second phase of the algorithm combines these particle clouds in real‐time into a view‐dependent proxy for the desired output view and performs a pixel‐accurate accumulation of the colour contributions from each available input view. This makes it possible to reconstruct even fine‐scale view‐dependent illumination effects. We demonstrate how all these processing stages of the pipeline can be implemented entirely on the GPU with memory efficient, scalable data structures for maximum performance. This allows us to generate new output renderings of high visual quality from input images in real‐time.  相似文献   

We propose a novel rendering method which supports interactive BRDF editing as well as relighting on a 3D scene. For interactive BRDF editing, we linearize an analytic BRDF model with basis BRDFs obtained from a principal component analysis. For each basis BRDF, the radiance transfer is precomputed and stored in vector form. In rendering time, illumination of a point is computed by multiplying the radiance transfer vectors of the basis BRDFs by the incoming radiance from gather samples and then linearly combining the results weighted by user‐controlled parameters. To improve the level of accuracy, a set of sub‐area samples associated with a gather sample refines the glossy reflection of the geometric details without increasing the precomputation time. We demonstrate this program with a number of examples to verify the real‐time performance of relighting and BRDF editing on 3D scenes with complex lighting and geometry.  相似文献   

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