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We present a novel method to estimate an approximation of the reflectance characteristics of optically thick, homogeneous translucent materials using only a single photograph as input. First, we approximate the diffusion profile as a linear combination of piecewise constant functions, an approach that enables a linear system minimization and maximizes robustness in the presence of suboptimal input data inferred from the image. We then fit to a smoother monotonically decreasing model, ensuring continuity on its first derivative. We show the feasibility of our approach and validate it in controlled environments, comparing well against physical measurements from previous works. Next, we explore the performance of our method in uncontrolled scenarios, where neither lighting nor geometry are known. We show that these can be roughly approximated from the corresponding image by making two simple assumptions: that the object is lit by a distant light source and that it is globally convex, allowing us to capture the visual appearance of the photographed material. Compared with previous works, our technique offers an attractive balance between visual accuracy and ease of use, allowing its use in a wide range of scenarios including off‐the‐shelf, single images, thus extending the current repertoire of real‐world data acquisition techniques.  相似文献   

Automatic Conversion of Mesh Animations into Skeleton-based Animations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, it has become increasingly popular to represent animations not by means of a classical skeleton‐based model, but in the form of deforming mesh sequences. The reason for this new trend is that novel mesh deformation methods as well as new surface based scene capture techniques offer a great level of flexibility during animation creation. Unfortunately, the resulting scene representation is less compact than skeletal ones and there is not yet a rich toolbox available which enables easy post‐processing and modification of mesh animations. To bridge this gap between the mesh‐based and the skeletal paradigm, we propose a new method that automatically extracts a plausible kinematic skeleton, skeletal motion parameters, as well as surface skinning weights from arbitrary mesh animations. By this means, deforming mesh sequences can be fully‐automatically transformed into fullyrigged virtual subjects. The original input can then be quickly rendered based on the new compact bone and skin representation, and it can be easily modified using the full repertoire of already existing animation tools.  相似文献   

Display devices, more than ever, are finding their ways into electronic consumer goods as a result of recent trends in providing more functionality and user interaction. Combined with the new developments in display technology towards higher reproducible luminance range, the mobility and variation in capability of display devices are constantly increasing. Consequently, in real life usage it is now very likely that the display emission to be distorted by spatially and temporally varying reflections, and the observer's visual system to be not adapted to the particular display that she is viewing at that moment. The actual perception of the display content cannot be fully understood by only considering steady-state illumination and adaptation conditions. We propose an objective method for display visibility analysis formulating the problem as a full-reference image quality assessment problem, where the display emission under "ideal" conditions is used as the reference for real-life conditions. Our work includes a human visual system model that accounts for maladaptation and temporal recovery of sensitivity. As an example application we integrate our method to a global illumination simulator and analyze the visibility of a car interior display under realistic lighting conditions.  相似文献   

We present a new image completion method based on an additional large displacement view (LDV) of the same scene for faithfully repairing large missing regions on the target image in an automatic way. A coarse‐to‐fine distortion correction algorithm is proposed to minimize the perspective distortion in the corresponding parts for the common scene regions on the LDV image. First, under the assumption of a planar scene, the LDV image is warped according to a homography to generate the initial correction result. Second, the residual distortions in the common known scene regions are revealed by means of a mismatch detection mechanism and relaxed by energy optimization of overlap correspondences, with the expectations of color constancy and displacement field smoothness. The fundamental matrix for the two views is then computed based on the reliable correspondence set. Third, under the constraints of epipolar geometry, displacement field smoothness and color consistency of the neighboring pixels, the missing pixels are orderly restored according to a specially defined repairing priority function. We finally eliminate the ghost effect between the repaired region and its surroundings by Poisson image blending. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms recent state‐of‐the‐art image completion methods for repairing large missing area with complex structure information.  相似文献   

We present a method for synthesizing fluid animation from a single image, using a fluid video database. The user inputs a target painting or photograph of a fluid scene along with its alpha matte that extracts the fluid region of interest in the scene. Our approach allows the user to generate a fluid animation from the input image and to enter a few additional commands about fluid orientation or speed. Employing the database of fluid examples, the core algorithm in our method then automatically assigns fluid videos for each part of the target image. Our method can therefore deal with various paintings and photographs of a river, waterfall, fire, and smoke. The resulting animations demonstrate that our method is more powerful and efficient than our prior work.  相似文献   

Incorrectly setting the camera's exposure can have a significant negative effect on a photograph. Over‐exposing photographs causes pixels to exhibit unpleasant artifacts due to saturation of the sensor. Saturation removal typically involves user intervention to adjust the color values, which is tedious and time‐consuming. This paper discusses how saturation can be automatically removed without compromising the essential details of the image. Our method is based on a smoothness prior: neighboring pixels have similar channel ratios and color values. We demonstrate that high quality saturation‐free photos can be obtained from a simple but effective approach.  相似文献   

Many video sequences consist of a locally dynamic background containing moving foreground subjects. In this paper we propose a novel way of re‐displaying these sequences, by giving the user control over a virtual camera frame. Based on video mosaicing, we first compute a static high quality background panorama. After segmenting and removing the foreground subjects from the original video, the remaining elements are merged into a dynamic background panorama, which seamlessly extends the original video footage. We then re‐display this augmented video by warping and cropping the panorama. The virtual camera can have an enlarged field‐of‐view and a controlled camera motion. Our technique is able to process videos with complex camera motions, reconstructing high quality panoramas without parallax artefacts, visible seams or blurring, while retaining repetitive dynamic elements.  相似文献   

The objective of colour mapping or colour transfer methods is to recolour a given image or video by deriving a mapping between that image and another image serving as a reference. These methods have received considerable attention in recent years, both in academic literature and industrial applications. Methods for recolouring images have often appeared under the labels of colour correction, colour transfer or colour balancing, to name a few, but their goal is always the same: mapping the colours of one image to another. In this paper, we present a comprehensive overview of these methods and offer a classification of current solutions depending not only on their algorithmic formulation but also their range of applications. We also provide a new dataset and a novel evaluation technique called ‘evaluation by colour mapping roundtrip’. We discuss the relative merit of each class of techniques through examples and show how colour mapping solutions can have been applied to a diverse range of problems.  相似文献   

We propose a system that allows the user to design a continuous flow animation starting from a still fluid image. The basic idea is to apply the fluid motion extracted from a video example to the target image. The system first decomposes the video example into three components, an average image, a flow field and residuals. The user then specifies equivalent information over the target image. The user manually paints the rough flow field, and the system automatically refines it using the estimated gradients of the target image. The user semi-automatically transfers the residuals onto the target image. The system then approximates the average image and synthesizes an animation on the target image by adding the transferred residuals and warping them according to the user-specified flow field. Finally, the system adjusts the appearance of the resulting animation by applying histogram matching. We designed animations of various pictures, such as rivers, waterfalls, fires, and smoke.  相似文献   

Annoying shaky motion is one of the significant problems in home videos, since hand shake is an unavoidable effect when capturing by using a hand‐held camcorder. Video stabilization is an important technique to solve this problem, but the stabilized videos resulting from some current methods usually have decreased resolution and are still not so stable. In this paper, we propose a robust and practical method of full‐frame video stabilization while considering user's capturing intention to remove not only the high frequency shaky motions but also the low frequency unexpected movements. To guess the user's capturing intention, we first consider the regions of interest in the video to estimate which regions or objects the user wants to capture, and then use a polyline to estimate a new stable camcorder motion path while avoiding the user's interested regions or objects being cut out. Then, we fill the dynamic and static missing areas caused by frame alignment from other frames to keep the same resolution and quality as the original video. Furthermore, we smooth the discontinuous regions by using a three‐dimensional Poisson‐based method. After the above automatic operations, a full‐frame stabilized video can be achieved and the important regions and objects can also be preserved.  相似文献   

Recently, the problem of intrinsic shape matching has received a lot of attention. A number of algorithms have been proposed, among which random‐sampling‐based techniques have been particularly successful due to their generality and efficiency. We introduce a new sampling‐based shape matching algorithm that uses a planning step to find optimized “landmark” points. These points are matched first in order to maximize the information gained and thus minimize the sampling costs. Our approach makes three main contributions: First, the new technique leads to a significant improvement in performance, which we demonstrate on a number of benchmark scenarios. Second, our technique does not require any keypoint detection. This is often a significant limitation for models that do not show sufficient surface features. Third, we examine the actual numerical degrees of freedom of the matching problem for a given piece of geometry. In contrast to previous results, our estimates take into account unprecise geodesics and potentially numerically unfavorable geometry of general topology, giving a more realistic complexity estimate.  相似文献   

We propose a method that improves automatic colour correction operations for rendered images. In particular, we propose a robust technique for estimating the visible and pertinent illumination in a given scene. We do this at very low computational cost by mostly re-using information that is already being computed during the image synthesis process. Conventional illuminant estimations either operate only on 2D image data, or, if they do go beyond pure image analysis, only use information on the luminaires found in the scene. The latter is usually done with little or no regard for how the light sources actually affect the part of the scene that is being viewed. Our technique goes beyond that, and also takes object reflectance into account, as well as the incident light that is actually responsible for the colour of the objects that one sees. It is therefore able to cope with difficult cases, such as scenes with mixed illuminants, complex scenes with many light sources of varying colour, or strongly coloured indirect illumination.  相似文献   

This article focuses on real‐time image correction techniques that enable projector‐camera systems to display images onto screens that are not optimized for projections, such as geometrically complex, coloured and textured surfaces. It reviews hardware‐accelerated methods like pixel‐precise geometric warping, radiometric compensation, multi‐focal projection and the correction of general light modulation effects. Online and offline calibration as well as invisible coding methods are explained. Novel attempts in super‐resolution, high‐dynamic range and high‐speed projection are discussed. These techniques open a variety of new applications for projection displays. Some of them will also be presented in this report.  相似文献   

Diorama artists produce a spectacular 3D effect in a confined space by generating depth illusions that are faithful to the ordering of the objects in a large real or imaginary scene. Indeed, cognitive scientists have discovered that depth perception is mostly affected by depth order and precedence among objects. Motivated by these findings, we employ ordinal cues to construct a model from a single image that similarly to Dioramas, intensifies the depth perception. We demonstrate that such models are sufficient for the creation of realistic 3D visual experiences. The initial step of our technique extracts several relative depth cues that are well known to exist in the human visual system. Next, we integrate the resulting cues to create a coherent surface. We introduce wide slits in the surface, thus generalizing the concept of cardboard cutout layers. Lastly, the surface geometry and texture are extended alongside the slits, to allow small changes in the viewpoint which enriches the depth illusion.  相似文献   

SecondSkin estimates an appearance model for an object visible in a video sequence, without the need for complex interaction or any calibration apparatus. This model can then be transferred to other objects, allowing a non‐expert user to insert a synthetic object into a real video sequence so that its appearance matches that of an existing object, and changes appropriately throughout the sequence. As the method does not require any prior knowledge about the scene, the lighting conditions, or the camera, it is applicable to video which was not captured with this purpose in mind. However, this lack of prior knowledge precludes the recovery of separate lighting and surface reflectance information. The SecondSkin appearance model therefore combines these factors. The appearance model does require a dominant light‐source direction, which we estimate via a novel process involving a small amount of user interaction. The resulting model estimate provides exactly the information required to transfer the appearance of the original object to new geometry composited into the same video sequence.  相似文献   

One of the most common tasks in image and video editing is the local adjustment of various properties (e.g., saturation or brightness) of regions within an image or video. Edge‐aware interpolation of user‐drawn scribbles offers a less effort‐intensive approach to this problem than traditional region selection and matting. However, the technique suffers a number of limitations, such as reduced performance in the presence of texture contrast, and the inability to handle fragmented appearances. We significantly improve the performance of edge‐aware interpolation for this problem by adding a boosting‐based classification step that learns to discriminate between the appearance of scribbled pixels. We show that this novel data term in combination with an existing edge‐aware optimization technique achieves substantially better results for the local image and video adjustment problem than edge‐aware interpolation techniques without classification, or related methods such as matting techniques or graph cut segmentation.  相似文献   

In recent years, the availability of off‐the‐shelf geometric data for an urban environment has increased. During rendering, ground level images are mapped onto the façades of the buildings to improve the visual quality of the scene. This paper focuses on a technique that enables ground level images to be automatically integrated into an existing coarse three‐dimensional environment. The approach utilises the planar nature of architectural scenes to enable the automatic extraction of a building façade from an image and its registration into the virtual environment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a new approach for color transfer. Rather than transferring color from one image to another globally, we propose a system with a stroke‐based user interface to provide a direct indication mechanism. We further present a multiple local color transfer method. Through our system the user can easily enhance a defect (source) photo by referring to some other good quality (target) images by simply drawing some strokes. Then, the system will perform the multiple local color transfer automatically. The system consists of two major steps. First, the user draws some strokes on the source and target images to indicate corresponding regions and also the regions he or she wants to preserve. The regions to be preserved which will be masked out based on an improved graph cuts algorithm. Second, a multiple local color transfer method is presented to transfer the color from the target image(s) to the source image through gradient‐guided pixel‐wise color transfer functions. Finally, the defect (source) image can be enhanced seamlessly by multiple local color transfer based on some good quality (target) examples through an interactive and intuitive stroke‐based user interface.  相似文献   

We present a markerless performance capture system that can acquire the motion and the texture of human actors performing fast movements using only commodity hardware. To this end we introduce two novel concepts: First, a staggered surround multi‐view recording setup that enables us to perform model‐based motion capture on motion‐blurred images, and second, a model‐based deblurring algorithm which is able to handle disocclusion, self‐occlusion and complex object motions. We show that the model‐based approach is not only a powerful strategy for tracking but also for deblurring highly complex blur patterns.  相似文献   

Color quantization replaces the color of each pixel with the closest representative color, and thus it makes the resulting image partitioned into uniformly-colored regions. As a consequence, continuous, detailed variations of color over the corresponding regions in the original image are lost through color quantization. In this paper, we present a novel blind scheme for restoring such variations from a color-quantized input image without a priori knowledge of the quantization method. Our scheme identifies which pairs of uniformly-colored regions in the input image should have continuous variations of color in the resulting image. Then, such regions are seamlessly stitched through optimization while preserving the closest representative colors. The user can optionally indicate which regions should be separated or stitched by scribbling constraint brushes across the regions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through diverse examples, such as photographs, cartoons, and artistic illustrations.  相似文献   

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