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The problem of determining whether a polytope P of n ×n matrices is D-stable-i.e. whether each point in P has all its eigenvalues in a given nonempty, open, convex, conjugate-symmetric subset D of the complex plane-is discussed. An approach which checks the D-stability of certain faces of P is used. In particular, for each D and n the smallest integer m such that D-stability of every m-dimensional face guarantees D-stability of P is determined. It is shown that, without further information describing the particular structure of a polytope, either (2n-4)-dimensional or (2n-2)-dimensional faces need to be checked for D-stability, depending on the structure of D. Thus more work needs to be done before a computationally tractable algorithm for checking D-stability can be devised  相似文献   

Kharitonov's theorems are generalized to the problem of so-called weak Kharitonov regions for robust stability of linear uncertain systems. Given a polytope of (characteristic) polynomials P and a stability region D in the complex plane, P is called D-stable if the zeros of every polynomial in P are contained in D. It is of interest to know whether the D-stability of the vertices of P implies the D-stability of P. A simple approach is developed which unifies and generalizes many known results on this problem  相似文献   

The authors analyze the problem in which each node of the binary hypercube independently generates packets according to a Poisson process with rate λ; each of the packets is to be broadcast to all other nodes. Assuming unit packet length and no other communications taking place, it is observed that the system can be stable in steady-state only if the load factor ρ≡λ (2d-1)/d satisfies ρ<1 where d is the dimensionality (diameter) of the hypercube. Moreover, the authors establish some lower bounds for the steady-state average delay D per packet and devise and analyze two distributed routing schemes that are efficient in the sense that stability is maintained for all ρ<ρ* where ρ* does not depend on the dimensionality d of the network, while the average delay D per packet satisfies DKd(1+ρ) for small values of ρ (with constant K). The performance evaluation is rigorous for one scheme, while for the other the authors resort to approximations and simulations  相似文献   

In a general algebraic framework, starting with a bicoprime factorization P=NprD-1 Npl, a right-coprime factorization Np Dp-1, a left-coprime factorization D-1pNp, and the generalized Bezout identities associated with the pairs (Np, Dp) and (D˜ p, N˜p) are obtained. The set of all H-stabilizing compensators for P in the unity-feedback configuration S(P, C) are expressed in terms of (Npr, D, N pt) and the elements of the Bezout identity. The state-space representation P=C(sI-A)-1B is included as an example  相似文献   

A method is presented for the decomposition of the frequency domain of 2-D linear systems into two equivalent 1-D systems having dynamics in different directions and connected by a feedback system. It is shown that under some assumptions the decomposition problem can be reduced to finding a realizable solution to the matrix polynomial equation X(z1)P(z2 )+Q(z1)Y(z2 )=D(z1, z2). A procedure for finding a realizable solution X(z1 ), Y(z2) to the equation is given  相似文献   

The problem of the stabilizing linear control synthesis in the presence of state and input bounds for systems with additive unknown disturbances is considered. The only information required about the disturbances is a finite convex polyhedral bound. Discrete- and continuous-time systems are considered. The property of positive D -invariance of a region is introduced, and it is proved that a solution of the problem is achieved by the selection of a polyhedral set S and the computation of a feedback matrix K such that S is positively D-invariant for the closed-loop system. It is shown that if polyhedral sets are considered, the solution involves simple linear programming algorithms. However, the procedure suggested requires a great amount of computational work offline if the state-space dimension is large, because the feedback matrix K is obtained as a solution of a large set of linear inequalities. All of the vertices of S are required  相似文献   

Computational observer design techniques for linear systems subject to unknown inputs are presented. Complete and intuitive geometric conditions for the solution of the problem which result in design matrix equations are provided. These design equations are solved in a computationally efficient way. The synthesis of the reduced-order observer takes full advantage of the concept of transmission zeros. In particular, the necessary and sufficient conditions obtained are given in terms of the transmission zeros of the triple (A,D, C)  相似文献   

In an n-dimensional hypercube Qn, with the fault set |F|<2n-2, assuming S and D are not isolated, it is shown that there exists a path of length equal to at most their Hamming distance plus 4. An algorithm with complexity O (|F|logn) is given to find such a path. A bound for the diameter of the faulty hypercube Qn-F, when |F|<2n-2, as n+2 is obtained. This improves the previously known bound of n+6 obtained by A.-H. Esfahanian (1989). Worst case scenarios are constructed to show that these bounds for shortest paths and diameter are tight. It is also shown that when |F|<2n-2, the diameter bound is reduced to n+1 if every node has at least 2 nonfaulty neighbors and reduced to n if every node has at least 3 nonfaulty neighbors  相似文献   

The authors deal with the D-stability property of interval polynomials. In particular, they show that certain D-domains are Kharitonov regions. That is, the D-stability of interval polynomials is implied by the D-stability of all its vertex polynomials. They then proceed to show that it suffices to check the D-stability of a subset of the vertex polynomials  相似文献   

Linear matrix equations in the ring of polynomials in n indeterminates (n-D) are studied. General- and minimum-degree solutions are discussed. Simple and constructive, necessary and sufficient solvability conditions are derived. An algorithm to solve the equations with general n-D polynomial matrices is presented. It is based on elementary reductions in a greater ring of polynomials in one indeterminate, having as coefficients polynomial fractions in the other n-1 indeterminates, which makes the use of Euclidean division possible  相似文献   

A rigorous proof is given for a convexity lemma used by C.C. Chu and J.C. Doyle (1986) to prove the convexity of the largest singular value of eDMe-D with respect to D on a commuting convex subset of matrices  相似文献   

The problem to be solved involves a highway automation project. The overall system consists of N vehicles (the platoon). Each vehicle is driven by the same input u and the state of the kth vehicle affects the dynamics of the (k+1)th vehicle. Furthermore, the dynamics of each vehicle is affected by its (local) state-feedback controller. Under very general conditions, it is shown that for sufficiently slowly varying inputs, decentralized controllers can be designed so that the platoon maintains its cohesion  相似文献   

By a simple counterexample, it is shown that there are unimodular matrices which cannot be written as products of elementary matrices in the ring of n-D polynomials. As a consequence, some methods for the solution of n-D matrix polynomial equations published recently, which are based on the elementary operations in the ring of n-D polynomials, do not work  相似文献   

A Jackson-like network that supports J types of interactive traffic (e.g., interactive messages) as well as I types of noninteractive traffic (e.g., file transfers, facsimile) is considered. The service-time distributions and the internal routing are homogeneous for all traffic types but can be node (queue) dependent. The problem is to find a scheduling control that minimizes a weighted sum of the average end-to-end delay for the interactive types and at the same time ensures that the average end-to-end delays for the interactive types will be below given design constraints. Conservation laws are first established and shown to yield the base of a polymatroid. The optimal control problem is then transformed into a linear program with the feasible region being the polymatroid base truncated by delay constraints. An optimal control is identified that partitions the traffic types into I+r (0⩽rJ) ordered groups and applies a strict priority rule among the groups. An algorithm is developed that does the grouping and solves the optimization problem. A decentralized implementation of the optimal control is also discussed  相似文献   

Two arrays of numbers sorted in nondecreasing order are given: an array A of size n and an array B of size m, where n<m. It is required to determine, for every element of A, the smallest element of B (if one exists) that is larger than or equal to it. It is shown how to solve this problem on the EREW PRAM (exclusive-read exclusive-write parallel random-access machine) in O(logm logn/log log m) time using n processors. The solution is then extended to the case in which fewer than n processors are available. This yields an EREW PRAM algorithm for the problem whose cost is O(n log m, which is O(m)) for nm/log m. It is shown how the solution obtained leads to an improved parallel merging algorithm  相似文献   

A necessary and sufficient condition for a prefix-closed language K⊆Σ* to be controllable with respect to another prefix-closed language L⊆Σ* is that KL. A weaker notion of controllability where it is not required that KL is considered here. If L is the prefix-closed language generated by a plant automaton G, then essentially there exists a supervisor Θ that is complete with respect to G such that L(Θ|G)=KL if and only if K is weakly controllable with respect to L. For an arbitrary modeling formalism it is shown that the inclusion problem is reducible to the problem of deciding the weaker notion of controllability. Therefore, removing the requirement that KL from the original definition of controllability does not help the situation from a decidability viewpoint. This observation is then used to identify modeling formalisms that are not viable for supervisory control of the untimed behaviors of discrete-event dynamic systems  相似文献   

Explicit expressions for two different cascade factorizations of any detectable left invertible nonminimum phase systems are given. The first one is a well known minimum phase/all-pass factorization by which all nonminimum phase zeros of a transfer function G(s) are collected into an all-pass factor V(s), and G (s) is written Gm(s)V$ where Gms is considered as a minimum phase image of G(s). The second one is a new cascade factorization by which G(s) is rewritten as GM( s)U(s) where U(s) collects all `awkward' zeros including all nonminimum phase zeros of G( s). Both Gm(s) and GM(s) retain the given infinite zero structure of G(s). Further properties of G m(s), GM(s), and U (s) are discussed. These factorizations are useful in several applications including loop transfer recovery  相似文献   

The problem of finding an internally stabilizing controller that minimizes a mixed H2/H performance measure subject to an inequality constraint on the H norm of another closed-loop transfer function is considered. This problem can be interpreted and motivated as a problem of optimal nominal performance subject to a robust stability constraint. Both the state-feedback and output-feedback problems are considered. It is shown that in the state-feedback case one can come arbitrarily close to the optimal (even over full information controllers) mixed H2/H performance measure using constant gain state feedback. Moreover, the state-feedback problem can be converted into a convex optimization problem over a bounded subset of (n×n and n ×q, where n and q are, respectively, the state and input dimensions) real matrices. Using the central H estimator, it is shown that the output feedback problem can be reduced to a state-feedback problem. In this case, the dimension of the resulting controller does not exceed the dimension of the generalized plant  相似文献   

A novel discrete relaxation architecture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The discrete relaxation algorithm (DRA) is a computational technique that enforces arc consistency (AC) in a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). The original sequential AC-1 algorithm suffers from O(n3m3) time complexity, and even the optimal sequential AC-4 algorithm is O (n2m2) for an n-object and m-label DRA problem. Sample problem runs show that these algorithms are all too slow to meet the need for any useful, real-time CSP applications. A parallel DRA5 algorithm that reaches a lower bound of O(nm) (where the number of processors is polynomial in the problem size) is given. A fine-grained, massively parallel hardware computer architecture has been designed for the DRA5 algorithm. For practical problems, many orders of magnitude of efficiency improvement can be reached on such a hardware architecture  相似文献   

An O(n2) time serial algorithm is developed for obtaining the medial axis transform (MAT) of an n×n image. An O(log n) time CREW PRAM algorithm and an O(log2 n) time SIMD hypercube parallel algorithm for the MAT are also developed. Both of these use O(n2) processors. Two problems associated with the MAT, the area and perimeter reporting problem, are studied. An O(log n) time hypercube algorithm is developed for both of them, where n is the number of squares in the MAT, and the algorithms use O(n2) processors  相似文献   

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