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As the continuation of the work on the antioxidant properties of furan derivatives, we have studied hydroxyl radical (OH.) scavenging activity of dimethylfuran (DMF) and diphenylfuran (DPF), which are well-known as an effective scavenger of singlet oxygen, by an ESR spin trapping technique. The incubation mixture of 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) as a spin trapping agent with FE2+ and H202 in 50% acetonitrile aqueous solution gave 1:2:2:1 line signals characteristic of DMPO-OH spin adduct. The additions of furan derivatives to the incubation mixture decreased the intensity of the DMPO-OH spin adduct signal in a dose-dependent manner. The activities of furan derivatives were in the order of DMF > DPF > furan. The decrease in the intensity of the signals was not due to the inhibition of OH. generating system itself and the destruction of the spin adduct by furan derivatives. By comparison with the common OH. scavengers, DMF and DPF were found to scavenge OH. more effectively than dimethylsulfoxide and mannitol. These results indicate that DMF and DPF can act as a OH. scavenger as well as a singlet oxygen scavenger.  相似文献   

Using agarose gel electrophoresis, we have measured the yield of single-strand breaks (SSBs) induced by 137Cs gamma irradiation in a variety of plasmid DNA substrates ranging in size from 2.7 kb to 38 kb irradiated in aerobic aqueous solution in the presence of the hydroxyl radical scavenger dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Under these conditions DNA SSBs are caused mainly by the hydroxyl radical. Using the competition between DMSO and DNA for the hydroxyl radical, we have estimated the rate coefficient for the reaction of the hydroxyl radical with DNA. The results cannot be characterized by conventional steady-state competition kinetics. However, it is possible to describe the second-order rate constant for the reaction as a function of the scavenging capacity of the solution. The second-order rate constant increases with increasing scavenging capacity, rising from about 5 x 10(8) dm3 mol-1 s-1 at 10(5) s-1 to about 10(10) dm3 mol-1 s-1 at 10(10) s-1. This dependence of the second-order rate constant on the scavenging capacity appears to be more pronounced for larger plasmids.  相似文献   

The hydroxyl radical in lens nuclear cataractogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cataract is the major cause of blindness; the most common form is age-related, or senile, cataract. The reasons for the development of cataract are unknown. Here we demonstrate that nuclear cataract is associated with the extensive hydroxylation of protein-bound amino acid residues, which increases with the development of cataract by up to 15-fold in the case of DOPA. The relative abundance of the oxidized amino acids in lens protein (assessed per parent amino acid) is DOPA > o- and m-tyrosine > 3-hydroxyvaline, 5-hydroxyleucine > dityrosine. Nigrescent cataracts, in which the normally transparent lens becomes black and opaque, contain the highest level of hydroxylated amino acids yet observed in a biological tissue: for example, per 1000 parent amino acid residues, DOPA, 15; 3-hydroxyvaline, 0.3; compared with dityrosine, 0.05. The products include representatives of the hydroperoxide and DOPA pathways of protein oxidation, which can give rise to secondary reactive species, radical and otherwise. The observed relative abundance corresponds closely with that of products of hydroxyl radical or metal-dependent oxidation of isolated proteins, and not with the patterns resulting from hypochlorite or tyrosyl-radical oxidation. Although very little light in the 300-400-nm range passes the cornea and the filter compounds of the eye, we nevertheless also demonstrate that photoxidation of lens proteins with light of 310 nm, the part of the spectrum in which protein aromatic residues have residual absorbance, does not give rise to the hydroxylated aliphatic amino acids. Thus the post-translational modification of crystallins by hydroxyl radicals/Fenton systems seems to dominate their in vivo oxidation, and it could explain the known features of such nuclear cataractogenesis.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to reexamine the competitive degradation of deoxyribose by hydroxyl radicals (.OH) produced by the reaction between H2O2 and Fe(2+)-EDTA. The .OH radicals produced attack deoxyribose (D, rate constant kD) and eventually an .OH scavenger (S, rate constant kS). First, we examined the effect of [D], [H2O2], [Fe(2+)-EDTA], [EDTA]/[Fe2+] ratio and reaction time on the rate of D degradation, measured as the absorbance of the chromogen formed between the product of the reaction D + .OH (malondialdehyde) and thiobarbituric acid. In particular, it was showed that under our experimental conditions ([D] = 3 mM, [H2O2] = 0.85 mM, [Fe2+] = 0.13 mM), the rate of overall process is first order in Fe2+, zero order in H2O2 and is maximal for a ratio [EDTA]/[Fe2+] = 1.1. Second, the kinetics of .OH radical reaction in competition experiments between D and S (mannitol) was investigated. The results show that the ratio of the rates of D degradation in the absence (VD) and in the presence (VDS) of S should be represented by VD/VDS = 1 + ks[S]/(kD[D] + kx) where kx accounts for the rate of .OH reactions with other reagents such as Fe(2+)-EDTA, H2O2 etc . . . After having determined kx for each set of experimental conditions, we obtained the values of kS/kD by determining the variations of VD/VDS as a function of [S] and [D]. By taking kD = 1.9 x 10(9) M-1s-1 a value of kS = 1.9 x 10(9) M-1s-1 was obtained, very close to that obtained by pulse radiolysis. Finally, the validity of the established relation was confirmed for other biomolecules (methionine, k = 5.6 x 10(9)M-1s-1 and alanine, k = 3.3 x 10(8) M-1s-1). By contrast, it was not applicable to cysteine, thiourea and mercaptoethanol which was attributed to an interaction of the latter scavengers with Fe2+ and/or H2O2.  相似文献   

溴邻苯三酚红氧化法检测Cu^+和H2O2反应产生的羟自由基   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立了以Cu^ -H2O^-溴邻苯三酚红体系测定羟自由基的新方法。该方法基于Cu^ 和H2O2反应产生羟自由基;它能使溴邻苯三酚红的颜色发生变化,用分光光度计测定其ΔA值的变化,可间接测定羟自由基的产生量,通过研究,得到最佳实验条件。结果表明,该方法快速,稳定性好,操作简便,可作为一种简易的筛选抗氧化剂的方法。  相似文献   

建立了以Cu -H2 O2 -溴邻苯三酚红体系测定羟自由基的新方法。该方法基于Cu 与H2 O2 反应产生羟自由基 ;它能使溴邻苯三酚红的颜色发生变化 ,用分光光度计测定其ΔA值的变化 ,可间接测定羟自由基的产生量。通过研究 ,得到最佳实验条件。结果表明 ,该方法快速 ,稳定性好 ,操作简便 ,可作为一种简易的筛选抗氧化剂的方法。  相似文献   

Liver methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) plays a critical role in the metabolism of methionine converting this amino acid, in the presence of ATP, into S-adenosylmethionine. Here we report that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), via generation of hydroxyl radical, inactivates liver MAT by reversibly and covalently oxidizing an enzyme site. In vitro studies using pure liver recombinant enzyme and mutants of MAT, where each of the 10 cysteine residues of the enzyme subunit were individually changed to serine by site-directed mutagenesis, identified cysteine 121 as the site of molecular interaction between H2O2 and liver MAT. Cysteine 121 is specific to the hepatic enzyme and is localized at a "flexible loop" over the active site cleft of MAT. In vivo studies, using wild-type Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and CHO cells stably expressing liver MAT, demonstrate that the inactivation of MAT by H2O2 is specific to the hepatic enzyme, resulting from the modification of the cysteine residue 121, and that this effect is mediated by the generation of the hydroxyl radical. Our results suggest that H2O2-induced MAT inactivation might be the cause of reduced MAT activity and abnormal methionine metabolism observed in patients with alcoholic liver disease.  相似文献   

Neuronal degeneration after trauma is mediated in part by release of excitatory amino acids (EAAs) and oxygen free radicals (OFR). We evaluated the effect of i.v. treatment with a hydroxyl radical scavenger ((+/-)-N,N'-propylenedinicotinamide; AVS) and spinal hypothermia (33 degrees C) on spinal CSF glutamate release after spinal trauma. In a control group, spinal compression evoked at 10 min a significant increase (5-fold) in glutamate which declined over 4 h (2.1-fold). AVS treatment attenuated glutamate release but had no additive effect. These data suggest that this compound can be effective in modulating spinal excitotoxicity resulting from increased OFR synthesis and corresponding potentiation of EAA release.  相似文献   

Although calcium (Ca2+) is important in cardiac dysfunction and has also been reported as a source of oxidative toxicity, the connection between Ca2+ overload and oxygen free radicals in the myocardium is not clear. We have investigated whether Ca2+ overload generates hydroxyl free radicals in rat ventricle. HPLC with electrochemical detection was used to measure the levels of 2,3- and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) formed when the hydroxyl free radical reacts with salicylate. Ringer's solution containing salicylic acid (0.5 nmol microL-1 min-1) was infused through a microdialysis probe in the region of the left anterior descending coronary artery of the rat ventricle. A positive linear correlation was obtained between Ca2+ and hydroxyl free radical formation trapped as 2,3-DHBA (r2 = 0.976) and 2,5-DHBA (r2 = 0.982) in the myocardial dialysate. The administration of ouabain (1 mg kg-1, i.v.), a Ca2+ elevator, into the femoral vein significantly increased the level of 2,3- and 2,5-DHBA. These results indicate that Ca2+ overload generates hydroxyl free radicals in rat heart.  相似文献   

The hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of indole-3-propionate was evaluated by kinetic competition studies with the hydroxyl radical trapping reagent 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethyl-benz-thiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and by measuring hydroxyl radical-initiated lipid peroxidation in the rat striatum. Using ABTS, the indole was shown to act as a potent hydroxyl radical scavenger with a rate constant of 7.8x1010 mol l-1 s-1. Hydroxyl radical-initiated lipid peroxidation, determined by measuring tissue malondialdehyde formation, was inhibited dose-dependently both in vitro and in vivo. Indole-3-propionate reacts with hydroxyl radicals at a diffusion controlled rate and can thereby provide on-site protection against the oxidative damage of biomolecules induced by these highly reactive and toxic oxygen intermediates. While it remains to be established if endogenous brain tissue levels of indole-3-propionate are sufficiently high to have a significant impact on total antioxidative capacity, the compound itself or a structurally related agent may be useful as an antioxidant adjuvant to combat hydroxyl radical-mediated oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence has linked hydroxyl radicals (.OH) to excitotoxicity. Glutamate infused through a microdialysis probe into rat striatum induced a massive .OH production, which was completely blocked by PBN and attenuated by dizocilpine, 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP-5), NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) and mepacrine. Thus, we suggest that the neurotoxic effects of glutamate in vivo may derive from an increased formation of .OH resulting from excessive activation of NMDA receptors and downstream enzymes such as NOS and PLA2.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that oxygen-derived free radicals produced during strenuous work by the diaphragm may contribute to diaphragm fatigue and/or injury. However, the precise identity of these oxygen radicals remains unknown, inasmuch as oxygen free radicals are extremely short lived and their detection in biologic systems is quite difficult. There is recent evidence that the salicylate-trapping method may be a useful means of monitoring tissue production of hydroxyl radical (.OH). This method is predicated on the fact that salicylate's phenolic ring can be attacked by .OH at the 3 or 5 position to yield 2,3- or 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB). These metabolites are stable and can be identified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with electrochemical or ultraviolet detection. To test the hypothesis that hydroxylated salicylates are produced during diaphragm fatigue, we exposed in vitro rat diaphragm strips to a physiological saline solution containing 2.0 mM sodium salicylate for approximately 15 min. The solution was then removed, and the strips were fatigued (20 Hz, 200-ms train duration, 1 train/s) via phrenic nerve stimulation for 30 s-10 min. The diaphragm strips were subsequently homogenized, and the homogenate was analyzed by HPLC coupled with ultraviolet detection. Levels of 2,3-DHB were significantly higher in fatigued than in control nonfatigued strips. There was also a significant correlation between the amount of 2,3-DHB in the fatigued muscle and the accumulated tension-time product developed during fatigue. 2,5-DHB was not consistently identified in control or experimental strips.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We investigated the efficacy of histidine on MPP+-induced hydroxyl radical (.OH) formation in extracellular fluid of rat striatum. Rats were anesthetized and sodium salicylate in Ringer's solution (0.5 nmol microl-1 min-1) was infused through a microdialysis probe to detect the generation of.OH as reflected by the nonenzymatic formation of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) in the striatum. MPP+ (5 mM) clearly produced an increase in.OH formation. However, histidine (25 mM) reduced the.OH formation by the action of MPP+. These results indicate that histidine protects MPP+-induced.OH formation in rat striatum.  相似文献   

A mechanistic study of the aeration reaction used for removing iron from a reduced ilmenite matrix is described. Using polarization and mixed potential measurements, it was shown that the rate of the aeration reaction in ammonium chloride solution is largely determined by the speed at which oxygen diffuses to the reduced ilmenite surface, and that, within the limit of experimental error, the reaction rate was independent of the Ti2O3 content in the reduced ilmenite. Diffusion control was confirmed by rate measurements. Aeration rate measurements were also carried out in other electrolytes in addition to ammonium chloride. It was concluded from these and other studies that the ammonium chloride plays three distinct and important roles in the aeration reaction. Firstly, the ammonium ion acts as a buffer for hydroxyl ions and prevents excessively high local pH values, which might otherwise cause precipitation of iron (II) hydroxide before the iron (II) ions could diffuse from the rutile matrix. Secondly, the ammonia formed as a result of this buffering reaction complexes iron (II) ions until they also have moved away from the regions of high pH, thus preventing the precipitation of iron (II) hydroxide in the pores of the rutile. Finally, the chloride ion helps to break down any passive films which might form during aeration.  相似文献   

Increased production of reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM) can contribute to the initiation phase of nephrotoxic and ischemic acute renal failure (ARF). However, whether altered ROM expression also exists during the maintenance phase of ARF has not been adequately assessed. Since diverse forms of tubular injury can initiate a "cytoresistant state," this study tested whether a down-regulation of ROM expression might develop in the aftermath of acute tubular damage, potentially limiting renal susceptibility to further attack. To test this hypothesis, rats were subjected to either mild myohemoglobinuria (glycerol injection) or bilateral ureteral obstruction and 24 hours later, cytoresistant proximal tubular segments (PTS) were isolated to assess ROM expression. PTS from sham operated rats were used to establish normal values. Both sets of cytoresistant PTS manifested approximately 75% reductions in H2O2 levels, as assessed by the phenol red/horseradish peroxidase technique (P < 0.01 to 0.001). A 40% reduction in hydroxyl radical (.OH) levels was also observed (salicylate trap method), thereby substantiating decreased oxidant stress in cytoresistant PTS. Catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and free iron levels were comparable in control and cytoresistant PTS, suggesting that decreased H2O2 production (such as by mitochondria) was the cause of the decreased oxidant stress. To test this latter hypothesis, H2O2 expression by control and cytoresistant PTS was assessed in the presence of respiratory chain inhibitors. Although site 1 and site 3 inhibition markedly suppressed H2O2 production in control PTS, they had no impact on H2O2 production in cytoresistant PTS, implying that production at these sites was already maximally suppressed. Correlates of the decreased mitochondrial H2O2 production were improvements in cell energetics (increased ATP/ADP ratios with Na ionophore treatment) and approximately 40 to 90% increases in PTS/renal cortical glutathione content. We conclude that: (1) proximal tubule H2O2/.OH expression can be downregulated during the maintenance phase of ARF; (2) this seemingly reflects a decrease in mitochondrial ROM generation; and (3) the associated improvements in glutathione content and/or cellular energetics could conceivably contribute to a post-injury cytoresistant state.  相似文献   

Mutations in the enzyme copper/zinc superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1) are associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS). The means by which the mutations cause FALS appears to be due to an adverse property of the mutant SOD1 protein that may involve increased generation of free radicals. We used in vivo microdialysis to measure the conversion of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid to 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (3,4-DHBA) as a measure of "hydroxyl radical-like" production in transgenic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) mice with the G93A mutation as well as littermate controls. The conversion of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid to 3,4-DHBA was significantly increased in the striatum of transgenic ALS mice at baseline but not in mice overexpressing wild-type human SOD1. Following administration of 3-nitropropionic acid 3,4-DHBA generation was significantly increased as compared with baseline, and the increase in the transgenic ALS mice was significantly greater than those in controls, whereas the increase in mice overexpressing wild-type human SOD1 was significantly attenuated. The present results provide in vivo evidence that expression of mutations in SOD1 can lead to increased generation of "hydroxyl radical-like" activity, which further implicates oxidative damage in the pathogenesis of ALS.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Environmental particles < 10 microns average aerodynamic diameter (PM10) are associated with mortality, exacerbation of airways diseases, and decrement in lung function. It is hypothesised that PM10 particles, along with other pathogenic particles, generate free radicals at their surface in reactions involving iron, and that this is a factor in the pathogenicity of PM10 particles. Identification of free radical activity in PM10 and examination of the content and role of iron in this process was undertaken. METHODS: Free radical activity was detected with a supercoiled plasmid, phi X174 RF1 DNA, and measured as scission of the supercoiled DNA (mediated by free radicals) by scanning laser densitometry. The role of the hydroxyl radical was confirmed by the use of the specific scavenger mannitol, and the role of iron investigated with the iron chelator desferrioxamine-B (DSF-B). Iron released from PM10 particles at pH 7.2 and pH 4.6 (to mimic conditions on the lung surface and in macrophage phagolysosomes, respectively) was assessed spectrophotometrically with the Fe++ chelator ferrozine and the Fe+ + + chelator DSF-B. RESULTS: PM10 particles showed significant free radical activity by their ability to degrade supercoiled DNA. A substantial part of this activity was due to the generation of hydroxyl radicals, as shown by partial protection with mannitol. Similarly, DSF-B also conferred protection against the damage caused to plasmid DNA indicating the role of iron in generation of hydroxyl radicals. Negligible Fe++ was released at either pH 7.2 or pH 4.6 by contrast with Fe+ + +, which was released in substantial quantities at both pHs, although twice as much was released at pH 4.6. CONCLUSIONS: PM10 particles generate the hydroxyl radical, a highly deleterious free radical, in aqueous solution. This occurs by an iron dependent process and hydroxyl radicals could play a part in the pathogenicity of PM10 particles. Iron release was greatest at the pH of the lysosome (pH 4.6) indicating that iron may be mobilised inside macrophages after phagocytosis, leading to oxidative stress in the macrophages.  相似文献   

A new mechanism of oxygen radical formation in dopaminergic neurons is proposed, based on the oxidative mechanism of tyrosine hydroxylase. The cofactor (6R,6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin can rearrange in solution which allows an autoxidation reaction producing O2.-, H2O2 and HO.. The combination of tyrosine hydroxylase and the cofactor produces more oxygen radicals than does the autoxidation of the cofactor. This production of oxygen radicals could be damaging to dopaminergic neurons. In the presence of tyrosine, the enzyme produces less radicals than it does in the absence of tyrosine. Mechanisms are proposed for the generation of reactive oxygen species during the autoxidation of the cofactor and during enzymatic catalysis. The generation, by tyrosine hydroxylase, of very small amounts of oxygen radicals over the period of 65 years could contribute to the oxidative stress that causes Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of hydroxyl radical scavengers on peroxynitrite (OONO-)-evoked acetylcholine (ACh) release from mouse cerebral cortical neurons. N,N'-dimethylthiourea, a hydroxyl radical scavenger, dose-dependently increased OONO(-)-evoked ACh release. Other hydroxyl radical scavengers such as uric acid and mannitol, also enhanced OONO(-)-evoked ACh release, although these enhancing effects were not found in the absence of OONO-. In addition, OONO(-)-induced [45Ca2+]influx was significantly facilitated by the scavengers, whereas no effects of the scavengers on [45Ca2+]influx was observed in the absence of OONO-. These results indicate that hydroxyl radical scavengers enhance OONO(-)-evoked ACh release via the facilitation of OONO(-)-induced [45Ca2+]influx.  相似文献   

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