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在机械加工领域中,机械加工工艺的合理性和创新性显得尤为重要。可以将机械加工工艺,理解为一个将原材料利用机械加工的方法使其成为合格零件的全过程。因此,机械加工工艺贯穿着整个加工过程,对整个加工过程都有明确规定。合理的加工工艺就是要保证产品的质量、降低加工成本、提高加工效率、保证生产的安全等。机械加工工艺包含着加工流程、主要设备和技术力量等。主要从机械加工工艺流程、主要机械加工设备和技术力量三方面,就机械加工工艺的重要意义和如何搞好机械加工工艺进行详细探讨。  相似文献   

鞠磊 《中国科技博览》2013,(27):544-544
大庆石化公司是中国石油天然气股份有限公司的地区分公司。是以大庆油田原油,轻烃,天然气为主要原料,从事炼油、乙烯、塑料、橡胶、化工延伸加工等,并承担工程技术服务、生产技术服务、机械加工制造、矿区服务等职能的特大型石油化工联合企业。本文就如何加强电气自动化设备的可行性检测研究进行论述。  相似文献   

夹具是在切削加工中,用以准确地确定工件位置,并将其牢回地夹紧的工艺装备。因此,夹具在机械制造中占有重要的地位。近些年来,随着数控机床、加工中心、柔性制造单元、柔性制造系统等现代化加工设备的广泛应用,使传统的机械加工的制造方法发生了重大变革,夹具的功能已经从过去的装夹、定位、引导刀具,转变为装夹、定位。而数字化的设备加工功能的扩大化,给今后夹具的快速定位、快速装夹提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

机械加工是国家工业实力的集中体现也是一个国家发展的重要基础,我国历来重视加工制造业的发展,尤其是"智能制造2025"战略的提出更是为我国工业机械加工提出了明确的发展方向。现代机械加工不仅局限于机械设备的加工,而是由计算机、数控系统所代表的信息技术与机械设备相结合而形成的数控加工技术。由于数控技术采用计算机进行模拟、控制以及驱动等将使得机械加工的效率更高、加工质量更好,对于促进国家工业发展有着极为重要的意义。应当更好地做好数控技术当前的发展与应用,不断提升我国的工业制造能力,由"世界工厂"向高端制造方向发展,实现我国工业制造的转型升级。  相似文献   

影响机械加工精度的因素是多方面的,设备、加工过程、人为因素都会对加工精度产生影响,制约机械加工产品质量提高。为应对这些问题,今后应该采取有效对策,减少、均化、补偿、转移原始误差,或者采用就地加工法,并控制设备精度、严格加工过程、提高加工人员素质。从而实现对误差的有效控制,促进机械加工质量提高。  相似文献   

本文基于现代机械加工创新人才培养的需求,提出适用于高等学校工程训练的柔性制造系统(FMS)的集成方案.通过对数字设计、加工制造、信息管理、生产物流及质量检测等5个子系统进行优化集成,并使用以太网络通讯技术和分层控制结构实现了系统的控制功能.  相似文献   

机械加工作为机械工程中重要的组成部分,对机械产品质量的优劣产生十分重要的影响。为了制造出最好工作性能、最低制造成本、最小尺寸和重量、使用中最可靠性、最低消耗和环境友好型的产品,那就必须综合考虑、严格控制加工中各种影响因素。本文阐述了机械加工过程中的常见问题,并有针对性地提出了一些机械设计加工中的质量控制策略。  相似文献   

机械加工件质量与零件加工质量、设备的装配技术密切相关,机械加工件质量是确保设备顺行的基础。机械加工过程中影响工件加工质量的因素较多,机床精度和产品结构加工工艺是两个重要影响因素。研究机械加工件质量,目的是减少或避免机械加工中各个工艺对加工表面质量影响因素,最终达到提高机械加工精度要求,改善机械加工工件质量、增强设备使用寿命的目的。  相似文献   

航空发动机的加工制造是一项要求精度极高的工作,在航空发动机的机械加工中涉及众多结构复杂、几何精度要求高的零部件,加之航空发动机所使用的材料硬度较高从而对航空发动机的机械加工带来了极大的挑战,做好航空发动机机械加工制造中的工艺研究和应用对于提高航空发动机的机械加工质量和效率有着极为重要的意义。薄壁环形件是航空发动机的机械加工中的较为常见的一类零部件,薄壁环形零部件在机械加工受壁体较薄的影响导致其刚性较差,在薄壁环形零部件的机械加工过程中受到加工切削力和装夹力的影响使得其极易变形,从而影响零部件的加工质量。本文结合薄壁环形零部件的特点以及薄壁环形零部件机械加工中的变形原因对如何做好薄壁环形零部件机械加工中的变形控制,提高薄壁环形零部件的加工质量,做了分析。  相似文献   

近些年来,随着科学技术的进步,感光测定的用途越来越广泛。不仅在胶片制造、电影摄影、洗印加工控制等方面成为必不可少的手段;而且在天文、地质、测绘等科学技术领域和若干工业部门也被广为应用。为使感光材料的特性能够得到合理的使用和控制,本文想就感光测定的基本知识作些简单介绍。  相似文献   

为了解决水泥装备制造企业质量信息存储与检索难的问题,提出了一种新的质量信息管理方法:采用质量信息树的方法来描述制造过程、产品结构以及质量信息间的关系;提出质量信息编码系统来规范并存储质量信息;提出了XML缓存技术实现质量信息的检索。该方法应用在了辅料悬臂堆料机制造过程中的质量信息管理中,实例表明该方法能够解决水泥装备制造过程中的质量信息管理问题。  相似文献   

Predictive maintenance (PdM) is an effective means to eliminate potential failures, ensure stable equipment operation and improve the mission reliability of manufacturing systems and the quality of products, which is the premise of intelligent manufacturing. Therefore, an integrated PdM strategy considering product quality level and mission reliability state is proposed regarding the intelligent manufacturing philosophy of ‘prediction and manufacturing’. First, the key process variables are identified and integrated into the evaluation of the equipment degradation state. Second, the quality deviation index is defined to describe the quality of the product quantitatively according to the co-effect of manufacturing system component reliability and product quality in the quality–reliability chain. Third, to achieve changeable production task demands, mission reliability is defined to characterise the equipment production states comprehensively. The optimal integrated PdM strategy, which combines quality control and mission reliability analysis, is obtained by minimising the total cost. Finally, a case study on decision-making with the integrated PdM strategy for a cylinder head manufacturing system is presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The final results shows that proposed method achieves approximately 26.02 and 20.54% cost improvement over periodic preventive maintenance and conventional condition-based maintenance respectively.  相似文献   

在以航天航空、造船为代表的大型装备制造业中,精密测量技术是产品质量的重要保证,目前以激光跟踪仪为代表的传统单站式测量系统已无法适应如今超大空间与高效率的测量要求。作为分布式测量系统,室内空间测量定位系统因其扩展性好、可并行测量等优势,已被广泛应用于先进装备制造业。本文详细阐述了室内空间测量定位系统的基本传感机理,梳理总结了整套系统的关键技术,并介绍了室内空间测量定位系统的相关工业应用。  相似文献   

赵永强 《工业工程》2014,17(4):7-12
可靠的设备预防维修水平和卓越的产品质量保证能力是保障产品过程质量的关键,现有多数研究集中在质量管理模式与企业绩效的关系分析。在对过程质量控制、设备维修管理评述的基础上,探讨了设备维修管理模式与维修绩效及过程质量控制绩效间的关系。以国内制造企业的连续生产方式为研究对象,运用结构方程模型剖析了RCM、TPM、设备采购管理与和设备维修绩效、过程质量控制绩效的路径关系,发现基础维修管理活动对维修绩效有间接影响,RCM、TPM对设备维修绩效有显著影响,路径系数分别为0.346、0.717,设备维修绩效对过程质量控制绩效的影响显著,路径系数为0922。证明制造企业为提升产品质量,需要完善其设备预防维修系统。  相似文献   

Today, manufacturing operates as a global network, which has created more awareness of the quality of products and services. A systematic and rational way of managing quality assurance is currently lacking. This can cause serious problems in sectors such as the medical industry, as product failure may not only cause time delays, but also create risks for the health and safety of patients and users. This paper proposes a quality assurance approach that incorporates risk analysis (based on ISO14971) and failure analysis (based on FMEA) into the product design phase to assure product quality in the short term and facilitate global manufacturing practices in the long run. The proposed approach includes a Markov model to predict product failure from a customer perspective, which serves as a checkpoint for feedback to provide a basis for quality assurance. A medical equipment firm is used as a test-bed to illustrate how the proposed approach works and to verify its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Modern and intelligent manufacturing systems have a prominent multistate feature. However, previous studies of reliability analysis of multistate manufacturing systems mostly focused on the basic reliability of manufacturing systems but disregarded their operating characteristics, which has hindered the development of Prognostics and Health Management technique for intelligent manufacturing systems. Therefore, an evaluation approach of mission reliability for multistate manufacturing systems based on operational quality data is proposed in this paper. First, from the systematic viewpoint of the composition and operational principle of the manufacturing system, the relationship among production task execution state, production equipment degradation state, and produced product quality state is expounded, and the connotation of the mission reliability of multistate manufacturing systems is defined. Second, an extended state task network (ESTN) is presented to organise operational quality data by considering the quality state of work in process (WIP). Third, a fusion model of operational quality data for manufacturing systems is established with the aid of the ESTN, and an operational quality data-oriented evaluation method of mission reliability is been put forward. Finally, a case study of a manufacturing system for a cylinder head is conducted to verify the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Equipment fault is a major factor that affects the reliability of manufacturing systems. Fault source identification and propagation path search are primary means to reduce and eliminate equipment faults. To this end, this paper proposed a two-layer model of equipment fault propagation in a manufacturing system. One layer, modeled by a small-world network, is a network of parts for a single equipment device. The other, represented by the production relationships of the manufacturing process, is a network of equipment devices for a manufacturing system. Hence, the propagation path of an equipment fault is divided into physical propagation inside a single equipment device and flow propagation within the manufacturing process. The intensity of physical propagation is given by the product of the fault load and the propagation probability between fault nodes within a single equipment device, whereas the flow propagation intensity is equivalent to the yield loss of the manufacturing system due to equipment fault. Therefore, the total intensity of fault propagation in a manufacturing system is given by the product of these two intensities. Subsequently, the ant colony algorithm is used to find the propagation paths with the maximum intensity. Finally, the proposed method is verified using an example of a camshaft manufacturing system.  相似文献   

设备制造质量监督机构在核电工程设备制造质量监督过程中,通过工作方式及工作内容的转变,实现了工作性质由质量控制向质量监督转变;在监督设备制造质量的基础上,监督供应商质量管理体系运作的有效性,逐步建立起核电设备制造质量监督体系,推动设备制造质量管理工作持续改进。  相似文献   

The economic design of control charts and the optimization of preventive maintenance policies are two research areas that have recently received a great deal of attention in the quality and reliability literature. Both of these research areas are focused on reducing the costs associated with operating manufacturing processes. In addition, it is widely recognized that the maintenance of manufacturing equipment and the quality of manufactured product are related. However, these two research areas are rarely integrated. In this paper, a combined control chart–preventive maintenance strategy is defined for a process which shifts to an out-of-control condition due to a manufacturing equipment failure. An X¯ chart is used in conjunction with an age-replacement preventive maintenance policy to achieve a reduction in operating costs that is superior to the reduction achieved by using only the control chart or the preventive maintenance policy. This superior cost performance is demonstrated using a simulation-optimization approach.  相似文献   

The quality of a product is dependent on both facilities/equipment and manufacturing processes. Any error or disorder in facilities and processes can cause a catastrophic failure. To avoid such failures, a zero- defect manufacturing (ZDM) system is necessary in order to increase the reliability and safety of manufacturing systems and reach zero-defect quality of products. One of the major challenges for ZDM is the analysis of massive raw datasets. This type of analysis needs an automated and self-organized decision making system. Data mining (DM) is an effective methodology for discovering interesting knowledge within a huge datasets. It plays an important role in developing a ZDM system. The paper presents a general framework of ZDM and explains how to apply DM approaches to manufacture the products with zero-defect. This paper also discusses 3 ongoing projects demonstrating the practice of using DM approaches for reaching the goal of ZDM.  相似文献   

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