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Design of Total Sliding-Mode-Based Genetic Algorithm Control for Hybrid Resonant-Driven Linear Piezoelectric Ceramic Motor 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Rong-Jong Wai Ching-Hsiang Tu 《Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》2007,22(2):563-575
This study presents a total sliding-mode-based genetic algorithm control (TSGAC) system for a linear piezoelectric ceramic motor (LPCM) driven by a newly designed hybrid resonant inverter. First, the motor configuration and driving circuit of an LPCM are introduced, and its hypothetical dynamic model is represented by a nonlinear function with unknown system parameters. In the hybrid resonant drive system, it has the merits of the high voltage gain from a parallel-resonant current source, and the invariant output characteristic from a two-inductance two-capacitance resonant driving circuit. Since the dynamic characteristics and motor parameters of the LPCM are highly nonlinear and time varying, a TSGAC system is therefore investigated based on direction-based genetic algorithm with the spirit of total sliding-mode control (TSC) and fuzzy-based evolutionary procedure to achieve high-precision position control under a wide operation range. In this control scheme, a GAC system is utilized to be the major controller, and the stability can be indirectly ensured by the concept of TSC without strict constraints and detailed system knowledge. In addition, the effectiveness of the proposed drive and control system is verified by numerical simulations and experimental results in the presence of uncertainties 相似文献
Rong-Jong Wai Chia-Chin Chu 《Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》2007,54(1):177-189
This study focuses on the development of a robust Petri-fuzzy-neural-network (PFNN) control strategy applied to a linear induction motor (LIM) drive for periodic motion. Based on the concept of the nonlinear state feedback theory, a feedback linearization control (FLC) system is first adopted in order to decouple the thrust force and the flux amplitude of the LIM. However, particular system information is required in the FLC system so that the corresponding control performance is influenced seriously by system uncertainties. Hence, to increase the robustness of the LIM drive for high-performance applications, a robust PFNN control system is investigated based on the model-free control design to retain the decoupled control characteristic of the FLC system. The adaptive tuning algorithms for network parameters are derived in the sense of the Lyapunov stability theorem, such that the stability of the control system can be guaranteed under the occurrence of system uncertainties. The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is verified by both numerical simulations and experimental results, and the salient merits are indicated in comparison with the FLC system 相似文献
Recurrent-Fuzzy-Neural-Network-Controlled Linear Induction Motor Servo Drive Using Genetic Algorithms 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Faa-Jeng Lin Po-Kai Huang Chou W.-D. 《Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》2007,54(3):1449-1461
A recurrent fuzzy neural network (RFNN) controller based on real-time genetic algorithms (GAs) is developed for a linear induction motor (LIM) servo drive in this paper. First, the dynamic model of an indirect field-oriented LIM servo drive is derived. Then, an online training RFNN with a backpropagation algorithm is introduced as the tracking controller. Moreover, to guarantee the global convergence of tracking error, a real-time GA is developed to search the optimal learning rates of the RFNN online. The GA-based RFNN control system is proposed to control the mover of the LIM for periodic motion. The theoretical analyses for the proposed GA-based RFNN controller are described in detail. Finally, simulated and experimental results show that the proposed controller provides high-performance dynamic characteristics and is robust with regard to plant parameter variations and external load disturbance 相似文献
探讨超声电机用压电陶瓷 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
简要介绍超声电机的工作原理及对压电陶瓷的性能要求,分析了3种压电陶瓷材料对超声电机性能的影响,确定了用于超声电机的压电陶瓷材料的性能指标,并对压电陶瓷材料的制备工艺进行了探讨性研究. 相似文献
FPGA-Based Adaptive Backstepping Sliding-Mode Control for Linear Induction Motor Drive 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Faa-Jeng Lin Chih-Kai Chang Po-Kai Huang 《Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》2007,22(4):1222-1231
A field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based adaptive backstepping sliding-mode controller is proposed to control the mover position of a linear induction motor (LIM) drive to compensate for the uncertainties including the friction force. First, the dynamic model of an indirect field-oriented LIM drive is derived. Next, a backstepping sliding-mode approach is designed to compensate the uncertainties occurring in the motion control system. Moreover, the uncertainties are lumped and the upper bound of the lumped uncertainty is necessary in the design of the backstepping sliding-mode controller. However, the upper bound of the lumped uncertainty is difficult to obtain in advance of practical applications. Therefore, an adaptive law is derived to adapt the value of the lumped uncertainty in real time, and an adaptive backstepping sliding-mode control law is the result. Then, an FPGA chip is adopted to implement the indirect field-oriented mechanism and the developed control algorithms for possible low-cost and high-performance industrial applications. The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is verified by some experimental results. With the adaptive backstepping sliding-mode controller, the mover position of the FPGA-based LIM drive possesses the advantages of good transient control performance and robustness to uncertainties in the tracking of periodic reference trajectories. 相似文献
国外对压电线性马达的研究已经进行了有些年了,并已有较为成熟的应用,它利用压电陶瓷基片或薄膜、电致伸缩材料等功能部件实现驱动。主要特征是能够提供较大的横向输出力。同时。又可能实现超高精度和小位移——毫米级的位移行程和原子级的精度。一般用空载速度、最大推进力、效率及其他一些参数来表表压电线性马达。该文首先介绍几种类型的压电线性马达。包括它们的结构、运行原理和特性等。然后再介绍纳米马达,应该指出,纳米马达是压电线性马达的发展。其特点是能够实现纳米级精度的位移。国外已经在精密仪器、航天航空、自动控制、办公自动化、微型机械系统、微装配、纳米定位等领域得到了实际应用。 相似文献
Yun Hong Bin Yao 《Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on》2007,12(2):198-207
This paper focuses on the synthesis of nonlinear adaptive robust controller with saturated actuator authority for a linear motor drive system, which is subject to parametric uncertainties and uncertain nonlinearities such as input disturbances as well. Global stability with limited control efforts is achieved by breaking down the overall uncertainties to state-linearly-dependent uncertainties (such as viscous friction) and bounded nonlinearities (such as Coulomb friction, cogging force, etc.), and dealing with them via different strategies. Furthermore, a guaranteed transient performance and final tracking accuracy can be obtained by incorporating the well-developed adaptive robust control strategy and effective parameter identifier. Asymptotic output tracking is also achieved in the presence of parametric uncertainties only. Meanwhile, in contrast to the existing saturated control structures that are designed based on a set of transformed coordinates, the proposed saturated controller is carried out in the actual system states, which have clear physical meanings. This makes it much easier and less conservative to select the design parameters to meet the dual objective of achieving global stability with limited control efforts for rare emergency cases and the local high-bandwidth control for high performance under normal running conditions. Real-time experimental results are obtained to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed saturated adaptive robust control strategy 相似文献
基于PA85的新型压电陶瓷驱动电源 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
压电陶瓷驱动电源是压电陶瓷微位移器应用中关键部件.PA85是一种高压、高精度的MOSFET运算放大器.文章介绍了一种基于PA85的新型压电陶瓷驱动电源,详细介绍了电源复合放大电路部分的设计原理和并对其稳定性进行了分析.该电源具有精度高,驱动能力强,结构简单,稳定性好的特点. 相似文献
首先对超声洁牙器用压电陶瓷换能器的结构设计作了论术并进行了计算,接着介绍了包括陶瓷换能器在内的超声洁牙器的材料选择、具体组成以及性能参数。 相似文献
本文提出了用测量压电陶瓷圆板振动频谱和电导纳特性,研究磨边缘的压电陶瓷圆板产生能阱,用等效质量因子m控制耦合径向振动的影响。 相似文献
压电马达用压电陶瓷的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用传统的电子陶瓷工艺制备了高性能四元系压电陶瓷 (PZN- PMS- PZT- r Mn O2 )。考察了不同剂量的锰掺杂对压电陶瓷的介电性能和压电性能的影响 ,即室温介电常数 ε、介电损耗 tanδ、居里温度 Tc、机电耦合系数 kp、压电常数 d33和机械品质因数 Qm。随着 Mn含量的增加 ,ε和 tanδ均减小 ;由于内偏置场的影响 ,居里温度 Tc随锰含量的增加而增加。kp 和 d33随 Mn含量的增加而减小 ;而 Qm 表现出较复杂的变化规律 ,随 Mn含量的增加 Qm先增加 ,当 r=0 .2 %时 ,达到最大值 10 0 0 ,当 r>0 .2 %时 ,Qm 下降。实验结果表明 :当 r=0 .2 %的锰掺杂压电陶瓷比较适合制作压电马达 ,其压电性能为 ε=12 0 0、tanδ=0 .0 0 4、Tc=349°C、kp=0 .6 0、d33=380 p C/ N和 Qm=10 0 0 相似文献
超声压电马达矩形复合板振子的耦合振动分析 总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2
以矩形复合平板为对象,根据弹性薄板理论,确定复合板的等效弹性常数,导出复合平板的弯曲振动方程;并利用表观弹性法,建立了振子共振频率的简单解析表达式。由于计算方法简单,所以这种方法可供科研及工程设计人员参考 相似文献
A permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) for a high temperature superconducting (HTS) maglev system has been studied, including the motor structure, control strategy, and analysis techniques. Finite element analysis (FEA) of magnetic field is conducted to accurately calculate major motor parameters. Equivalent electrical circuit is used to predict the drive's steady-state characteristics, and a phase variable model is applied to predict the dynamic performance. Preliminary experiment with a prototype has been made to verify the theoretical analysis and the HTS-PM synchronous driving technology. 相似文献
Ting Long Houjun Wang Shulin Tian Jianguo Huang Bing Long 《Journal of Electronic Testing》2010,26(4):419-428
This paper proposes a test generation algorithm combining genetic algorithm for fault diagnosis on linear systems. Most test
generation algorithms just used a single value fault model. This test generation algorithm is based on a continuous fault
model. This algorithm can improve the treatment of the tolerance problem, including the tolerances of both normal and fault
parameters, and enhance the fault coverage rate. The genetic algorithm can be used to choose the characteristic values. The
genetic algorithm can enhance precision of test generation algorithm especially for complex fitness functions derived from
complex systems under test. The genetic algorithm can also further improve the fault coverage rate by reducing the loop number
of divisions of the initial fault range. The experiments are carried out to show this test generation algorithm with a linear
system and an integrated circuit. 相似文献