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北京东方广场工程体积超大、结构复杂,先后设立了21部塔机。裙楼及主楼屋面依次结构封顶后,如何能及时、安全的拆除全部塔机,成为一大技术难题。本文在给出塔机平面布置图及塔机资料统计表的基础上,概要分析了塔机拆卸过程中遇到的几类难题,如拆塔顺序、借塔拆塔(尤其是双机吊抬、空中截臂)及楼板(地面)加固等;然后以实例的形式简要叙述了各种具有代表性的塔机拆卸过程。  相似文献   

1999年5月,我单位在湖南省人民银行住宅综合楼的施工中使用QTZ125型塔机,在建筑物主体及上部装修基本完成后,需降拆时,由于屋顶天沟在施工中改动,使屋顶伸出天沟部分与塔机平衡臂主梁及顶升套架均相干涉,最大干涉约03m,如图1。且由于平衡臂主梁与起重臂主弦宽度一致,塔机旋转任何角度也不能避让,因此按常规方法,无法拆塔。(a) (b)俯视(旋转)图1 如将伸出的天沟打掉,破坏太大。如用高空散拆的方法,又因此工程是创鲁班奖工程,现屋顶面装修已基本完成,管线布置较多,加上该塔机各部件均较笨重,拆塔时将其搁置于屋顶并…  相似文献   

本公司曾以两周时间对一台QTZ40B塔机完成了拆、运、修、装作业,其特点:①塔机的拆除、运输、装卸车一天完成;②利用适当辅机对大型部件进行装卸、组拼和立塔安装;③塔机运输车辆减到最少程度;④塔身垂直度利用标准节加工面找平,采用在塔身主弦两个垂直方向上同时吊线坠找正;⑤用水平仪、经纬仪复平、校正垂直度。因此创造了本地区拆、装塔机时间最短、运输车辆最少、检修工期及质量较理想的塔机安装一次成功的记录,受到用户好评。IXi艺原理利用适当(或大型)辅机对大型部件进行装卸、拼装并立塔安装到基本安装高度后,再利用塔…  相似文献   

某超高层为退台式建筑,工程选用内爬式塔机。在超高层退台式建筑仅17m×17m的机房屋面平台上,通过设计新型角度变幅屋面起重机进行垂直下吊,安装在对于屋面拆塔和塔机零部件落地均满足要求的位置,较好完成了内爬塔机拆卸任务。  相似文献   

结合上海中国博览会会展综合体项目钢结构施工,介绍大型行走式塔机上楼面施工的技术。重点介绍了塔机行走跨距的确定原则、塔机对楼板的安全分析及汽车起重机装拆塔机的安全性分析。  相似文献   

塔式起重机是建筑施工中的主要起重机械。塔机由于种类、型号繁多,装拆方法各异,施工对象和施工现场的条件也不尽相同,这就要求我们在选定所要使用的塔机以后.应该结合每个工程项目的具体情况,编写切实可行的塔机装拆方案。这样做有以下优点:  相似文献   

一、概况某工地有两幢高层住宅楼,地下2层,地上28层,顶部为6层小塔楼。两幢住宅楼高86m,中间有2cm宽伸缩缝。待拆塔机QTZ63B(5013)位于西楼北侧正中部,最大起重量为6t,臂端起重量1.3t,现安装总高度102.5m,四道附着,暂定为A塔,距西塔28m的东塔也是QTZ63B,高度112.5m,暂定为B塔(见图1、图2)。由于住宅楼北侧有楼层连廊及连廊外挑宽大阳台,致使该塔机无法正常降至地面后拆除。为了确保拆塔安全,不损坏建筑物,经论证,利用B塔对A塔进行空中解体拆除。二、理论分析A塔拆卸的关键是无…  相似文献   

陈新标 《建筑安全》2004,19(11):26-27
随着建筑业的不断发展,塔式起重机的应用十分广泛,塔机转移工地频繁,塔机装拆次数随之增多.在实际装拆过程中容易发生各种事故,造成人员生命和财产的损失。为防止事故的发生,我们编制了“塔机安装事故控制预案”“塔机拆卸事故控制预案”,对塔式起重机安装拆卸过程中的危险因素逐一列出,并提出相应的控制预防措施。在应用过程中,对每一个危险因素的预防措施必须落实到参加安装拆卸的具体责任人员及现场有关管理人员.并对预案中的内容进行切实宣贯,落实到位,这样才能做到完全有效地防止塔机安装拆卸事故的发生。  相似文献   

以青岛海天中心ZSL380-32T塔机起重臂自拆为例,介绍了动臂塔机起重臂自拆技术的具体施工方法,为同类工程中动臂塔机拆卸提供了新的解决方案.  相似文献   

针对需要在已完工的超高层屋面重新进行塔机安装的情况,以深圳市某超高层的施工为例,从原有结构形式、吊装构件重量、塔机安拆便利性、塔机基础设置等方面进行系统的总结和描述,以期为其他单位和类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

Modeling and visualization of motion of mobile cranes enable project engineers to identify possible spatial conflicts related to cranes prior to actual operation on job sites and hence, could minimize hazardous conditions and delays associated with spatial conflicts. Current tools for visualizing equipment motion in three dimensions (3D) and across time have limitations due to their reliance on users in modeling a sequence of movement of each piece of equipment experientially and manually. This paper presents an approach for automatically generating motions of mobile cranes to support conflict detection. This approach builds on and extends existing approaches in product and process modeling and visualization of construction operations. It takes a product and process model that contains building design and schedule information of a specific project together with specifications of cranes and construction methods utilized by the project as input. The crane specifications and construction methods constitute project-independent information that describes how cranes should be operated during the execution of activities. The output of the approach is a transformed product and process model that incorporates a set of operations and motions of cranes, which can be used for identifying spatial conflicts associated with crane operations. Validation studies show that the developed approach can be used to model different types of mobile cranes and generate their motion during operations, which enables detection of spatial conflicts related to cranes.  相似文献   

As buildings become taller and larger, the lifting plan safety review has become more important in construction project management. However, the cost and safety aspects of the lifting plan are contradictory to each other. Therefore, an optimization algorithm needs to be devised as a solution to this problem. In many cases at construction sites, the selection and stability review of the tower cranes are assigned to the equipment suppliers or the field managers, which causes problems for the safety and cost of a project. To prove this aspect of the current situation, this study examines an automatic optimization algorithm for designing the foundation of tower cranes. This algorithm can be implemented by a computerized system and easily and promptly utilized by field managers without the need for substantial knowledge.  相似文献   

The majority of industrial projects in Alberta's oil sands are constructed using modular construction. Modules are preassembled components built off-site and transported to the site to be lifted into place with mobile cranes. Heavy lifts include modules as well as major equipment that utilize expensive mobile cranes. Selecting the proper mobile cranes and configurations and finding the best crane position for each lift saves a significant amount of time and cost, while also improving safety. A heavy lift plan facilitates overall site management by reducing extra crane relocations and avoiding dangerous crane clashes. Performing such intensive analysis manually for several hundred lifts and various crane options is a tedious, prolonged exercise. However, no application that carries out such intensive analysis for a number of lifts in modular construction has yet been developed. This paper presents a system, called Automated Crane Planning and Optimization, to automate the above-mentioned analysis for a large-scale project. This system is validated on actual modular projects.  相似文献   

张奇志 《施工技术》2003,32(3):45-47
讨论现有规程对塔机安全高差的有关规定的合理性,并从确定单台塔机安装高度入手,分析了影响群塔施工中高、低塔机间高差的相关参数,最终确定了塔机高差的3种计算方法和塔机实际顶升高度的计算方法,且结合国家大剧院工程实际进行了验证。  相似文献   

The complicated process of selecting cranes for construction projects can be divided roughly into two main phases: (1) a general decision on the type of crane, mobile or tower; and (2) selection of the particular model according to the required size and technical specification. Several determinants of this second phase of the selection process in a typical mobile crane culture were investigated through on-site interviews with representatives of major construction companies. Factors affecting mobile crane selection were identified, classified, and rated according to their degree of influence. The involvement in equipment planning and crane selection was characterized with regard to project stages and planning parties. The findings were analysed with a view to the changing participation level of each party throughout project life. The conclusions of the study portray a picture that is different from the common assumptions about mobile crane selection, with respect to both influencing factors and the process itself. The study underlines the weight of non-project-specific factors, and shows that equipment planning is not merely a one-time technical exercise executed by a planner, but rather a process carried out throughout project life by a joint effort of several parties.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fuzzy logic approach to select the best crane type in a construction project from the main crane types, namely, mobile, tower and derrick cranes. Each factor of the project is classified as being dynamic or static according to whether the factor does or does not depend on the particular project. Linguistic information about the suitability of each crane type with respect to each factor of the project is translated into either fuzzy sets (for static factors) or fuzzy if–then rules (for dynamic factors). The fuzzy rules are then aggregated into a fuzzy relation between the space of factor property and the space of crane efficiency. In a particular project the experts describe the property as well as the relative importance of each factor. The rules are then fired using the max–min extension principle, and the resulting efficiencies are aggregated with their importance weights. The process identifies the best crane as the one with the highest expected overall efficiency.  相似文献   

介绍青岛香格里拉大饭店大跨度钢屋架吊装工程 ,充分利用场地及机械条件 ,并结合结构自身特点采用由拼装加固、双机抬吊、水平拖移、顶升就位相结合的跨外吊装技术  相似文献   

Tower cranes are major construction equipment that is highly demanded in construction projects. The planning process for tower cranes utilization starts in early stages of the construction projects. Poor selection could incur extra costs on the construction projects or cause delays in project duration. The planning procedures for tower cranes include selection, allocation and operation. This paper presents a framework for the selection of tower cranes types and locations at construction sites. The framework considers three main models: 1) decision making model to select the tower crane type, 2) optimization model for the selection of the ideal number and location of tower cranes, and 3) 4D simulation model to simulate tower crane operations. Several clash detection scenarios are presented to assure the safety operation of the tower crane group. A case study is shown herein to demonstrate the capabilities of the developed framework.  相似文献   

岳进  董晓刚  孙海涛  徐敏 《施工技术》2012,41(4):23-25,33
阐述SPS16型塔式起重机防碰撞智能监控系统的工作原理,包含的系统部件和主要性能参数。并结合深圳机场航站区扩建工程T3航站楼工程的应用,具体讲述了塔式起重机的防碰撞系统功能,实时预警,单机运行状态监控,运行数据采集,实时动态监控等。SPS16型塔式起重机防碰撞智能监控系统的应用,有效预防了塔式起重机安全生产事故的发生,提高了工程施工效率。  相似文献   

李建洪  吴尧庆  王留成  叶翔 《钢结构》2011,26(12):58-62,37
伊金霍洛旗全民健身体育活动中心体育馆采用钢框架支撑结构、大悬挑桁架转换结构、大跨度张弦桁架结构、大跨度柔性索膜穹顶等多种复杂结构.施工时选择2台重型塔吊及大型履带吊吊装,使用了设计-施工一体化技术,使结构成型后应力下降幅度达17.7%;施工中采取砂箱等比例同步拆除施工支撑,使拆除过程可控、可靠且节约了施工成本;采用焊接...  相似文献   

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