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针对目前国内钢厂落后的检测方法,利用CoDeSys软件设计开发了一套基于CANopen协议的激光检测控制系统,用于除鳞后的红热圆柱钢坯(约1200益)模压成型前轴心位置检测。实验表明该系统检测数据完全可靠,且稳定性高、抗干扰能力强。  相似文献   

在多年的试验探索基础上,通过与普通金属多孔材料的对比分析,试制出硬质合金多孔材料,并提出了生产硬质合金多孔材料的方法。  相似文献   

为了减少和防止热风炉在停炉冷却过程中,因冷却不当而造成内衬结构性破损的发生,可以通过专用设备,并借助对生产过程中操作参数的累计分析,在热状态下对热风炉内衬的外观状态进行检查和判断。并以外燃式热风炉为例,阐述了这种热态检查判断方法。  相似文献   

简述了SKS - 2 50型无心外圆磨床及送料装置的改造过程 ,收到了增加产量、提高质量的效果。  相似文献   

采用微波造孔活化技术,在不添加造孔剂的情况下,对赤泥实现造孔活化和强化来制备新型吸附材料。利用XRD、SEM、FTIR等手段对制备的吸附材料进行了表征。结果表明,该粒状赤泥经活化后,孔道清晰,所制备的吸附材料为多孔制,表面具有更多的吸附活性孔位。  相似文献   

利用粉末注射成形工艺制备了TiNi多孔材料,研究了注射喂料的流变性能,造孔剂NaCl对多孔材料性能的影响。试验结果表明:喂料的流变性能良好;造孔剂可以显著提高材料的孔隙度、孔径;能谱分析和X射线物相分析没有发现NaCl残留,TiNi多孔材料主要由Ni3Ti、Ti2Ni、TiNi、TiC相组成。  相似文献   

 On the basis of the uniform design method, six kinds of martensitic hot work die steels were designed. The phase transformation temperatures including Ac1, Ac3, and Ms were measured by DIL805A quenching dilatometer. The influences of the main elements on phase transformation temperatures were analyzed by quadratic stepwise regression analysis, and three corresponding equations were obtained. These equations, in which the interactions of the elements were considered, showed more effectiveness than the traditional ones. In addition, the thermal expansion coefficients of these steels in annealed state and quenched state were also obtained during the tests. The influences of chemical composition and temperature on the thermal expansion coefficient were analyzed; the equations obtained were verified by using several kinds of steels. The predicted values were in accordance with the results of the experiments.  相似文献   

等静压金属铍材线膨胀系数及高温密度的测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了用国产RJY-1型热机械仪对等静压金属铍材的热膨胀系数和高温密度的测试方法及测试结果,得出结论:等静压铍材平均线膨胀系数β在(20-600℃)区间内随温度t升高而直线增加,等静压铍材的密度ρ在(20-600℃)区间内随温度t升高而直线下降。  相似文献   

On the basis of the uniform design method, six kinds of martensitic hot work die steels were designed. The phase transformation temperatures including Ac1 , Ac3 , and Ms were measured by DIL805A quenching dilatometer. The influences of the main elements on phase transformation temperatures were analyzed by quadratic stepwise regression analysis, and three corresponding equations were obtained. These equations, in which the interactions of the elements were considered, showed more effectiveness than the traditional ones. In addition, the thermal expansion coefficients of these steels in annealed state and quenched state were also obtained during the tests. The influences of chemical composition and temperature on the thermal expansion coefficient were analyzed; the equations obtained were verified by using several kinds of steels. The predicted values were in accordance with the results of the experiments.  相似文献   

The task of monitoring porous materials is formulated. Principles for developing and using nondestructive acoustic methods for monitoring the structure and physicomechanical properties of porous materials are suggested and discussed. It is noted that the solution of each monitoring problem for porous materials requires an individual, often nontraditional, approach and its success is determined by the possibility of developing theoretical or experimental correlation dependences between the acoustic and material properties sought. It is shown that it is possible from the results of measuring propagation velocity and elastic wave damping factors to determine parameters such as elasticity, inelasticity, porosity, defectiveness, the size of structural elements, anisotropy, and property inhomogeneity.  相似文献   

The hot strength and short‐time creep resistance of austenitic steel CN0.85 with about (mass%) 18Cr, 18Mn, 0.6N, and 0.25C was investigated up to 700°C together with the corresponding structural changes of the solution annealed or cold worked initial states. In the primary creep range, the creep rate was rapidly reduced to the minimum creep rate and the more so after initial cold working. This also lowered the minimum creep rate but hardly the time to fracture. Precipitation of carbides and nitrides occurred in or near grain boundaries which gave rise to creep cracks. Precipitates within the grains, visible only in the overaged state, are assumed to have raised the resistance to creep. Comparing the creep strength of CN0.85 with standard hot work tool steel H11 points to an advantage of the former at service temperatures of >550°C. However, tests in practice are required to back up the favorable results of this tentative study.  相似文献   

热连轧全线跟踪对其生产过程中的全自动轧钢具有重要的意义。结合国丰620mm热连轧生产线现场实际设备和仪表配置,针对窄带钢热连轧生产线的快节奏特点,通过对轧区进行细致划分,提出轧区内多队列跟踪概念,进而建立了新的全线跟踪方法。该方法结合钢坯出炉系统和过程自动化模型设定系统,实现了全线跟踪,并已成功应用于620mm热连轧生产线中。现场实际生产表明,这里的全线跟踪方法保证了数据传递的准确性,有效地提高了轧制节奏和生产效率,具有良好的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

This work is devoted to deriving in general form definitive equations for plastic flow of porous bodies whose behavior is sensitive to a third strain rate invariant. Use of a micromechanical approach, including analysis of the behavior of a unit cell, and also such concepts as energy dissipation and an associated flow rule, make it possible to obtain the structure of macroscopic definitive equations in a general form. However, analysis of them and application gives rise to difficulties since they contain elliptical integrals and they cannot be expressed by means of elementary functions. Therefore the general definitive equations serve as a basis for subsequent analysis, i.e. determination of the lower and upper boundary approximations for the macroscopic stress tensor components and also formulation of macroscopic flow conditions in a convenient and compact form.  相似文献   

从实际生产数据入手,研究了温度模型设定精度的现状及设定精度与各影响因素之间的关系,同时还消化了原来的温度模型程序并将其移植到微机上.经大量的离线统计回归分析,提出了一个行之有效的温度模型改进方案.该改进方案的思路同样适合其他热轧生产线.  相似文献   

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