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随着我国经济的快速发展,人民的生活水平迅速提高,食品的卫生安全问题被提到了前所未有的高度.  相似文献   

如今,政府已一改往日对国有大型企业的“编爱”、从“信息化推动工业化”到“信息化带动工业化”,可谓煞费苦心。无论是对企业的领导进行“头脑风暴”似的培训,还是促进软件供应商与企业的交流与沟通;无论是给企业思路方面的引导,还是提供有限的奖金支持——中国政府的作为都堪称楷模。想想中国企业数量之巨大、发展之不均衡、步入全球经济的时间之短,就明白其中的难度了,更何况企业的意识还存在明显的不对称。  相似文献   

曲成义 《软件世界》2006,(11):28-28
虽然软件和数字内容是我国两个经济增长点,但是在这些问题上如果不突破,也会对它的发展产生重大影响。因此,国家、企业、用户三方要齐心努力。  相似文献   

当代经济环境下,创新已经成为企业生存发展的必要条件。将所有企业按规模分为大小两种企业,建立企业创新双层耦合网络,并研究了企业间的博弈过程。首先,运用矩阵半张量积方法,以“智猪博弈”为基本博弈,得到每一时刻各企业的策略,而非企业总体创新的比例;其次,根据收益函数得到整个企业创新网络的最优稳定纳什均衡点;最后,增加政府调控,改变博弈基本支付矩阵,从而达到最优稳定纳什均衡状态,即所有企业全部创新。  相似文献   

电子政务——政府、企业齐协作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱荣辉 《软件世界》2006,(16):64-64
我国电子政务普遍存在“信息孤岛”现象,因此建立共享信息平台成为迫在眉睫的任务,这不仅需要企业的协作,还需要政府的推进。  相似文献   

基于地方政府对工业互联网平台和加入平台的制造业企业的补贴,以及工业互联网平台与制造业企业间的成本共担,构建"政府-平台-企业"3个主体之间的非对称演化博弈模型,运用微分方程的稳定性定理分析各博弈主体的策略演化路径以及影响其策略演化的因素,并通过雅克比矩阵探讨系统的演化稳定策略.通过数值仿真分析政府补贴力度和平台成本分担比例对系统演化稳定策略的影响,界定可以促使制造业企业加入平台、工业互联网平台进行优化服务的政府补贴力度和成本分担比例的有效区间,为地方政府、工业互联网平台和制造业企业的行为决策提供理论参考.  相似文献   

为了激励顾客参与制造企业服务创新,分析了顾客参与服务创新的动机,建立了顾客参与服务创新激励的演化博弈模型,并作均衡分析。给出一些激励顾客参与服务创新的策略。研究表明,当制造企业激励顾客参与服务创新时,它们各自获得的收益增加值越大,投机收益值越小,各自所付出的成本越小,双方越趋向于采取制造企业采取激励策略,顾客采取参与策略的演化稳定策略。  相似文献   

深圳是一个年轻、现代化并且充满活力的城市。它从三十年前的一座小渔村,到现在的国际化现代大都市,并且成为中国五个经济特区之一。此次全球信息技术主管大会在深圳为中外CIO搭建了交流互动的平台,并且会上还发布了首个"全球信息技术主管宣言"。此次大会让我们了解到了CIO角色的重要性,这  相似文献   

新古典一般均衡理论体系在完全的产品和要素市场完全竞争条件下,是一个没有沉淀成本的经济模型,然而在市场不完全的条件下,由于沉淀成本的存在,不仅导致要素市场失灵,而且还造成企业阊成本不对称和竞争优势,进而造成企业间战略博弈,为企业家寻求超额利润奠定了客观基础。因此,我们运用沉淀成本概念,借助于不完全产品市场结构来研究企业闻的战略博弈,将完全竞争条件下企业无沉淀成本的价格接受者被动理性转变为寡头市场结构条件下的主动战略理性,为企业闻战略博弈提供了一种研究方法,同时也为企业战略管理提供了指导原则,即在于加强沉淀成本管理和风险管理。  相似文献   

分布式储能在支撑原有配置需求的基础上具有一定的闲置容量和闲置时间, 若能汇聚这部分闲置储能形成规模化的储能集群, 将能为电网提供多类型辅助服务. 以电动汽车(EV)这一特殊分布式储能为例, 研究考虑个体有限理性特征下的微电网运营商(MGO)对主动电动汽车的汇聚方案: 首先, 建立含主动EV的系统架构, 设计了微电网营运商与主动EV之间的互动流程; 然后, 基于EV的实际出行需求, 利用灵活充放电范围理论建立统一化的EV约束模型; 考虑现实EV用户的有限理性特征, 采用前景理论对其进行有限理性建模; 最后, 将MGO和主动EV之间的互动过程建立为斯塔克伯格博弈(Stackelberg game)模型并验证了博弈均衡解的存在性和唯一性. 算例基于一个商/居型并网微网, 验证了所提模型能有效汇聚分布式EV储能, 促进可再生能源发电就地消纳  相似文献   

This paper investigates the evolutionary dynamic and control problem for a kind of networked evolutionary games with bankruptcy mechanism by using semi‐tensor product of matrices, and presents a number of new results. First, this kind of games are expressed as logical dynamic networks and converted into their algebraic forms, based on which, the evolutionary dynamics of the given games can be discussed. Second, the control problem is considered, and a control sequence is designed to guarantee that none of players goes bankrupt as the control target requires. Finally, an illustrative example is given to show the effectiveness of our main results.  相似文献   

Governments are often the largest collectors of data within their jurisdiction, and often that data collection and storage is financially supported with public taxes. How governments manage and make available that information when requested by non-government parties varies by country. As the data-sharing world finds new and multi-platform ways to network, variations in legal access to government-held information create both opportunities and challenges. In this article, recent research is reviewed on problems faced by legal systems trying to navigate conflicts between individual privacy, public access and national state security.  相似文献   

There is now on the market a profusion of technological devices to build plants. These devices are standardized to facilitate their dissemination and integration. The standards are technology driven because they are mainly elaborated by vendors for the design and delivery of complex plants. Operating plants means to control, maintain and manage them. Plants are operated by skilled operators, whose knowledge is mainly acquired by experience and feedback. The aim of this paper is to pave the way to master the complexity of plant operation, through explicit representation, and to help operators improve safety, productivity and reduce environmental impact.  相似文献   

Identifying and managing health and safety risks that threaten personnel in production systems are vital for the continuity and success of organizations. Many tools are used to accurately analyze and assess risks. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is one of the most commonly used tools in different industries. However, the accuracy and reliability of FMEA method have been fairly criticized by many researchers in the field. In this study, an approach based on FMEA that integrates the advantages of the fault tree analysis (FTA) method and belief in fuzzy probability estimations of time (BIFPET) algorithm has been proposed in order to improve the performance of the FMEA method. In order to practically apply the proposed method to real life problems, it has been employed to analyze and assess the potential risks for a finishing process in the fabric dyeing department of a textile company. The performance of the proposed FMEA-FTA-BIFPET method has been compared to the results obtained by FMEA-FTA and FMEA-FTA-program evaluation and review technique (PERT) distribution integrated methods. The results of this study show that failure related to fabric trimming adjustment in the tenter has the highest risk priority number. The proposed approach can be used in various industry for risk analysis. In addition, results obtained by the study have indicated that the proposed approach can be implemented in practice to perform comprehensive risk assessment procedures as it reflects real-life dynamics to analyze and assess potential risk.  相似文献   

A numerical model for the coupled analysis of cross-sections made of anisotropic materials under general combined loading was formulated in an accompanying paper (1). In this paper, additional aspects concerning its implementation and the scheme for nonlinear analysis are discussed. The model is validated by analyzing several isotropic and anisotropic elastic problems; excellent accuracy was obtained compared to closed-form solutions. Further, the case of a RC section presenting crack-induced anisotropy is investigated. The capability of the model to capture interactions between tangent and normal forces is proved. The conclusion drawn is that the developed model is a suitable sectional constitutive equation for 3D beam elements for realistic structural analysis.  相似文献   

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