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Properties of nine composts obtained from perennial grasses for their potential use as an energy source were assessed in this study. The majority of grasses displayed high-moisture, hemicellulose, Na, K, Cl, and N contents, but low lignin content. The effect of composting was pronounced in (i) enhancement of lignin to 461.29%, fixed carbon to 49.46%, and cellulose to 35.05%; and (ii) reduction of Na to 98.77%, moisture to 93.49%, hemicellulose to 89.15%, K to 88.21%, N to 84.43%, Cl to 23.15%, and volatile matter to 12.57%. Subsequently, an increase in higher heating value to 13.90% was observed.  相似文献   

Energy plays a vital role in socio–economic development and raising standards of human beings. Turkey is a rapidly growing country; both its population and economy are expanding each year so its energy demand increases correspondingly and this increasing demand has to be met for keeping sustainable development in the economy and raising living conditions of mankind. Although Turkey has many energy sources, it is a big energy importer. Turkey has a lot of potential to supply its own energy, which could be put to use in order to avoid this energy dependence. Additionally, Turkey is a country that has an abundance of renewable energy sources and can essentially provide all energy requirements from indigenous energy sources. Biomass is one of the most promising energy sources considered to be alternative to conventional ones.  相似文献   

生物质能源技术前瞻   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
粮食与能源是两种最重要的战略物资。上个世纪末我国已实现了粮食由短缺到供需平衡、丰年有余的历史性转变,但能源现在是未来也将是限制中国经济发展的瓶颈。化石能源是我国当前能源的主体,但高质量的石油天然气探明储量及开采数量均远不能满足需要,而煤炭热值低、污染重不宜再加  相似文献   

木废料资源及其作为能源利用的前景   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对木废料的来源,生成比例以及我国的木废料资源情况进行了,并从能源利用和环境保护两个方面,分析和展望了木废料作为能源利用的前景。如能充分利用木废料能源,则在一定程度上可以缓解能源供需矛盾,减轻环境污染,同时可以提高木材加工企业的能源自给率。  相似文献   

The basement of the Pannonian (Carpathian) basin is represented by Paleozoic metamorphic and Mesozoic dolomite and limestone formations. The Tertiary basin gradually subsided during the Alpine orogeny down to 6000 m and was filled by elastic sediments with several water horizons.A heat flow of 2.0 to 3.4 μcal/cm2s gives temperature gradients between 45 and 70 °C/km in the basin. At 2000 m depth the virgin rock temperature is between 110 and 150°C. 80 geothermal wells about 2000 m deep have shown the great geothermal potential of the basin.The main hot water reservoir is the Upper Pliocene (Pannonian) sandstone formation. Hot water is produced by wells from the blanket or sheet sand and sandstone, intercalated frequently by siltstone. Between a 100–300 m interval, 3 to 8 permeable layers are exploited resulting in 1–3 m3/min hot water at 80–99°C temperature.Wells at present are overflowing with shut-in pressures of 3–5 atm.The Pannonian basin is a conduction-dominated reservoir. Convection systems are negligible, hot igneous systems do not exist. The assessment of geothermal resources revealed that the content of the water-bearing rocks down to 3000 m amounts to 12,600 × 1018cal. In the Tertiary sediments 10,560 × 1018cal and in the Upper Pannonian, 1938 × 1018cal are stored. In the Upper Pannonian geothermal reservoir, below 1000 m, where the virgin rock temperature is between 70 and 140°C, the stored heat is 768 × 108cal. A 1018 cal is equivalent to the combustion heat of 100 million tons of oil. The amount of recoverable geothermal energy from 768 × 108cal is 7.42 × 1018cal, i.e. about 10,000 MW century, not considering reinjection.At present the Pannonian geothermal reservoir stores the greatest amount of identified heat which can be mobilized and used. Hungary has 496 geothermal wells with a nominal capacity of 428 m3/min, producing 1342 MW heat. 147 wells have an outflow temperature of more than 60°C producing 190 m3/min, that is, 845 MW. In 1974 290 MWyear of geothermal energy was utilized in agriculture, district heating and industry.  相似文献   

本领高强的地热能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实际上,人们是通过利用各种温泉、热泉来认识地热能的。2000多年前,我国东汉时期大科学家张衡就曾采用温泉水治病。1904年,意大利人拉德瑞罗利用地热进行发电,并创建了世界上第一座地热蒸气发电站,装机容量为250千瓦。60年代以来,由于石油、煤炭等各种...  相似文献   

This paper discusses the evaluation of energy potential of palm oil for the generation of electricity in isolated communities. In Brazil, the energy sector culture has historically been directed almost exclusively toward major projects geared to meet the demands of those sectors of society that have the greatest economic and political influence. Prioritizing industrialization and an accelerated urbanization, they have oriented the national energy system toward centralized production of enormous blocks of energy adapted to meet major urban concentration consumption but incapable of satisfying the needs of a large part of the population that inhabits the rural areas. These small- and medium-sized communities are sometimes isolated from the developed urban centers and not connected to the conventional electricity networks. In this scenario, the Amazon region stands out due to its huge territorial extension and low demographic density, which is scattered among islands and other locations not easily accessible. As a rule, these areas lack electricity, and, when they do have it, supply is precarious and provided through fossil fuels for electricity production  相似文献   

There is scepticism in many quarters as to the ability of solar energy capture devices to replace current fossil-fissile energy sources on a significant scale, even if they are economic on current costings. It has been argued that solar energy devices can deliver neither the quantity nor quality of energy needed to replicate themselves, far less drive the economy. This proposition is normally examined using energy pay-back calculations, using the concept of opportunity energy requirement. It is shown that this calculation, while of short term significance, does not reveal the true viability of a solar energy capture device. That viability is best expressed by calculating the replacement energy requirement, taking into account energy quality.  相似文献   

Five energy plants from different regions of the world were pyrolyzed by non-isothermal thermogravimetry and effluent gases were detected through a mass spectrometer. Thermal decomposition characteristics, quantification of emissions, reactivity, and process kinetics were determined. Among the fuels tested, miscanthus was the most reactive, while jatropha was more heterogeneous. A first-order parallel reactions model fitted the experimental results with great accuracy. Miscanthus and willow can be characterized as high-quality fuels and produced higher amounts of carbon oxides and lighter hydrocarbons at lower temperatures. For jatropha, cardoon, and sunflower co-gasification or co-firing is suggested, in order to avoid nitrogenous emissions.  相似文献   

世界范围的常规能源危机   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李申生 《太阳能》2003,(2):15-15,19
在世界能源的总消费量中,美国、前苏联、日本以及西欧几个经济发达国家消费较多,这些国家的人口还不到世界总人口的20%,但能源消费量却超过世界总消费量的60%。其中尤其以美国的能源消费量最多,占世界总消费量的40%左右,人均年消费量达12吨标准煤以上,前苏联约为6.6吨,西欧几个工业发达国家为5~6吨,日本约为4.8吨。从这些国家的能源生产量和消费量的相对关系来着,只有前苏联可以“自给自足”,并且还有部分石油  相似文献   

On the basis of present consumption patterns and reserve estimates, Selim Estefan predicts that Egypt and other developing countries will face severe fossil fuel supply problems unless they invest now in rapid development of renewable sources. He outlines some of the Egyptian renewable energy projects currently underway or being studied, and argues that the immediate exploitation of indigenous renewable sources is both economically feasible and can be achieved with existing technology.  相似文献   

太阳能中国环境标志太阳能标准颁布,首批21家企业获得认证(本刊记者王廷飞)继不久前有关领导透露太阳能热水器行业国家标准将有所提高之后,国家环保总局也出新举措,于日前颁布了专门针对太阳能  相似文献   

可再生能源发电   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
可再生能源是指不会随人类的开发利用而衰减的能源,如风能、太阳能、生物质能、小水电(指设计能力低于25兆瓦的工程)、海洋能、垃圾再利用能源、垃圾掩埋沼气、污水处理沼气、地热能等。我国的自然资源总量排世界第7位,能源资源总量居世界第3位。其中可再生能源资源尤其丰富,可开发风能资源2.5亿千瓦,水能资源7540万千瓦,生物质能1.25亿千瓦,地热能670万千瓦,另外还有数量巨大的太阳能及城市垃圾利用潜力。1我国太阳能资源我国地处北半球欧亚大陆的东部,幅员辽阔,有着十分丰富的太阳能资源。我国各地的太阳辐…  相似文献   

Renewable energy sources (RES) coupled to desalination offers a promising prospect for covering the fundamental needs of power and water in remote regions, where connection to the public electrical grid is either not cost effective or not feasible, and where the water scarcity is severe. Stand-alone systems for electricity supply in isolated locations are now proven technologies. Correct matching of stand-alone power supply desalination systems has been recognized as being crucial if the system is to provide a satisfactory supply of power and water at a reasonable cost. The paper covers plants installed since 1990 on the coupling of the two technologies. The main driver promoting the take up of this technology is that water is a limiting factor for many countries in the Mediterranean region. This paper presents the two technologies, RES desalination, and describes the most promising couplings such as PV–reverse osmosis, wind-mechanical-vapor compression, geothermal-multieffect distillation, etc as well as technologies selection guidelines. Also, included applications and lessons learned from specific applications as well as data on the economics. RES for desalination is an important challenge and useful work has been done. However in order to provide practical viable plants, much remains to be done.  相似文献   

朱亚杰  孙兴文 《太阳能》2003,(2):14-14,35
世界是美好的,因为大自然为人类提供了新奇、舒适、健康的物质享受和极大的便利,而这一切都依赖于能源。能源是维持人类生存和物质文明发展的动力之源,是能量的来源。 能源可简称为含有能量的资源。能量是物体做功的能力。能源是指提供某种形式能量的物质或物质的运动。《大英百科全书》对能源的解释为:“能源是一个包括所有燃料、流水、阳光和风的术语,人类采用适当的转换手段,给人类自己提供所需的能量。”  相似文献   

In this viewpoint, we discuss the importance of consorting alternative energy sources with oil, and not of opposing them. That is why we introduce the concept of alternative energy systems, which we feel is broader-ranging and more effective than alternative energy sources, as this deals with the actual transformation process of the global energy system. Alternative energy systems integrate oil with other energy sources1 and pave the way for new systems, which will benefit from what we call the “virtues of oil”. They produce energy carriers for multi-fuel and multi-product strategies, where flexibility is a key target, allied to other co-benefits, especially those related to the increased use of renewable energy sources. The concept of alternative energy systems can bring a new light to the oil transition era discussion and might also influence energy policies for promoting renewables.  相似文献   

西藏可再生能源详考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
焦在强  赵斌 《太阳能》2002,(4):29-31
西藏自治区是我国的西南屏障,具有十分重要的战略地位。最近几年,随着改革开放的进一步深入和西部大开发的全面实施,西藏正在逐步加大对外开放的力度,以吸引更多的投资和建设项目。但是,由于西藏的地理条件和自然条件的限制,交通和电力等基础设施的相对落后,已经成为制约西藏发展的瓶颈。我国政府投入了大量的财力和物力发展可再生能源,现正在西部部分省份实施利用可再生能源发电解决无电乡镇的用电问题,即“光明工程”。其中西藏自治区是“光明工程”的重中之重。为了更为有效地在西藏自治区发展和利用太阳能,解决电网无法覆盖地…  相似文献   

“沼气沼气实在好,生活致富离不了。”这是江苏省金湖县闵桥镇姜湾村八组农民吕东升在用上沼气后说出的心里话。其实,这仅仅是金湖县农村能源综合利用的一个小小缩影。该县自2001年通过全国农村能源综合建设县验收以来,全县干群开发、节约能源的意识逐年增强,现已形成年开发、  相似文献   

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