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目的 观察柴葛通脉口服液对实验性高脂血症小鼠血脂的干预作用。方法 取健康昆明系小鼠制成高脂血症模型, 同时给予不同剂量的柴葛通脉口服液或烟酸4 wk, 眼眶取血测定血脂, 观察胆固醇(TC)和甘油三酯(TG) 的变化。结果 高脂模型组TC、TG 明显高于正常对照组(P <0.05), 烟酸组TC 降低不明显(P >0.05), TG 降低明显(P <0.05); 而柴葛通脉口服液TC、TG 降低均很明显(P <0.05或0.01), 且随剂量增加而增强, 有明显的量效关系。结论 柴葛通脉口服液具有预防小鼠高脂血症发生发展的作用。 相似文献
目的: 观察瓦松提取物对实验性胃溃疡的治疗作用。方法: 以Wistar大鼠和昆明种小鼠为研究对象,复制5种实验性胃溃动物模型(小鼠束缚水浸应激致胃溃疡模型、吲哚美辛致小鼠胃溃疡模型.乙醇致大鼠胃溃疡模型、乙酸致大鼠胃溃疡模型和大鼠幽门结扎致胃溃疡模型)。将大鼠随机分为瓦松提取物400、200、100mg/kg剂量组、阳性对照组和模型对照组;小鼠随机分成瓦松提取物800、400、200mg/kg剂量组、阳性对照组和模型对照组。测定胃溃疡指数、胃液游离酸排出量及总酸排出量。结果: 瓦松提取物400、800mg/kg剂量组能降低小鼠应激性溃疡溃疡指数(P<0.05);200~800mg/kg瓦松提取物对吲哚美辛致小鼠胃溃疡溃疡指数有明显的降低作用(P<0.05或P<0.01);同时对乙醇引起的大鼠胃溃疡也具有明显的抑制作用(P<0.05),并可明显促进乙酸致大鼠胃溃疡溃疡的愈合,但对动物胃液分泌及胃蛋白酶活性无明显影响。结论: 瓦松提取物对实验性胃溃疡有明显的预防和治疗作用。 相似文献
目的 比较不同剂量辛伐他汀降血脂效果。方法 43 例病人随机分为A、B 两组, A 组辛伐他汀开始剂量为5 mg/d, 治疗12 周效果不好者剂量增加到10 mg/d;B 组开始剂量为10 mg/d, 效果不好, 剂量增加20 mg/d 。疗程均为12 周。结果 与治疗前比, A 组5 mg/d 使TC、LDL 分别下降10.4%和15.4%;只有27.3%的病人TC 降低到正常值, 无1 例降到理想水平;9.1%的病人LDL 降低到正常, 4.5%病人降到理想值。剂量增加到10 mg/d, TC、LDL 分别下降24.6%和26.3%;50%病人TC 降到正常, 36.4%和22.7%病人TC 及LDL 降低到理想水平。B 组20 mg/d, 可使80.9%和66.7%的病人TC 及LDL 降到正常, 76.2%和80.9%的病人TC, LDL 降到理想水平。结论 辛伐他汀5 mg/d 不能很好降低血脂, 10 mg/d 可以使30%~50%病人血脂降到正常, 只有20 mg/d 才能使大多数病人血脂降低到理想水平。 相似文献
采用傅里叶变换红外光谱、气相色谱-质谱、电化学阻抗谱、极化曲线和扫描电子显微镜研究了苦丁茶(KDC)提取物在含3.5%NaCl(质量分数)和饱和CO_2溶液中对N80钢的缓蚀作用。结果表明:苦丁茶提取物属于混合型缓蚀剂;该缓蚀剂对N80钢在含3.5%NaCl和饱和CO_2溶液中具有一定的缓蚀作用,能够有效抑制N80钢的腐蚀;缓蚀率随着缓蚀剂含量的增大而提高,当加入4%(体积分数)苦丁茶缓蚀剂时,根据极化曲线和电化学阻抗谱计算得到的缓蚀率分别达到了92.47%和96.90%。 相似文献
柚子皮提取物对C38的缓蚀作用 总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0
目的研究柚子皮提取物对C38钢在1 mol/L HCl中的缓蚀作用。方法通过索氏提取器从柚子皮中提取天然绿色缓蚀剂,进而与0.01 mol/L KI进行复配,采用失重法和电化学测试法分析柚子皮提取物的缓蚀作用机理。结果失重实验表明,柚子皮提取物对C38钢的缓蚀作用最高达93%,而与0.01mol/L KI复配使用后缓蚀效率最高达98%以上。同时表明其在碳钢表面的吸附符合Langmuir吸附等温式;Tafel极化曲线表明其能同时抑制碳钢腐蚀的阴、阳极过程;碳钢的阻抗值随着柚子皮提取物浓度的增加而增大。结论柚子皮提取物是很好的缓蚀剂,与卤素离子复配后效果更佳。 相似文献
目的: 研究罗格列酮及格列齐特对高脂血症大鼠胰岛素抵抗的改善作用及其机制。方法: 建立高脂血症大鼠胰岛素抵抗模型, 并将其分为模型组、罗格列酮组和格列齐特组, 观察罗格列酮和格列齐特对其糖耐量减退、血清血糖血脂、TNF-α、Fins 含量、肝细胞TG 含量、脂质过氧化和肝肾功能等的影响。结果: 罗格列酮和格列齐特均有可能改善高脂血症致胰岛素抵抗模型病鼠的IGT 状态, 给药2 h后不同程度地降低病鼠FSG 及TNF-α浓度(P <0.05), 显著降低病鼠肝组织中TG 含量(P <0.01),明显抑制MDA 产生(P <0.01) 及增强GSH 贮量作用(P <0.01) 。罗格列酮还可降低病鼠高胰岛素水平及Fins 浓度(P <0.01), 明显降低病鼠BUN 和Cr含量(P <0.05), 提高ISI(P <0.01) 及增强SOD 活性(P <0.05) 。结论: 罗格列酮能改善高脂饲养引发的胰岛素抵抗。 相似文献
目的 观察黄芪提取物对免疫抑制小鼠学习记忆及免疫功能的影响。方法 采用小鼠跳台法测定学习记忆功能;采用吞噬鸡红细胞法检测腹腔巨噬细胞的吞噬功能;采用3H-TdR掺入法测定外周血T淋巴细胞增殖反应;采用ELISA法测定血中IFN-γ含量。结果 黄芪提取物(25,50mg·kg-1,ig,21d)能改善CTX降低的小鼠学习记忆功能,同时能提高降低的单核细胞吞噬能力、T淋巴细胞增殖反应以及血中IFN-γ含量。结论 黄芪提取物可改善小鼠学习记忆功能和具有免疫调节作用。 相似文献
目的 观察大黄对伴高脂血症急性胰腺炎(HLAP)大鼠肠道细菌移位的干预作用。方法 60只SD大鼠随机分为5组:对照组、AP组、HLAP组、AP治疗组和HLAP治疗组。建立大鼠AP及HLAP模型,治疗组予大黄治疗,检测大鼠血清淀粉酶及TG、肠道通透性、小肠形态学改变;取标本(门静脉血、胰腺及肠系膜淋巴结)进行细菌分析。结果 术后 24 h HLAP组及HLAP治疗组淀粉酶低于AP组及AP治疗组(P<0.05),术后 6 d 治疗两组淀粉酶均低于术后 24 h(P<0.01);术后 24 h HLAP组及HLAP治疗组TG高于余3组(P<0.01),术后 6 d 各组均有下降,HLAP治疗组最明显。术后第3天HLAP组L/M高于AP组(P<0.05),AP治疗组低于AP组(P<0.05),HLAP治疗组明显低于HLAP组 (P<0.01)。AP组、HLAP组小肠绒毛肿胀破坏,固有层炎性细胞浸润,两治疗组肠黏膜损害较轻。与AP组比较,HLAP组组织培养及门静脉血16s rRNA阳性率均明显升高(P<0.01),AP治疗组、HLAP治疗组细菌阳性率分别明显低于AP组、HLAP组(P<0.01)。结论 HLAP肠道细菌移位较单纯AP严重,大黄能降低血脂,对HLAP肠道细菌移位有良好的疗效。 相似文献
目的: 研究白藜芦醇对高脂血症大鼠血小板聚集的影响及其可能机制。方法: 建立大鼠的高脂血症模型,同时连续 i.g. 给予白藜芦醇(50 mg·kg-1·d-1)或空白溶媒 30 d,测定大鼠血浆TC 、 TG 、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、NO、内皮一氧化氮合酶(eNOS)、P-选择蛋白、血栓烷B2(TXB2)和6-酮-前列腺素F1α(6-Keto -PGF1α),ADP诱导的血小板5 min最大聚集率。结果: 与高脂模型组比较,高脂饲料白藜芦醇组大鼠在连续 i.g. 给予白藜芦醇(50 mg·kg-1·d-1)30 d 后,大鼠血浆TG、TC、LDL-C含量均下降,分别下降19%、31%、51%,HDL-C含量增加 1.33 倍;SOD和eNOS活力升高,NO和6-Keto -PGF1α含量增加,MDA、P-选择蛋白、TXB2含量降低,ADP诱导的血小板 5 min 最大聚集率降低。结论: 白藜芦醇能有效降低血小板聚集,可能是通过降低血脂水平,防止脂质过氧化和保护内皮细胞完整,影响NO合成,维持血浆或组织中的TXA2和PGI2平衡及细胞内外的钙离子平衡等多环节来发挥作用。 相似文献
The corrosion inhibition properties of Gossypium hirsutum L. leave extracts (GLE) and seed extracts (GSE) in 2 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions were studied using chemical technique. Gossypium extracts inhibited the corrosion of aluminium in NaOH solution. The inhibition efficiency increased with increasing concentration of the extracts. The leave extract (GLE) was found to be more effective than the seed extract (GSE). The GLE gave 97% inhibition efficiency while the GSE gave 94% at the highest concentration. 相似文献
Pyrite oxidation rates were examined under various conditions in the presence of A.ferrooxidans and L.ferriphilum,in which different pulp concentration,inoculation amount,external addition of Fe3+ and initial pH value were performed.It is found that A.ferrooxidans and L.ferriphilum show similar behaviors in the bioleaching process.The increasing pulp concentration decreases the leaching rate of iron,and external addition of high concentration Fe3+ is also adverse to leaching pyrite.The increased inoculation amount and high initial pH value are beneficial to leaching pyrite,and these changed conditions bring more obvious effects on leaching pyrite by L.ferriphilum than by A.ferrooxidans.The results also show that adjusting the pH values in leaching process baffles leaching pyrite due to the formed jarosite.Jarosite formed in leaching process was observed using XRD,SEM and energy spectrum analysis,and a considerable amount of debris with a crystalline morphology is present on the surface of pyrite.The results imply that the indirect action is more important for bioleaching pyrite. 相似文献
Zhanpeng Lu Tetsuo Shoji Yoichi Takeda Yuzuru Ito Akira Kai Nobuhisa Tsuchiya 《Corrosion Science》2008,50(3):625-638
The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) growth rates of 316L weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) and weld metal materials in high temperature pure water at 288 °C were measured using contoured double cantilever beam (CDCB) specimens and an alternating current potential drop (ACPD) in situ crack-length monitoring system. The effects of loading mode and dissolved oxygen and hydrogen on crack growth rate (CGR) were experimentally quantified. Typical intergranular SCC was found in the HAZ specimen and interdendritic SCC was identified in the weld metal specimen. The HAZ specimen and the weld metal specimen showed quite a similar response to the applied loading modes and the water chemistry, even though their absolute CGR values were different. The crack growth rates under trapezoidal loading were moderately higher than those under constant loading by several tenths percent. Switching the water chemistry from the oxygen-bearing water to the hydrogen-bearing water drastically decreased the electrochemical potential and the crack growth rate, and vice versa. A time-lag period for crack growth was observed after switching the water chemistry back to the oxygen-bearing water, where the crack growth rate was low even the dissolved oxygen concentration and the electrochemical potential had become high. Strain hardening and the resultant uneven distribution of deformation contribute to the enhanced intergranular SCC growth behavior in the HAZ area. The crack growth kinetics is analyzed based on the deformation/oxidation interaction at the crack tip, considering the importance of the electric-charge transfer, mass transport kinetics and the crack tip strain rate. 相似文献
E. Kossoy Y. Khoptiar C. Cytermann G. Shemesh H. Katz H. Sheinkopf I. Cohen N. Eliaz 《Corrosion Science》2008,50(5):1481-1491
In high-strength steels it is often difficult to distinguish between hydrogen embrittlement and various other brittle failure mechanisms. The objective of this work was to develop a sensitive analytical procedure based on secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) that would allow in-service identification of local hydrogen accumulation, either during quality control or during failure analysis of electroplated items. Dynamic SIMS was found useful in identifying when baking of Cd-plated AISI 4340 steel was not carried out, thus potentially leading to hydrogen embrittlement. In all non-baked samples, an increase in the hydrogen signal was found at the Cd/steel interface. In baked samples, either a peak was not observed at the interface, or it was insignificant based on determination of the ratios between the hydrogen signals in the coating, interface and substrate. This reproducible effect was monitored even after 16 months storage in a desiccator. These observations make the procedure practical in suggesting more accurate, reliable and cost effective recommendations for prevention of failures. The main effect of baking was found to be effusion of hydrogen from the interface and the substrate steel into the atmosphere. A mechanism for delayed failure is suggested. 相似文献
目的: 评价野罂粟总生物碱制剂对急性气管-支气管炎肺气上逆证的止咳效应。方法: 随机、双盲、安慰剂平行对照、叠加试验(add-on design) 设计。观察急性气管-支气管炎肺气上逆证共89 例, 其中野罂粟总生物碱组45 例, 安慰剂对照组44 例。结果: 试验组和安慰剂组服药后咳嗽明显减轻者分别占75.56 %和77.27 %(P=0.8487), 咳嗽明显减轻者的减轻时间分别为19.55±18.57 和25.27±19.60 h (P=0.1993);d 3 咳嗽消失率分别为33.33 %和36.36 %(P=0.7642);咳嗽记分值平均等级分别下降3.53 和4.16(P=0.2786) 。结论: 急性气管-支气管炎中度及重度咳嗽少痰肺气上逆证患者在使用头孢克洛缓释胶囊治疗的基础上, 野罂粟总生物碱制剂没有明显的止咳、平喘作用。 相似文献
Stress corrosion crack growth rates of 304L stainless steel after one-directionally warm-rolled along the longitudinal (L) direction were measured in oxygenated and deoxygenated pure water at 288 °C. The fracture mode is mainly intergranular in the Transverse-longitudinal (T-L) orientation specimen, while it is occasionally intergranular in the Longitudinal-transverse (L-T) orientation specimen. The crack growth rates in the T-L orientation are higher than those in the L-T orientation in both oxygenated and deoxygenated environments, which is related to the effective cracking growth path as the result of microstructural anisotropy and applied loading direction. 相似文献
采用温压成形和真空烧结制备316L奥氏体不锈钢,研究烧结温度对材料相组织和硬度、抗拉强度等力学性能的影响,结合腐蚀失重曲线、阳极极化曲线、Nyquist图、Mott-Schottky曲线分析研究温压烧结316L不锈钢在3.5 wt. % NaCl溶液中的浸泡腐蚀行为。利用扫描和激光共聚焦电子显微镜分析表征拉伸断口形貌及浸泡腐蚀形貌,X射线光电子能谱分析仪分析浸泡腐蚀600 h后的元素价态及钝化膜成分。结果表明:115 ℃温压成形、1290 ℃真空烧结的316L不锈钢密度达到最高(7.203 g/cm3),伸长率(65.46%)、抗拉强度(420.368 MPa)和硬度(63.1 HRB)最大;拉伸试样断口呈现明显的韧性断裂,韧窝深、数量多,韧性较好;亦在600 h浸泡腐蚀后,呈现最小的腐蚀电流密度(5.068×10-5 A?cm-2)和载流子密度(7.23×1019 cm-3),最高的电荷转移电阻(8111 Ω?cm-2)和钝化膜电阻(14780 Ω?cm-2),耐腐蚀性能最优。 相似文献
目的:探讨夏枯草水提取物对血管紧张素II诱导的血管平滑肌细胞(vascular smooth muscle cells,VSMCs)增殖作用及对Daxx/PTEN/NF-κB信号通路的影响。方法:培养VSMCs,体外用血管紧张素II (angiotensin II,Ang-II)(1 μmol/L)诱导细胞增殖模型,MTT和BrdU法分别检测夏枯草水提取物不同浓度(10、20、40、80、160 μg/mL)作用24 h后对VSMCs活性和增殖的影响、划痕法观察细胞迁移力,Western blot检测细胞中Daxx、PTEN、NF-κB蛋白表达。结果:与对照组比较,模型组VSMCs活力及细胞迁移能力明显增强;同时细胞中Daxx、PTEN蛋白表达明显降低,NF-κB蛋白显著上调;与模型组比较,20、40、80 μg/mL夏枯草水提取物成浓度依赖性显著抑制VSMCs活力与细胞迁移能力,以80 μg/mL浓度最显著;同时,夏枯草水提取物处理组细胞Daxx、PTEN蛋白表达明显上调,NF-κB蛋白下调。结论:夏枯草水提取物能显著抑制Ang-II诱导的VSMCs增殖与迁移,其机制可能与Daxx/PTEN/NF-κB信号通路有关。 相似文献
Zhanpeng Lu Tetsuo Shoji Yoichi Takeda Yuzuru Ito Seiya Yamazaki 《Corrosion Science》2008,50(3):698-712
The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) growth rate of a warm-rolled (WR) 316L stainless steel contoured double cantilever (CDCB) specimen was measured in high purity water at various temperatures and under various loading patterns. An alternating current potential drop (ACPD) technique was used to monitor the crack growth kinetics throughout the tests. The fracture surface exhibited typical intergranular SCC characteristics. Depending on the test conditions, three kinds of crack growth kinetics, i.e., increasing with time then becoming steady, being constant during the whole period, decreasing with time then becoming steady, were identified and are described. The steady state crack growth rate (CGR) values are used to quantify the effects of the loading pattern and the environmental temperature. A moderate increase in the crack growth rate was encountered by employing periods of unloading and reloading to form a trapezoidal loading pattern and the enhancement factor was found to depend on the holding time and the times for unloading and reloading. It was found that the crack growth is thermally activated; however, the apparent activation energy is not constant but seems to be greater at higher temperatures. Several types of temperature-dependent crack growth kinetics are proposed based on the rate-determining step for the crack growth. The present experimental results can be rationalized by considering multiple element processes such as aqueous mass transport and solid-state mass transport in the crack growth. The cracking mode, the temperature dependence of the crack growth rate, and the transient crack growth behavior for WR 316L SS after changing the environmental temperature are quite similar to those for a cold-worked(CW) 316L SS tested in the same environment, despite their different absolute crack growth rate values. The effect of yield strength on CGR is more significant at lower temperatures and the apparent activation energy for the crack growth rate seems to be lower in the material with a higher yield strength. Time-lag crack growth behavior was found at points during several test steps on WR 316L SS, for example, just after in situ pre-cracking and after increasing or decreasing the temperature, which is quite consistent with the results obtained with CW 316L SS. The importance of in situ monitoring of the crack growth for obtaining steady state crack growth rates is emphasized, especially for those steps for which a nonlinear crack growth period occurs after changing the test condition. 相似文献