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This paper presents a comparative analysis of ADOFs (Address Decoder Open Faults) and resistive-ADOFs in embedded-SRAMs. Such faults are the primary target of this study because they are hard-to-detect faults. These faults are caused by some particular defects which may appear in the parallel transistor network of the logic gates in the address decoders. With this study, we show that the test conditions required for ADOFs testing (sensitization and observation) are also useful for resistive-ADOFs detection, but more stringent timing requirements are needed. In the last part of the paper, we propose a study on the conditions to detect ADOFs with March tests. Moreover, we propose new March elements, which are effective for ADOF testing, and which can be added to existing March tests. *This work has been partially funded by the French government under the framework of the MEDEA+ A503 “ASSOCIATE” European program.  相似文献   

Dynamic Faults in Random-Access-Memories: Concept, Fault Models and Tests   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The ever increasing trend to reduce DPM levels of memories requires tests with very high fault coverage and low cost. This paper describes an important fault class, called dynamic faults, that cannot be ignored anymore. The dynamic fault behavior can take place in the absence of the static fault behavior, for which the conventional memory tests have been constructed. The concept of dynamic fault will be established and validated for both dynamic and static Random-Access-Memories. A systematic way to develop fault models for dynamic faults will be introduced. Further, it will be shown that conventional memory tests do not necessarily detect its dynamic faulty behavior, which has been shown to exist in real designs. The paper therefore also presents new memory tests to target the dynamic fault class.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of dynamic faults in core-cell of SRAM memories. These faults may appear as the consequence of resistive-open defects that appear more and more frequently in VDSM technologies. In particular, the study concentrates on those defects that generate dynamic Read Destructive Faults, dRDFs. In this paper, we demonstrate that read or write operations on a cell involve a stress on the other cells of the same word line. This stress, called Read Equivalent Stress (RES), has the same effect than a read operation. On this basis, we propose to modify the well known March C-, which does not detect dRDFs, into a new version able to detect them. This is obtained by changing its addressing order with the purpose of producing the maximal number of RES. This modification does not change the complexity of the algorithm and its capability to detect the former target faults.This work has been partially funded by the French government under the framework of the MEDEA+ A503 “Associate“ European program.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an efficient test concept for detection of delay faults in memory address decoders based on the march test tactic. The proposed Transition Sequence Generator (TSG) generates an optimal transition sequence for sensitization of the delay faults in address decoders by Hayes's transformation on a reflected Gray code. It can be used for parallel Built-In Self-Testing (BIST) of high-density RAMs. We also present an efficient Design For Test (DFT) approach for immediate detection of the effects of the delay faults in the address decoders which does not change memory access time. It requires extra logic to be attached to the outputs of the address decoders. This DFT approach can be used to increase memory testability for both on-line and off-line testing of single- and multi-port RAMs.  相似文献   

This paper presents two new march test algorithms, MT-R3CF and MT-R4CF, for detecting reduced 3-coupling and 4-coupling faults, respectively, in n × 1 random-access memories (RAMs). To reduce the length of the tests, only the coupling faults between physically adjacent memory cells have been considered. The tests assume that the storage cells are arranged in a rectangular grid and that the mapping from logical addresses to physical cell locations is known completely. The march tests need 30n and 41n operations, respectively. In this paper any memory fault is modelled by a set of primitive memory faults called simple faults. We prove, using an Eulerian graph model, the ability of the test algorithms to detect all simple coupling faults. This paper also includes a study regarding the ability of the test MT-R3CF to detect interacting linked 3-coupling faults. This work improves the results presented in [1] where a similar model of reduced 3-coupling faults has been considered and a march test with 38n operations has been proposed. To compare these new march tests with other published tests, simulation results are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

一种检测冗余故障的瞬态电流测试方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字电路中的冗余故障是不能被传统的电压测试方法(VoltageTesting)和稳态电流测试方法(IDDQTest-ing)检测出来的。根据瞬态电流测试(IDDQTesting)的思想,提出一种检测冗余故障的方法,该方法利用扇出重汇聚结构当中从扇出点到重汇聚点的不同路径的延迟差,在重汇聚点形成冒险,以激活故障并进行传播。实验表明,此方法能够有效地检测冗余故障。  相似文献   

Memory Fault Modeling Trends: A Case Study   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In recent years, embedded memories are the fastest growing segment of system on chip. They therefore have a major impact on the overall Defect per Million (DPM). Further, the shrinking technologies and processes introduce new defects that cause previously unknown faults; such faults have to be understood and modeled in order to design appropriate test techniques that can reduce the DPM level. This paper discusses a new memory fault class, namely dynamic faults, based on industrial test results; it defines the concept of dynamic faults based on the fault primitive concept. It further shows the importance of dynamic faults for the new memory technologies and introduces a systematic way for modeling them. It concludes that current and future SRAM products need to consider testability for dynamic faults or leave substantial DPM on the table, and sets a direction for further research.  相似文献   

In multimedia applications, run-time memory management support has to allow real-time memory de/allocation, retrieving and processing of data. Thus, its implementation must be designed to combine high speed, low power, large data storage capacity and a high memory bandwidth. In this paper, we assess the performance of our new system-level exploration methodology to optimise the memory management of typical multimedia applications in an extensively used 3D reconstruction image system [1, 2]. This methodology is based on an analysis of the number of memory accesses, normalised memory footprint1 and energy estimations for the system studied. This results in an improvement of normalised memory footprint up to 44.2% and the estimated energy dissipation up to 22.6% over conventional static memory implementations in an optimised version of the driver application. Finally, our final version is able to scale perfectly the memory consumed in the system for a wide range of input parameters whereas the statically optimised version is unable to do this.The original version of this paper first appeared in the Proceedings of Signal Processing Systems 2003.Marc Leeman has as professional research interests hardware/software co-design, code optimisation in general and optimisation of dynamic data types and dynamic memory management for low power embedded systems in particular. Personal interests include Open and Free software development, software configuration and GNU/Debian package maintenance. He received an engineering degree, a master in artificial intelligence and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 1997, 1998 and 2004 respectively, all at the K.U. Leuven. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society. Currently, he works as an R&D Engineer for Barco Control-rooms Division (BCD) on hardware/software co-design for streaming video products.David Atienza received the M.Sc. degree in Computer Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Spain in 2001. Since then he has joined the Department of Computer Architecture and Automation of Complutense University of Madrid as a sandwich Ph.D. student half-time at the Inter-university Micro-Electronics Centre (IMEC), Heverlee, Belgium. His research interests include optimisation of dynamic memory management on multimedia and wireless network applications for low power and high performance embedded systems, computer architecture and high-level design automation.Geert Deconinck is Associate Professor (hoofddocent) at the K.U. Leuven (Belgium) since 2003 and staff member of the research group ELECTA (Electrical Energy and Computing Architectures). His research interests include the design and assessment of software-based solutions to meet dependability, real-time, and cost constraints for embedded systems. In this field, he has authored and co-authored more than 120 publications in international journals and conference proceedings. He received his M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and his Ph.D. in Applied Sciences from the K.U. Leuven, Belgium in 1991 and 1996 respectively. He was a visiting professor (bijzonder gastdocent) at the K.U. Leuven in 1999–2003. - Flanders (Belgium) in the period 1997–2003.Vincenzo De Florio received his MSc degree in computer science in 1987 and his PhD degree in engineering in 2000, respectively from the University of Bari, Italy, and the University of Leuven, Belgium. He is currently post-doctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp, where he is doing research on adaptive and dependable mobile applications. Previously he had been researcher and lecturer with Tecnopolis/SASIAM (ECMI School for Advanced Studies in Industrial and Applied Mathematics) and member of Tecnopolis/Robotic lab, where he was responsible for design of parallel robotic vision applications. Currently he is also a reviewer for several conferences and for the Journal of System Architectures.José M. Mendías received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1992 and 1998, respectively. He joined the Department of Computer Architecture and Systems Engineering, Complutense University in 1992 as a lecturer, and became an associate professor in 2001. Since 2002, he is Vice-dean of the Computer Science Faculty at the same University. His current research interests include design automation, computer architecture and formal methods.Chantal Ykman-Couvreur is born in 1956. She received the mathematics degree from the Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix of Namur in 1979. She first worked at PHILIPS Research Laboratory of Belgium, from 1979 until 1991. Her main activities were concentrated on information theory and coding, cryptography and multi-level logic synthesis for VLSI circuits. Then, she joined IMEC, where she was responsible at IMEC for the dynamic memory management and the system-level design flow in the Matisse compiler for network protocol components (ATM, Internet Protocol, etc). Currently, she works on the task concurrency management design flow in the Matador project.Francky Catthoor received the engineering degree and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium in 1982 and 1987 respectively. Since 1987, he has headed several research domains in the area of high-level and system synthesis techniques and architectural methodologies, all within the Design Technology for Integrated Information and Telecom Systems (DESICS—formerly VSDM) division at the Inter-university Micro-Electronics Centre (IMEC), Heverlee, Belgium. Currently he is an IMEC fellow. He is part-time full professor at the EE department of the K.U. Leuven.In 1986 he received the Young Scientist Award from the Marconi International Fellowship Council. He has been associate editor for several IEEE and ACM journals, like Transactions on VLSI Signal Processing, Transactions on Multi-media, and ACM TODAES. He was the program chair of several conferences including ISSS97 and SIPS01.Rudy Lauwereins is vice-president of IMEC, Belgiums Interuniversity Micro-Electronic Centre, which performs research and development, ahead of industrial needs by 3 to 10 years, in microelectronics, nano-technology, enabling design methods and technologies for ICT systems. He leads the DESICS division of 185 researchers, currently focused on the development of re-configurable architectures, design methods and tools for wireless and multimedia applications. He is also a part-time Professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. He had obtained a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 1989. Rudy Lauwereins served in numerous international program committees and organisational committees, and gave many invited and keynote speeches. He is vice-chair of the board of DSP Valley and member of the board of several spin-off companies. He is a senior member of the IEEE.  相似文献   

We classify all path-delay faults of a combinational circuit intothree categories: singly-testable (ST), multiply-testable (MT), and singly-testable dependent} (ST-dependent). The classification uses anyunaltered single stuck-at fault test generation tool. Only two runsof this tool on a model network derived from the original network areperformed. As a by-product of this process, we generate single andmultiple input change delay tests for all testable faults. With thesetests, we expect that most defective circuits are identified. All STfaults are guaranteed detection in the case of a single fault, andsome may be guaranteed detection through robust and validatablenon-robust tests even in the case of multiple faults. An ST-dependentfault can affect the circuit speed only if certain ST faults arepresent. Thus, if all ST faults are tested, the ST-dependent faultsneed not be tested. MT faults cannot be guaranteed detection, butaffect the speed only if delay faults simultaneously exist on a setof paths, none of which is ST. Examples and results on several ISCAS89 benchmarks are presented. The method of classification throughtest generation using a model network is complex and can be appliedto circuits of moderate size. For larger circuits, alternativemethods will have to be explored in the future.  相似文献   

An ATPG for resistive bridging faults in combinational or full-scan circuits is proposed. It combines the advantages of section-based generation and interval-based simulation. In contrast to the solutions introduced so far, it can handle static effects of arbitrary non-feedback bridges between two nodes, including ones detectable at higher bridge resistance and undetectable at lower resistance, and faults requiring more than one vector for detection. The developed tool is applied to ISCAS circuits, and a higher efficiency compared with other resistive bridging fault as well as stuck-at ATPG is reported. Information required for accurate resistive bridging fault simulation is obtained as a by-product.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze fault behaviors of internal feedback bridging faults. To investigate their behaviors, we use a simple circuit model consisting of 2-input NAND gate and NOT gate. From analysis results, we find that behaviors of internal feedback bridging faults are more complex than those of external feedback bridging faults. We expose that they cause IDDQ-only failure, internal latch and internal oscillation as well as latch and oscillation behavior. These phenomena are caused by the following facts: formation of an electrically conducting feedback loop and connection of the feedback loop with the circuit output depend on input values of the circuit, and the feedback loop is often alive only within the circuit. We also discuss methods for detecting this kind of fault.  相似文献   

Testing high-speed A/D converters for dynamic specifications needs test equipment running at high frequency. In this paper, a methodology to test high-speed A/D converters using low-frequency resources is described. It is based on the alternate testing approach. In the proposed methodology, models are built to map the signatures of an initial set of devices, obtained on the proposed low-cost test set-up, to the dynamic specifications of the same devices, obtained using high-precision test equipment. During production testing, the devices are tested on the low-cost test set-up. The dynamic specifications of the devices are estimated by capturing their signatures on the low cost test set-up and processing them with the pre-developed models. As opposed to the conventional method of dynamic specification testing of data converters, the proposed approach does not require the tester resources running at a frequency higher than the device-under-test (DUT). The test methodology was verified in simulations as well as in hardware with specification estimation error of less than 5%.
Shalabh GoyalEmail:

Delay testing that requires the application of consecutive two-pattern tests is not an easy task in a scan-based environment. This paper proposes a novel approach to the delay fault testing problem in scan-based sequential circuits. This solution is based on the combination of a BIST structure with a scan-based design to apply delay test pairs to the circuit under test.  相似文献   

In this work we investigate the problem of detection and location ofsingle and unlinked multiple k-coupling faults in n × 1 random-access memories (RAMs). This fault model covers allcrosstalks between any k cells in n × 1 RAMs. The problem of memory testing has been reduced to the problem of the generationof (n,k-1)-exhaustive backgrounds. We have obtained practical test lengths, for a memory size around 1 M, for detecting up to6-couplings by exhaustive tests and up to 9-couplings bynear-exhaustive tests. The best known test algorithms up to nowprovide for the detection of 5-couplings only in a 1 M memory, usingexhaustive tests. Beyond these parameters, test lengths wereimpractical. Furthermore, our method for generation of(n,k-1)-exhaustive backgrounds yields short test lengths givingrise to considerably shorter testing times than the present mostefficient tests for large n and for k greater than 3. Our test lengths are 50% shorter than other methods for the case of detectingup to 5-couplings in a 1 Mbit RAM. The systematic nature of both ourtests enables us to use a built-in self-test (BIST) scheme, for RAMs, with low hardware overhead. For a 1Mbit memory, the BIST areaoverhead for the detection of 5-couplings is less than 1% for SRAMand 6.8% for a DRAM. For the detection of 9-couplings with 99% or higher probability, the BIST area overhead is less than 0.2% forSRAM and 1.5% for DRAM.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an exhaustive study on the influence of resistive-open defects in pre-charge circuits of SRAM memories. In SRAM memories, the pre-charge circuits operate the pre-charge and equalization at a certain voltage level, in general Vdd, of all the couples of bit lines of the memory array. This action is essential in order to ensure correct read operations. We have analyzed the impact of resistive-opens placed in different locations of these circuits. Each defect studied in this paper disturbs the pre-charge circuit in a different way and for different resistive ranges, but the produced effect on the normal memory action is always the perturbation of the read operations. This faulty behavior can be modeled by Un-Restored Write Faults (URWFs) and Un-Restored Read Faults (URRFs), because there is an incorrect pre-charge/equalization of the bit lines after a write or read operation that disturbs the following read operation. In the last part of the paper, we demonstrate that the test of URWFs is more effective in terms of resistive defect detection than that of URRFs and we list the necessary test conditions to detect them.
Magali BastianEmail: URL: http://www.infineon.com

A two-port memory contains two duplicated sets of address decoders, which operate independently. Testing such memories requires the use of single-port tests as well as special two-port tests; the test strategy determines which tests have to be used. Many two-port memories have ports which are read-only or write-only; this impacts the possible tests for single-port and two-port memories, as well as the test strategy. In this paper the effects of interference and shorts between the address decoders of the two ports on the fault modeling are investigated. Fault models and their tests are introduced. In addition, the consequences of the port restrictions (read-only or write-only ports) on the fault models and tests are discussed, together with the test strategy.  相似文献   

潜在故障是容错系统的潜在危害,因为大多数容错系统是基于单故障假设。以汽车导航系统为例来研究这一潜在危害,并用马尔可夫模型说明潜在故障恶化系统平均故障前时间。本文深入研究了一些可能的补救措施,其中透明的在线测试是最有效的方法之一,而用暂时离线的热贮备系统进行测试则是更可靠的方法。  相似文献   

本文设计了一种用于OTP存储器的高速读出机制.该读出机制由内部电路产生读控制时序,采用地址变化探测电路、脉冲宽度调整及控制信号产生电路、采样与锁存电路来实现读取操作.其具有电路结构简单,读出速度快,读出准确,抗噪声、抗干扰能力强,功耗低的特点.仿真结果表明整个读取周期仅为24ns,数据口的读出信号稳定准确,不会产生读取误操作.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a new measure for target fault selection and backtrace during test generation. The measure incorporates information on undetected faults and hence attempts to maximize the number of additional faults that may be detected by each test vector. Experimental results show the usefulness of this heuristic and demonstrate its superiority over the use of the SCOAP measure.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodology for RAM testing based on the PS(n, k) fault model (the k out of n pattern sensitive fault model). According to this model the contents of any memory cell which belongs to an n-bit memory block, or the ability to change the contents, is influenced by the contents of any k -1 cells from this block. The proposed methodology is a transparent BIST technique, which can be efficiently combined with on-line error detection. This approach preserves the initial contents of the memory after the test and provides for a high fault coverage for traditional fault and error models, as well as for pattern sensitive faults. This paper includes the investigation of testing approaches based on transparent pseudoexhaustive testing and its approximations by deterministic and pseudorandom circular tests. The proposed methodology can be used for periodic and manufacturing testing and require lower hardware and time overheads than the standard approaches.This work was supported by the NSF under Grant MIP9208487 and NATO under Grant 910411.  相似文献   

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