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High-gradient quadrupoles (MQXB) are being developed at Fermilab within the framework of the US-LHC Accelerator project for the LHC interaction regions. These 5.5-m-long magnets have a single 70-mm aperture and operate in superfluid helium at a peak gradient of 215 T/m. Magnet quench protection is provided by quench heaters installed on the outer surface of the coil. This paper reports the results of quench protection studies on the first full length MQXB prototype (MQXP01). The measurements from these tests as well as results from the 1.9-m-long model magnet program are combined with computer generated quench simulations to predict the MQXB performance under LHC operating conditions.  相似文献   

The US-LHC Accelerator Project is responsible for the design and production of inner triplet high gradient quadrupoles for installation in the LHC Interaction Region. The quadrupoles are required to deliver a nominal field gradient of 215 T/m in a 70 mm bore, and operate in superfluid helium. As part of the magnet development program, a series of 2 m model magnets have been built and tested at Fermilab, with each magnet being tested over several thermal cycles. This paper summarizes the quench performance and analysis of the model magnets tested, including quench training, and the ramp rate and temperature of the magnet quench current  相似文献   

A series of model magnets is being constructed and tested at Fermilab in order to verify the design of high gradient quadrupole magnets for the LHC interaction region inner triplets. The 2 m models are being built in order to refine the mechanical and magnetic design, optimize fabrication and assembly tooling, and ensure adequate quench performance. This has been carried out using a complementary combination of analytical and FEA modeling, empirical tests on 0.4 m mechanical assemblies and testing of model magnets during fabrication and under cryogenic conditions. The results of these tests and studies have led to improvements in the design of the magnet end restraints, to a preferred choice in coil end part material, and to a better understanding of factors affecting coil stress throughout the fabrication and operational stages  相似文献   

High gradient quadrupoles are being developed by the US-LHC Accelerator Project for the LHC interaction region inner triplets. Protection strip heaters are the primary means of protecting these magnets against excessively high coil temperatures and coil voltage to ground as a result of a spontaneous quench. The main objective of the quench protection R&D program is to optimize the heater performance within the constraints of the LHC heater power supply and quench detection system. The results of these studies on several two meter long model magnets are presented  相似文献   

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), due to be commissioned in 2005, will provide particle physics with the first laboratory tool to access the energy frontier above 1 TeV, In order to achieve this, protons must be accelerated and stored at 7 TeV, colliding with an unprecedented luminosity of 1034 cm-2 s-1. The 8.3 Tesla guide field is obtained using conventional NbTi technology cooled to below the lambda point of helium. Considerable modification of the infrastructure around the existing Large Electron Positron collider (LEP) tunnel is needed to house the LHC machine and detectors. The project is advancing according to schedule with most of the major hardware systems including cryogenics and magnets under construction, A brief status report is given and future prospects are discussed  相似文献   

Premature training quenches are usually caused by the transient energy release within the magnet coil as it is energized. The dominant disturbances originate in cable motion and produce observable rapid variation in voltage signals called spikes. The experimental set up and the raw data treatment to detect these phenomena are briefly recalled. The statistical properties of different features of spikes are presented like for instance the maximal amplitude, the energy, the duration and the time correlation between events. The parameterization of the mechanical activity of magnets is addressed. The mechanical activity of full-scale prototype and first preseries LHC dipole magnets is analyzed and correlations with magnet manufacturing procedures and quench performance are established. The predictability of the quench occurrence is discussed and examples presented.  相似文献   

Super-KEKB is designed to be a next generation particle accelerator with a target luminosity of 4 times 1035 cm-2s-1. For the interaction region, a final focus quadrupole R&D magnet was designed and constructed. The design field gradient and effective magnetic length were 40.12 T/m and 0.299 m, respectively. The magnet consists of 6 layer coils. After construction, the magnet was tested at 4.2 K and a preliminary field measurement was performed. The magnet was energized to a current of 1800 A, which corresponds to 95.8% of the conductor limit, and the quadrupole component error was 0.23 % of the design value.  相似文献   

High-field superconducting solenoids have proven themselves to be of great value to scientific research in a number of fields, including chemistry, physics and biology. Present-day magnets take advantage of the high-field properties of Nb3Sn, but the high-field limits of this conductor are nearly reached and so a new conductor and magnet technology is necessary for superconducting magnets beyond 25 T. Twenty years after the initial discovery of superconductivity at high temperatures in complex oxides, a number of high temperature superconductor (HTS) based conductors are available in sufficient lengths to develop high-field superconducting magnets. In this paper, present day HTS conductor and magnet technologies are discussed. HTS conductors have demonstrated the ability to carry very large critical current densities at magnetic fields of 45 T, and two insert coil demonstrations have surpassed the 25 T barrier. There are, however, many challenges to the implementation of HTS conductors in high-field magnets, including coil manufacturing, electromechanical behavior and quench protection. These issues are discussed and a view to the future is provided.  相似文献   

The transition region between the straight part and the ends of the coils of the LHC model and prototype dipole magnets are often identified as the origin of training quenches. In order to study how the discontinuities in the material properties of these regions affect coil pre-stress and possibly gain more insight in the quench behavior, a program was set up at CERN to analyze by 3D-FEM these particular regions. The ACCEL team, who performed a similar analysis for the main quadrupoles of the Superconducting Supercollider SSC, is entrusted with this program. In this paper we report on the results of 3D-modeling and analysis of the coil return end region, including the complete coil mass, of a 1-m single bore model magnet. This magnet represents all relevant features of the “two-in-one” LHC main dipole design concerning the winding configuration, the collar pack, the yoke, and the outer shell representing the He-vessel. The transition region between coil ends and straight section is modeled by slicing the magnet down to individual collar laminations per elementary level. The two-layer winding pack is represented with all individual conductor blocks, wedges, end spacers, and the interlayer spacer. Results will be presented for load cases with pre-stress after assembly at room temperature, after cool-down, and under operation at maximum current. Critical stress locations were identified in the transition into the pole free section of the magnet and in the bent part. Shimming of the coils, as well as impact from material choices and suitable alternatives are discussed  相似文献   

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) (1995), a proton-proton superconducting accelerator, will consist of about 8400 superconducting magnet units, all operating in superfluid helium at a temperature of 1.9 K. The design of the superconducting main dipole magnets for the LHC is guided by the requirement of an extremely high field quality in the magnet aperture which is mainly defined by the layout of the superconducting coil and the position of the conductors. In order to avoid conductor movements within the magnet cross-section, the superconducting coils are held in place by surrounding stainless steel collars. In this paper, we review the dependence of field harmonics in the LHC main dipoles on dimensions of the hardware components of the collared coils. An analysis of the dimensional measurements of these components which are used in the collared coils produced so far is given. Sensitivity tables which are worked out through a coupled magneto-static model give the variation of the multipoles on collars, copper wedge dimensions and cable geometry. A Monte Carlo method is used to simulate the effects of possible errors on the multipoles.  相似文献   

Fermilab, in collaboration With LBNL and BNL, is in the process of developing a focusing quadrupole for installation in the interaction region inner triplets of the LHC. This magnet is required to have an operating gradient of 215 T/m across a 70 mm coil bore, and operates in superfluid helium at 1.9 K. The design is based on a two layer cos (20) coil, mechanically supported by standalone steel collars. The collared coil assembly is surrounded by a iron yoke for flux return, and the assembly enclosed by a stainless steel shell. The development program has addressed mechanical, magnetic, quench protection, and thermal issues, through a series of model magnets constructed at Fermilab. This paper summarizes results from the recent model tests, and the status of the program  相似文献   

Two injection transfer lines, each about 2.8 km long, with 51 and 107 degree horizontal deflection, are being built to transfer protons at 450 GeV from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A total of 360 dipole magnets are required; they have been produced in the framework of the contribution of the Russian Federation to the construction of the LHC. The classical dipoles, built from laminated steel cores and copper coils, have a core length of 6.3 m, 25 mm gap height and a nominal field of 1.81 T at a current of 5270 A. The magnet design was made in collaboration between CERN and BINP. An unusual design has been chosen for the coils to cope with the limited voltage from the available power supplies. All magnets in each of the two lines will be powered in series. The coil is composed of overlapping, but electrically insulated, half coils of 3 1/2 turns each. Thus, the power connections for IN and OUT are placed on opposite magnet ends. Short copper braids are used to connect all upper or lower half coils in series and the whole string can be powered without power consuming cable links running alongside the magnets. Precautions are taken to avoid transmission line effects and hazards from differences in voltage between upper and lower half coil. Advantages and drawbacks of this concept are discussed as well as results of the acceptance test including mechanical, electrical and magnetic field measurements. Fabrication and measurement of the magnets at BINP, with the half core production subcontracted to EFREMOV, have been finished in June 2001.  相似文献   

A full-scale and fully-instrumented working model of the LHC lattice cell has been tested at CERN between March and December 2002. Aside of the current, pressure and temperature sensors controlled by an industrial supervision system, a novel device has been set to monitor magnet positions with respect to the surrounding cryostat. The series of operating modes to test cryogenics, current leads and quench recovery electronics offered the chance to investigate potentially harmful deformations of the superconducting structure. In this paper, we present a survey of displacements and deformations experienced by the LHC cell magnets during thermal cycles, current ramps and resistive transitions. Although the system complexity prevented from complete modeling, a preliminary phenomena explanation is given.  相似文献   

Within the LHC project, a series production of superconducting dipoles and quadrupoles has recently been completed in industry and all magnets were cold tested at CERN. The main features of these magnets are: two-in-one structure, 56 mm aperture, two layer coils wound from 15.1 mm wide Nb-Ti cables, and all-polyimide insulation. This paper reviews the process of the power test quality assurance and performance evaluation, which was applied during the LHC magnet series tests. The main test results of magnets tested in both supercritical and superfluid helium, including the quench training, the conductor performance, the magnet protection efficiency and the electrical integrity are presented and discussed in terms of the design parameters and the requirements of the LHC machine.  相似文献   

The field strength and homogeneity of all the LHC superconducting magnets were measured as a part of the production control and qualification process that has taken place during the past four years. In addition to field measurements at room temperature performed on the integral of the production, a significant part of the magnets has been subjected to extensive magnetic measurements at cold. The measurements at cryogenic temperatures, generally performed up to excitation currents of 12 kA corresponding to the ultimate LHC energy of 7.6 TeV, were mainly based on static and dynamic field integral and harmonic measurements. This allowed us to study in detail the DC effects from persistent current magnetization and long-term decay during constant current excitation. These effects are all expected to be of relevance for the field setting and error compensation in the LHC. This paper reports the main results obtained during these tests executed at operating conditions. The integrated field quality is discussed in terms of distribution (average and spread) of the field strength and low-order harmonics as obtained for all the main ring magnet families (dipoles, main and matching quadrupoles). The dependence of field quality on coil geometry, magnet and cable manufacturer is analyzed. A projection of the field quality expected for the critical components in the machine is presented.  相似文献   

As a part of the collaboration program between CERN and KEK for the LHC, KEK has developed a superconducting low-beta quadrupole magnet, MQXA. KEK will supply 18 MQXA magnets, and 16 magnets will be installed in total in the four interaction regions. The cold tests of 13 magnets have been completed. Systematic field measurements were performed on these magnets, and these 13 magnets had satisfactory field quality for the requirement of beam optics. This paper describes the magnetic field behavior of the 13 MQXA magnets from the viewpoint of accelerator operation.  相似文献   

CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) requires 48 twin aperture resistive quadrupoles in the beam cleaning insertions. Canada is contributing these magnets to CERN in the framework of the TRIUMF-LHC collaboration contracts. A pre-series magnet was produced by Canadian industry and delivered in March 2001. This magnet incorporates important design changes that resulted from experience with a prototype magnet. The construction of this pre-series magnet and the measurements made at ALSTOM and at CERN are reported. A comparison is made between high precision pole distance measurements and the magnetic measurements performed with a rotating coil mole. Conclusions for series production and possibilities for multipole corrections are outlined.  相似文献   

The preseries production of the LHC main superconducting dipoles is presently being tested at CERN. The foremost features of these magnets are: twin structure, six block two layer coils wound from 15.1 mm wide graded NbTi cables, 56 mm aperture, polyimide insulation and stainless steel collars. The paper reviews the main test results of magnets tested to day in both normal and superfluid helium. The results of training performance, magnet protection, electrical integrity and the field quality are presented in terms of the specifications and expected performance of these magnets in the future accelerator.  相似文献   

We have measured the magnetic field at room temperature and at 1.8 K on more than twenty, 1-m long, single aperture LHC superconducting dipole models. The magnets feature either a 5-block coil geometry or the baseline 6-block geometry foreseen for the LHC. Comparison of warm and cold measurements show that the coil geometry is essentially unchanged during cooldown. We have therefore used mechanical measurements taken on the coil and collars during assembly to estimate the azimuthal coil length. Based on these measurements we show here that the sensitivity of allowed harmonics on coil size is in good agreement with the prediction obtained from the numerical model used for designing the LHC magnets  相似文献   

Injection electroluminescence has been studied in metal-semiconductor (MS) and in metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) tunnel diodes. The diodes were fabricated from degenerately doped p-type ZnTe. Bandgap recombination radiation has been observed at 293°K, 77°K and 4°K. The linewidth narrows from approximately 120 Å at 293°K to approximately 60 Å at temperatures below 77°K. External efficiencies of 10−4 to 10−6 have been observed. For current densities below 103 A/cm2 the light output increases as the fourth or fifth power of the current density. For current densities greater than 103 A/cm2 the light varies linearly or slightly sublinearly with current density. A new model for the emission from MS tunnel diodes is proposed which accounts for the observation that light emission occurs when the semiconductor is negatively biased. No evidence of stimulated emission has been observed up to current densities of 104 A/cm2.  相似文献   

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