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The phospholipase D (PLD) superfamily includes enzymes of phospholipid metabolism, nucleases, as well as ORFs of unknown function in viruses and pathogenic bacteria. These enzymes are characterized by the invariant sequence motif, H(X)K(X)4D. The endonuclease member Nuc of the PLD family was over-expressed in bacteria and purified to homogeneity. Mutation of the conserved histidine to an asparagine in the endonuclease reduced the kcat for hydrolysis by a factor of 10(5), suggesting that the histidine residue plays a key role in catalysis. In addition to catalyzing hydrolysis, a number of phosphohydrolases will catalyze a phosphate (oxygen)-water exchange reaction. We have taken advantage of this observation and demonstrate that a 32P-labeled protein could be trapped when the enzyme was incubated with 32P-labeled inorganic phosphate. The phosphoenzyme intermediate was stable in 1 M NaOH and labile in 1 M HCl and 1 M hydroxylamine, suggesting that the enzyme forms a phosphohistidine intermediate. The pH-stability profile of the phosphoenzyme intermediate was consistent with phosphohistidine and the only radioactive amino acid found after alkaline hydrolysis was phosphohistidine. These results suggest that the enzymes in the PLD superfamily use the conserved histidine for nucleophilic attack on the substrate phosphorus atom and most likely proceed via a common two-step catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Glucose-1,6-P2 synthase of beef brain which catalyzes the formation of glucose-1,6-P2 and glycerate-3-P from glycerate-1,3-P2 and glucose-1-P has been purified 700-fold with an overall recovery of 19%. The purification procedure involves an ammonium sulfate fractionation of the crude extract, DE52 and hydroxylapatite column chromatography and isoelectric focusing. The isolated enzyme appears to be homogeneous by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. Its molecular weight is estimated to be about 70,000 by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 which agrees with the value obtained by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. A phosphoryl enzyme intermediate in the catalytic reaction is indicated by the following evidence: glycerate-1,3-P2[1-32P] labels the enzyme. The label is removed by acceptor substrates such as glucose-1-P. Using a rapid quenching device at 23 degrees and pH 8.0, the first order rate constant for phosphorylation of the enzyme is 20 s-1, compared with an overall rate with the best acceptor, glucose-1-P, of 19 s-1. Dephosphorylation by glucose-1-P is at 37 s-1. Mg2+ is required for both phosphoryl transfers and the overall reaction. In the complete reaction the fraction of enzyme that is phosphorylated depends on the concentrations of glycerate-1,3-P2 and the concentration and nature of the acceptor in a way that could be predicted from the steady state parameters, the Km values, and the kinetic constants observed for the single turnover. Reciprocal plots of initial rates as a function of both substrate concentrations are families of parallel lines. The 32P-labeled phosphoryl enzyme intermediate was found to be acid-stable and somewhat alkaline-labile. Phosphoserine was identified from the partial acid hydrolysate of a protease digest of [32P] phosphoryl enzyme by two-dimensional thin layer chromatography.  相似文献   

Time-resolved EPR oximetry has been used to determine the oxygen release kinetics in spinach thylakoids and PSII membranes. We observe release kinetics with half-times of approximately 0.85 and approximately 1.45 ms for thylakoids and PSII membranes, respectively, which are in close agreement with the EPR determined Yz decay kinetics for the S3 --> --> S0 transition in these systems. The results show conclusively that water-oxygen chemistry is not a rate-limiting step in the donor side of PSII under normal turnover conditions. By analyzing the oxygen release kinetics in thylakoids under nonphysiological, but still functionally competent conditions (low pH or high salt), we observed an initial delay in the O2 release of up to 200 microseconds following flash turnover from the S3 state. This is the first direct indication of a probable quasi-stable intermediate in the S3 --> --> S0 turnover of PSII, possibly representing the putative S4 state. Under conditions more closely approaching physiological, no such delay was resolved, indicating that the S4 --> O2 transition occurs within 50 microseconds under such circumstances. Two possible reaction sequences for O2 formation consistent with these and other data are discussed. It is suggested that the more probable form of "S4" is in fact the S3 + Yz* combination, which must undergo some molecular rearrangement on the tens to hundreds of microseconds time scale before O2 formation chemistry occurs.  相似文献   

Chorismate synthase, the seventh enzyme in the shikimate pathway, catalyzes the transformation of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate to chorismate which is the last common precursor in the biosynthesis of numerous aromatic compounds in bacteria, fungi and plants. The enzyme has an absolute requirement for reduced FMN as a cofactor, although the 1,4-anti elimination of phosphate and the C(6proR)-hydrogen does not involve a net redox change. The role of the reduced FMN in catalysis has long been elusive. However, recent detailed kinetic and bioorganic approaches have fundamentally advanced our understanding of the mechanism of action, suggesting an initial electron transfer from tightly bound reduced flavin to the substrate, a process which results in C-O bond cleavage. Studies on chorismate synthases from bacteria, fungi and plants revealed that in these organisms the reduced FMN cofactor is made available in different ways to chorismate synthase: chorismate synthases in fungi--in contrast to those in bacteria and plants--carry a second enzymatic activity which enables them to reduce FMN at the expense of NADPH. Yet, as shown by the analysis of the corresponding genes, all chorismate synthases are derived from a common ancestor. However, several issues revolving around the origin of reduced FMN, as well as the possible regulation of the enzyme activity by means of the availability of reduced FMN, remain poorly understood. This review summarizes recent developments in the biochemical and genetic arena and identifies future aims in this field.  相似文献   

A combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the deuterium isotope effects on the bacterial luciferase reaction is described. The experimental studies focus on determining if the unusual aldehydic deuterium isotope effect of approximately 1.5 observed in these reactions is an intrinsic isotope effect resulting from a single rate-limiting step or is a composite of multiple rate-limiting steps. The isotope effect observed is not significantly affected by variation in the aldehyde chain length, changes in the pH over a range of 6-9, use of alphaC106A and alphaC106S site-directed mutants, or chloride substitution at the 8-position of the reduced flavin, though the isotope effect is decreased when the 8-methoxy-substituted flavin is used as a substrate. From these observations it is concluded that the aldehydic isotope effect arises from the change in rate of a single kinetic step. A stopped-flow kinetic analysis of the microscopic rate constants for the reactions of 1-[1H]decanal and 1-[2H]decanal in the bacterial luciferase reaction was carried out, and aldehyde hydration isotope effects were determined. From the results it is estimated that the aldehydic deuterium isotope effect is approximately 1.9 after formation of an intermediate flavin C4a-hydroperoxy hemiacetal. Ab initio calculations were used to examine the transformation of the aldehyde into a carboxylic acid and to predict isotope effects for possible mechanisms. These calculations indicate that the mechanism involving rate-limiting electron transfer from the flavin C4a-hydroxide to an intermediate dioxirane is consistent with the enigmatic aldehydic isotope effect and that the intermediacy of a dioxirane is energetically plausible.  相似文献   

8-Amino-7-oxopelargonate synthase catalyzes the first committed step of biotin biosynthesis in micro-organisms and plants. Because inhibitors of this pathway might lead to antibacterials or herbicides, we have undertaken an inhibition study on 8-amino-7-oxopelargonate synthase using six different compounds. d-Alanine, the enantiomer of the substrate of this pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme was found to be a competitive inhibitor with respect to l-alanine with a Ki of 0.59 mm. The fact that this inhibition constant was four times lower than the Km for l-alanine was interpreted as the consequence of the inversion-retention stereochemistry of the catalyzed reaction. Schiff base formation between l or d-alanine and pyridoxal-5'-phosphate, in the active site of the enzyme, was studied using ultraviolet/visible spectroscopy. It was found that l and d-alanine form an external aldimine with equilibrium constants K = 4.1 mm and K = 37.8 mm, respectively. However, the equilibrium constant for d-alanine aldimine formation dramatically decreased to 1.3 mm in the presence of saturating concentration of pimeloyl-CoA, the second substrate. This result strongly suggests that the binding of pimeloyl-CoA induces a conformational change in the active site, and we propose that this new topology is complementary to d-alanine and to the putative reaction intermediate since they both have the same configuration. (+/-)-8-Amino-7-oxo-8-phosphonononaoic acid (1), the phosphonate derivative of the intermediate formed during the reaction, was our most potent inhibitor with a Ki of 7 microm. This compound behaved as a reversible slow-binding inhibitor, competitive with respect to l-alanine. Kinetic investigation showed that this slow process was best described by a one-step mechanism (mechanism A) with the following rate constants: k1 = 0.27 x 103 m-1.s-1, k2 = 1.8 s-1 and half-life for dissociation t1/2 = 6.3 min. The binding of compound 1 to the enzyme was also studied using ultraviolet/visible spectroscopy, and the data were consistent with the kinetic data (K = 4.2 microm). Among the other compounds tested, two potential transition state analogs, 4-carboxybutyl(1-amino-1-carboxyethyl)phosphonate (4) and 2-amino-3-hydroxy-2-methylnonadioic acid (5) were found to be competitive inhibitors with respect to l-alanine with Ki of 68 microm and 80 microm, respectively.  相似文献   

Serine proteinase inhibitors (serpins) form enzymatically inactive, 1:1 complexes (denoted E*I*) with their target proteinases that release free enzyme and cleaved inhibitor only very slowly. The mechanism of E*I* formation is incompletely understood and continues to be a source of controversy. Kinetic evidence exists that formation of E*I* proceeds via a Michaelis complex (E.I) and so involves at least two steps. In this paper, we determine the rate of E*I* formation from alpha-chymotrypsin and alpha1-antichymotrypsin using two approaches: first, by stopped-flow spectrofluorometric monitoring of the fluorescent change resulting from reaction of alpha-chymotrypsin with a fluorescent derivative of alpha1-antichymotrypsin (derivatized at position P7 of the reactive center loop); and second, by a rapid mixing/quench approach and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. In some cases, serpins are both substrates and inhibitors of the same enzyme. Our results indicate the presence of an intermediate between E.I and E*I* and suggest that the partitioning step between inhibitor and substrate pathways precedes P1-P1' cleavage.  相似文献   

We simulate Photo-Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in the 15N-solid-state NMR of 15N-labeled photosynthetic reaction centers using a Radical Pair Mechanism (RPM). According to the experimental data, the directly polarized nuclei include all eight nitrogens in the ground state of the bacteriochlorophyll special pair (P), and N-II in the bacteriopheophytin acceptor (H) [M.G. Zysmilich, A.E. McDermott, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116 (1994) 8362-8363.] [M.G. Zysmilich, A. McDermott, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118 (1996) 5867-5873.] [M.G. Zysmilich, A. McDermott, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 93 (1996) 6857-6860.]; other signals are polarized in nonspecifically labeled samples, but the polarization apparently results from magnetization exchange with neighboring polarized nitrogens, and these are not treated in this work. Two quantitative models for the polarization associated with the RPM are presented and are used to test the validity of the proposal that this mechanism is cooperative in the reaction centers. The kinetic models can treat the steady state polarizations as well as the approach to steady state, and in principle could be expanded to include anisotropic effects, or pulse-probe experiments. Several features of the detailed simulations of the steady-state amplitudes and the kinetics of the approach to steady-state are compared with our data, including the signs and approximate absolute magnitudes of the polarization on the nitrogen nuclei in P and H(L), and the changes in the relative amplitudes with the change in the lifetime of the molecular triplet, photoaccumulation time, nuclear relaxation rate and illumination intensity. The simulations demonstrate that the polarization intensities are in qualitative agreement with those predicted for the RPM, including the curious observation of strong polariza-tion on the pheophytin acceptor for certain experimental conditions. However, this agreement requires efficient relaxation of the nitrogens on H(L) by 3P, due to a fortuitous low nanosecond value for the spin-lattice relaxation for the electrons in the molecular triplet of the donor, T1e of 3P. Whether this fortuitous match is valid is unproven.  相似文献   

Small proteinaceous infectious particles called prions cause certain neurodegenerative diseases in human and animals. Limited proteolysis of infectious scrapie prions PrP(Sc) yields an N-truncated polypeptide termed PrP 27-30, which encompasses residues 90 to 231 of PrP(Sc) and which assembles into 100 to 200 A wide amyloid rods. It has been hypothesized that the infectious prion is converted from its non-infectious cellular form (PrP(C)) by means of an alpha-helical to beta-sheet conformational change. Secondary structure analysis, computer modeling, and structural biophysics methods support this hypothesis. Residues 90 to 145 of PrP, which contain two putative alpha-helical domains H1 and H2, may be of particular relevance to the disease pathogenesis, as C-terminal truncation at residue 145 was found in a patient with an inherited prion disease. Moreover, our recent X-ray diffraction analysis suggests that the peptide consisting of these residues (designated SHa 90-145) closely models the amyloidogenic beta-sheet core of PrP. In the current study, we have analyzed in detail the X-ray diffraction patterns of SHa 90-145. Two samples were examined: one that was dehydrated under ambient conditions whilst in an external magnetic field (to induce fibril orientation), and another that was sealed after partial drying. The dried, magnetically oriented sample showed a cross-beta diffraction pattern in which the fiber axis (rotation axis) was parallel to the H-bonding direction of the beta-sheets. The major wide-angle peaks indicate the presence of approximately 40 A wide beta-crystallites, which constitute the protofilament. Each crystallite is composed of several orthogonal unit cells, normal to the fiber (a-axis) direction, having lattice constants a = 9.69 A, b = 6.54 A, and c = 18.06 A. Electron density maps were calculated by iterative Fourier synthesis using beta-silk as an initial phase model. The distribution of density indicated that there were two types of beta-sheet, suggesting that larger and smaller side-chains localized to different sheets. This would arise from folding of the polypeptide in which there are turns in the middle of both the H1 and H2 domains. A monoclinic macrolattice, with a = 9.61 A, b = c = 52.99 A and alpha = 114.6 degrees, was found to index all the reflections, including those in the low-angle region. This suggests that the beta-crystallites are nearly hexagonally packed. To account for the approximately 100 A wide fibers visualized by negative staining in the electron microscope, the beta-crystallites would be arranged in 4-mers. The partially dried sample showed a sharp 4.7 A reflection (from H-bonding) and five broad peaks superimposed on monotonically decreasing diffuse scattering. This solution-like scattering was modeled by an anisometric rectangle with a thickness comparable to a singe beta-chain. The structure, which occurred during dehydration, could be a transient in the alpha-helical to beta-sheet conversion, suggesting that formation of hydrogen bonding precedes the inter-sheet interaction and assembly into the amyloid of scrapie prion.  相似文献   

Kainate is an excitatory neurotransmitter that binds to the kainate and AMPA receptor subtypes of the glutamate receptor and triggers the formation of cation permeable transmembrane channels in these receptors. In the present report the channel-opening mechanism of the AMPA receptors by kainate has been determined in rat hippocampal neurons using two different kinetic methods, namely, the rapid-flow method (cell-flow) with a 10 ms time resolution and a laser-pulse photolysis technique with a approximately 65 microseconds time resolution. The whole-cell currents induced by kainate, using the cell-flow method, are nondesensitizing and inhibited significantly by CNQX and hence pertain to activation of the AMPA receptors and not the kainate receptors. The cell-flow measurements were used to evaluate the constants pertaining to the minimum mechanism that could account for the concentration of the receptor in the open-channel form over a 500-fold range of kainate concentration. These constants, namely, the intrinsic dissociation constant of kainate from the AMPA receptor and the channel-opening equilibrium constant, were determined to be 140 +/- 30 microM and 8 +/- 2, respectively. On the other hand, the kinetics of the steps leading to channel opening was evaluated using the laser-pulse photolysis techniques. In this technique whole-cell currents were obtained by releasing kainate in the submillisecond time scale near the cell by photolysis of N-(alpha-carboxy-2-nitrobenzyl) kainate. The concentration of the released kainate was calculated by comparing the whole-cell currents obtained from the laser-pulse photolysis experiments with the whole currents obtained with 100 microM kainate on the same cell using cell-flow measurements. The rate constants for channel opening and closing were then determined from the observed rate constants for the current rise obtained as a function of kainate concentration. These rates were 5000 +/- 2000 and 640 +/- 30 s-1, respectively. The rate and equilibrium constants obtained in the present report allow an evaluation of the fraction of the receptors in the open-channel form as a function of time and kainate concentration, hence providing insight into the role of kainate in neuronal signal transmission.  相似文献   

The cell wall protects fungi against lysis and determines their cell shape. Alpha-glucan is a major carbohydrate component of the fungal cell wall, but its function is unknown and its synthase has remained elusive. Here, we describe a fission yeast gene, ags1(+), which encodes a putative alpha-glucan synthase. In contrast to the structure of other carbohydrate polymer synthases, the predicted Ags1 protein consists of two probable catalytic domains for alpha-glucan assembly, namely an intracellular domain for alpha-glucan synthesis and an extracellular domain speculated to cross-link or remodel alpha-glucan. In addition, the predicted Ags1 protein contains a multipass transmembrane domain that might contribute to transport of alpha-glucan across the membrane. Loss of Ags1p function in a temperature-sensitive mutant results in cell lysis, whereas mutant cells grown at the semipermissive temperature contain decreased levels of cell wall alpha-glucan and fail to maintain rod shapes, causing rounding of the cells. These findings demonstrate that alpha-glucan is essential for fission yeast morphogenesis.  相似文献   

We recently analyzed experimental studies of mammalian muscle glycogen synthesis using metabolic control analysis and concluded that glycogen synthase (GSase) does not control the glycogenic flux but rather adapts to the flux which is controlled bv the activity of the proximal glucose transport and hexokinase steps. This model did not provide a role for the well established relationship between GSase fractional activity, determined by covalent phosphorylation, and the rate of glycogen synthesis. Here we propose that the phosphorylation of GSase, which alters the sensitivity to allosteric activation by glucose 6-phosphate (G6P), is a mechanism for controlling the concentration of G6P instead of controlling the flux. When the muscle cell is exposed to conditions which favor glycogen synthesis such as high plasma insulin and glucose concentrations the fractional activity of GSase is increased in coordination with increases in the activity of glucose transport and hexokinase. This increase in GSase fractional activity helps to maintain G6P homeostasis by reducing the G6P concentration required to activate GSase allosterically to match the flux determined by the proximal reactions. This role for covalent phosphorylation also provides a novel solution to the Kacser and Acarenza paradigm which requires coordinated activity changes of the enzymes proximal and distal to a shared intermediate, to avoid unwanted flux changes.  相似文献   

Bystander activation, i.e., activation of T cells specific for an antigen X during an immune response against antigen Y may occur during viral infections. However, the low frequency of bystander-activated T cells has rendered it difficult to define the mechanisms and possible in vivo relevance of this nonspecific activation. This study uses transgenic mice expressing a major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted TCR specific for glycoprotein peptide 33-41 of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) to overcome this limitation. CD8+ T cells from specific pathogen-free maintained, unimmunized "naive" TCR transgenic mice can differentiate into LCMV-specific cytolytic effector CTL during infections with vaccinia virus or Listeria monocytogenes in vivo or mixed lymphocyte culture in vitro. We show that in these model situations (a) nonspecifically activated CTL are able to confer antiviral protection in vivo, (b) bystander activation is largely independent of the expression of a second T cell receptor of different specificity, (c) bystander activation is not mediated by a broadly cross-reactive TCR, but rather by cytokines, (d) bystander activation can be mediated by cytokines such as IL-2, but not alpha/beta-IFN in vitro; (e) bystander activation is, overall, a rare event, occuring in vivo in roughly 1 in 200 of the LCMV-specific CTL during infection of TCR transgenic mice with vaccinia virus; (f) bystander activation does not have a significant functional impact on nontransgenic CTL memory under the conditions tested; and (g) even in the TCR transgenic situation, where unphysiologically high numbers of T cells of a single specificity are present, bystander activation is not sufficient to cause clinically manifest autoimmune disease in a transgenic mouse model of diabetes. We conclude that although bystander activation via cytokines may generate cytolytically active CTL from naive precursors, quantitative considerations suggest that this is usually not of major biological consequence.  相似文献   

Ultrafast electron diffraction is a unique method for the studies of structural changes of complex molecular systems. In this contribution, we report direct ultrafast electron diffraction study of the evolution of short-lived intermediates in the course of a chemical change. Specifically, we observe the transient intermediate in the elimination reaction of 1,2-diiodotetrafluoroethane (C2F4I2) to produce the corresponding ethylene derivative by the breakage of two carbon-iodine, C---I, bonds. The evolution of the ground-state intermediate (C2F4I radical) is directly revealed in the population change of a single chemical bond, namely the second C---I bond. The elimination of two iodine atoms was shown to be nonconcerted, with reaction time of the second C---I bond breakage being 17 +/- 2 ps. The structure of the short-lived C2F4I radical is more favorable to the classical radical structure than to the bridged radical structure. This leap in our ability to record structural changes on the ps and shorter time scales bodes well for many future applications in complex molecular systems.  相似文献   

The low-affinity penicillin-binding protein (PBP) 5 is the main beta-lactam target and is responsible for resistance to this class of antibiotics in Enterococcus faecium. The PBP 5 variants of 15 clinical isolates (including 8 resistant to vancomycin) with different levels of beta-lactam resistance were analyzed. Most of the highly beta-lactam-resistant isolates produced small quantities of PBP 5 of low affinity. This was associated with particular amino acid substitutions: an Ala or Ile for Thr-499, a Glu for Val-629, and a Pro for Ser-667. A change of Met-485 to Thr or Ala (adjacent to the conserved SDN box) was observed in isolates with MICs of ampicillin of 64 or 128 microg/mL, respectively. In the 2 most resistant isolates, with MICs of ampicillin of 256 microg/mL, an additional Ser was present just after Ser-466. Thus, particular point mutations in PBP 5 and combinations thereof may lead to high-level beta-lactam resistance in E. faecium.  相似文献   

Linoleic acid was incubated with manganese lipoxygenase (Mn-LO) from the fungus G?umannomyces graminis. The product consisted of (13R)-hydroperoxy-(9Z,11E)-octadecadienoic acid ((13R)-HPOD) and a new hydroperoxide, (11S)-hydroperoxy-(9Z,12Z)-octadecadienoic acid ((11S)-HPOD). Incubation of (11R)-[2H]- and (11S)-[2H]linoleic acids with Mn-LO led to the formation of hydroperoxides that largely retained and lost, respectively, the deuterium label. Conversion of the (11S)-deuteriolinoleic acid was accompanied by a primary isotope effect, which manifested itself in a strongly reduced rate of formation of hydroperoxides and in a time-dependent accumulation of deuterium in the unconverted substrate. These experiments indicated that the initial step catalyzed by Mn-LO consisted of abstraction of the pro-S hydrogen of linoleic acid to produce a linoleoyl radical. (11S)-HPOD was converted into (13R)-HPOD upon incubation with Mn-LO. The mechanism of this enzyme-catalyzed hydroperoxide rearrangement was studied in experiments carried out with 18O2 gas or 18O2-labeled hydroperoxides. Incubation of [11-18O2](11S)-HPOD with Mn-LO led to the formation of (13R)-HPOD, which retained 39-44% of the 18O label, whereas (11S)-HPOD incubated with Mn-LO under 18O2 produced (13R)-HPOD, which had incorporated 57% of 18O. Furthermore, analysis of the isotope content of (11S)-HPOD remaining unconverted in such incubations demonstrated that [11-18O2](11S)-HPOD suffered a time-dependent loss of 18O when exposed to Mn-LO, whereas (11S)-HPOD incorporated 18O when incubated with Mn-LO under 18O2. On the basis of these experiments, it was proposed that the conversion of (11S)-HPOD into (13R)-HPOD occurred in a non-concerted way by deoxygenation into a linoleoyl radical. Subsequent reoxygenation of this intermediate by dioxygen attack at C-13 produced (13R)-HPOD, whereas attack at C-11 regenerated (11S)-HPOD. The hydroperoxide rearrangement occurred by oxygen rebound, although, as demonstrated by the 18O experiments, the oxygen molecule released from (11S)-HPOD exchanged with surrounding molecular oxygen prior to its reincorporation.  相似文献   

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