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This paper presents the experimental design and results for gold rod impact on DEDF (5.19 g/cm3) and Borofloat (2.2 g/cm3) glass by visualizing simultaneously failure propagation in the glass with a high-speed camera and rod penetration with flash radiography. At a given impact velocity, the velocity of the failure front is significantly higher during early penetration than during steady-state penetration of the rod. For equal pressures but different stress states, the failure front velocities determined from Taylor tests or planar-impact tests are greater than those observed during steady-state rod penetration. The ratio of average failure front velocity to rod penetration velocity decreases with increasing impact velocity (vp) in the range of vp=0.4–2.8 km/s. As a consequence, the distance between the rod tip and the failure front is reduced with increasing vpvp. The Tate term RT increases with impact velocity.  相似文献   

In Anderson Jr CE, Orphal DL, Behner T, Templeton, DW [Failure and penetration response of borosilicate glass during short-rod impact. Int J Impact Eng 2009, doi:10.1016/ j.ijimpeng.2008.12.002.] it was demonstrated that the failure front (FF) produced by the penetration of a borosilicate glass target by a gold rod ceased to propagate a short time after the rod was fully eroded. This strongly suggests that progression of the FF is not described by a wave equation. Here it is shown that propagation of the FF is reinitiated if a second co-axial rod, spaced a distance from the first, impacts the glass at the bottom of the penetration channel. The experiments were performed in reverse ballistic mode with two short rods spaced apart. In some experiments both rods were gold; in other experiments, one rod was copper and the other gold. FF propagation was measured using high-speed photography; rod penetration was measured using multiple, independent flash X-rays. Much of the observed phenomenology can be modeled assuming that the rod, either first or second, “communicates” with the FF at a speed corresponding to the bulk sound speed of the undamaged glass.  相似文献   

The ballistic impact properties of a borosilicate (‘pyrex’) glass was studied using mild steel rods accelerated using a light gas gun. High-speed photography at sub-microsecond framing rates was used along with schlieren optics to investigate the propagation of elastic shock waves and fracture fronts. Flash X-radiography was used to visualise the deformation of rods as they penetrated the comminuted glass normally. The rod was seen initially to dwell on the surface for at least 3 μs creating a Hertzian cone-crack. Later on, between 40 and 60 μs, self-sharpening of the projectile was observed as the ‘wings’ of the heavily deformed front end sheared off. After this event, the front of the rod speeded up. X-rays also showed that the pattern of fissures within the comminuted glass was observed to be very similar shot-to-shot. X-radiography was also used to examine the mechanisms occurring during oblique impact of rods at 45°. In oblique impact, bending of the rod rather than plastic deformation (‘mushrooming’) takes on the role of distributing the load over an area larger than that of the original rod diameter. High-speed photography of the rear surface of a glass block on which a fine grid had been placed confirmed that the comminuted glass moved as larger interlocked blocks. The experiments were modelled using the QinetiQ Eulerian hydrocode GRIM making use of the Goldthorpe fracture model. The model was found to predict well the transition from dwell to penetration.  相似文献   

Failure of a borosilicate glass as a result of repeated impact has been studied. Impact fatigue study was conducted in an improved pendulum type repeated impact apparatus specially designed and fabricated for determining single and repeated impact strength. For elimination of the effect of humidity, repeated impact tests were carried out under liquid nitrogen. Quasi-static measurements were determined under four-point bending. Using a square waveform as applicable to the present impact tests and fracture mechanics interpretation, the number of cycles to failure during impact fatigue tests were predicted from quasi-static fatigue measurements. It has been shown that repeated impact loading has a deleterious effect on the failure cycles compared to slow stressing. The role of an added mechanical effect during repeated impacts has been suggested in controlling the cyclic fatigue behaviour. Paper presented at the poster session of MRSI AGM VI, Kharagpur, 1995  相似文献   

Vacuum infusion (VI) is being considered as a viable alternative to more traditional hand lay-up (HL). Main reason in favor of the more costly technique is the cleaner and friendlier work environment. Moreover, VI potentially offers another important benefit over HL in that prepreg levels of resin may be achieved, resulting in stronger and lighter laminates. The present paper compares the two manufacturing techniques on the basis of the response to repeated impact loading. The laminate is a thick non-symmetric glass-fiber-reinforced plastics intended for nautical application. Four impact velocities (1.5, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.8 m/s) were considered, and a minimum of four specimens for any given velocity were subjected to 40 repeated impacts or up to perforation. The impact response was evaluated in terms of damage progression by visual observation of the impacted specimens, evolution of the peak force and of the bending stiffness with the number of impacts and by calculating the Damage Index (DI), a damage variable recently proposed by the authors to monitor the penetration process in thick laminates. Results point out that for impact velocities for which no perforation occurs within test duration, the experimental data essentially overlap. On the contrary, for perforation tests, HL specimens survived more impacts before perforating absorbing more total energy than VI specimens. Plots of the DI variable against the number of impacts were observed to exhibit an initial linear portion, owing to a stable process of damage accumulation within the laminate, and to undergo an unstable growth a few impacts before perforation. When comparing the VI and HL specimens it was observed that, given an impact energy, the level of damage at first impact as well as the rate of stable damage accumulation is alike for the two sets of specimens. On the contrary, it is the number of impacts of the stable damage accumulation region which is lower for VI specimens.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the impact-induced dynamic failure of a borosilicate glass block using an integrated experimental/analytical approach. Previous experimental studies on dynamic failure of borosilicate glass have been reported by Nie et al. [Nie X, Chen WW, Sun X, Templeton DW. Dynamic failure of borosilicate glass under compression/shear loading – experiments. J Am Ceram Soc, in press.] using the split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) technique. The damage growth patterns and stress histories have been reported for various glass specimen designs. In this study, we propose to use a continuum damage mechanics (CDM)-based constitutive model to describe the initial failure and subsequent stiffness reduction of glass. Explicit finite element analyses are used to simulate the glass specimen impact event. A maximum shear stress-based damage evolution law is used in describing the glass damage process under combined compression/shear loading. The impact test results are used in quantifying the critical shear stress for the borosilicate glass under examination. It is shown that with only two modeling parameters, reasonably good comparisons between the predicted and the experimentally measured failure maps can be obtained for various glass sample geometries. Comparisons between the predicted stress histories for different sample designs are also used as model validations.  相似文献   

To optimize the process parameters, it is necessary to exactly predict failure modes during deep drawing of coated metal sheets, where two main failure forms are fracture and wrinkling. In this paper, finite element simulations based on continuous damage mechanics were used to study the failure behavior during a cylindrical deep drawing of metal sheets with nickel coating. It is shown that taking the effect of blank holder force into account, these two failure modes can be predicted. The simulation results are well consistent with that obtained from experiments.  相似文献   

对硼硅玻璃与硅进行了阳极键合实验,通过扫描电镜对键合界面的微观结构进行分析表明:玻璃/硅的键合界面有明显的中间过渡层生成;分析认为电场力作用下玻璃耗尽层中的氧负离子向界面迁移扩散并与硅发生氧化反应是形成中间过渡层的主要原因,而界面过渡层的形成是硅/玻璃界面键合实现永久连接的直接原因.  相似文献   

This paper presents the experimental design and results of an advanced set of reverse ballistic experiments with long gold rods, impacting SiC-N ceramics at impact velocities from 2.0 to 6.2 km/s. Important issues for these experiments were the high accuracy and position requirements necessary to detect a possible failure wave or failure kinetics in SiC-ceramics as might be evidenced by a change in the slope of the penetration velocity–impact velocity curve. New and sophisticated evaluation methods were developed for this purpose and produced very reliable results. Analyses of the experimental results show clearly that there is no change in the slope of the penetration velocity–impact velocity curve, contrary to that inferred from previous data and analysis.  相似文献   

Two types of laminate composites made of glass fibre/epoxy matrix (EPO_FV) and glass fibre/epoxy modified tri-block copolymer (Nanostrength) matrix (EPONS_FV) were manufactured by compression moulding. Some AFM investigations have been done to identify the Nanostrength dispersion in the epoxy matrix and some DMA analyses have been performed, at different frequencies, to understand the frequency or the strain rate sensitivity of both composites. Compared to EPO_FV, EPONS_FV exhibits a significant frequency/strain rate sensitivity. Impact resistance of the composite was investigated by means of low velocity impact tests. The low velocity impact results indicate that the addition of Nanostrength leads to the improved impact resistance and an increase in absorbed energy, especially at high impact energy level. SEM observations, performed on ion polished samples, reveal the presence of micro-cracks for both composites. Micro-cracks consist of a coalescence of fibre matrix de-bonding. It was also observed that EPONS_FV contains a lower density of micro-cracks compared to EPO_FV, confirming the fact that the composite with Nanostrength absorbs more energy by Nanostrength micelles cavitation.  相似文献   

通过对玻纤增强环氧乙烯基酯树脂(GF/EVE)和玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚酯树脂(GF/UP)复合材料的多轴向铺层设计试件进行低速冲击、弯曲和剪切破坏性力学试验,分析了不同铺层方式的GF/EVE和GF/UP复合材料冲击、弯曲和剪切载荷作用下产生的损伤及失效模式。结果表明:在铺层设计与工艺相同的情况下,CF/EVE的弯曲强度、冲击韧性均优于CF/UP;[0,90]6试件冲击能量吸收性能优于其他五种铺层方式;铺设角设计、树脂基体类型、铺层厚度对层合板剪切力学性能的影响较小。并基于SEM与超声C扫描成像检测(C-SAM)对复合材料的微观界面脱粘机制及损伤演化行为进行阐释。  相似文献   

A failure criterion for laminated glass in case of impact is presented. The main idea of this criterion is that a critical energy threshold must be reached over a finite region before failure can occur. Afterwards crack initiation and growth is based on a local Rankine (maximum stress) criterion. The criterion was implemented in an explicit finite element solver. Different strategies for modeling laminated glass are also discussed.To calibrate the criterion and evaluate its accuracy, a wide range of experiments with plane and curved specimens of laminated glass were done. For all experiments finite element simulations were performed. The comparison between measured and simulated results shows that the criterion works very well.  相似文献   

研究了含锶硼硅酸盐玻璃的体外生物活性和降解性。采用熔融法制备不同锶含量(SrO含量为0、2%、4%、6%、8%、10%、12%(摩尔分数))的硼硅酸盐生物玻璃粉末,粒径范围为150~300μm。将各组玻璃样品浸泡在0.02mol/L的K2HPO4溶液中,置于37℃恒温条件下,进行体外生物矿化反应。通过对反应样品的质量损失以及浸泡液pH值进行测定,并用XRD、FTIR以及SEM对反应过程和反应后产物进行表征。结果表明,含锶的硼硅酸盐玻璃在体外生物矿化反应中被生物降解,并转化为含锶羟基磷灰石,具有很好的生物活性和降解性;同时也观察到玻璃中引入锶元素后,在一定程度上控制玻璃的降解速度,进而控制硼的溶出速度,从一定程度上避免硼溶出速度过高可能带来的风险;ICP的结构也表明,当SrO为6%(摩尔分数),样品中硼元素溶出的速度最低。因此,用锶的含量可控制硼硅酸盐玻璃的降解速度,这种方法将在组织工程领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

We analyze the damage initiation, damage progression, and failure during 3-dimensional (3-D) elasto-plastic deformations of a fiber reinforced polymeric laminated composite impacted by a low speed rigid sphere, and compare computed results with experimental findings available in the literature. Damage is assumed to initiate when one of Hashin’s failure criteria is satisfied, and its evolution is modeled by an empirical relation proposed by Matzenmiller, Lubliner and Taylor. The transient nonlinear problem is solved by the finite element method (FEM). Contributions of the work include considering damage in 3-D rather than plane stress deformations of a laminated structure and elasto-plastic deformations of the composite. This has been accomplished by developing a user defined subroutine and implementing it in the FE software ABAQUS. From strains supplied by ABAQUS the material subroutine uses a micro-mechanics approach based on the method of cells and values of material parameters of constituents to calculate average stresses in an FE, and checks for Hashin’s failure criteria. If damage has initiated in the material, the subroutine evaluates the damage developed, computes resulting stresses, and provides them to ABAQUS. The damage evolved at a material point is not allowed to decrease during unloading. The delamination failure mode is simulated by using the cohesive zone model available in ABAQUS. The computed time histories of the axial load acting on the impactor are found to agree well with the experimental ones available in the literature, and various damage and failure modes agree qualitatively with those observed in tests.  相似文献   

借助高效流延成型工艺,探讨了多种溶剂组合与分散剂对玻璃/陶瓷浆料体系流变性能的影响,通过对玻璃/陶瓷料、塑化剂与粘结剂等配制浆料的组成配比进行优化设计,详细研究了浆料中各组成含量对流延生料带体积密度,以及对烧成后玻璃/陶瓷致密度、物相等微观结构与性能的影响。结果表明,适当的浆料组成类型及含量对提高试样的烧成致密度、降低高频介电损耗、改善微观结构均有明显的影响;850℃烧结试样10MHz测试,相对介电常数为7.7,介电损耗2.0×10-4,25~500℃热膨胀系数(7.30~7.65)×10-6/℃,满足模块级LTCC大面积高密度封装要求。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional discrete element model of laminated glass plane is presented and a 3D numerical analysis code, which can simulate the impact fracture behavior of automobile laminated glass, is developed. The impact process of a single glass plane and a laminated glass plane are calculated in the elastic range by the code. Comparing its results with those calculated by the commercial FEM code LS-DYNA in the same condition, the validity of the 3D laminated glass model and the 3D discrete element method are proved. Furthermore, the impact fracture process of a single glass plane and a laminated glass plane are simulated respectively. The entire failure processes in detail are presented. By comparing the impact force and reduction of kinetic energy of impact body between those two models, the numerical method is applied to demonstrate the advantage of laminated glass in passenger’s safety.  相似文献   

The insertion of transverse reinforcing threads by stitching is a very promising technique to restrict impact damage growth and to improve post-impact residual strength of laminates. In order to develop general models capable of addressing the issues of impact resistance and damage tolerance of stitched laminates, detailed understanding of the nature and extent of damage, identification of the dominant fracture modes and assessment of the effect of stitches on the damage development are essential. In this study, both instrumented drop-weight tests and compression-after-impact tests were carried out to examine and compare the damage responses of stitched and unstitched graphite/epoxy laminates subjected to low-velocity impact. The progression of damage and its effect on post-impact performance was investigated in detail in two classes of cross ply laminates ([03/903]s and [0/90]3s) by means of an extensive series of damage observations, conducted with various complementary techniques (X-radiography, ultrasonics, optical microscopy, deply). The results of the analyses carried out during the study to characterize the key fracture modes and to clarify their relationship with the structural performance of both stitched and unstitched laminates are reported and discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

采用环状对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(CBT)预浸料,利用真空袋辅助热压工艺制备了玻璃纤维机织布-碳纤维机织布/聚环状对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(GF-CF/PCBT)混杂复合材料层合板。利用双悬臂梁(DCB)和三点端部开口弯曲(3ENF)试验对连续纤维增强PCBT复合材料层合板的层间强度做出评估。同时,利用低速冲击试验结合Abaqus/Explicit有限元仿真重点考察了混杂纤维增强PCBT复合材料层合板的低速冲击性能。试验结果表明:尽管CF/PCBT复合材料层合板具有优异的层间性能,当冲击能量为114.3J时,由于CF自身的脆性,CF/PCBT复合材料层合板被完全穿透,而GF-CF/PCBT混杂复合材料层合板只在表面形成凹痕。与纯CF增强PCBT复合材料层合板相比,铺层形式为[CF/GF/CF]25的GF-CF/PCBT混杂复合材料层合板的抗冲击损伤能力提高2倍。仿真得到的云图显示,冲击引起的应力在CF中的分布区域要明显大于在GF中的分布区域。  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an experimental investigation on the impact response of repaired and unrepaired glass/epoxy composite plates. Repaired samples were prepared by two different manufacturing methods; vacuum assisted resin infusion process and hand lay-up technique. In order to compare impact response of the repaired and unrepaired samples a number of single impact tests were performed under various impact energies. Damage process of the samples is analyzed from cross-examining load–deflection curves and damaged specimens. From the visual inspection, for the impacted side of the samples, it is noted that the main damage modes for repaired samples are matrix and fiber cracks around point of impact and delaminations while severe matrix cracks expanded through fiber directions are the dominant damage mode for unrepaired samples. At the back surfaces, delaminations and fiber–matrix debonding oriented in the fiber directions are observed for unrepaired samples. However, for repaired samples the fiber fractures through repair line as well as the delaminations become dominant modes. For a reasoning justification in discussing impact test results, interlaminar fracture toughness (Mode I and Mode II) and flexural tests for repaired and non-repaired samples were also conducted.  相似文献   

Hybrid joints are a combination of adhesive bonding and mechanical fastening and are known to combine the advantages of both joint types. In this paper, we evaluate and compare the strengths of mechanical joints, adhesive joints and hybrid composite joints. We manufactured and tested 10 hybrid joint specimens with different width-to-diameter (w/d) ratios, edge-to-diameter (e/d) ratios and adherend thicknesses. Additionally, the strengths of the hybrid joints were predicted using the Failure Area Index (FAI) method and the damage zone method, and we compared our theoretical predictions with our experimental results. From these data, we were able to predict hybrid joint strengths to within 23.0%.  相似文献   

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