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We investigate the possibility of a large enhancement of the T = 0 finite solubility of3He in4He due to spin-polarization. The size of the effect depends on the fraction of3He atoms in the system. We present two different approaches for the limits of a small and a large number of3He atoms compared to the number of4He atoms. Since the possible3He superfluid phase transition depends on3He density, we calculate the consequences of this change in the solubility for its superfluid transition temperature. It is shown that for small fractions of3He, the transition temperature is enhanced mostly due to the enlargement of the up-spin Fermi sphere. In the opposite limit the transition temperature is enhanced as a result of the increased3He solubility.  相似文献   

Helium-3 nuclear spin relaxation times T 1, T 2, and T 1have been measured for 3He-4He solid mixtures at the exchange plateau region (~0.5K). The 3He concentrations X 3of the samples were 7.2, 2.9, 1.8, 1.4, 0.67, 0.65, and 0.22%, and their molar volumes varied between 19.9 and 20.9cm3/mole in hcp phase. The spectral density function J() for dipolar field fluctuations was determined in the low-frequency branch from T 1measurements and in the high-frequency branch from conventional T 1measurements. It was found that J() is given by J() = cJ()|3–4 + (1–c)J()|3–3, where J()|3–4 is the spectral density function due to the 3He-4He tunneling motions, and J()|3–3 is that due to the 3He-3He tunneling motions. Using the Torrey theory, the correlation frequency of the 3He-4He tunneling motions was evaluated from T 1data, and was found to be in good agreement with Landesman 's theory.Supported in part by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science through a grant to Y.H.  相似文献   

Based on our recent phase separation curve of3He-4He solution at elevated pressures, we propose new3He-3He quasiparticle interaction potentials, which reproduce the existing experimental results pretty well except for3He effective mass under pressure.  相似文献   

The Galitskii-Migdal-Feynman (GMF) formalism is applied to liquid 3He and (for the first time) to liquid 4He. The effective total, diffusion and viscosity cross sections, as well as the effective scattering length and the effective range, are calculated. For liquid 3He, it is found that S-wave scattering dominates for wave number k<0.5 Å?1. At the Fermi momentum k F, the effective partial cross section σ ? (and thus the total cross section σ T) has a singularity (virtual state). This singularity may be interpreted as a signature of superfluidity or a quasi-bound state. For k>2 Å?1, the effective total cross section is nearly constant. On the other hand, it is found in liquid 4He that S-wave scattering dominates for k<0.3 Å?1, and a peak exists in σ T arising from a peak in the effective D-wave cross section. This resonance corresponds to a quasi-bound state trapped by the ?=2 centrifugal barrier. The most prominent features of our calculations are a resonance and a Ramsauer-Townsend minimum in the matter cross section at low temperatures. This effect is absent in the 3He gas. It is, therefore, a purely many-body effect in liquid 3He. With increasing energies, the matter results approach the vacuum results. This indicates that the high-energy behavior is dominated by the self-energy contribution; the many-body effects can be neglected.  相似文献   

Superfluid density and heat capacity experiments on3He-4He mixtures in 98% porous aerogel show that in this system the coexistence boundary is detached from the superfluid transition line. The tricritical point is removed, and there is a superfluid phase on the3He rich side of the phase diagram. The presence of heat capacity peaks along the transition line down to a4He concentration of only 8% indicates the 3-dimensional nature of this transition.This work is supported by NSF under grants DMR-9008461 and DMR-9311918.  相似文献   

We report an analysis of a superfluid Helmholtz resonance in the case of helium confined in a superleak. The resonance of the superfluid is achieved under nearly adiabatic conditions. Equations are derived for the resonance frequency, the temperature oscillations of the superleak and the phase relation of this signal relative to an ac heat input. The resonance frequency yields the superfluid fraction of the confined helium. Data are analyzed as function of frequency and temperature and yield parameters such as the dissipation and thermal conductivity which determine the resonance line shape. Estimates are made of the thermodynamic parameters in the resonance equation by using derivatives along the pressure-temperature-concentration lambda surface. These parameters are compared with results from the analysis of the resonance.  相似文献   

3He atoms dissolved in super fluid4He may form aimers (3He)2 in twodimensional (2D) geometries. We study dimer formation in films of dilute3He-4He mixture. After designing a schematic3He-4He interaction potential we calculate the dimer binding energy for various substrates. It is shown that3He impurity states localized near the substrate give rise to the largest magnitudes of the binding energies.Unité de Recherche des Universités Paris XI et Paris VI associée au CNRS.  相似文献   

The microscopic theory of3He-4He mixtures with a Bose condensate is formulated in terms of the dielectric formalism. By expressing all correlation functions in terms of proper, irreducible contributions, one sets the stage for approximate calculations that will be consistent with various exact sum rules and Ward identities, just as in the case of pure4He. The present analysis includes a symmetry-breaking term that allows us to deal with the continuity equations properly, and is valid at finite temperature. As a specific application, we express the normal fluid density N in terms of the static4He current-current correlation function. We also give the first formal proof that in the presence of a moving condensate, the3He atoms make no direct contribution to the superfluid flow.  相似文献   

The effect of a refluxing 4 He gas facing a Rollin film on the concentration distribution of 3 He atoms is described. In some situations, a large concentration enhancement of the colder part can result. Possible applications are briefly discussed.Unité de recherche de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure et de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, associé au CNRS (URA 18).  相似文献   

The interaction potential between3He quasiparticles in3He-4He liquid mixtures is determined from the sound attenuation at saturated vapor pressure. Sound attenuation was measured in mixtures with3He mole fraction ranging from 0.0289 to 0.0573. The superfluid transition temperature of3He in mixtures and other properties were then estimated from the deduced interaction potential.  相似文献   

Preliminary data for the heat capacity of 3 He in 3 He- 4 He mixture films on a Nuclepore substrate are reported over the temperature range 90T165 mK, for 3 He coverages between 0.05 and 1.7 bulk-density atomic layers, and a 4 He film thickness of 4.33 bulk-density atomic layers. In this two-dimensional Fermi liquid system, a step structure appears in the specific heat as a function of 3 He coverage, similar to the step previously observed in the magnetization.  相似文献   

For thin films of 4 He at low temperatures the addition of sub-monolayer numbers of 3 He atoms results in the 3 He residing in a ground state at the free surface of the 4 He film. For low 3 He coverage the 3 He are a nearly ideal two-dimensional Fermi system. With increasing numbers of 3 He atoms the interactions among the 3 He increase. The results from a number of experiments that reveal the remarkable properties of this rich, interacting, two-dimensional 3 He system are described. These results include the magnetization, the energetics of the 3 He atoms in quantum states, the diffusion of the 3 He along the 4 He film, and the 3 He effective mass. The techniques employed include NMR, specific heat, quartz crystal microbalance and third sound. A clearer picture of the properties of the 3 He is now emerging, and preliminary numbers for the 3 He coverage dependence of the Fermi Liquid parameters are presented. Prospects for the observation of superfluidity of the 3 He in this system are discussed.  相似文献   

The transport properties of3He in3He-4He solutions with molar concentrations of 5, 9, 14, and 24% have been studied for 0.9 KT2.5 K. The spin diffusion coefficientD s and the longitudinal relaxation timeT 1 were measured by the spin-echo method for temperatures both above and below the solution lambda temperatureT . The spin-echo method measures the diffusion coefficient for magnetizationD s, which differs from the usual diffusion coefficient for particlesD belowT .D s depends on the3He-3He scattering cross section FF and the3He-roton/phonon cross section FB, whileD depends only on FB. The distinction betweenD s andD is elaborated in terms of a simple mutual-friction model for diffusion. The two scattering mechanisms are clearly evident in the behavior ofD s as a function of concentrationx and temperature. The contribution due to the3He-3He scattering is inversely proportional tox, indicating that the3He can be treated in first approximation as a classical gas (the Pomeranchuk model). The predictions of various theoretical models are compared with the results, where possible, but most of the previous theoretical work is not applicable to the concentration range and temperatures of these measurements.Supported in part by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Office of Naval Research.  相似文献   

Sound modes in 4 He and 4 He- 3 He mixtures which arise out of the two-fluid equations are made up up a vector convective flow and scalar temperature changes. A method for modeling nonlinear pulses of sound with geometric approximations to the vector and scalar components has recently been applied towards understanding nonlinear second sound near the lambda point. 6 The same method may be used, in general, for modeling linear and nonlinear sounds in Helium II. We demonstrate with a model for nonlinear second sound pulses in 3 He- 4 He mixtures and compare the results to experimental observations.  相似文献   

We briefly summarize the present understanding of the dynamic structure factors of liquid 3He-4He mixtures in the phonon-maxon-roton region and then present a new calculation using the memory function formalism. Results agree well with experimental data.  相似文献   

The number density of dilute 3He-4He solutions under saturated vapor pressure is calculated within the framework of quantum hydrodynamics. For temperatures T small compared to the 3He Fermi temperature T F, results are given for 3He concentrations large enough to manifest 3He quasiparticle interactions. The nondegenerate regime (TT F) is also considered in the limit of small 3He concentration. Relevance to experimental determination of quasiparticle energies and interactions is emphasized.Supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. GP-40831.  相似文献   

The discovery that 3 He was occupying transverse excited states at submonolayer coverages in 3 He-4 He mixture films on a Nuclepore substrate, was a surprise. In this note we discuss the relationship between theory and experiment in attempting to understand the physics of this behavior. We first discuss various single-atom-limit calculations of the level spacing between the ground-state and first excited state. We then introduce a free, quasi-particle picture for analyzing experimental magnetization step data and compare those results with the single-atom-limit calculations. The experiments clearly show excited state occupation at submonolayer coverages in contradistinction with the calculations. We then briefly discuss a microscopic, semi-phenomenological theory which, in agreement with experiment, yields 3 He occupation of the first excited state at submonolayer coverages. The mechanism is a model 3 He-3 He effective interaction due to one ripplon exchange. This effective interaction is density dependent and very long ranged. It strongly modifies the small-k properties of the 3 He self-energy and, in particular, causes the ground-state to first excited state level spacing to decrease with increasing 3 He areal density.  相似文献   

A refrigerator capable of operating both in evaporation and dilution modes is described. The refrigerator provides preliminary cooling of investigated samples down to a starting temperature of about 0.3 K and permits the location of samples directly in the mixing chamber as well as their replacement at any stage of operation.The replacement of samples lasts about 20 min. The cooling time for a sample from room temperature down to 15 mK is about 3 h. The minimal temperature is 10 mK, and the 3He circulation rate is about 5 × 10?4mols?1.  相似文献   

We present results from an ongoing study of the Liquid (L)-Vapor (V) coexistence boundary for single layer mixtures of 3 He and 4He adsorbed on two layers of H 2 plating graphite. We are studying mixtures with 3 He molar fractions, x, of approximately 0.05, 0.1, 0.35, and 0.5, which we compare with previously published data for the pure isotopes. For the concentrations under study, we have approximate determinations of the L- V critical temperatures and of the low temperature density of the condensed phase.  相似文献   

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