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The role of different functional groups in humic acid was investigated for complex formation during the interaction of Fe+2 and Fe+3 ions with humic acid, oxidized humic acid, acetylated humic acid and decarboxylated humic acid. The formation of two types of complexes, ionic and non-ionic, was observed. The results indicate that the proton releasing groups, e.g. carboxyl and phenolic hydroxyl groups, are responsible for the formation of a ionic complex, and the formation of a non-ionic complex involves the carboxyl and carbonyl (keto) groups. The percentage of the ionic iron in the complex increases and that of the non-ionic iron decreases with increase of pH.  相似文献   

Six carbon-containing sorbents prepared from brown coals were used to purify mine water from the Kizelovskii basin. The main physicochemical characteristics and process regimes of the purification of acidic mine water were determined under laboratory conditions. The initial coals and spent carbon-containing sorbents were characterized. It was found that this purification process resulted in a decrease in the total hardness and sulfate content by 15–27% and to the almost complete removal of harmful metal cations from mine water. The results of the analysis of spent carbon-containing sorbents demonstrate that they can be utilized by thermal oxidation.  相似文献   

The interaction between polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (PDADMAC) and KI or KBr, followed by changes in conformation of macromolecules, coil compaction, and counterion exchange, was detected by means of turbidimetry and viscometry. In aqueous solutions at presence of KI, PDADMAC rapidly binds iodine by the formation of polymer–iodine complexes PDADMA I? Im (m ≤ 4). Spectrophotometric investigations of the interaction in water without KI prove the formation of complexes of polyquaternary ammonium chloride or bromide with iodine only via iodide. These ions can be generated in the polymer‐catalyzed hydrolysis reaction of iodine. By inducing hydrolysis of iodine and binding the eventually formed iodide, PDADMAC acts as an iodine acceptor with self‐strengthening capacity. For the sorption of gaseous iodine, the possibility of direct interaction of its dipoles with the charged groups of the polyelectrolyte is also reasoned. Polydiallyldimethylammonium halides were used to modify activated carbon and employed in a nuclear power station for treatment of outlet gases containing radioactive iodine. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 100: 2710–2716, 2006  相似文献   

The effects of the duration of cavitation treatment, the concentration of NH3, the amount of hydrogen peroxide, and the water duty on the nitrogen content the dry residue and the amount of organic substances in the liquid phase of the oxidation products of peat with hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous ammonia solution using a cavitation technology were studied. The elemental and functional-type compositions of isolated nitrogen-containing humic preparations were studied.  相似文献   

Interaction of bile salts with gastrointestinal mucins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The properties of three mucins were examined to identify the structural features responsible for their functional differences. Bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM), porcine gastric mucin (PGM), and rat intestinal mucin (RIM) were each characterized, and high carbohydrate contents were found for RIM and PGM. The amino acid compositions were typical of mucin glycoproteins, with over half comprising small, neutral amino acids. Thereafter, each mucin was equilibrated with three different series of concentrations of the bile salts sodium taurocholate, sodium taurodeoxycholate, and sodium taurochenodeoxycholate. Following multiple centrifugations, the supernatant and mucin pellet concentrations of the bile salts were measured. The bile salt pellet concentration was plotted as a function of supernatant concentration, and from the slopes, the excluded volumes were calculated as 25, 29–44, and 28–55 mL/g for BSM, RIM, and PGM, respectively. The intercepts were 8–10, 2–3, and 1–3 mM for BSM, RIM, and PGM, respectively, which represents an estimate of the bound concentration of bile salt. Differences among the bile salts were observed in the excluded volume and amount bound, but no trends were evident. The bile salts may interact as aggregates with the hydrophobic areas and carbohydrate side chains of the mucins, providing favorable sites for association. The binding at low concentrations with exclusion at high concentrations is significant for modulating the absorption of lipid aggregates from the intestine. Finally, the differences among the mucins reflect the unique structure-function relationship of these gastrointestinal mucins.  相似文献   

Conclusions Treatment of freshly spun polyacrylonitrile fibre with calcium salts affords the possibility of improving the antistatic properties of the fibre without the use of an antistat.In the process of fibre treatment, both physical sorption and also chemical reaction of the fibre with the calcium cations take place.Translated from Khimicheskie Volokna, No. 4, pp. 24–25, July–August, 1986.  相似文献   

褐煤空气氧解生产腐植酸及腐植酸絮凝研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空气作为氧化剂对褐煤进行氧化,采用"碱溶酸析"法提取褐煤中的腐植酸,探究氧化温度和氧化时间对褐煤中腐植酸质量分数及腐植酸絮凝特性的影响。对氧化前后的褐煤、残渣及腐植酸进行表征,探究褐煤的氧化机理。结果表明最佳工艺条件是:氧化温度为150℃,氧化时间为2 h,在此条件下褐煤中总腐植酸质量分数为56.3%,游离腐植酸质量分数为51.9%,褐煤腐植酸的絮凝极限值为8.8 mmol/L。由研究结果可知:氧化后褐煤中氧元素质量分数明显升高,含氧官能团增加;腐植酸与黄腐酸中氧元素质量分数较高,与腐植酸相比,黄腐酸氧质量分数较高,分子量较小;氧化后褐煤腐植酸的絮凝极限比原煤腐植酸高。  相似文献   

The effect of lower alcohols on the plasticizing, emulsifying, and stabilizing properties of salts of humic acids in coal-water slurries and emulsions was studied. It was found that water-soluble salts of humic acids can be used as additives regulating the physical and chemical properties of dispersed fuel systems (coal slurries and fuel emulsions) that contain lower alcohols. Since humic acid salts are capable of aggregation in aqueous alcohol solutions, their regulatory effect in colloidal fuels can be predicted.  相似文献   

腐植酸(Humic Acid,简写HA)是动植物遗骸,主要是植物的遗骸,经过微生物的分解和转化,以及地球化学的一系列过程和积累起来的一类有机物质,它是由芳香族及其多种官能团构成的高分子机酸,具有良好的生理活性和吸收,络合,交换等功能,它广泛存在于土壤,湖泊,河流,海洋以及泥炭(又称草炭),褐煤,风化煤中,按自然界分类,它可以分为三大类,即土壤腐植酸,水体腐植酸和煤炭腐植酸,九十年代初,用发酵法,通过接种,可提取生化腐植酸或生化黄腐植酸等有机酸物质。  相似文献   

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王怀亮 《腐植酸》2001,(2):9-10,14
人类对腐植酸的研究,已有二百多年的历史了,在二百多年的历史中已积累了大量的丰富知识,使腐植酸类物质在人类的生产和科研活动中的许多领域越来越发挥着不可估量的作用,特别是在工业、农业、医学、涂料、化妆、和环保等行业中的作用将越来越突出。从五十年代以来,国内外对腐植酸研究颇为活跃,已经取得了可喜的成果。然而,就腐植酸的化学实体,生成机理,生物活性功能与结构而论,仍还有许多不明之处,而且,就已获得的大量知识而论,也有混乱或相互矛盾的情况,可以说腐植酸的化学现在处在未成熟的阶段,还没有建立起一个统一的科学体系,改革开放以来,腐植酸事业得到蓬勃的发展,取得了可喜的成绩,尤其是腐植酸应用研究不断拓宽,更令人振奋的是发现腐植酸能有效地预防控制恶性肿瘤的生长和扩散,可以想象腐植酸化学的发展将对人类的农业、工业、环保和医学产生重大的影响,相对于应用研究来讲,基础研究还是相对薄弱。本文想就基础研究薄弱的原因作一分析和讨论,以引起同行们的重视和社会的关注。如有不妥之处请同仁指正批评。  相似文献   

腐植酸是土壤的固有属性,于土壤、肥料、农业魅力无穷。2011年1月18~19日,我应邀出席了北京澳佳肥业(湖北)生产基地投产庆典,并向一批来自荆襄大地推广腐植酸缓控释肥的科技人员即兴演讲。与会者在交流中众口一词,长期使用化肥,必将使地力下降,深切地表达出推广腐植酸类肥料对农业可持续发展的重要性。很显  相似文献   

Humic acid, a natural organic matter, was separated with a polyamide (PA) composite membrane with a molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) of 500 g/mol. The PA composite membrane was prepared by the interfacial polymerization of piperazine and trimesoyl chloride on a polysulfone support with an MWCO of about 30,000 g/mol. The separation conditions through the membrane were varied, and factors affecting the permeation performance of the membranes, such as the concentration, pH, and storage time of the humic acid solutions, were studied. The surface chemistry of the membrane changed dynamically as a function of the operating time during the permeation tests, and the size and ζ potential of the colloid of humic acid solutions under different conditions were characterized with a ζ potentiometer. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 86: 2847–2853, 2002  相似文献   

腐植酸保水剂的现状及发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腐植酸保水剂是一类新型的亲水性高分子功能性材料。阐述了腐植酸保水剂的保水机制、制备方法、分类及在多个领域的应用现状,对腐植酸保水剂的研究、应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Conditions for the solid-phase mechanochemical activation of coals, which make it possible to substantially increase the yield of water-soluble humic preparations enriched in humic acids and mineral elements, are given in this work. It was found that the humic preparations isolated from mechanically activated coals are characterized by an increase in the antioxidant activity and a change in the cationic and anionic composition. The concentration of acidic ionogenic groups in humic acids increased.  相似文献   

矿物源腐植酸的活化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿物源腐植酸是从泥炭、褐煤或风化煤提取而得的,需经过活化,应用于农业生产才有好的效果。介绍了腐植酸的活化方法,包括物理、化学、生物活化等,活化后的腐植酸在分子量和分子结构上发生了改变,能够应用于农业,且表现出更好的生物刺激活性和物理化学特性。  相似文献   

刘峙嵘  韦鹏  曾凯  贾月林 《现代化工》2006,26(Z2):132-135
应用简单土壤体系--沙粒,分别在不同时间、初始pH、土水比及粒径条件下进行试验,模拟Ni2+污染土壤的过程,并拟合出其吸附动力学方程.对污染沙粒进行洗脱,供试的6种淋洗剂对Ni2+的洗脱量随其浓度的增加而上升,能显著地降低沙粒中Ni2+残余量,其作用大小顺序为二乙三胺五乙酸>乙二胺四乙酸>腐殖酸>盐酸>柠檬酸>环糊精.各种淋洗剂对镍去除率受其pH、洗脱时间及淋洗液浓度的影响.腐殖酸洗脱率较大,且洗脱速率较快,洗脱速率常数为27.5×10-3min-1,腐殖酸洗脱Ni2+污染土壤的动力学模型以动力学一级方程拟合为最好.  相似文献   

七月流火…… 七月是激情与理性的交汇点,七月是播种与收获的桥梁。七月的思考是绿色的,七月的发展是绿色的,七月的征途也是绿色的。在夏日激越的鼓点里,在人们创造生活的节奏中,中国腐植酸网站以绿色的名义开通啦!!!  相似文献   

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