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Cold-rolled martensitic steel sheets produced on continuous annealing lines with water quenching facility,have advantages of high strength and low alloying element contents.These are in good accordance with the trend of light-weighting and fuel saving for automotive steel.In this article,a cold-rolled martensitic steel is studied to investigate the effect of annealing parameters on its mechanical properties.It is found that the quenching temperature and the slow cooling speed as well as the overageing temperature have significant influence on the strength of the experimental steel.The temperature zone at which the austenite decomposition is slow or has not started may be chosen as the quenching temperature to ensure the steel’s strength stability.The slow cooling speed also influences the steel’s strength greatly.A high cooling rate will lead to significantly higher strength.Tempering would decrease the steel’s tensile strength but would increase its yield strength.  相似文献   

采用连续退火、镀锌和合金化模拟机制取了不同退火温度和退火时间条件下Galvalume钢板的退火试样,通过SEM、EDS、XRD等试验方法,进行了退火工艺对于Galvalume钢板镀层表面结构影响研究,阐明了表面相结构和w(Fe)的变化规律。结果表明,随着退火温度和退火时间的增加,Galvalume镀层表面α相和α+β共...  相似文献   

A continuum mechanics model has been developed on the basis of Hill's theory of orthogonal anisotropy for predicting global mechanical properties of sheets with a through-thickness texture gradient and strength gradient. By the present model, the globalr value and yield and flow stresses of the entire sheet can be predicted from the local anisotropic parameters, yield and flow stresses which are given as arbitrary functions of the through-thickness position of the sheet.  相似文献   

The strength and the plasticity properties of sheet high-strength austenitic–martensitic VNS9-Sh TRIP steel (23Kh15N5AM3-Sh) are studied as functions of the tempering temperature in the range 125–600°C. A nonmonotonic decease in the strength and the plasticity properties of the steel has been detected when the tempering temperature increases, and they increase in the range 300–450°C. The influence of aging processes, the precipitation of carbide, and the phase transformations in tempering on the mechanical properties of austenitic–martensitic corrosion-resistant steel is discussed.  相似文献   

目前普遍使用的表面形貌评定参数不能够准确反映轧辊和钢板表面的承载性能和储油性能.本文提出了二维轮廓和三维表面的功能特征参数,并给出了计算方法.通过与表面粗糙度的比较以及对电火花毛化轧辊表面形貌的分析,结果说明了表面形貌功能特征参数使表面的承载性能和储油性能分析更为具体和准确.  相似文献   

胡燕慧  陈凌峰  张浩  尉冬  李洁  滕华湘 《钢铁》2017,52(4):72-77
 研究了硼对Ti-IF钢热镀锌板组织和力学性能的影响,并从硼对冷轧后再结晶过程影响的角度解释了硼对组织性能影响的原因。利用万能试验机、光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜对不同硼质量分数IF钢热镀锌板的力学性能、组织和析出物进行检测,采用X射线衍射仪对织构取向密度进行分析,采用电子背散射衍射技术(EBSD)对镀锌板晶界取向差分布进行分析,利用显微硬度计和金相显微镜研究了硼对IF钢再结晶过程的影响。结果表明,硼质量分数在0.000 5%以内,随着硼质量分数的提高,Ti-IF钢热镀锌板铁素体晶粒尺寸降低,屈服强度和抗拉强度提高,塑性应变比降低。硼对Ti-IF钢力学性能产生影响的原因为,硼固溶于铁素体中,抑制再结晶过程,提高再结晶温度,细化铁素体晶粒尺寸,使小角度晶界比例提高,{111}织构组分降低,从而使力学性能发生变化。  相似文献   

以C-Mn-Si系冷轧马氏体钢为研究对象,分析了退火工艺对超高强马氏体钢强度和冷弯性能的影响。由于碳含量高,试验用钢淬透性良好,当水淬入口温度在710℃及以上时,都能获得极高的抗拉强度和稳定的马氏体组织。随过时效温度升高,马氏体钢抗拉强度降低、延伸率升高;而屈服强度和冷弯性能则先升后降,在180℃过时效时具有最高的屈服强度和最优的冷弯性能。经扫描电镜和显微硬度分析发现,过时效温度的变化会直接影响马氏体钢中的碳化物析出及粗化,当过时效温度大于200℃时,试验用钢碳化物开始粗化,降低了马氏体钢的宏观冷弯性能。  相似文献   

通过15N-14N同位素气体交换技术消除液相传质的影响,利用在线质谱分析仪测定了在1873 K下,铁液中氮溶解的界面反应速率常数。结果表明,总流量为600~800 mL·min−1时可以忽略气相传质的影响,保护气中增加H2的比例有利于降低钢液中杂质元素的浓度。铁液中加入一定量碳、铝、硅,分析得到这三种元素对氮溶解速率是抑制的。依据本实验的数据利用空位解离模型建立反应速率常数ka与氧、硫、碳、铝、硅的活度关系,吸附系数分别是KO=0.96,KS=9.32,KC=0.02,KAl=0.51,KSi=1.16。纯铁液中氮的溶解反应表观速率常数为ka=4.8×10−6 mol·m−2·s·Pa。  相似文献   

Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combine. Lipetsk Polytechnic Institute. Translated from Metallurg, No. 4, pp. 44–46, April, 1988.  相似文献   

利用多功能连续退火模拟器Multipas对屈服强度为380MPa的低硅型冷轧低合金高强钢板连续退火生产工艺进行了模拟,研究了在820,800,780℃三种不同退火温度和60,120,160m·min-1三种不同退火速度下,连退工艺对冷轧低合金高强钢板组织、力学性能的影响.结果表明,在不同的退火温度、退火速度下钢板退火组织的晶粒度基本相同,采用较低的退火温度和较高的退火速度时,可获得较好的强化效果.同时指出,在较高的连续退火温度下,退火速度对力学性能的影响较为显著.  相似文献   

An HSLA‐100 steel received from the US Naval Research Laboratory has been characterised. The effects of heat treatment parameters such as austenitisation time and temperature, tempering time and temperature on mechanical properties have been studied. The microstructures resulting from different heat treatment conditions have been correlated with mechanical properties through SEM and TEM studies. Quantitative relationships have been developed between mechanical properties and the operational variables within a narrow range of variation of the variables by statistical design of experiments. A quantitative relationship has also been developed for the same for a wider experimental region through curve fitting technique. The best combination of strength and low‐temperature toughness was obtained in the region of 700 °C tempering temperature and 0.3 ‐ 0.4 h tempering time.  相似文献   

利用背散射电子衍射微织构分析技术及X射线衍射织构分析技术,结合对取向硅钢薄带再结晶各阶段退火板磁性能的分析,系统研究了其形变再结晶过程中的组织及织构演变.结果表明,薄带内原始高斯晶粒取向发生绕TD轴向{111}〈112〉的转变,同时晶粒取向还表现出绕RD轴的附加转动,这种附加转动及其导致的表层微弱立方形变组织可为再结晶立方织构的形成提供核心.退火各阶段样品磁性能的变化对应了{110}-{100}〈001〉有益织构及其他织构的强弱转变以及再结晶晶粒不均匀程度的变化,综合织构类型及晶粒尺寸的变化推断发生了二次及三次再结晶过程.升温过程再结晶织构演变主要体现了织构诱发机制,也即与基体存在绕〈001〉轴取向关系的晶粒长大优势结合高斯织构的抑制效应发挥作用;而在高温长时间保温后三次再结晶过程,{110}低表面能诱发异常长大发挥主要作用使得最终得到锋锐的高斯织构.  相似文献   

The influence of heat treatment and of the acidic and mechanical removal of rolling scale on the variation in mechanical properties of 1kp low-carbon steel wire rod is investigated.  相似文献   

Annealing experiments were conducted on BH steel to which 10 × 10- 6boron was added. The annealing temperature,holding time,H2 content,and dew point were varied in the experiments in order to investigate their influences on the selective oxidation of boron. A higher annealing temperature and longer holding time is found to lead to a higher concentration of boron at the extreme surface,which reaches saturation after the steel sheet is held for a critical period of time that depends on the annealing temperature. The effect of H2 content on the selective oxidation of boron depends on the annealing temperature and dew point. It has almost no influence on the external oxidation of boron when the sheet is annealed at 820 ℃ in an atmosphere with a dew point of- 40 ℃. At a dew point of- 10 ℃,a lower H2 content results in a lower peak value of boron in the subsurface area but deeper internal oxidation of boron. An increase in the dew point from- 40 ℃ to- 10 ℃ can significantly promote internal oxidation of boron at depths of 50- 200 nm from the surface. With the suppression of external oxidation of boron as well as manganese and silicon,a relatively clean surface with reduced and refined oxides can be achieved by increasing the dew point.  相似文献   

王金凤  袁耀  李聪 《钢铁》2022,57(9):138-147
 汽车轻量化后对安全性和碰撞吸能性提出了更高要求,从而促进了高强、吸能材料及其拼接技术的发展。以汽车安保件之一的汽车B柱为研究对象,采用能满足要求的DP980双相钢和22MnB5热冲压成型钢异种材料进行激光拼焊,研究焊接热输入对焊接接头显微组织与力学性能的影响。通过保持激光输出功率不变(1.3 kW)改变焊接速度的方法控制焊接热输入,考察焊接热输入与拼焊接头组织和力学性能之间的关系。利用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、显微硬度测试仪和拉伸试验机研究接头不同亚区的组织和性能。结果表明,当焊接速度为16~26 mm/s时,均获得了完整而无缺陷的熔化区组织;随着焊接速度的提高,不仅焊缝表面凹陷逐步改善,并且焊接热影响区宽度也随之减小。硬度测试表明,接头中存在明显的软化区域,主要分布在DP980侧热影响区的回火区和不完全相变区,而DP980侧热影响区的细晶区、粗晶区、22MnB5侧热影响区以及焊缝金属区的硬度则有所增加,形成了焊接接头的硬化区。拼焊接头在能形成完整接头的条件下抗拉强度保持为576~597 MPa,断裂均发生在22MnB5侧的母材区,断裂时有明显的颈缩现象;接头断后伸长率为11.9%~15.5%,介于DP980母材(11%)和22MnB5(22%)母材的断后伸长率之间;研究还表明,焊接热输入越大,焊接接头相同区域的组织越粗大。  相似文献   

Aluminum films coated on DI steel sheets were prepared by direct current(DC)magnetron sputtering. The influence of the deposition conditions and film thickness on the formability of coated steel sheets was studied. The results of the cupping test and drawing test show that the substrate temperature and thickness of Al films are the key factors that affect Al adhesion and formability of coated steel sheets.Adhesion became worse when the thickness of Al sheets was more than 2μm.And formability was improved remarkably when the substrate temperature was increased to 200℃.  相似文献   

通过有限元方法分析了大型反应器钢结构体系的受力与变形的薄弱位置,并对反应器中大量使用的加劲薄钢板的屈曲性能进行了研究.在此基础上,实验分析了加劲板的稳定性.结果表明:矩形薄钢板开孔周围加加劲肋时,加劲肋对板起到嵌固作用;对于此反应器整体结构来说,薄板选择L形加劲肋最优;对于带有加劲肋的薄板,边界约束条件越强,临界屈曲荷载越大,板越不易发生屈曲.实验和数值结果有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

The load partitioning between two phases in a cold-rolled duplex stainless steel has been experimentally studied in situ by X-ray diffraction, for different loading directions. It was found that the load partitioning between the two phases is dependent on the loading direction. For loading in the rolling direction, both phases deform plastically to the same degree, while more plastic deformation occurs in the austenitic phase during loading in the transverse direction. For loading in the 45-deg direction, more plastic deformation occurs in the ferritic phase. The strong crystallographic texture in the ferritic phase makes the material anisotropic, with a higher stiffness and yield strength in the transverse direction compared to the rolling direction. The measured texture was used as input to theoretical predictions of both elastic and plastic anisotropy. The plastic anisotropy was predicted by assuming intragranular slip as the main deformation mechanism. The predicted anisotropic material properties were then used in finite-element simulations to study the flow behavior of the material in different directions. The predicted flow behavior was found to be in good agreement with the experimentally observed load partitioning between the phases for loading in the rolling and transverse directions. However, the yield strength of the ferritic phase during loading in the 45-deg direction was found to be lower than what was predicted. The reason for this is the difference in slip characteristics in different sample directions, because of the morphological texture.  相似文献   

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