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Although a potentially useful climate change mitigation tool, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) efforts in the United States remain mired in demonstration and development. Prior studies suggest numerous reasons for this stagnation. This article empirically assesses those claims. Using an anonymous opinion survey completed by 229 CCS experts, we identified four primary barriers to CCS commercialization: (1) cost and cost recovery, (2) lack of a price signal or financial incentive, (3) long-term liability risks, and (4) lack of a comprehensive regulatory regime. These results give empirical weight to previous studies suggesting that CCS cost (and cost recovery) and liability risks are primary barriers to the technology. However, the need for comprehensive rather than piecemeal CCS regulation represents an emerging concern not previously singled out in the literature. Our results clearly show that the CCS community sees fragmented regulation as one of the most significant barriers to CCS deployment. Specifically, industry is united in its preference for a federal regulatory floor that is subject to state-level administration and sensitive to local conditions. Likewise, CCS experts share broad confidence in the technology's readiness, despite continued calls for commercial-scale demonstration projects before CCS is widely deployed.  相似文献   

Coal-to-liquids (CTL) processes that generate synthetic liquid fuels from coal are of increasing interest in light of the substantial rise in world oil prices in recent years. A major concern, however, is the large emissions of CO2 from the process, which would add to the burden of atmospheric greenhouse gases. To assess the options, impacts and costs of controlling CO2 emissions from a CTL plant, a comprehensive techno-economic assessment model of CTL plants has been developed, capable of incorporating technology options for carbon capture and storage (CCS). The model was used to study the performance and cost of a liquids-only plant as well as a co-production plant, which produces both liquids and electricity. The effect of uncertainty and variability of key parameters on the cost of liquids production was quantified, as were the effects of alternative carbon constraints such as choice of CCS technology and the effective price (or tax) on CO2 emissions imposed by a climate regulatory policy. The efficiency and CO2 emissions from a co-production plant also were compared to the separate production of liquid fuels and electricity. The results for a 50,000 barrels/day case study plant are presented.  相似文献   

An opportunity to sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) is made possible because hydraulic fracturing is used to produce most of America's natural gas. CO2 could be extracted from natural gas and water using steam methane reforming, pressurized to its supercritical phase, and used instead of water to fracture additional hydrocarbon-bearing rock. The useful energy carrier that remains is hydrogen, with carbon returned to the ground. Research on the use of supercritical CO2 is reviewed, with proppant entrainment identified as the major area where technical advances may be needed. The large potential for greenhouse-gas reduction through sequestration of CO2 and avoidance of methane leakage from the natural gas system is quantified.  相似文献   

Through gasification, a solid feedstock is partially oxidized with oxygen and steam to produce syngas which can be used for conversion into different valuable compounds (e.g. hydrogen) or to generate power in a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT). Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) is one of power generation technologies having the highest potential for carbon capture with low penalties in efficiency and cost.  相似文献   

Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) is a power generation technology in which the solid feedstock is partially oxidized with oxygen and steam to produce syngas. In a conventional IGCC design without carbon capture, the syngas is purified for dust and hydrogen sulphide removal and then sent to a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) for power generation. Carbon capture technologies are expected to play an important role in the coming decades for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions. In a modified IGCC design for carbon capture, the syngas is catalytically shifted to maximize the hydrogen level and to concentrate the carbon species in the form of carbon dioxide which can be later captured in a pre-combustion arrangement. After carbon dioxide capture, the hydrogen-rich syngas can be either purified in a Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) unit and exported to the external customers (e.g., chemical industry, PEM fuel cells) or used in a CCGT for power generation.  相似文献   

Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) is one of power generation technologies having the highest potential for carbon capture with low penalties in efficiency and cost. Syngas produced by gasification can be decarbonised using chemical looping methods in which an oxygen carrier (usually a metallic oxide) is recycled between the syngas oxidation reactor (fuel reactor) and the chemical agent oxidation reactor (steam reactor). In this way, the resulted carbon dioxide is inherently separated from the other products of combustion and the syngas energy is transferred to an almost pure hydrogen stream suitable to be used not only for power generation but also for transport sector (PEM fuel cells).  相似文献   

This paper investigates the potential use of lower grade coals in an IGCC-CCS plant that generates electricity and produces hydrogen simultaneously with carbon dioxide capture and storage. The paper underlines one of the main advantages of gasification technology, namely the possibility to process lower grade coals, which are more widely available than the high-grade coals normally used in European power plants. Based on a proposed plant concept that generates about 400 MW net electricity with a flexible output of 0–50 MWth hydrogen and a carbon capture rate of at least 90%, the paper develops fuel selection criteria for coal fluxing and blending of various types of coal for optimizing plant performance e.g. oxygen consumption, hydrogen production potential, specific syngas energy production per tonne of oxygen consumed, etc. These performance indicators were calculated for a number of case studies through process flow simulations. The main conclusion is that blending of coal types of higher and lower grade is more beneficial in terms of operation and cost performance than fluxing high-grade coals.  相似文献   

In the carbon capture and storage (CCS) process, CO2 sources and geologic reservoirs may be widely spatially dispersed and need to be connected through a dedicated CO2 pipeline network. We introduce a scalable infrastructure model for CCS (simCCS) that generates a fully integrated, cost-minimizing CCS system. SimCCS determines where and how much CO2 to capture and store, and where to build and connect pipelines of different sizes, in order to minimize the combined annualized costs of sequestering a given amount of CO2. SimCCS is able to aggregate CO2 flows between sources and reservoirs into trunk pipelines that take advantage of economies of scale. Pipeline construction costs take into account factors including topography and social impacts. SimCCS can be used to calculate the scale of CCS deployment (local, regional, national). SimCCS’ deployment of a realistic, capacitated pipeline network is a major advancement for planning CCS infrastructure. We demonstrate simCCS using a set of 37 CO2 sources and 14 reservoirs for California. The results highlight the importance of systematic planning for CCS infrastructure by examining the sensitivity of CCS infrastructure, as optimized by simCCS, to varying CO2 targets. We finish by identifying critical future research areas for CCS infrastructure.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) promises to allow for low-emissions fossil-fuel-based power generation. The technology is under development; a number of technological, economic, environmental and safety issues remain to be solved. CCS may prolong the prevailing coal-to-electricity regime and countervail efforts in other mitigation categories. Given the need to continue using fossil-fuels for some time, however, it may also serve as a bridging technology towards a renewable energy future. In this paper, we analyze the structural characteristics of the CCS innovation system and perform an energy-environment-economic analysis of the potential contribution of CCS, using a general equilibrium model for Germany. We show that a given climate target can be achieved at lower marginal costs when the option of CCS is included into the mix of mitigation options. We conclude that, given an appropriate legal and policy framework, CCS, energy efficiency and some other mitigation efforts are complementary measures and should form part of a broad mix of measures required for a successful CO2 mitigation strategy.  相似文献   

IGCC is a power generation technology in which the solid feedstock is partially oxidized to produce syngas. In a modified IGCC design for carbon capture, there are several technological options which are evaluated in this paper. The first two options involve pre-combustion arrangements in which syngas is processed, either by shift conversion or chemical looping, to maximise the hydrogen level and to concentrate the carbon species as CO2. After CO2 capture by gas-liquid absorption or chemical looping, the hydrogen-rich gas is used for power generation. The third capture option is based on post-combustion arrangement using chemical absorption.Investigated coal-based IGCC case studies produce 400-500 MW net power with more than 90% carbon capture rate. Principal focus of the paper is concentrated on evaluation of key performance indicators for investigated carbon capture options, the influence of various gasifiers on carbon capture process, optimisation of energy efficiency by heat and power integration, quality specification of captured CO2. The capture option with minimal energy penalty is based on chemical looping, followed by pre-combustion and post-combustion.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) facilities coupled to power plants provide a climate change mitigation strategy that potentially permits the continued use of fossil fuels whilst reducing the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This process involves three basic stages: capture and compression of CO2 from power stations, transport of CO2, and storage away from the atmosphere for hundreds to thousands of years. Potential routes for the capture, transport and storage of CO2 from United Kingdom (UK) power plants are examined. Six indicative options are evaluated, based on ‘Pulverised Coal’, ‘Natural Gas Combined Cycle’, and ‘Integrated (coal) Gasification Combined Cycle’ power stations. Chemical and physical CO2 absorption capture techniques are employed with realistic transport possibilities to ‘Enhanced Oil Recovery’ sites or depleted gas fields in the North Sea. The selected options are quantitatively assessed against well-established economic and energy-related criteria. Results show that CO2 capture can reduce emissions by over 90%. However, this will reduce the efficiency of the power plants concerned, incurring energy penalties between 14 and 30% compared to reference plants without capture. Costs of capture, transport and storage are concatenated to show that the whole CCS chain ‘cost of electricity’ (COE) rises by 27-142% depending on the option adopted. This is a significant cost increase, although calculations show that the average ‘cost of CO2 captured’ is £15/tCO2 in 2005 prices [the current base year for official UK producer price indices]. If potential governmental carbon penalties were introduced at this level, then the COE would equate to the same as the reference plant, and make CCS a viable option to help mitigate large-scale climate change.  相似文献   

The decarbonization of hydrocarbons is explored in this work as a method to produce hydrogen and mitigate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. An integrated process for power generation and carbon capture based on a hydrocarbon fueled-decarbonization unit was proposed and simulated. Ethane and propane were used as fuels and subjected to the thermal decomposition (decarbonization) process. The system is also composed of a carbon fuel cell (CFC) and hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) for the production of power and a pure CO2 stream that is ready for sequestration. The HFC is a high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell operating at 200 °C. Simulations were performed using ASPEN HYSYS V.10 for the entire process including the CFC and HFC being operated at various operating temperatures (200–800 °C). The power output from the CFC and the HFC as well as the overall process efficiency were calculated. The model incorporates an energy recovery system by adopting a counter-current shell and tube heat exchangers and a turbine. The water produced from the fuel cell system can be utilized in the plant to recover the heat from the furnace. The results showed a 100% carbon capture with a nominal plant capacity of 108 MWe produced when propane fuel was fed to the decarbonizer. The CFC theoretical efficiency is 100% and the practical efficiency was taken as 70% when all internal polarizations were considered. The results showed that, in the case of propane, the CFC power output was 89 MWe when the CFC operated at 650 °C, and the HFC power output was around 45 MWe at 200 °C with an overall actual plant efficiency of 35% and 100% carbon capture. Sensitivity analysis recommends a hydrocarbon fuel cost of 0.011 $/kW as the most feasible option. The results reported here on the decarbonization of hydrocarbon fuels are promising toward the direct production of hydrogen with full carbon dioxide sequestration at a potentially lower cost especially in rural areas. The overall actual efficiencies are very competitive to those of conventional power plants operated without carbon capture.  相似文献   

We assess the option to install a carbon capture and storage (CCS) unit in a coal-fired power plant operating in a carbon-constrained environment. We consider two sources of risk, namely the price of emission allowance and the price of the electricity output. First we analyse the performance of the EU market for CO2 emission allowances. Specifically, we focus on the contracts maturing in the Kyoto Protocol's first commitment period (2008 to 2012) and calibrate the underlying parameters of the allowance price process. Then we refer to the Spanish wholesale electricity market and calibrate the parameters of the electricity price process.We use a two-dimensional binomial lattice to derive the optimal investment rule. In particular, we obtain the trigger allowance prices above which it is optimal to install the capture unit immediately. We further analyse the effect of changes in several variables on these critical prices, among them allowance price volatility and a hypothetical government subsidy.We conclude that, at current permit prices, immediate installation does not seem justified from a financial point of view. This need not be the case, though, if carbon market parameters change dramatically, carbon capture technology undergoes significant improvements, and/or a specific governmental policy to promote these units is adopted.  相似文献   

This paper is assessing the hydrogen production from bioethanol at industrial scale (100000 Nm3/h hydrogen equivalent to 300 MW thermal) with carbon capture. Three carbon capture designs were investigated, one based on pre-combustion capture using chemical gas–liquid absorption and two based on chemical looping (one based on syngas and one using direct bioethanol looping). The carbon capture options were compared with the similar designs without carbon capture. The designs were simulated to produce mass and energy balances for quantification of key performance indicators. A particular accent is put on assessment of reforming technologies (steam and oxygen-blown autothermal reforming) and chemical looping units, process integration issues of carbon capture step within the plant, modelling and simulation of whole plant, thermal and power integration of various plant sub-systems by pinch analysis. The results for chemical looping designs (either syngas-based or direct bioethanol) show promising energy efficiency coupled with total carbon capture rate.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) covers a broad range of technologies that are being developed to allow carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel use at large point sources to be transported to safe geological storage, rather than being emitted to the atmosphere. Some key enabling contributions from technology development that could help to facilitate the widespread commercial deployment of CCS are expected to include cost reductions for CO2 capture technology and improved techniques for monitoring stored CO2. It is important, however, to realise that CCS will always require additional energy compared to projects without CCS, so will not be used unless project operators see an appropriate value for reducing CO2 emissions from their operations or legislation is introduced that requires CCS to be used. Possible key advances for CO2 capture technology over the next 50 years, which are expected to arise from an eventual adoption of CCS as standard practice for all large stationary fossil fuel installations, are also identified. These include continued incremental improvements (e.g. many potential solvent developments) as well as possible step-changes, such as ion transfer membranes for oxygen production for integrated gasifier combined cycle and oxyfuel plants.  相似文献   

There are many uncertainties and knowledge gaps regarding the development of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS)—e.g., when it comes to costs, life-cycle effects, storage capacity and permanence. In spite of these uncertainties and barriers, the CCS research community is generally very optimistic regarding CCS’ development. The discrepancy between the uncertainties and the optimism is the point of departure in this study, which is based on interviews with 24 CCS experts. The aim is to analyse experts’ framings of CCS with focus on two key aspects: (i) the function and potential of CCS and (ii) uncertainties. The optimism among the CCS experts is tentatively explained. The interpretative flexibility of CCS is claimed to be an essential explanation for the optimism. CCS is promoted from a wide variety of perspectives, e.g., solidarity and peace, bridge to a sustainable energy system, sustaining the modern lifestyle and compatibility with the fossil fuel lock-in. Awareness of the uncertainties and potential over-optimism is warranted within policy and decision making as they often rely on scientific forecasts and experts’ judgements.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the potential contribution of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies to greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the U.S. electricity sector. Focusing on capture systems for coal-fired power plants until 2030, a sensitivity analysis of key CCS parameters is performed to gain insight into the role that CCS can play in future mitigation scenarios and to explore implications of large-scale CCS deployment. By integrating important parameters for CCS technologies into a carbon-abatement model similar to the EPRI Prism analysis (EPRI, 2007), this study concludes that the start time and rate of technology diffusion are important in determining emissions reductions and fuel consumption for CCS technologies. Comparisons with legislative emissions targets illustrate that CCS alone is very unlikely to meet reduction targets for the electric-power sector, even under aggressive deployment scenarios. A portfolio of supply and demand-side strategies is needed to reach emissions objectives, especially in the near term. Furthermore, model results show that the breakdown of capture technologies does not have a significant influence on potential emissions reductions. However, the level of CCS retrofits at existing plants and the eligibility of CCS for new subcritical plants have large effects on the extent of greenhouse gas emissions reductions.  相似文献   

As the United States moves closer to a national climate change policy, it will have to focus on a variety of factors affecting the manner in which the country moves toward a future with a substantially lower carbon footprint. In addition to encouraging renewable energy, smart grid, clean fuels and other technologies, the United States will need to make substantial infrastructure investments in a variety of industries. Among the significant contributors to the current carbon footprint in the United States is the use of coal as a major fuel for the generation of electricity. One of the most important technologies that the United States can employ to reduce its carbon footprint is to sequester the carbon dioxide (“CO2”) from coal-fired power plants. This article focuses on the legal and policy issues surrounding a critical piece of the necessary sequestration infrastructure: CO2 pipelines that will carry CO2 from where it is removed from fuel or waste gas streams to where it will be sequestered. Ultimately, this article recommends developing a federally regulated CO2 pipeline program to foster the implementation of carbon sequestration technology.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes innovative processes for producing hydrogen from fossil fuels conversion (natural gas, coal, lignite) based on chemical looping techniques, allowing intrinsic CO2 capture. This paper evaluates in details the iron-based chemical looping system used for hydrogen production in conjunction with natural gas and syngas produced from coal and lignite gasification. The paper assesses the potential applications of natural gas and syngas chemical looping combustion systems to generate hydrogen. Investigated plant concepts with natural gas and syngas-based chemical looping method produce 500 MW hydrogen (based on lower heating value) covering ancillary power consumption with an almost total decarbonisation rate of the fossil fuels used.The paper presents in details the plant concepts and the methodology used to evaluate the performances using critical design factors like: gasifier feeding system (various fuel transport gases), heat and power integration analysis, potential ways to increase the overall energy efficiency (e.g. steam integration of chemical looping unit into the combined cycle), hydrogen and carbon dioxide quality specifications considering the use of hydrogen in transport (fuel cells) and carbon dioxide storage in geological formation or used for EOR.  相似文献   

The reversible reaction between CaO and CO2 is an extremely promising method of removing CO2 from the exhaust of a power station, generating a pure stream of CO2 ready for geological sequestration. The technology has attracted a great deal of attention recently, owing to a number of its advantages: the relatively small efficiency penalty which it imposes upon a power station (estimated at 6–8 percentage points, including compression of the CO2); its potential use in large-scale circulating fluidised beds (a mature technology, as opposed to the vastly upscaled solvent scrubbing towers which would be required for amine scrubbing); its excellent opportunity for integration with cement manufacture (potentially decarbonising both industries) and its extremely cheap sorbent (crushed limestone).  相似文献   

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