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Ireland's Renewable Energy Feed-In Tariff (REFIT) for wind generation has some unusual features making it different from other REFIT schemes around the world. By utilising an annual floor price element the scheme presents an option value to the contract holder, which to date has gone unnoticed or unvalued in the market. By employing an option pricing framework, this paper has quantified for the first time in the public domain the expected costs and value of the Irish REFIT support scheme for wind generation. While the cost of the REFIT scheme to the electricity consumer appears to be lower than the cost of schemes in other countries, significant inefficiencies exist as a result of the structure of the scheme. The Irish REFIT scheme is contrasted with a single Fixed Price support scheme and the analysis suggests that the Fixed Price scheme can provide a similar or greater incentive to the wind sector at half the cost to the end electricity consumer, and may also prove more compatible with consumers desire to reduce inter-year electricity portfolio cost volatility.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2005,33(17):2256-2271
Quality of service has emerged as an important issue in post-reform regulation of electricity distribution networks. Regulators have employed partial incentive schemes to promote cost saving, investment efficiency, and service quality. This paper presents a quality-incorporated benchmarking study of the electricity distribution utilities in the UK between 1991/92 and 1998/99. We calculate technical efficiency of the utilities using Data Envelopment Analysis technique and productivity change over time using quality-incorporated Malmquist indices. We find that cost-efficient firms do not necessarily exhibit high service quality and that efficiency scores of cost-only models do not show high correlation with those of quality-based models. The results also show that improvements in service quality have made a significant contribution to the sector’s total productivity change. In addition, we show that integrating quality of service in regulatory benchmarking is preferable to cost-only approaches.  相似文献   

Three mechanisms are commonly employed to enable households to sell electricity from grid-connected residential solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to utilities or grid companies: feed-in tariffs (FIT), net metering, and net purchase and sale. This study aims to compare these mechanisms with respect to social welfare and to retail electricity rates that include the cost to electric utilities of purchasing residential PV-generated electricity. The study presents a simple microeconomic model that shows, first, that the mechanism that produces the most social welfare is different depending on the amount of reduction in electricity consumption achievable under net metering or net purchase and sale (which are shown to be essentially similar). If the reduction is relatively small, FIT is likely to produce more social welfare than net metering/net purchase and sale; if the reduction is large, the opposite is the case. Second, the model shows that the mechanism that yields the lowest electricity rate is not definite, and differs depending on the homogeneity of households: when households are more homogeneous, the electricity rate under net metering/net purchase and sale is more likely to be higher than that under FIT.  相似文献   

In order to overcome the perverse incentives of excessive maintenance reductions and insufficient network investments arising with incentive regulation of electricity distribution companies, regulators throughout Europe have started regulating service quality. In this paper, we explore the impact of incorporating customers’ willingness-to-pay for service quality in benchmarking models on cost efficiency of distribution networks. Therefore, we examine the case of Norway, which features this approach to service quality regulation. We use the data envelopment analysis technique to analyse the effectiveness of such regulatory instruments. Moreover, we discuss the extent to which this indirect regulatory instrument motivates a socially desired service quality level. The results indicate that internalising external or social cost of service quality does not seem to have played an important role in improving cost efficiency in Norwegian distribution utilities.  相似文献   

Economic growth is main cause of environmental pollution and has been identified as a big threat to sustainable development. Considering the enormous role of electricity in the national economy, it is essential to study the effect of environmental regulations on the electricity sector. This paper aims at making an economic analysis of Korea's power plant utilities by comparing electricity generation costs from coal-fired power plants and liquefied natural gas (LNG) combined cycle power plants with environmental consideration. In this study, the levelized generation cost method (LGCM) is used for comparing economic analysis of power plant utilities. Among the many pollutants discharged during electricity generation, this study principally deals with control costs related only to CO2 and NO2, since the control costs of SO2 and total suspended particulates (TSP) are already included in the construction cost of utilities. The cost of generating electricity in a coal-fired power plant is compared with such cost in a LNG combined cycle power plant. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis with computer simulation is performed according to fuel price, interest rates and carbon tax. In each case, these results can help in deciding which utility is economically justified in the circumstances of environmental regulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use panel data from a survey conducted on 30 utilities in Switzerland to estimate the impact of demand-side management (DSM) activity on residential electricity demand. Using the variation in DSM activity within utilities and across utilities over time we identify the impact of DSM programs and find that their presence reduces per customer residential electricity consumption by around 5%. If we consider monetary spending, the effect of a 10% increase in DSM spending causes a 0.14% reduction in per customer residential electricity consumption. The cost of saving a kilowatt hour is around 0.04CHF while the average cost of producing and distributing electricity in Switzerland is around 0.18CHF per kilowatt hour. We conclude that current DSM practices in Switzerland have a statistically significant effect on reducing the demand for residential electricity.  相似文献   

In this study, a method is developed for estimating the long run marginal cost to electric utilities of providing backup service for solar residential heating and hot water (HHW) systems. This method accounts for all investment, fuel, and operating costs required to provide the added electric service for HHW. From the information produced using this method, the impacts of various rate design philosophies and of government tax and regulatory policies on annual homeowner costs, fuel consumption patterns, environmental pollutants, and the net social cost of providing HHW service can be computed. Also, the differences in these parameters among solar, electric, and conventional HHW systems can be compared.In an initial study, it was found that for one Northeastern utility the estimated marginal cost of electricity for backup to solar hot water (HW) systems was less than that for comparable electric HW systems for the period of the mid to late 1990s. Load management (shifting all electricity use to off-peak periods) substantially reduced marginal costs for both electric and solar systems and essentially eliminated any difference between them. In all cases, the marginal cost was lower than the average cost of all electricity generated for market penetration rates that can realistically be expected to be experienced. The impact on total annual costs to homeowners of various electricity rate schemes and the impacts of Federal tax credits and property tax exemptions were computed. Net changes in resource consumption patterns due to the use of solar systems were estimated.  相似文献   

Electricity sector has grown substantially in Turkey since the early 1960s as a result of rapid industrialization and urbanization. The vertically integrated state-owned company had a legally established monopoly on the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in Turkey. With the support and encouragement of international organizations like the World Bank, Turkey has initiated a comprehensive program to liberalize and privatize the electricity market in 2001. The liberalization of the electricity market in Turkey started in the distribution side of the market. The distribution network was divided into 21 distribution regions and in each of these, separate – initially state-owned – distribution companies have been authorized to distribute and sell electricity. The plan envisaged to complete privatization of all distribution companies until the end of 2006. This study compares the welfare implication of privatization of the distribution networks by comparing two extreme cases, a pure regional distributional monopoly case and a representative pure “free” consumer case, with a benchmark case of administered price regulation. For this purpose, we develop a simulation model of the Turkish electricity system, and use the data on generation and distribution costs. Our simulation analysis shows that substantial welfare losses occur if the distributional companies behave as regional monopolists. Our findings reiterate the importance of regulation and market design.  相似文献   

This paper presents an economic analysis of investment in cogeneration in selected industries and assesses the impact of investment tax credits policy directed at cogeneration. We use a dynamic partial equilibrium model that is derived under the assumption that investment in cogeneration occurs if and when the annualized cost of the incremental investment is less than the annualized benefits of avoiding electricity purchase from the utilities. Policy simulations show that investment in cogeneration is economically feasible even without the tax credits; the tax credit policy marginally increases investment in cogeneration. The welfare distortions and revenue loss to the US Treasury are also estimated. External benefits required per barrel of oil to offset distortion costs would come to $2.83.  相似文献   

电力工业从垄断走向市场,使得电价不再由政府确定,而是在市场机制下产生。电价波动会影响市场参与者的经济利益。对电力市场参与者而言,准确地预测电价具有非常重要的意义。该论文以电力系统短期边际价格为主要研究对象。首先分析了电价的变化特点、影响电价的主要因素,明确电价变化的规律性。然后介绍了一些现有因素分析的方法。并对当前电价预测方法按其工作原理进行分类总结,最后根据各类电价预测模型的特点尤其利用神经网络方法建立的预测模型进行了深入分析和总结。  相似文献   

In this study we combine different possibilities to model firm level heterogeneity in stochastic frontier analysis. We show that both observed and unobserved heterogeneities cause serious biases in inefficiency results. Modelling observed and unobserved heterogeneities treat individual firms in different ways and even though the expected mean inefficiency scores in both cases diminish the firm level efficiency rank orders turn out to be very different. The best fit with the data is obtained by modelling unobserved heterogeneity through randomizing frontier parameters and at the same time explicitly modelling the observed heterogeneity into the inefficiency distribution. These results are obtained by using data from Finnish electricity distribution utilities and the results are relevant in relation to electricity distribution pricing and regulation.  相似文献   

Eric Hirst 《Energy》1994,19(12):1193-1203
This paper discusses competition in the electricity industry and how it might affect utility DSM programs. The roles that state regulatory commissions could play to affect retail competition and DSM programs are examined. Commissions could set exit or reentry fees for customers who want to buy electricity from an entity other than the local utility. Or they could ‘tax’ the use of the local distribution system to discourage uneconomic wheeling and to pay for DSM programs. The effects of DSM programs on retail electricity prices and how utilities might redesign their DSM programs for a more competitive environment are considered. In the future, utility DSM programs may
1. (1) focus more on customer service and less on system-resource benefits,
2. (2) emphasize capacity reductions more and energy savings less as utilities seek to minimize the lost revenues associated with DSM,
3. (3) become more cost-effective as utilities identify better ways to deliver DSM services at lower cost, and
4. (4) involve fewer inter- and intraclass transfers as utilities increasingly have individual customers pay for their own DSM services. While DSM programs in the future may be different from what they are today, they will continue to be important to utilities as powerful marketing tools and to society because of their environmental and economic-productivity benefits.

Welfare analyses of energy taxes typically show that systems with uniform rates perform better than differentiated systems. However, most western countries include some exemptions for their energy-intensive export industries and thereby avoid this potential welfare gain. Böhringer and Rutherford (1997) find that uniform taxation of carbon emissions in combination with a wage subsidy preserves jobs in these industries at a lower welfare cost compared with a differentiated system. The wage subsidy scheme generates a substantial welfare gain per job saved. This study, however, finds that welfare costs are substantial when less accurate policy measures, represented by production-dependent subsidies, protect jobs in Norwegian electricity-intensive industries. The welfare cost per job preserved by this subsidy scheme amounts to approximately 60% of the wage cost per job, suggesting that these jobs are expensive to preserve. A uniform electricity tax combined with production-dependent subsidies preserves jobs at a lower welfare cost compared with the current differentiated electricity tax system.  相似文献   

The current cost disadvantage of photovoltaics (PV) risks to reduce its relevance in climate policy strategies. Depending on the used assumptions, electricity from PV can become competitive between 2015 and 2040. Cost competitiveness is, however, a conditional criterion and as an alternative to the learning curve perspective, the future role of PV in electricity production is assessed from a portfolio theory or Capital Asset Pricing Model perspective. In this analysis, the focus is on the input price risks. Fossil fuel price volatility can strongly reduce the financial return of conventional generating technologies. From a welfare perspective, energy planners should try to minimise this risk by adding risk-neutral or no-risk technologies to their portfolio. With an analysis for the year 2025, we illustrate how the addition of renewable capacity to an existing portfolio can lower total portfolio risk without a significant reduction of profitability. PV then emerges as an attractive technology, especially once the best locations for wind energy are already developed.  相似文献   

This study presents an optimized design of microgrid (MG) in distribution systems with multiple distributed generation (DG) units under different market policies such as pool/hybrid electricity market.Proposed microgrid includes various energy sources such as photovoltaic array and wind turbine with energy storage devices such as battery bank.In this study, microgrid is considered as independent power producer company (IPP) in power system. Price of selling/buying power in on-peak or off-peak for MG, DG and upstream power system (DISCO) under pool/bilateral/hybrid electricity market are different. In this study, particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm has been implemented for the optimization of the microgrid cost. The costs include capital cost, replacement cost, operation and maintenance costs and production cost for microgrid and DGs. Then, an objective function to maximize total net present worth (NPW) is presented. PSO approach is employed to obtain the minimum cost of microgrid, during interconnected operation by optimizing the production of local DGs and power exchanges with the main distribution grid. The optimization algorithm is applied to a typical LV network operating under different market policies.  相似文献   

The long-run marginal cost of providing electricity for solar heating and hot water systems is estimated for three utilities and compared with the cost of providing electricity to electric-only systems. All investment, fuel, and operating costs are accounted for. Hot water systems and combined heating and hot water systems are analyzed separately. It is found that the marginal cost for solar backup is no more than the marginal cost of electricity used for purely electric heating and hot water devices and also no more than the incremental cost of normal load growth. For the three utilities studied, there appears to be little basis for rate distinctions between solar devices using electric backup and electric-only heating and hot water devices. “Off-peak storage” heating and hot water devices have a much lower marginal cost than the standard systems; again, there appears to be no basis for distinguishing between solar and electric off-peak devices. Compared with average cost pricing, marginal cost pricing offers benefits to customers using solar and electric heat and hot water, especially if a separate lower rate is adopted for off-peak storage devices; these benefits can amount to several hundred dollars a year. Substantial savings in the use of oil and gas fuels can be achieved if residences using these fuels convert to solar systems, savings not necessarily achievable by a shift, instead, to electric systems.  相似文献   

Infrastructure planning for networked infrastructure such as grid electrification (or piped supply of water) has historically been a process of outward network expansion, either by utilities in response to immediate economic opportunity, or in response to a government mandate or subsidy intended to catalyze economic growth. While significant progress has been made in access to grid electricity in Asia, where population densities are greater and rural areas tend to have nucleated settlements, access to grid electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa remains low; a problem generally ascribed to differences in settlement patterns. The discussion, however, has remained qualitative, and hence it has been difficult for planners to understand the differing costs of carrying out grid expansion in one region as opposed to another. This paper describes a methodology to estimate the cost of local-level distribution systems for a least-cost network, and to compute additional information of interest to policymakers, such as the marginal cost of connecting additional households to a grid as a function of the penetration rate. We present several large datasets of household locations developed from satellite imagery, and examine them with our methodology, providing insight into the relationship between settlement pattern and the cost of rural electrification.  相似文献   

We consider the design of cost-sharing policies to motivate electricity distribution utilities to manage the costs of distributed energy resource (DER) projects. The optimal share of realized cost savings (s) that is awarded to the utility takes a relatively simple form in certain settings. More generally, s can vary with the prevailing environment in subtle and sometimes counterintuitive ways. For instance, s may increase as cost savings become less onerous for the utility to secure. Gains from affording the utility a choice among cost-sharing policies typically are minimal.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present a methodology to evaluate the viability of developing solar photovoltaic projects for large investor-owned utilities. By taking into account the trade-off between the cost per kWh of electricity generation and total risk for an investor-owned utility, a multi-objective model of the energy generation portfolios is developed. The decision making model can determine the proportion of different energy generation sources in an investor-owned utility portfolio that reduces risk while providing the lowest cost per kWh of electricity generation possible. In order to measure the risk of the investor-owned utility for energy portfolio selection, an investigation of possible dangers and failures of energy generation portfolios is made and 9 main failure modes are identified. The failure mode and effects analysis is employed to calculate the risk priority numbers for each risk. To deal with the uncertainties of the levelized cost of electricity and risk levels of failure modes, the fuzzy method is introduced and an equivalent crisp model is derived which is then solved by employing a multiple objective particle swarm optimization algorithm. The analysis for four large scale investor-owned utilities in Florida is presented to highlight the performance of the developed optimization method.  相似文献   

This paper examines the notion of energy transition when implemented by private utilities. In 2000, the Delhi government privatized electricity distribution to three private distribution companies. Most research was concerned with the impact of privatization on energy reliability, tariff settings and regulation issues. This paper looks at two under-researched themes: the expansion of services to poorer neighborhoods and the rollout of clean energy policies. This focus allows to unpack the materiality of socio-technical systems, to analyze how energy infrastructures are being technically deployed on the ground and to identify which social approach is used. To detail the specific practices of each company provides a more nuanced and accurate understanding of the reform. In-depth analysis of the three private utilities show that they interpret the reform mandate differently: they use a varied range of technical tools; they respond differently to social concerns in poorer neighborhoods; and they have distinctive internal management choices and corporate cultures. All these four factors can strengthen or undermine the transition towards increased access and clean energy.  相似文献   

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