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Ben Van Berkel's Flye Franklin Place Begins Construction本范·伯克尔设计的Five Franklin Place开始建造UN工作室的本·范·伯克尔所在美国设计的第一座重要建筑项目Five Franklin Ptace已开始在纽约建造。这座20层的住宅塔楼落户于Manhattan内的Tribeca区内历史悠久的Franklin Place,它独特的设计充分体现了伯克尔对标准住宅楼的重新诠释。  相似文献   

国外媒体2008年6月1日报道,纽约开发商Forest City Ratner和建筑师弗兰克·盖里今天公布了76层住宅楼设计稿。名为“Beekman”的大厦将成为纽约城最高的住宅建筑,也是盖里在纽约设计的第一座住宅项目。  相似文献   

为纪念911事件,纽约当局在2003年在全世界范围内征集世贸中心重建方案,由David Childs和Daniel Libeskind提出的“自由塔”方案成为最终的优胜者。由此,世贸中心遗址上建立起的第一座建筑,将以541米的高度再次创造城市天际线,并试图成为纽约和美国的新标志。美国也因此希望能以此延续美国在建筑摩天楼方面先进且富有创造力的传统,并将最高等级的设计,安全性,质量和科技结合在这座未来世界最高的塔楼之中。  相似文献   

<正>纽约的建筑事务所Studio Cadena在哥伦比亚首都波哥大的北部住宅区内设计了一座新餐厅。这是他们为咖啡烘焙连锁店Masa设计的第二个、也是最大的一个建筑空间;第一座建筑是一个较小的咖啡馆,同样坐落于波哥大,于2014年开业。餐厅充满肌理感的建筑外墙由现浇混凝土制成,为了打破这种粗犷的材质所呈现的硬朗质感,设计师在立面开设了若干三角形的窗户,几何元素的融入丰富了室内外空间的形象,也增强了建筑在视觉上  相似文献   

纽约新建四季大饭店杨士萱贝聿铭在西半球设计的第一幢高层旅馆建筑──纽约四季大饭店在1993年6月落成并隆重开幕。纽约市长为表彰他对纽约城市规划的贡献,特别决定1993年9月23日为纽约贝聿铭日。这座大厦建造的位置是纽约曼哈顿中心地带,从城市规划的重要...  相似文献   

徐知兰 《世界建筑》2007,(11):45-47
渐近线事务所设计的这座新潮的,50层的酒店和住宅塔楼.将会成为阿拉伯联合酋长国在建的一处高档海滨开发区中最高的大楼之一。该项目将融八工程、环境和技术方面的先进理念。渐近线事务所设计的塔楼在该开发区中将成为强有力并且引人注目的设计宣言.它具备了无比精致、高雅的私人住宅单元.也是突出该海滨开发区庞大野心的一个重要的标志性的建筑宣言。渐近线事务所的设计不仅将为城市天际线增添一座独特而充满力量的标志性建筑.也将成为阿拉伯联合酋长国和整个地区未来的灯塔和象征。  相似文献   

佩里街166号是渐近线在纽约的第一栋单体建筑,它位于西村,是一座4 645m2的8层高的豪华公寓.这座建筑处于一个变迁的城市环境中,场地西边是West Side高速路的自行车道和河岸再开发的休闲区域,在东边是慢节奏、安静的居住区.根据渐近线的设计构想,这座建筑充分利用和发扬了西村区域以至整个纽约市具有的活力、多彩的城市特点.设计利用东立面中一个蜂窝状肌理的介质及其里面的一个室内玻璃板,在保证最大采光与视线的前提下,减少了住宅内部的视觉可透性.  相似文献   

OJO事务所(Office Jarrik Ouburg)在荷兰德文特港设计再开发计划的建筑。这座海港是一个货物运输港口,其仓库修建于1961年,也是欧洲第一座采用滑动式模板材料搭建的建筑。  相似文献   

国外媒体4月16日报道,丹尼尔·利贝斯金德事务所设计的Ascent大厦在美国辛辛那提市开放,这将成为“美国住宅建筑的一个新基准”。大厦坐落在Roebling大桥旁。这座大桥是仿照纽约布鲁克林大桥设计的,因此Ascent大厦也被人看作有着同样的效应。  相似文献   

<正>MVRDV事务所设计的“山谷”住宅综合体于近日正式开业。建筑坐落于阿姆斯特丹的商业区Zuidas,由3座塔楼组成,高度分别是67 m、81 m和100 m。设计以自然山体为灵感,采用了戏剧化的形体。未来,塔楼将被精心培育的植物所覆盖,加上壮观的悬挑露台公寓,使整座建筑得以从阿姆斯特丹Zuidas商业区的天际线中脱颖而出。凭借诸多与众不同之处,“山谷”住宅综合体荣获2021年Emporis世界最佳摩天大楼奖。首先,它将办公、零售、餐饮、文化设施和公寓结合在一起;其次,与商业区内一贯封闭的建筑不同,人们可以通过塔楼外部设置的石梯进入四层和五层空间,在蜿蜒的景观之中漫步穿行。  相似文献   

岩体随机结构面三维网络的生成和可视化技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在总结随机结构面网络模拟研究关于结构面三维网络生成和可视化成果的基础上,假定结构面为Baecher圆盘形,考虑结构面大小、位置、产状、隙宽等要素,采用泊松随机过程生成随机结构面网络的样本单元。其中较为详细地介绍了利用结构面的空间几何关系获得结构面网络的交会信息方法,利用FORTRAN90编程语言编制生成三维结构面(渗流)网络的专用程序FRCGEN-3D,该程序也适用于三维结构面网络模拟研究岩体楔形体稳定和连通率求解问题。为使复杂的三维结构面空间几何关系得到展示,进一步借用OPENGL强大的图形处理编程功能,在此基础上完善了一套完整的三维结构面网络模拟专用的可视化系统V-FNW。该可视化系统具有交互界面和三维图形渲染、旋转、交切等功能,为结构面网络模拟研究岩石力学和裂隙网络水力学提供了一个可视化平台,具有相对广泛的应用价值和研究价值。  相似文献   

The moment of choice, when a decision option is identified as being preferred, is a key stage in a decision-making process. Some explicit or implicit mechanism, be it optimising, satisficing or a combination of the two, is required to make a choice. Dependable decision-making requires an appropriate choice mechanism, but the process and criteria by which a choice mechanism is selected are seldom addressed. A contingency approach to choice is proposed in which a choice mechanism is selected according to the characteristics of the information available and the meta-level constraints and objectives of the decision-maker. Information used in the choice is characterised according to the extent and type of uncertainty. The importance in effective decision-making of meta-level requirements, for example for inclusive and transparent mechanisms, is discussed. Normative and fuzzy choice mechanisms are cast within a generic framework of choice mechanisms. A new theory of choice based on interval probabilities is introduced for use in some situations where existing theories of choice are inappropriate.  相似文献   

王健  张琦  雷霆  沈云峰  刘安 《工程机械》2005,36(10):4-9
针对一些用户的设备管理部门拥有的工程机械种类多、性能差异大、地域分布广,对工程机械进行综合性能评估是一项复杂的工作。最好的办法是借助数据处理系统,但开发相应的评估系统繁杂、软件可重用性差。探讨了基于组件技术建立一个适应各种不同层次、不同地区的开放型通用的工程机械综合性能评估论证系统。提出了系统的组件化模型,确立了系统的总体框架性指标,并给出了评估基础算法模型,最后通过一算例进行了验证。该系统软件设计基于组件三层体系结构,可重构性强、易维护、使用方便。不仅为工程机械管理训练工作提供了科学的决策依据,而且为今后分布式大型评估系统的开发提供了新的理念和方法。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2002,42(3):77-92
In a major earthquake, it is reasonable to assume that the mechanical behavior of a pile foundation and the surrounding ground is nonlinear. It is commonly accepted that the dynamic behavior of a group-pile foundation is not only related to its own mechanical properties, but also to the upper structure supported by the foundation, and to the surrounding ground. It is recommended, therefore, that a full system, which consists of superstructures, foundation and ground, be considered in the dynamic analysis because of the merit that relatively few assumptions are adopted. The most important thing in the dynamic analysis, however, is that the individual nonlinear behavior of soils and piles should be properly evaluated. In this paper, a new beam theory is proposed for a reinforced concrete material (RC material). The theory is based on a weak form in which the axial-force dependency in the nonlinear moment-curvature relation is considered. Its validity is verified by experimental results of an RC cantilever beam. Then, an elevated bridge with a 12-pile foundation is analyzed using a three-dimensional elastoplastic finite element analysis (DGPILE-3D). The piles are cast-in-place reinforced concrete and have a diameter of 1.2 m. Meanwhile, the ground soil is simulated with a tij subloading model in which the concepts of kinematic hardening and subloading are adopted. The purpose of the paper is to provide an accurate numerical way of evaluating the dynamic behavior of a pile foundation during an earthquake.  相似文献   

A new multi-objective decision support system (MODSS) is developed for rehabilitation planning of public infrastructures. The method is generic and provides decision-makers a set of optimal rehabilitation tradeoffs over a desired analysis period. Two main objective functions are handled simultaneously, namely cost and performance, in addition to a set of bounding constraints. The method is based on a new fitness-oriented technique where problem knowledge is taken into account. In order to analyse cost and performance together, a normalisation technique of both objectives is achieved through an innovative time-value concept for both cost and condition states. The proposed method is based on life-cycle costing (LCC) methodology using a dynamic Markov chain to represent the deterioration mechanism and genetic algorithm is used to find the optimal rehabilitation profile. A case study is presented with a comparison between the traditional Markov decision process (MDP) and the newly developed method. The MODSS results in a lower LCC and is found practical in providing a complete maintenance and rehabilitation plan over a required study period. It is proven that the developed multi-objective optimisation is an effective tool in analysing real-life situations involving conflicting goals. Also, weighted sum method could be easily implemented and its outcome is sufficient given that many external factors might alter the decision-makers choice irrespectively of the optimisation method that is used. Furthermore, genetic algorithm is proven useful in the optimisation process in overcoming the computational difficulties associated with large combinatorial problems. The new method is beneficial to researchers and practitioners as it provides a major step towards a broad infrastructure management system.  相似文献   

The number of fire stations, and the area allocated to each station, that will minimize the sum of the relevant costs of the fire service and the cost of property damage due to fires is determined for a density of fires that is varying slowly with respect to location. A solution procedure is proposed when the cost of a fire is modelled as a nonlinear function of time. A closed-form solution for the area allocated to a fire station is given when the cost of a fire is a linear function of time. A numerical example is given to illustrate the method. The probability of a second fire alarm occurring while a fire is being fought is investigated.  相似文献   

The conventional method of obtaining a detailed picture of the energy performance of a building is by the installation of a dense network of air temperature sensors. The data from all the sensors is accumulated at a central point for analysis. However, it is argued that air temperature measurement is merely a secondary indicator of energy use and a more direct method of tracking energy flow is preferable. Focussing on the types of heating system where heat is produced at a central source and pumped around the building (for example, hydronic systems), it is suggested the heating system itself can function as a low-cost distributed sensor network to directly monitor energy use, although the information retrieved is mixed in a complex way that is dependent on the topology of the distribution system. It is claimed that high-resolution information can nevertheless be extracted by mapping the acquired data to the geometry of the system and by the use of adequate computer processing power to run the physical model. A method of testing the concept in a domestic context is described as a precursor to more extensive deployment.  相似文献   

铅具有良好的塑性变形能力,变形后能重新结晶恢复、无应变硬化。基于该特征,提出了一种杆式铅剪切阻尼器,这种阻尼器用于框架节点梁端塑性铰的耗能减震。采用有限元分析了阻尼器在不同初始屈服力、梁不同极限弯矩下的耗能性能。通过对梁滞回曲线的分析表明,所提出的耗能减震器工作性能稳定、耗能效率高、减震效果好、构造简单。  相似文献   

滑坡灾害治理方案的多属性决策方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
滑坡灾害治理工程是一个复杂系统工程 ,治理方案的决策受到技术、经济、环境以及风险等许多因素的影响 ,不同专家决策者对治理方案有明显的偏好 ,且属性权重信息不能完全确知。为了处理这样的不完全信息和偏好决策问题 ,提出了一种基于相似度的对方案有偏好的三角模糊数型多属性决策方法。该方法首先建立一个线性规划模型 ,通过求解该模型获得属性权重 ,然后 ,采用三角模糊数来建立判断矩阵 ,对滑坡灾害治理方案进行优化决策。最后 ,以三峡库区榨坊坪滑坡灾害的治理决策为实例 ,详细讨论了该方法的应用  相似文献   

侯晓萌  郑文忠 《工业建筑》2008,38(4):109-112
哈尔滨银河大酒店为22层高层建筑,裙房部分为6层,塔楼部分有3层地下室,裙房部分有1层地下室,裙房右侧为4层框架结构俱乐部。塔楼部分为钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙结构,裙房部分为钢筋混凝土框架结构。为将原高层与俱乐部所夹裙房由6层增层至22层,依据原房屋柱下基础的不同形式,对原柱下桩基础进行叠合加固,对原柱下独立基础用新增桩基础替换,并对原框架柱加固。由于裙房柱网布置与其新增楼层的柱网布置不同,在7层顶设置梁式转换结构。对本工程增层改造设计的若干关键问题的解决方法做了介绍,可供同类工程增层改造设计时参考。  相似文献   

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