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Broiled, lean ground beef patties containing no additives, two levels of methylcellulose (MC, 0.5 or 1.0%) and two levels of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC, 0.5 or 1.0%) were evaluated for raw and cooked composition, cooking losses, sensory attributes and Instron compression measurements. MC or HPMC addition did not significantly affect the fat, moisture or protein content of the raw and cooked patties. Patties containing HPMC received greater tenderness, juiciness and off-flavor sensory scores when compared with patties containing MC or no additive. MC or HPMC addition increased patty gumminess sensory scores and decreased Instron compression values. Sensory cooked meat flavor decreased with gum addition.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the effect of both size and color of textured soy protein particles on the visual and textural properties of extended (20% replacement) ground beef patties. A trained texture profile panel judged the hardness, cohesiveness, chewiness, moistness, and oiliness of nine different samples. In addition, judgments of the visual attributes of darkness, size of particles, and density of particles were made. Significant effects of soy ingredient were found for all judged attributes. It was concluded that soy ingredients having particle sizes smaller than the diameter of the openings of the grind plate used to process the meat/soy mixture produced the greatest change in the texture of the ground beef patties, because these particles passed through the grind plate unscathed, producing an easily discernable matrix of large meat particles and small soy particles. It was also concluded that carmel-colored soy ingredients produced less lightening of the cooked samples than uncolored soy ingredients.  相似文献   

Boneless chucks from chilled mature bull and hot boned and chilled USDA Cutter-Canner cow carcasses were processed into patties after fat was adjusted and meat comminuted either by grinding or mechanical desinewing (0.19 cm, 0.25 cm, 0.19-0.25 cm double aperture, 0.25-0.32 cm double aperture heads). In comparison with grinding, use of smaller aperture sizes in desinewing reduced total collagen and increased tenderness ratings only of patties made from chilled cow beef. For mature bull and hot boned cow beef, grinding produced higher palatability values than desinewing. Tenderness ratings and shear values were not closely related to total collagen when desinewing was used on mature bull and hot boned cow beef. Palatability advantages in favor of hot boned over cold boned beef were found primarily when beef was ground rather than desinewed. Levels of moisture in cooked patties were high when single aperture heads were used for hot boned cow beef and intermediate size heads (0.19–0.25 cm) were used for cold boned cow beef.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation (ES) was applied to the right sides of 15 beef carcasses and the corresponding left sides were used as nonstimulated (NS) controls. Data collected included: postexsanguination pH (0.5, 3, 6, 24 h), L, a, and b color values, drip loss, and expressible moisture. Muscles from ES carcasses tended to have more accelerated postmortem pH declines than the corresponding muscles from NS carcasses. M. triceps brachii had a lower pH at 0.5 h (P < 0.05) , M. longissimus thoracis had a lower pH at 0.5 h (P = 0.055) and 3 h (P < 0.05), and M. semimembranosus had a lower pH at 0.5 and 3 h (P < 0.05), respectively. Hunter L, a, and b values did not differ within ES and NS treated muscles. Additionally, ES did not influence color values of the M. semimembranosus. ES did not affect drip loss or expressible moisture in beef muscles.  相似文献   

Eighteen beef jerky formulations (nine treatments, 3 muscle types X 3 cooking times X 2 replications) were prepared from USDA Good top rounds, hearts, and tongues obtained from a commercial source. Muscles were sliced, cured 3 days and cooked at 64 Cfor 12, 14 and 16 h. All treatments were evaluated for visual, sensory, chemical and cost analysis. Jerky produced from beef heart reduced final cost by 43%; however, visual and flavor properties of beef heart jerky were less desirable than jerky prepared from top round. Tongue jerky products were high in fat, extremely expensive and would be undesirable for today's health-oriented consumer. Top round beef jerky was the most desirable based upon sensory analysis, but heart jerky was highest in protein and lowest in fat. Further work may increase the possibility of reducing jerky costs by improving the color and flavor of beef heart jerky.  相似文献   

Paired halves of top round (Semimembranosus and Adductor muscles) sub-primals were removed from each of ten, USDA Choice, approximately 272 kg steers, freezer wrapped, frozen, and stored at -24° C for approximately 1 month. Following freeze-tempering, each primal was divided longitudinally with one half being pressed at 344 Newtons/cm2 to a specified shape in a Bettcher Model 70 Press, while the other half served as nonpressed control. Moisture loss and sensory properties were determined for 2.54 cm thick steaks. No significant differences were found in juiciness, flavor or Kramer shear values between pressed and non-pressed top round steaks, however, sensory tenderness scores were lower (P < 0.05) for steaks that were pressed than for those that were not pressed. Holding steaks at 2° C for 0, 1, 2, or 3 days did not significantly alter Kramer shear or sensory panel evaluations. Cooking loss, drip loss and total loss were not affected by pressing. Drip loss was lower (P < 0.05) and cooking loss was higher (P < 0.05) for steaks held one day at 2° C than for steaks held 2 or 3 days at 2° C. When drip loss and cooking loss were combined (total loss) there was no difference among the four storage times. Drip loss following portion cutting could result in a problem in fresh merchandising of freeze-tempered cuts.  相似文献   

Trimmed top rounds from 9 Angus steers were flaked and formed into restructured steaks containing 15, 20, or 25% fat. The steaks were cooked in a microwave oven (MW) on a preheated browning dish or broiled in a conventional oven (CO). Microwave cooking required less time and energy. Decreased time and energy for cooking also related to increased fat levels. Cooking losses and penetration hardness values were greater for the MW steaks. Cooking losses increased and penetration hardness values decreased with increasing fat level. MW steaks appeared more well-done and were harder, less moist, and more resistant to chewing. As fat level increased softness and moistness scores also increased. Consumer panelists found all steaks to be equally acceptable, suggesting the potential for the development of portion- and fat-controlled restructured steaks for microwave cooking.  相似文献   

Effects of cooking rate, fat trim, aging, endpoint temperature and oven type (conventional, forced air convection and forced air/steam combination) on the palatability of beef foodservice roasts were investigated. Clods, chuck rolls, ribeyes, tenderloins, knuckles, inside rounds, gooseneck rounds and steamship rounds were included in the study. Differences in palatability, due to the cooking methods evaluated, were not consistent across all roast types, but the cooking method affected (P < 0.05) palatability traits in all roasts. Inconsistency was most likely due to varying size, composition and shape. Longer aging periods increased tenderness in ribeyes and gooseneck rounds. Palatability was only affected by oven type in round subprimals. First principal component scores (PRINI) were related to palatability and were used to rank treatment levels within main effects when substantially different from zero. Palatability was maximized within main effects inconsistently across different roast types when sorted by PRINI.  相似文献   

Twelve blends were formulated from young bullocks to contain 0, 0.125, 0.250 or 0.375% spleen extract, papain or ficin enzymes. All blends were analyzed for chemical, sensory and visual properties. Control blends were superior to all enzyme treated restructured steaks for flavor desirability and overall satisfaction ratings. Type and level of enzyme significantly decreased fat and increased moisture percentages, and the enzymatic degradation of the myofibril caused emulsion instability. Cooking loss and cooking time were longer for blends made with enzymes as the protein matrix was denatured extensively. Storage time was reduced significantly with the addition of spleen enzymes and all restructured steaks were undesirable for raw appearance ratings. Restructured steaks formulated with these enzymes had reduced connective tissue amount; however, the proper level of these enzymes needs to be studied further in order to minimize the problems in binding and sensory properties.  相似文献   



The functional properties of venison and beef semimembranosus muscle stored at ?1.5C for 4 weeks were compared. Sarcoplasmic protein solubility (SPS), malondialdehyde (MDA) and reactive sulfhydryl (SH) contents were higher in venison compared with beef (P < 0.001). Cooked batter torsion stress, tensile strength, rigidity and yield were higher in beef compared with venison (P < 0.01). Venison and beef did not differ in total protein solubility (TPS), emulsion activity index (EAI) and emulsion stability (ES) (P > 0.05). TPS, EAI, ES, MDA, torsion stress and strain, tensile strength and extensibility in meats from both species increased, and SPS and SH decreased with chilled storage time (P < 0.01). Within the parameters of this study, chilled beef had a better manufacturing functionality compared with venison. Manufacturing functionality in meats from both species improved with chill storage time, but the improvement was more marked in beef compared with venison.


The following are some of the practical applications of this research: (1) processing parameters used to optimize the manufacturing functionality of beef are not suitable for venison because the latter tenderize much faster than beef with negative implications to manufacturing functionality; (2) the current practice of not vacuum packaging frozen manufacturing meat will have a more deleterious effect on the functionality of venison compared with beef because of the higher rate of lipid oxidation in venison; and (3) the best time to use chilled venison and beef for maximum functionality is at 2 or 3 weeks of storage at –1.5C.

Low-fat (10%) beef patties manufactured with 0.5% iota carrageenan, were subjected to one-time cooking from the raw to fully cooked state or precooking and later reheating before evaluating sensory, shear force and cooking properties. The samples were reheated in a convection oven or in a simultaneous top and bottom contact grill set either at 121 or 191C. Precooking followed by reheating produced only slight changes in sensory properties (reduced tenderness, increased juiciness and increased beef flavor). Convection oven cooking improved tenderness only for one-time cooked patties. With the double contact grilling system, the 121C surface temperature enhanced tenderness (sensory and shear force) and cooking yields of precooked-reheated patties. Low-fat beef patties formulated with iota carrageenan appear capable of being subjected to a variety of cooking approaches and temperatures without major changes in cooked patty properties.  相似文献   

The sensory and nutritive qualities of pork strips cooked by household broiling, microwaving, and stir-frying methods were determined. Fresh pork hams from two sources were cut into 0.5 × 2.5 × 4 cm strips having no separable fat. Pork strips were cooked by each method, three replications, to 66C internal temperature. Sensory qualities were evaluated by a 14-member trained panel consisting of lifelong Nebraska Caucasian women and men. Nutrients which Americans frequently consume in low quantities were measured. Pork strips that were cooked by stir-frying were significantly browner, more tender, and more juicy than those cooked by broiling or microwaving. Strips cooked by stir-frying were significantly more characteristic in flavor than those cooked by broiling but not microwaving. Significantly more vitamin B6, thiamin, iron, magnesium, and zinc were retained in strips cooked by stir-frying than by the other two methods. Sensory attributes of pork strips cooked by stir-frying were generally more desirable and nutrient retention values higher than those cooked by microwaving or broiling.  相似文献   

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