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A conceptual model is a model of real world concepts and application domains as perceived by users and developers. It helps developers investigate and represent the semantics of the problem domain, as well as communicate among themselves and with users. In this paper, we propose the use of task-based specifications in conceptual graphs (TBCG) to construct and verify a conceptual model. Task-based specification methodology is used to serve as the mechanism to structure the knowledge captured in the conceptual model; whereas conceptual graphs are adopted as the formalism to express task-based specifications and to provide a reasoning capability for the purpose of verification. Verifying a conceptual model is performed on model specifications of a task through constraints satisfaction and relaxation techniques, and on process specifications of the task based on operators and rules of inference inherited in conceptual graphs.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that requirements engineering is a knowledge‐intensive process and cannot be dealt with using only a few general principles. Since knowledge plays a crucial role in software development, software engineers have to describe and organize various aspects of knowledge before the program can be written. A recent work by Robillard reveals that software development can be further improved by recognizing the relevant knowledge structures. In this paper, we propose the use of a task‐based conceptual graphs (TBCB) framework as a basis for automating software development. By structuring and operationalizing conceptual graphs, TBCG specifications can be transformed into executable programs automatically. To construct a conceptual model, task‐based specification methodology is used as the mechanism to structure the knowledge captured in conceptual models, whereas conceptual graphs are adopted as the formalism to express task‐based specifications and to provide a reasoning capability for the purpose of automation. Once task‐based graphs have been constructed and verified, a blackboard system will automatically transform TBCG specifications into a software system composed of database schemas, knowledge base, and user interfaces. A meeting scheduling system is used as an illustrative example to demonstrate our approach. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Development graphs are a tool for dealing with structured specifications in a formal program development in order to ease the management of change and reusing proofs. In this work, we extend development graphs with hiding (e.g. hidden operations). Hiding is a particularly difficult to realize operation, since it does not admit such a good decomposition of the involved specifications as other structuring operations do. We develop both a semantics and proof rules for development graphs with hiding. The rules are proven to be sound, and also complete relative to an oracle for conservative extensions. We also show that an absolutely complete set of rules cannot exist.The whole framework is developed in a way independent of the underlying logical system (and thus also does not prescribe the nature of the parts of a specification that may be hidden). We also show how various other logic independent specification formalisms can be mapped into development graphs; thus, development graphs can serve as a kernel formalism for management of proofs and of change.  相似文献   

Analogy is proposed as an alternative paradigm for the reuse of specifications during requirements analysis. First, critical determinants of analogies between software engineering problems are discussed in relation to a specification retrieval mechanism. Second, the process of specification reuse is examined. Specification reuse by analogy is knowledge-intensive, hence an important role is proposed for the analyst during specification reuse: analyst involvement would appear necessary to categorize a new problem, select between candidate reusable specifications, and customize the selected specification to the new domain. Finally, a specification reuse tool is proposed that recognises the collaborative nature of reuse by analogy. This tool assists and advises the analyst during reuse founded on cognitive models of analyst behaviour during analogous reasoning and reuse. The prototype version of this intelligent reuse advisor (Ira) is outlined.  相似文献   

Verification problems in conceptual workflow specifications   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Most of today's business requirements can only be accomplished through integration of various autonomous systems which were initially designed to serve the needs of particular applications. In the literature workflows are proposed to design these kinds of applications. The key tool for designing such applications is a powerful conceptual specification language. Such a language should be capable of capturing interactions and cooperation between component tasks of workflows among others. These include sequential execution, iteration, choice, parallelism and synchronisation. The central focus of this paper is the verification of such process control aspects in conceptual workflow specifications. As is generally agreed upon, that the later in the software development process an error is detected, the more it will cost to correct it; it is thus of vital importance to detect errors as early as possible in the systems-development process. In this paper some typical verification problems in workflow specifications are identified and their complexity is addressed. It will be proven that some fundamental problems are not tractable and we will show what restriction is needed to allow termination problems to be recognized in polynomial time.  相似文献   

软件需求规格说明自动生成工具   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先提出了一种面向业务流的需求分析方法,并给出了相应的条件有向图需求描述模型(CDGRD),然后详细地介绍了基于CDGRD的软件需求规格说明自动生成工具,最后以某大型企业信息系统项目为例,详细讨论了CD-GRD描述方法以及该自动生成工具的具体应用.  相似文献   

Task-based and user-oriented user interfaces utilize knowledge about user tasks and user characteristics to the utmost extent. They support users throughout their work flows, and must be constructed by a development process that avoids loss of application context and involves user feedback, from requirements specification to code generation. The concepts behind the task analysis/design/end users systems (TADEUS) approach to enable seamless task-based development are a semantically rich representation scheme, a model-driven development procedure, a diagrammatic notation and unifying specification scheme. Thus, interactive applications can be developed seamlessly. Specifications comprise problem domain knowledge, work processes, user roles and personal profiles, as well as interaction modalities (required for task accomplishment). For user-interface prototyping the TADEUS environment contains a model interpreter that executes structure and behavior specifications. This way, early feedback on task-based portals can be provided by users. In this paper we detail the latest developments in the TADEUS project when implementing a work-process based usability life cycle. We review the underlying methodology and the features of the TADEUS environment, in order to demonstrate the benefits for developers and users resulting of smooth transition support for and between the different stages of development  相似文献   

The development of user interfaces for safety critical systems is driven by requirements specifications. Because user interface specifications are typically embedded within complex systems requirements specifications, they can be intractable to manage. Proprietary requirements specification tools do not support the user interface designer in modelling and specifying the user interface. In this paper, a new way of working with embedded user interface specifications is proposed, exploiting sequence diagrams with a hypertext structure for representing and retrieving use cases. This new tool concept is assessed through an application to the requirements specification for the Airbus A380 air traffic control Datalink system; engineers involved in the development of the Airbus cockpit used a prototype of the tool concept to resolve a set of user interface design anomalies in the requirements specification. The results of the study are positive and indicate the user interface to requirements specification tools which user interface designers themselves need.  相似文献   

Dynamic logic (DL) provides a suitable formal framework to model actions and reasoning about them. <$>\cal OASIS<$> is a language for the specification of object-oriented conceptual models. In our model, specialisation is a relation between classes that defines an inheritance mechanism through static and dynamic partitions. A variant of DL (including the deontic operators for permission, prohibition and obligation) is the formalism used in <$>\cal OASIS<$> to deal with changes of state, triggers, preconditions, protocols and operations. The animation of conceptual models in order to validate the specification is an interesting topic. We have worked on translating <$>\cal OASIS<$> specifications automatically to concurrent environments in order to obtain a prototype useful to validate specifications by animation. The aim of this paper is to show that it is feasible to translate static and dynamic partitions automatically into dynamic logic formulae. Thus, using the same developed schema of animation it is possible to execute <$>\cal OASIS<$> specifications including inheritance.  相似文献   

This paper describes a prototype Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Environment used to demonstrate the concepts of reuse of software requirements and software architectures. The prototype environment, which is application-domain independent, is used to support the development of domain models and to generate target system specifications from them. The prototype environment consists of an integrated set of commercial-off-the-shelf software tools and custom developed software tools.The concept of reuse is prevalent at several levels of the domain modeling method and prototype environment. The environment itself is domain-independent thereby supporting the specification of diverse application domain models. The domain modeling method specifies a family of systems rather than a single system; features characterize the variations in functional requirements supported by the family and individual family members are specified by the features they are to support. The knowledge-based approach to target system generation provides the rules for generating target system specifications from the domain model; target system specifications, themselves, may be stored in an object repository for subsequent retrieval and reuse.  相似文献   

Requirements engineering in the new millennium is facing an increasing diversity of computerised devices comprising an increasing diversity of interaction styles for an increasing diversity of user groups. Thus the incorporation of user interface requirements into software requirements specifications becomes more and more mandatory. Validating these requirements specifications with hand-made, throw-away prototypes is not only expensive, but also bears the danger that validation results are not accurately fed back into the requirements specification. In this paper, we propose an enhancement of the requirements specification method SCORES for an explicit capturing of user interface requirements. The advantages of the approach are threefold. First, the user interface requirements specification is UML-compliant and integrated into the functional requirements specification. Second, prototypes for validation purposes can semi-automatically be generated. Third, the model-based generation of prototypes allows for ‘round-trip prototyping’ such that manual changes of the prototype during the validation process are automatically fed back into the requirements specification.  相似文献   

In this paper it is shown how specification of behavioural requirements from informal to formal can be integrated within knowledge engineering. The integration of requirements specification has addressed, in particular: the integration of requirements acquisition and specification with ontology acquisition and specification, the relations between requirements specifications and specifications of task models and problem solving methods, and the relation of requirements specification to verification.  相似文献   

Requirements change both during and after a phase of development for a variety of reasons, including error correction and feature changes. Requirements change management is one of the most complex and difficult problems to deal with in requirements elicitation and tracking. It is generally not understood how a specific change propagates through the specification and into the code. In this paper we capture requirements changes as series of atomic changes in specifications. Using a rigorous specification method called sequence‐based specification, we propose a set of algorithms for managing all possible atomic requirements changes. The algorithms have been formulated within an axiom system for sequence‐based specification and proven for correctness. They have also been implemented in a prototype tool with which users are able to push requirements changes through to changes in specifications, maintain old specifications over time and evolve them into new specifications with the least amount of human interaction and rework. The approach of utilizing state machines to model and manage requirements changes guarantees strong evidence about the correctness and completeness of the proposed theory that will lead to more reliable software in the presence of change, especially with embedded systems and safety‐critical systems. The solution described is general enough for adoption by software and system developers, and well suited for incremental development. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Specifications of requirements for new software systems can be revised, refined, or completed in reference to specifications of requirements for existing similar systems. Although realized as a form of analogical problem solving, specification by reuse is not adequately supported by available computational models for detecting analogies. This is chiefly due to the following reasons: (1) It is assumed that specifications are expressed according to the same specification model and in a uniform representation scheme. (2) Additional information is needed for the detection of analogies, which is not contained in the specifications. (3) Performance scales poorly with the complexity of specifications. This article presents a computational model for detecting analogies, which addresses these issues to a certain extent. The application of the model in the specification of requirements by analogical reuse is demonstrated through an example, and its sensitivity to the representation of specifications is discussed. Finally, the results of a preliminary empirical evaluation of the model are reported.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a rule-based approach (called JSDZ) to producing Z specifications from Jackson system development (JSD) specifications automatically. In JSDZ, JSP is to serve as the structuring mechanism to help the analysis of problem domains, and Z is to express the formal specifications of JSD artifacts. Several criteria are identified for comparing specifications generated from JSDZ and Z. The bringing together of diagrammatical and text elements of JSD specifications in Z notations offers two major benefits. First, JSD can be seen both as a structuring mechanism that helps in deriving Z specifications, and as a preliminary that assists in ascertaining the clients requirements. Second, Z specifications make it easier to identify omissions or errors. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Many modelling techniques tend to address “late-phase” requirements while many critical modelling decisions (such as determining the main goals of the system, how the stakeholders depend on each other, and what alternatives exist) are taken during early-phase requirements engineering. The i1 modelling framework is a semiformal agent-oriented conceptual modelling language that is well-suited for answering these questions. This paper addresses key challenge faced in the practical deployment of agent-oriented conceptual modelling frameworks such as i1. Our approach to addressing this problem is based on the observation that the value of conceptual modelling in the i1 framework lies in its use as a notation complementary to existing requirements modelling and specification languages, i.e., the expressive power of i1 complements rather than supplants that of existing notations. The use of i1 in this fashion requires that we define methodologies that support the co-evolution of i1 models with more traditional specifications. This research examines how this might be done with formal specification notations (specifically Z).  相似文献   

requirements specifications are developed for large-scale systems, the final specification is usually an abstraction of the original requirements data into a text-based form that is often foreign to end-users. A method was developed for representing requirements through use of electronic multimedia. The resulting specification is capable of representing requirements and requirements data in a manner that is more representative of the real-world problem space than traditional specifications. This paper presents a method for incorporating multimedia exhibits, notably the results of rapid prototyping activities and animated simulation, into a requirements specification for large-scale C2I systems. To examine the effectiveness of the method, a multimedia requirements specification was developed based on an existing text specification for a real-world system. An experiment was also performed that showed the product of the methodology to be effective in increasing the understandability of the specification over that obtained from the text specification alone.  相似文献   

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