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谢飞 《山西化工》2012,32(5):82-84
通过臭氧氧化处理,降低含有较高苯酚浓度废水中的苯酚浓度。对不同苯酚浓度的废水,用自制的设备控制废水的流量、臭氧量、氧化时间和催化剂用量,找出各种条件对臭氧除酚效率的影响规律,得出较佳处理方案。实验结果达到了预期目标。  相似文献   

国外膜生物反应器在污水处理中的研究进展   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
系统地论述了国外膜生物反应器在污水处理中的研究进展。国外膜生物反应器在污水处理中的应用范围和规模不断增加,然而,膜污染依然是其推广应用的主要障碍。值得注意的是,采用空气喷射方式在中空纤维膜内形成活塞流,可有效减轻膜污染和提高膜通量。经济分析表明中小规模的污水处理厂可能采用膜生物反应器更便宜,但大规模的污水处理厂宜采用常规工艺。现代分子生物技术为研究和了解膜生物反应器中的微生物群落提供了新的方法和手段。  相似文献   

Toxic effects of inhibitors on microbial growth in the activated sludge process were demonstrated by a kinetic model. The effects of pH and biomass concentration on the degree of inhibition were described. The applicability of the kinetic model to describe the inhibitory effects with respect to various growth measuring parameters like respiration rate, ATP analysis, first and zero order reaction rates were illustrated. The inhibitory effects of heavy metals on the nitrification and denitrification processes were established. Experimental data from other investigations were used to prove the applicability of the model.  相似文献   

采用混凝气浮—臭氧氧化/活性炭吸附组合工艺深度处理兰州石化分公司化工外排污水,考察了主要操作参数并确定了最佳工艺条件.试验表明,该处理技术能将COD在60~100 mg/L的化工外排污水COD去除50%~80%,出水COD≤35 mg/L,稳定达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB/T 8978- 1996)的一级排放标准.  相似文献   

膜生物反应器在水处理中的应用与新发展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
综合论述了膜生物反应器的分类、结构、特点,介绍了近年来各国学者应用膜生物反应器去除废水中有机物、氮、磷等污染物所取得的研究成果、面临的问题以及膜生物系统在实际废水处理中的应用。简要阐述了膜污染的成因、机理及其对策,并指出了现阶段限制膜生物技术在我国发展的原因,展望了未来膜生物技术在我国广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect of adding electrochemical copper(II) ions into an ozonation process for treating industrial wastewater. Combining the processes resulted in a synergy that enhanced the reduction of physicochemical parameters (COD, TOC, color, turbidity, Z-Potential, and conductivity). In only 15 minutes the integrated process reduced the COD by 83%, TOC by 78 %, color by 93%, turbidity by 77%, and conductivity by 27% at relatively low current density (12.5 mA cm?2). Thus, the combination of the electrochemical and ozonation processes noticeably improves wastewater quality, decreases the process time, and reduces the sludge production.  相似文献   

利用“通量阶式递增法”对临界通量进行了测定,得出MBR的3个水动力学操作区:超临界区、临界区和次临界区;在MLSS的质量浓度为6 000 mg/L、曝气量为0.5 m3/h的条件下,膜组件的临界通量区域为10.68~13.86 L/(m2.h),据此确定组件的次临界通量为12 L/(m2.h)。在此基础上研究了次临界通量下的运行特性,试验表明,次临界通量下的膜污染过程具有明显的两阶段特征:第一阶段的TMP呈平缓直线上升,第二阶段的TMP呈剧烈直线上升。  相似文献   

高效好氧生物处理印染废水的方法与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过用高效好氧生物法处理某厂印染废水的工程实例证明,处理后的废水COD去除率达到93.6%,BOD5去除率达到93.9%,出水水质能够满足GB 4287-1992<纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准>二级标准的要求.该工程工艺的优点为:基建费用低,空气氧转化利用率高,容积负荷和污泥负荷高,剩余污泥量少,抗冲击负荷能力强,系统操作简便灵活.  相似文献   

The effect of powdered activated carbon (PAC) on the biotreatment of an industrial wastewater taken from a chemical plant synthesising drugs for the pharmaceutical sector was studied. Industrial and domestic wastewaters were combined at laboratory scale and the effect of PAC addition was tested in aerobic reactors. The aim of this addition was to decrease inhibitory and non‐biodegradable organics. Two different procedures were applied in testing the effectiveness of PAC. First, PAC was directly added to activated sludge mixed liquor. In the second case, industrial wastewater was first contacted with PAC and then treated biologically. In the evaluation of performance, COD measurements, oxygen uptake rate (OUR) measurements and measurements in the ultraviolet‐visible (UV‐Vis) spectra were taken into consideration. Both direct PAC addition and PAC pretreatment led finally to similar results. In both cases, the concentration of non‐biodegradable matter could be lowered. In particular, the colour of the wastewater was significantly reduced. Direct PAC addition appeared to be more practical and plausible. In any case, PAC addition to activated sludge increased the OUR of the sludge, indicating that inhibition could be decreased. The study also pointed out that in the assessment of PAC performance, the combined evaluation of OUR, spectral parameters and COD would be much more informative than the COD parameter alone. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Ozonation of a real red‐meat‐processing wastewater was conducted in a semi‐batch reactor to explore the possibility of the water reuse. The experimental results revealed that ozone was very effective in disinfection of the red‐meat‐processing wastewater. After 8 min of ozonation with an applied ozone dose of 23.09 mg min?1 liter?1 of wastewater, 99% of aerobic bacteria, total coliforms and Escherichia coli were inactivated. Empirical models were developed to predict the microbial inactivation efficacy of ozone from the CT values for the real red‐meat‐processing wastewater. A correlation was also derived to estimate the CT values from the applied ozone dose and the ozone contact time. The results also revealed that under the ozonation condition for 99% inactivation of aerobic bacteria, total coliforms and E coli, the decrease in the chemical oxygen demand and the 5‐day biological oxygen demand of the wastewater were 10.7% and 23.6%, respectively. However, ozonation under this condition neither improved the light transmission nor reduced the total suspended solids (TSS) despite of the decolorization of the wastewater after ozonation. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

连续微滤管式膜生活污水深度处理工业化试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
微滤膜过滤技术和生活污水后处理相结合,开辟了生活污水深度处理新方法和污水利用新途径,使生活污水资源化工业化利用成为可能。对一次微滤管式膜生活污水深度处理工业化试验进行了详细论述,分析讨论了各种试验数据,证明了微滤膜过滤技术应用于生活污水后处理技术可行。同时在试验中还发现,试验所用微滤膜处理效果,可以达到超微滤膜处理同等效果。  相似文献   

对比了臭氧、臭氧催化氧化、臭氧/双氧水和臭氧/双氧水催化氧化4种工艺深度处理化工废水的效果,结果表明,当进水COD和色度分别为95.7 mg/L和90倍时,4种工艺出水的COD去除率分别为23.66%、26.77%、29.24%、32.97%,色度去除率分别为64.44%、64.44%、82.22%、82.22%,催化剂和双氧水均能小幅强化臭氧氧化效果。连续臭氧氧化可使出水COD降至20 mg/L,同时当臭氧投加量为60 mg/L时,4种工艺出水均具有一定的可生化性,满足后序生化工艺的需求。  相似文献   

何小娟  张之骅 《工业水处理》2013,33(4):13-17,24
工业废水种类繁多,并且大部分工业废水的水质特性与城镇污水之间存在较大差别,适用于城镇污水处理设计的参数和计算公式不一定适用于工业废水。对我国现行废水处理设计规范中活性污泥法的主要设计参数进行了汇总,分析了这些规范中存在的一些不足之处,包括以BOD5表征有机物含量的合理性,以泥龄法计算生化池容积和剩余污泥量的局限性,以及A/O法缺氧池(区)容积规定存在的误区等,并对工业废水处理的设计提出了建议。  相似文献   

分别采用活性污泥法和光合细菌(PSB)膜法来处理明胶生产废水中的磷钙水,该废水含氯离子约30000mg/L、钙15100mg/L、磷418mg/L,研究了两种生物处理工艺的可行性,探讨了其在磷钙废水处理方面的效能和影响因素.结果表明:磷钙废水中的高氯根和反应过程中的碳酸钙积累使活性污泥生物活性仅能维持7-8d;而PSB...  相似文献   

生物预酸化处理明胶废水对活性污泥减量化的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明胶废水具有高钙、高COD等特点而难于处理。通过对明胶废水进行生物预酸化处理,研究了活性污泥法处理明胶废水过程中COD去除率、MLSS、MLVSS以及无机灰分的变化。结果表明,经过生物预酸化处理后,明胶废水的p H由11.8降至7.4左右,COD由1 058 mg/L降至671 mg/L。后续活性污泥法处理过程中,与未进行生物预酸化处理相比,MLSS、MLVSS呈明显下降趋势,最终COD去除率达到90%;同时由于反应器维持在较低的p H下运行,避免了曝气生成CaCO_3沉淀,污泥无机灰分减少。生物预酸化处理对污泥减量化有明显贡献。  相似文献   

针对某石化企业含盐污水的深度处理,开展了微电解氧化和臭氧氧化对比试验研究,比较了2种方法的处理效果。结果表明,对于微电解氧化法,在反应时间为2 h,pH为2~3,填料比为1∶1的条件下,COD去除率为12%~18%,B/C可从原水的0.07升高到0.11,B/C提高幅度小,出水可生化性仍较差,且产生较多沉渣;对于臭氧氧化法,当臭氧投加量为25 g/h,反应时间为2.0 h时,COD去除率达25%,B/C可从原水的0.07升高至0.35,B/C大幅提高,利于后续进一步生化处理。  相似文献   

臭氧氧化工艺在印染废水处理中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用混凝法、吸附法等常规处理方法处理印染行业废水难度较大,高效处理技术的研发十分必要.介绍了臭氧氧化工艺及其与催化、超声、UV、活性炭、电化学等的联用在印染废水处理中的应用进展.指出了上述技术目前存在的问题及臭氧技术处理印染废水的发展方向.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nitrification performance of an activated sludge reactor treating weak domestic wastewater was investigated for 11 months. Ammonia nitrogen removals were investigated as a function of wastewater composition and operational conditions. Backward elimination experimental design was used to determine the influence of the most important independent variables on NH3‐N removal efficiencies. Influent ammonia and biological oxygen demand (BOD5) concentrations, hydraulic retention time (HRT), mixed liquid suspended solids (MLSS), temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration were considered as independent variables. This study aimed to find the most important parameters to describe nitrification performance. RESULTS: The presence of nitrification was confirmed by ammonia and nitrate variations throughout the reactor; ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) populations were determined using a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method. MLSS concentration, influent BOD5 concentration and temperature were found to be the most influential factors on nitrification performance. The empirical correlation using multiple linear regressions was statistically significant and produced an adjusted coefficient of multiple determinations (R2adj) of 92.5%. CONCLUSION: Correlation provides a good understanding of the various parameters that affect the nitrification process, and could be extended to other case studies. Using these results, operators can apply proper operational strategies to maintain nitrification in wastewater treatment plants. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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