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The construction of control Lyapunov functions for a class of nonlinear systems is considered. We develop a method by which a control Lyapunov function for the feedback linearizable part can be constructed systematically via Lyapunov equation. Moreover, by a control Lyapunov function of the feedback linearizable part and a Lyapunov function of the zero dynamics, a control Lyapunov function for the overall nonlinear system is established. 相似文献
研究零动态非渐稳的单输入单输出控制系统的局部近镇定问题,讨论了对这种系统镇定的设计方法,并对一类满足条件(S)的系统,利用静态分叉控制结果,提供了构造反馈控制函数使上述系统局部渐近镇定的方法。该方法也可看作是静态分叉控制在某些情况下的一种简化。 相似文献
A bounded feedback control for asymptotic stabilization of linear systems is derived. The designed control law increases the feedback gain as the controlled trajectory converges towards the origin. A sequence of invariant sets of decreasing size, associated with a (quadratic) Lyapunov function, are defined and related to each of them, the corresponding possible highest gain is chosen, while maintaining the input bounded. Gains as functions of the position are designed by explicitly solving a c-parameterized programming problem. The proposed method allows global asymptotic stabilization of open-loop stable systems, with inputs subject to magnitude bounds and globally bounded rates. In the general case of linear systems that are asymptotic null controllable with bounded input, the semiglobal stabilization is also addressed taking into account the problem of semiglobal rate-limited actuators. The method is illustrated with the global stabilization of an inertial navigator, and the stabilization of a nonlinear model of a crane with hanging load. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
非线性非最小相位系统是指具有不稳定零动态或内部动态的非线性系统, 其本身固有的非最小相位特性限制了许多常规非线性控制方法(如反推控制、反馈线性化、滑模控制等)的直接应用. 因此, 非最小相位系统的控制比最小相位系统要困难得多, 是控制理论与工程应用中具有挑战性的课题之一. 本文综述了目前非线性非最小相位系统的研究成果, 着重介绍了非最小相位系统的成因、特性、 理想内模求解等问题, 并对其镇定、轨迹跟踪及路径跟踪等控制方法进行了分析比较. 最后, 讨论了非线性非最小相位系统研究领域中尚存在的问题, 并对其未来发展方向进行了展望. 相似文献
Sufficient conditions for a robust relay delayed non‐local stabilization of linear systems are found, which relate the upper bound of an uncertainty in a time delay and the maximum of the real part of system spectrum. Algorithm of delayed relay control gain adaptation for non‐local stabilization is suggested. The proposed algorithm suppresses bounded uncertainties in the time delay: once this relay delayed control law for the upper bound of uncertainty in the time delay for given system is designed, we ensure non‐local stabilization for all values of the time delay less than the upper bound even in the case of a variable delay. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, the problem of robust regulation of robot manipulators using only position measurements is addressed. The main idea of the control design methodology is to use an observer to estimate simultaneously the velocity and the modeling error signal induced by model/system mismatches. The controller is obtained by replacing the velocity and the modeling error in an inverse dynamics feedback by their estimates, which leads to a certainty equivalence controller. The resulting controller has a PID‐type structure which, under least prior knowledge, reduces to the PI2D regulator studied in [20]. Moreover, the controller is endowed with a natural antireset windup (ARW) scheme to cope with control torque saturations. Regarding the closed‐loop behavior, it is proven that the region of attraction can be arbitrarily enlarged with high observer gains only, thus we prove semiglobal asymptotic stability. Our result supersedes previous works in the direction of performance estimates; specifically, it is also proven that the performance induced by a saturated inverse dynamics controller can be recovered by our PID‐type controller. In this sense, our work reveals some connections between PID‐type and inverse dynamics controllers. 相似文献
The present paper is devoted to the development of a new scheme to solve the one-dimensional time-dependent Burgers' equation locally on sub-domains, using similarity reductions for partial differential equations. Each sub-domain is divided into three grid points. The ordinary differential equation deduced from the similarity reduction can be integrated and is then used to approximate the flux vector in the Burgers' equation. The arbitrary constants in the analytical solution of the similarity equation can be determined in terms of the dependent variables at the grid points in each sub-domain. This approach eliminates the difficulties associated with boundary conditions for the similarity reductions over the whole solution domain. Numerical results are obtained for two different test cases and are compared with other numerical results. 相似文献
Xiaofang Hu;Leimin Wang;Guici Chen;Song Zhu;Shiping Wen; 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
Achieving the robust fixed-time stabilization (FxTS) of uncertain reaction-diffusion systems (RDSs) utilizing intermittent boundary control is a valuable and unresolved problem. This paper simultaneously considers the influence of the uncertainty of non-diffusion and diffusion coefficients on RDSs and provides an effective solution for the treatment of the uncertainty of diffusion coefficient in the investigation of FxTS. Then, a fixed-time control scheme is presented to stabilize uncertain RDSs within a fixed time, which incorporates the merits of intermittent and boundary control and reduces control costs in both the spatial and temporal domains. Besides, some sufficient conditions in the form of linear matrix inequalities are deduced to guarantee the robust FxTS of uncertain RDSs with Neumann and mixed boundary conditions, respectively, which contain and generalize some existing results. Finally, the validity of the intermittent boundary control scheme and the FxTS criteria developed in this paper are verified by numerical simulations. 相似文献
本文讨论边界具有内部不确定和外部扰动的非线性sine-Gordon方程的镇定问题. 为处理sine-Gordon方程中的非线性项, 文章给出一个新的总扰动观测器在线估计未知扰动, 并通过自抗扰控制方法, 设计一个控制器使得在反馈控制中实时补偿(消除)总扰动. 闭环系统被证明适定的并且受控系统是指数稳定而扰动观测器是有界的. 数值模拟说明提出方法的有效性. 相似文献
海洋输油柔性立管的振动是引起立管疲劳破坏的主要原因,对其研究边界控制是消除振动疲劳、减少断裂的有效方法.本文引入内流动力学,完善了立管原始无穷维分布参数模型,更好地表达了柔性立管的动力学响应.为抑制柔性立管在内外流激励下的振动奠下基础,本文用Lyapunov直接法对柔性立管系统的稳定性和状态一致有界性进行了证明,设计了边界控制器调节柔性立管的振动,其中控制器使用了符号函数来消除不确定性环境扰动对振动控制效果的影响,提高了系统的鲁棒性.仿真实验表明本文所设计的控制算法有效地减少了柔性立管的振动偏移量. 相似文献