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Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are among various advanced material handling techniques that are finding increasing applications today. They can be interfaced to various other production and storage equipment and controlled through an intelligent computer control system. Both the scheduling of operations on machine centers as well as the scheduling of AGVs are essential factors contributing to the efficiency of the overall flexible manufacturing system (FMS). An increase in the performance of the FMS under consideration would be expected as a result of making the scheduling of AGVs an integral part of the overall scheduling activity. In this paper, simultaneous scheduling of parts and AGVs is done for a particular type of FMS environment by using a non-traditional optimization technique called the adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA). The problem considered here is a large variety problem (16 machines and 43 parts) and combined objective function (minimizing penalty cost and minimizing machine idle time). If the parts and AGVs are properly scheduled, then the idle time of the machining center can be minimized; as such, their utilization can be maximized. Minimizing the penalty cost for not meeting the delivery date is also considered in this work. Two contradictory objectives are to be achieved simultaneously by scheduling parts and AGVs using the adaptive genetic algorithm. The results are compared to those obtained by conventional genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are among various advanced material handling techniques that are finding increasing applications today. They can be interfaced to various other production and storage equipment and controlled through an intelligent computer control system. Both the scheduling of operations on machine centers as well as the scheduling of AGVs are essential factors contributing to the efficiency of the overall flexible manufacturing system (FMS). An increase in the performance of the FMS under consideration would be expected as a result of making the scheduling of AGVs an integral part of the overall scheduling activity. In this paper, simultaneous scheduling of parts and AGVs is done for a particular type of FMS environment by using a non-traditional optimization technique called the adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA). The problem considered here is a large variety problem (16 machines and 43 parts) and combined objective function (minimizing penalty cost and minimizing machine idle time). If the parts and AGVs are properly scheduled, then the idle time of the machining center can be minimized; as such, their utilization can be maximized. Minimizing the penalty cost for not meeting the delivery date is also considered in this work. Two contradictory objectives are to be achieved simultaneously by scheduling parts and AGVs using the adaptive genetic algorithm. The results are compared to those obtained by conventional genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

可变机器约束的模糊作业车间调度问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在车间实际加工中,工件的加工时间和交货期是一个模糊数,而且工件的某道工序有多台机器可供选择。针对这类作业的车间调度,提出了以极大化最小客户满意度为指标的可变机器约束的模糊作业车间调度模型,并给出了算法设计。应用遗传算法在适应度函数处理中引入模糊数处理方法,解决作业车间模糊调度问题,实现调度优化。仿真实验结果表明了该调度方法的有效性,为可变机器约束的模糊作业车间调度提供了一种实现途径。  相似文献   

A carefully designed and efficiently managed material handling system plays an important role in planning and operation of a flexible manufacturing system. Most of the researchers have addressed machine and vehicle scheduling as two independent problems and most of the research has been emphasized only on single objective optimization. Multiobjective problems in scheduling with conflicting objectives are more complex and combinatorial in nature and hardly have a unique solution. This paper addresses multiobjective scheduling problems in a flexible manufacturing environment using evolutionary algorithms. In this paper the authors made an attempt to consider simultaneously the machine and vehicle scheduling aspects in an FMS and addressed the combined problem for the minimization of makespan, mean flow time and mean tardiness objectives.  相似文献   

A simulation program written in ECSL to simulate an AGV system serving an FMS is presented. It incorporates a special algorithm to enable ‘intelligent’ routing of the AGVs with minimum control requirements. The program was used to examine several parameters and scheduling/control disciplines affecting the AGV system's performance for a specific FMS. Results show that selection of an appropriate combination of parameter values can have a beneficial effect on the FMS.  相似文献   

Although extensive research has been conducted to solve design and operational problems of automated manufacturing systems, many of the problems still remain unsolved. This article investigates the scheduling problems of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). Specifically, the relative performances of machine and automated guided vehicle (AGV) scheduling rules are analyzed against various due-date criteria. First, the relevant literature is briefly reviewed, and then the rules are tested under different experimental conditions by using a simulation model of an FMS. The sensitivity to AGV workload, buffer capacity, and processing-time distribution is also investigated to assess the robustness of the scheduling rules.  相似文献   

This article presents a new approach for planning the dispatching, conflict-free routing, and scheduling of automated guided vehicles in a flexible manufacturing system. The problem is solved optimally in an integrated manner, contrary to the traditional approach in which the problem is decomposed in three steps that are solved sequentially. The algorithm is based on dynamic programming and is solved on a rolling time horizon. Three dominance criteria are used to limit the size of the state space. The method finds the transportation plan minimizing the makespan (the completion time for all the tasks). Various results are discussed. A heuristic version of the algorithm is also proposed for an extension of the method to many vehicles.  相似文献   

尝试运用增强学习方法来研究平行机调度问题,通过定义系统状态、行为和报酬函数,把调度问题转化为平均报酬型半马尔可夫决策过程,并使用结合函数泛化器的R-Learning算法来解决.提出排名算法,并利用它和两种常用的调度规则(最短期望加工时间规则和先进先出规则)来定义增强学习的行为.实验结果表明,R-Learning算法通过仿真实验学习较优的调度策略,在不同的决策状态下选择最优或次优的行为,对每个测试问题的效果都优于以上任何一条调度规则.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a simulation study of a typical flexible manufacturing system that consists of seven machining centres, a loading and an unloading area, and six different part types. Owing to the existence of identical machining centres, the part types have alternative routings (their number varies between two and eight). One of the objectives of this work is to show how the following metaheuristics: ant colony optimisation, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search, particle swarm optimisation and electromagnetism-like method, are adapted for solving the alternative routing selection problem in real time in order to reduce the congestion in the system by selecting a routing for each part among its alternative routings. The other goal is to highlight the impact of the real-time rescheduling of parts contained in the loading station on system performances when these metaheuristics are applied. The simulation results jugged by the production rate, machines and material handling utilisation rate show that for an overloaded system, the real-time rescheduling outperforms the case without rescheduling, but it has a negative impact on the work in process.  相似文献   

针对多阶段非等同并行机模式下的准时化(Just-in-TimeJ,IT)调度问题,采用由遗传算法和禁忌搜索算法混合的禁忌遗传递阶算法进行求解。禁忌遗传递阶算法用禁忌搜索算法对工件最佳加工次序进行搜索,而相应评价值由遗传算法计算得出。遗传算法采用基于阶段机器号的二维矩阵编码,可有效地避免不可行解的产生,同时采用自适应改进提高遗传算法跳出局部最优的能力。实际算例说明禁忌遗传递阶算法计算结果稳定可靠,适合于解决多阶段非等同并行机的JIT调度问题。  相似文献   

A mixed dispatching rule approach in FMS scheduling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Short-term scheduling in flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) is a difficult problem because of the complexities and dynamic behavior of FMSs. To solve this problem, a dispatching rule approach is widely used. In this approach, however, a single dispatching rule is usually assigned for all machines in a system during a given scheduling interval. In this paper, a mixed dispatching rule which can assign a different dispatching rule for each machine is proposed. A search algorithm which selects an appropriate mixed dispatching rule using predictions based on discrete event simulation is developed for this approach. The search algorithm for the mixed dispatching rule is described in detail. The effectiveness (in meeting performance criteria) of the mixed dispatching rule and the efficiency of the search algorithm relative to exhaustive search (complete enumeration) is demonstrated on an FMS model. The mixed dispatching rule approach performs up to 15.9% better than the conventional approach, and is 4% better on average. The statistical significance of the results is dicussed.  相似文献   

Process planning and scheduling are the two important manufacturing functions involved in any shop floor activities. As functional integration is essential to realize the benefits of computer integrated manufacturing, a scheme for integration of process planning and scheduling has been introduced in this paper. The proposed scheme can be implemented in a company with existing process planning and scheduling departments when multiple process plans remain available on the shop floor. It consists of two main modules, introduced in detail in this paper. They are process plan selection module and scheduling module.  相似文献   

讨论了基于有序二叉决策图的有界Petri网符号分析,给出了其中镜像计算的一种新算法,进而建立了柔性制造系统生产调度问题的符号有序二叉决策图求解算法.该算法在求解过程中通过对状态空间及其搜索过程中相关数据的有序二叉决策图表示,避免了状态和搜索的显示枚举,实现了隐式高效操作,进而改善了算法的计算性能.仿真实验表明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于钢铁行业炼钢-连铸-热轧一体化生产作业,提炼出新的三阶段混合流水车间调度问题。其中第二阶段有多台串行批处理机而其他阶段为离散机,批加工时间等于同一批内所有工件在第二阶段的加工时间之和,且考虑了设备需要调整时间等实际生产特征。以最小化总加权完成时间为目标函数,对该问题建立数学模型,提出基于工件分解策略的拉格朗日松弛算法,引入拉格朗日乘子将机器能力约束和批加工约束松弛到目标函数中,进而将形成的松弛问题分解为较易求解的多个工件级子问题,利用动态规划算法求解子问题,设计启发式算法将松弛问题的解转换为原问题的可行解。仿真实验表明,所设计的算法能够在可接受的运行时间内得到较好的近优解。  相似文献   

Considering alternative machines for operations, forbidden intervals during which machines cannot be available and a job’s batch size greater than one in the real manufacturing environment, this paper studies the batch splitting scheduling problem on alternative machines with forbidden intervals, based on the objective to minimize the makespan. A scheduling model is established, taking before-arrival set-up, processing, and transfer time into account. And a new hybrid parallel algorithm, based on differential evolution and genetic algorithm, is brought forward to solve both the batch splitting problem and the batch scheduling problem by assuming a common number of sub-batches in advance. A solution consists of the actual optimum number of sub-batches for each job, the optimum batch size for each sub-batch, and the optimum sequence of operations for these sub-batches. Experiments on the performance of the proposed algorithm under different common numbers of sub-batches are carried out. The results of simulations indicate that the algorithm is feasible and efficient.  相似文献   

Consider a flexible manufacturing system that produces parts of several types. The FMS consists of several groups of pooled, identical machines, a materials handling system, and a set of nonconsumable resources. Each type of part has its own unique sequence in the execution of the operations. An inexact algorithm is presented that sequences and schedules the input of the parts in the FMS by considering constraints such as machine availabilities and other resources in the machine groups, the availability of the transport units, and so on. Primarily, the goal of the algorithm is to minimize makespan and, secondarily, to minimize turnaround time. Several strategies are discussed, and the results are reported. A real-life problem is described.  相似文献   

Printed circuit boards are used in a myriad of commercial and consumer products in today’s marketplace. In this paper, we address the problem of inserting/placing components on printed circuit boards using automated insertion/placement machines. The motivation to examine this problem stems from joint work with a major electronics manufacturer who not only introduced us to the manufacturing environment but also provided data for testing and validating our component allocation and scheduling methodology. The results of our analysis can be used to trade-off operational savings of reduced cycle times versus tactical costs of reorganizing the equipment on the shop floor. Further, we also are able to develop and validate a three step hierarchical scheduling methodology for use in similar manufacturing environments.  相似文献   

In reality, the machine might become unavailable due to machine breakdowns or various inevitable reasons, and machine might have different capability to processing job. Motivated by this, we consider the problem of scheduling n non-preemptive and independent jobs on m identical machines incorporating machine availability and eligibility constraints while minimizing the maximum lateness. Each machine is capable of processing at specific availability intervals. We develop a branch and bound algorithm applying several immediate selection rules for solving this scheduling problem.  相似文献   

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