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非共轴掠入射X射线显微镜参数的误差分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
设计了一套由4个反射镜组成的非共轴掠入射X射线显微镜,分析了该系统的像差和成像质量。为了研制出高质量的设备,需要制定合理的加工和装配公差。研究了由于元件和结构参数(反射镜的半径,物距,掠入射角等)的误差而引起的高斯参数和像差的变化。首次用点列图和调制传递函数来定量评价图像质量降低的程度,并在此基础上制定了合理的加工和装配公差。在这些公差的约束下,研制成一套非共轴掠入射X射线显微镜,在激光引爆的惯性约束聚变的诊断实验中,用该系统获得了高质量的图像。  相似文献   

The demand for an X-ray microscope has received much attention because of the desire to study living cells under high resolution. A Wolter type I mirror used for soft X-ray microscope optics has a number of advantages. Although much progress has been made, it is still not easy to fabricate this mirror and satisfy the surface roughness and figure error requirements. From the mirror fabrication point of view, it is necessary to see the mirror design and the tolerance budget, especially with respect to the surface roughness and the figure errors. This paper deals with the design and optimization of a Wolter type I microscope mirror. The optimization was carried out by choosing an optimum central grazing incidence angle for which a merit function had the maximum value. The image quality of the mirror was also examined. A smaller diameter gave better image quality because of the Abbe sine condition. Finally, the figure errors for the axial and the radial directions were simulated by sinusoidal deformation waves, and the figure tolerance was obtained.  相似文献   

掠出射X射线荧光分析技术与掠入射X射线荧光分析技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据工作原理,比较了掠出射X射线荧光分析技术(GEXRF)和掠入射X射线荧光分析技术(GI-XRF)的优缺点,比较角度包括实验装置、探测限、可探测元素范围、基体效应以及实验精度.比较结果表明,GEXRF的优点体现为:对实验装置要求低,对轻元素(4<Z<20)特别灵敏,能对大样品进行检测,实验精度高;缺点体现为:临界厚度小,探测限高."对轻元素特别灵敏"的特点决定了GEXRF的应用领域将主要集中在化学元素微量和痕量分析以及半导体工业中Si薄膜表面轻元素检测等方面.  相似文献   

平面连杆机构的误差分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对连杆传动机构和引导机构的误差分析,在已知机构几何尺寸和指定位置输出量许可偏差的情况下,计算出相应构件的公差,进而推算出其他各构件几何尺寸的公差。  相似文献   

We have observed the internal structure of human hair shafts with a transmission Zernike phase contrast hard X‐ray microscope. Due to the high spatial resolution and the high contrast of the microscope, we could image scales, macrofibrils, medulla and melanin without staining. The structure of a black hair shaft is compared with that of a white one.  相似文献   

X-ray microanalysis of non-biological and biological specimens was carried out in the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) under different conditions of specimen distance (the distance travelled by the electron probe within the specimen chamber) and chamber atmosphere. Using both water vapour and argon atmospheres, it was shown that reduction in specimen distance had no effect on atmospheric gas X-ray signal in either case. Unlike water vapour, increased levels of argon (up to 10 torr) caused a marked depression of specimen P/B ratios, with a decrease in both characteristic and background (continuum) counts. These effects in argon were not altered by reduction in specimen distance. Specimen distance was important in relation to beam skirting and elemental analysis. With an extended assembly (short specimen distance), beam skirting in a water-vapour atmosphere was much reduced – leading to enhanced element detectability in a discrete biological specimen (Anabaena cyclindrica).  相似文献   

在讨论 EDFA增益平滑滤光片镀制过程中监控方法及误差产生机理的基础上 ,利用自建的计算机膜厚容差模拟程序 ,分析了滤光片的容差特性 ,找出了膜系中影响膜系性能的对膜厚误差最敏感的膜层  相似文献   

介绍了面向航空连接装配的数控钻铣机设计及其误差相关技术研究。采用机器人学对数控钻铣机进行运动分析;通过分析四个移动轴滚珠丝杠误差得出移动轴坐标变换,并结合谐波减速器传动误差进行建模,最终得出六自由度的几何误差综合模型;利用该模型,对钻铣机整体进行精度分析,最终得到相关零件的制造精度及装配精度,对每个关节的公差进行优化分配,使得设计经济合理,减小加工制造成本,并为后期的误差补偿打好基础。  相似文献   

A compact Schwarzschild soft X-ray microscope using a laser-produced plasma soft X-ray source has been developed. The laser-produced plasma source, which is small but of high brilliance, has made it possible to use the soft X-ray microscope in a small laboratory. The microscope is composed of a Schwarzschild objective and a grazing incidence mirror condenser. Image contrast for biological specimens in soft X-ray regions is investigated briefly. It is possible to observe the fine structures of a thin specimen at a wavelength of 15 nm; at this wavelength high-contrast images of biological specimens have been obtained with a single laser shot of pulse width of 8 ns at a resolution of 0·3 μm. The resolution of the system is limited by the detector.  相似文献   

A new interferometer for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation with a laser produced plasma (LPP) laboratory source is under construction. The LPP source is operated with a Sn solid rod target on which pulsed YAG laser is focused to produce high temperature plasma emitting EUV radiation. The source is equipped with a newly designed debris stopper protecting a condenser multilayer mirror from the particle debris of the target. The condenser mirror focuses the light onto an EUV beam - splitter to form transmitted and reflected paths for producing interference fringes of a sharing type. The optical configuration is of a common path based on a triangular path type with a focusing at the beam- splitter, which is enabled to produce fringes by a low coherence radiation with a standard optical quality beam - splitter. The fringes are recorded by an imaging plate with pixels as small as 25μm. The dynamic range of linearity in detection of the EUV light was found to be more than 10^4 with sensitivity of 10^4 photo ns/pixel, enough for the purpose of interferogram recording possibly with one laser shot.  相似文献   

把六杆机构分解成初级四杆机构和次级四杆机构,再根据平面四杆机构的分析方法,逐步对六杆机构的误差进行分析,从而根据机构位置精度的要求来制订构件的制造公差.  相似文献   

针对两圆柱体轴线垂直相交时相贯线的简化画法 ,从理论上进行了误差分析 ,得出了随着小圆柱半径的增大其误差也随之增大的结论 ,为工程技术方面研究和应用两曲面立体相交求交线提供了理论依据  相似文献   

电容传感器激光焦点检测误差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文深和地研究了和分析了电容传感器探头形状与外轮廓尺寸检测精度的影响以及被检测件外形给传感器带来的误差。指出必须全面综合考虑电容传感器的工作状况,优化设计电容器传感器的动极板。  相似文献   

模块化雷达天线阵面平面度误差分析及软件开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一种基于DAU模块积木化拼装结构的新体制相控阵雷达,其天线阵面大小取决于DAU的数量和拼装形式。为了确保天线低副瓣指标,需要对由DAU拼装形成的天线阵面进行平面度误差分析,并寻求基本拼装单元DAU结构要素与阵面平面度误差之间的联系。在此基础上,通过合理建模和拼装定位公差分析,开发出可信的并与实际阵面比对过的参数化天线阵面平面度误差分析软件。  相似文献   

安国玉 《现代仪器》2002,8(4):40-43
本文从硬件的改进、分析能力的提高、分析方法的完善及应用领域的扩展等几个方面介绍了波长色散型X射线荧光光谱仪的发展现状。  相似文献   

数控加工中非圆曲线离散方法的误差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了数控加工中非圆曲线的几种常见离散方法:等间隔法,等弦长法,等误差法和特征点法,并分析其拟合误差来源。利用Matlab软件对上述算法的核心部分以及拟合误差分析过程进行程序编制。通过改变目标曲线参量及控制精度的实验,分析总结出每种算法的特点和适用条件。  相似文献   

介绍了掠入射X射线散射法(GXRS)测量超光滑表面的原理及基于商业用X射线衍射仪改造而成的实验装置。选择3片不同粗糙度的硅片作为实验样品,根据一级矢量微扰理论对各个样品所测量的散射分布进行处理。结果表明,GXRS法得到的样品功率谱密度函数(PSD)与使用原子力显微镜(AFM)所测量的结果基本相符。分析了探测器接收狭缝的宽度和入射光发散度对实验结果的影响,结果表明,在其他实验条件理想的情况下,当探测器接收狭缝宽度0.02mm,入射光发散度43″时,在空间频率0.03μm-1的范围内,由其引起的PSD函数测量误差2%。随着探测器接收狭缝宽度和入射光发散度的减小,测量误差呈指数迅速减小。在所测量的空间频率范围内,PSD函数的误差随频率的增加而减小,仪器的重复精度优于2.6%。  相似文献   

分析曲柄滑块机构中输出构件L3的长度误差,该误差与很多因素有关;L1与L2的长度误差和输入角Ф、Ф1的误差都与输出构件L3的长度误差有关;介绍这些误差之间的关系,并提出减小输出误差的措施。  相似文献   

X射线聚焦望远镜镜片黏接装配的数值模拟和分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对采用圆锥嵌套Wolter-I型结构的X射线聚焦望远镜在装配过程中产生的面形偏差进行了模拟和分析。首先,利用ANSYS有限元软件建立二维模型。然后,以实际装配步骤和夹具为加载和边界条件,通过分析不同半径镜片的装配过程,得到了面形偏差与三根压条的载荷关系曲线,由此优选出了不同半径镜片对应的最佳装配载荷。分析显示:除对应的最大面形偏差外,优选出的装配载荷均可控制在0.1μm以内,满足装配精度要求,而且对应装配载荷下玻璃镜片的最大Mises应力也均小于玻璃的强度极限,不会在装配过程中失效。此外,建立了三维分析模型并与二维简化模型分析结果进行了比较。结果显示:计算偏差主要集中在镜片的前、后两端约5mm范围内,最大偏差为2.3μm;镜片中段两种模型的计算偏差小于0.03μm,表明提出的二维简化模型可以用于玻璃镜片装配的快速面形偏差分析和载荷确定。文中对镜片装配过程的分析可为提高装配精度提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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