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<正>适宜食物1、主食及豆类的选择:绿豆、赤豆、小米等各种主食均可,适当食用粗粮和豆制品。2、肉蛋奶的选择:猪瘦肉、牛肉、鱼肉、鸡肉、鸭肉、动物肝脏等,奶及奶制品,咸鸭蛋、咸鸡蛋、松花蛋、蛋黄等蛋类。3、蔬菜的选择:苦瓜、丝瓜、南瓜、空心菜、马兰头、番茄、蒜苗、茄子、鲜藕、绿豆芽、黄瓜、冬瓜、菜瓜、香菇、紫菜、海带等。4、水果的选择:柑橘、葡萄、草莓、西瓜、梨、甜瓜、桃、杨梅、乌梅、李、红枣等。饮食禁忌1、夏天一定要少吃太热的食物,如羊肉、狗肉等。  相似文献   

岁末严冬,雪花纷飞的哈尔滨,迎接着一批特殊的客人,来自北京、上海、天津、吉林、河北、山东、浙江、江苏、湖北、福建、广东、深圳、香港等十几个省(市)的针织生产企业、  相似文献   

绿茶提取物的主要成分包括茶多酚、咖啡碱、芳香油、水分、矿物质、色素、碳水化合物、蛋白质、氨基酸以及多种维生素等,具有降血压、抗血凝、降血脂、降血糖、减肥、防治动脉粥样硬化、预防皮肤过敏效应、皮肤色素以及防龋牙、齿斑、牙周炎和口臭等功效。尤其是茶多酚,作为天然的抗氧化剂,具有很强的抗菌作用和抑酶作用,在食品、医药、保健等诸多方面具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

2007年11月初的金秋,京城喜迎中国珠宝业界的年度盛会———2007中国国际珠宝展。丰富、品质、创新是本届珠宝展的特点。这场盛况空前的国内顶级珠宝展不仅国内优秀展商云集,而且还吸引了来自意大利、泰国、韩国、美国、波兰、新加坡等12个国家和地区的境外参展商。参展品牌和机构实力雄厚国内、外顶尖的展商齐聚北京。国内参展品牌有国家博物馆、老凤祥、明、钻之韵、宝怡、萃华、百泰首饰、隆进、老庙、爱得康、翠绿、周大生、卢金匠、东方晓鸣等,境外参展品牌与机构有Oro Di Roma,Tache,Moti-Ganz和IGI等。意大利代表团四度参展,惊艳…  相似文献   

川莱是我国主要菜系之一,它最显著的特点是味别丰富,以味多、味广、味厚、味浓著称。经常运用的具有一定代表性的复合味有鱼香、蒜泥、红油、白油、怪味、椒麻、糊辣、麻辣、豆瓣、家常、姜汁、咸鲜、酸辣、糖醋、麻酱、荔枝、芥末、咸甜等二十余种味型。味型之多原因之一,正是蜀地得天独厚,物产富饶。时菜调味原料品种颇多,如闻名国内外的郫县豆瓣、自贡市的井盐、内江的白糖、蜜饯、保宁醋、叙府芽莱、资中冬莱、涪陵榨菜、潼川豆豉、富林花椒、唐场豆腐乳,金堂及仁寿韵干红辣椒、四川泡菜等都是川莱的调味佳品。  相似文献   

法国拉曼集团(LALLEMANDS.A.)是总部设在MONTREAL的拉曼财团(LAL-LEMAND)下的一家专门从事葡萄酒、果酒等酿用辅料的研究、开发及产品生产和销售的巨型跨国集团。它始建于1872年,距今已有100多年的历史,并在法国、意大利、西班牙、丹麦、葡萄牙、德国、瑞士、奥地利、希腊、南非、美国、加拿人、阿根廷、澳大利亚、新西兰、口本、中国等众多国家设有研究开发中心、实验室、大规模生产基地、工厂、办事机构、代表处等。  相似文献   

我们的祖先使用玉器,其功能大致为以下几个方面:1、礼仪和宗教、巫术活动用玉。如璧、琮、圭、璋、璜、剑、玺、带、佩等。这类玉器是古代玉器的重要组成部分。玉礼器是中国“礼乐文明”的重要载体之一;2、丧葬用玉。如冶、握、塞、玉衣等;3、装饰佩戴用玉。如坠、块、珠、管、环、镯,以及有使用价值的扳指、梳、带钩、剑首、剑格、如意等。  相似文献   

在我国,烹调是一种技能,也是一种艺术,甚至可以说也是物质文明和精神文明相结合的产物。"中国菜好吃",这已是各国友人在宴席之上,餐厅之外异口同声的赞誉。"中国菜好吃"奥妙在哪里呢?1.技法多样:中国菜的烹调技法多达数十种,如炒、爆、烹、炸、溜、烩、煎、贴、烧、焖、扒、蒸、烤、涮、汆、炖、煨、酱、卤、熏、拌、炝、煮、熬以及甜菜的拔丝、蜜汁、挂霜等,各种技法各有各的独特风味。2.花样多:中国菜的花样没有精确统计过,但至少在万种以上。仅以山东、四川、湖南、江苏、广东五大风味菜系来看,就有名菜数千种,如同百花争艳,美不胜收。有些国际友人说:"吃中国菜是一种令人难忘的  相似文献   

展示了对越南基巧红宝石中包裹体的研究成果. 用光学显微镜检测了这些包裹体的特征. 采用拉曼散射法和扫描电子探针分析了包裹体的成分.在该类红宝石中发现了锐钛矿、红柱石、钙长石、磷灰石、黑云母、一水软铝石、板钛矿、方解石、刚玉、硬水铝石、白云石、石墨、珍珠云母、白云母、金云母、黄铁矿、金红石、锆石、黝帘石包裹体组合. 描述了该类红宝石多相包裹体中气-液相与负晶的成分, 讨论了主晶红宝石的形成条件.  相似文献   

近期国家质量监督检验检疫总局对贵州、四川、江西、江苏、内蒙、安徽、陕西、河北、重庆、山西、浙江、河南、广东、广西、山东、湖北、甘肃、上海、湖南、福建等20个省、自治区、直辖市80家企业生产的80种白酒产品进行了国家监督抽查。产品抽样合格率88.8%,本次抽查的卫生指标整体质量较好,大中型企业的产品质量继续保持稳定。  相似文献   

Thirty-eight elements, including toxic cadmium, lead, mercury, silver and thallium, were determined in 18 species of wild edible mushrooms collected from several sites in Pomorskie Voivodeship in northern Poland in 1994. Elements were determined by double focused high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR-ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), after wet digestion of the dried samples with concentrated nitric acid in closed PTFE vessels using a microwave oven. K, P and Mg were present at levels of mg/g dry matter; Na, Zn, Ca, Fe, Cu, Mn, Rb, Ag, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cs, Sr, Al and Si were present at µg/g levels, while Tl, In, Bi, Th, U, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, La, Lu and Ba were present at ng/g levels.  相似文献   

为解决苎麻在乙二醇有机溶剂脱胶中纤维易被氧化而导致性能下降的问题,在乙二醇溶剂中添加助剂蒽醌对苎麻进行脱胶,并对蒽醌不同添加量下制得的纤维进行结构和性能表征。结果表明:纤维中半纤维素含量随蒽醌添加量的增加而升高,纤维的聚合度、结晶度、物理力学性能先升高后降低,纤维的残胶率和线密度先降低后升高;当蒽醌质量分数为0.3% 时,这些性能均达到最佳值,此时纤维的聚合度、结晶度、制成率、断裂强度、断裂伸长率、断裂功比不加蒽醌时分别提高了7.32%、20.53%、1.46%、9.55%、6.89%、33.33%,纤维的残胶率、线密度比不加蒽醌时分别降低了17.91%、7.24%。  相似文献   

Microencapsulation is a relatively new technology that is used for protection, stabilization, and slow release of food ingredients. The encapsulating or wall materials used generally consist of starch, starch derivatives, proteins, gums, lipids, or any combination of them. Methods of encapsulation of food ingredients include spraydrying, freeze‐drying, fluidized bed‐coating, extrusion, cocrystallization, molecular inclusion, and coacervation. This paper reviews techniques for preparation of microencapsulated food ingredients and choices of coating material. Characterization of microcapsules, mechanisms of controlled release, and efficiency of protection/ stabilization of encapsulated food ingredients are also presented.  相似文献   

The trace element contents of five varieties of instant coffee powder available in the Indian market have been analysed. Ca, Cr, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, Sr, Zn and Pb, Cd, Cu have been determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometry and differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry, respectively. The metal levels in the coffee powders observed in this study are comparable with those reported for green coffee beans (Arabica and Robusta variety) reported worldwide with the exception of Sr and Zn, which were on the lower side of the reported values. Concentrations of these metals have been converted into intake figures based on coffee consumption. The daily intakes of the above metals through ingestion of coffee are 1.4mg, 1.58 mu g, 124 mu g, 41.5mg, 4.9mg, 17.9 mu g, 2.9 mu g, 3.8 mu g, 12.5 mu g, 0.2 mu g, 0.03 mu g and 15.5 mu g, respectively. The values, which were compared with the total dietary intake of metals through ingestion by the Mumbai population, indicate that the contribution from coffee is less than or around 1% for most of the elements except for Cr and Ni which are around 3% .  相似文献   

The aim of the present review article is to summarize the available information related to the availability, production, chemical composition, pharmacological activity, and traditional uses of Avena sativa to highlight its potential to contribute to human health. Oats are now cultivated worldwide and form an important dietary staple for the people in number of countries. Several varieties of oats are available. It is a rich source of protein, contains a number of important minerals, lipids, β-glucan, a mixed-linkage polysaccharide, which forms an important part of oat dietary fiber, and also contains various other phytoconstituents like avenanthramides, an indole alkaloid-gramine, flavonoids, flavonolignans, triterpenoid saponins, sterols, and tocols. Traditionally oats have been in use since long and are considered as stimulant, antispasmodic, antitumor, diuretic, and neurotonic. Oat possesses different pharmacological activities like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, immunomodulatory, antidiabetic, anticholesterolaemic, etc. A wide spectrum of biological activities indicates that oat is a potential therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

Epicuticle, isolated from wool via the Allwörden reaction, was examined by electron microscopy and analysed chemically. It is proteinaceous; lipids and carbohydrates could not be detected. The component amino acids are: cystine, glycine, glutamic acid, serine, valine, alanine, lysine, α-amino-adipic acid, and threonine. A tentative model for the epicuticle is proposed.  相似文献   

Influences of matrix particle size distribution (PSD) (18, 25, 35 and 50 μm) and fat content (25%, 30% and 35%) on flavour release of dark chocolate volatiles were quantified by static headspace gas chromatography using GC–MS. Sixty-eight (68) flavour compounds were identified, comprising alcohols, aldehydes, esters, ketones, furans, pyrans, pyrazines, pyridines, pyroles, phenols, pyrones and thiozoles. From GC–olfactometry, 2-methylpropanal, 2-methylbutanal and 3-methylbutanal had chocolate notes. With cocoa/roasted/nutty notes were trimethyl-, tetramethyl-, 2,3-dimethyl-, 2,5-dimethyl-, 3(or 2),5-dimethyl-2(or 3)-ethyl- and 3,5(or 6)-diethyl-2-methylpyrazine and furfuralpyrrole. Compounds with fruity/floral notes included 3,7-dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol and 5-ethenyltetrahydro-R,R,5-trimethyl-cis-2-furanmethanol. Caramel-like, sweet and honey notes were conferred by 2-phenylethanol, phenylacetaldehyde, 2-phenylethylacetate, 2,3,5-trimethyl-6-ethylpyrazine, 2-carboxaldehyde-1H-pyrrole, furancarboxaldehyde, furfuryl alcohol and 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)furanone. There were direct relationships of fat content with 3-methylbutanal and branched pyrazines but inverse ones with 2-phenylethanol, furfuryl alcohol, methylpyrazine, phenylacetaldehyde, 2, 3, 5-trimethyl-6-ethylpyrazine and 2-carboxaldehyde-1-H-pyrrole. Particle size influenced higher alcohol, aldehyde, ester, ketone and pyrazine concentrations at all fat contents. A multivariate product space suggested flavour effects of the interacting factors.  相似文献   

We investigated the population growth of the khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) on seven groups of commercially available non-grain commodities. Six powdered spices were used in the first group of experiments: black pepper, clove, nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon and turmeric. The second group of the tested commodities included seven animal products: powdered cow milk, powdered pork zelatin, sheeps’ wool, goat’s skin, ducks’ feathers, dry dog food and dry cat food. The third group of commodities was consisted of six herbs: oregano, spearmint, basil, coriander, laurel and marjoram. The fourth group of commodities contained ten pulses: chickpeas, lentil, split peas, black-eyed peas, beans, soybean flour and whole kernels, lima beans, mung bean, and broad beans. The fifth group comprised six dried fruits: Corinthian currants, sultanas, banana chips, melons, apricots and figs. The sixth group was consisted of five non-grain commodities: cottonseed cake, tobacco, black tea, Turk kahvesi and potato flour. The seventh group included seven nuts: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pistachios, roasted chickpeas (yellow), almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts. Finally, six cracked containment categories (0% cracked kernels, 5% cracked kernels and 95% intact kernels, 10% cracked kernels and 90% intact kernels, 25% cracked kernels and 75% intact kernels, 50% cracked kernels and 50% intact kernels and 100% cracked kernels) from five pulses were tested: chickpeas, black-eyed peas, mung bean, soybean and split peas. The highest progeny production (3.01 individuals per vial) was recorded on powdered cow milk. On pistachios, split peas, sunflower seeds, soybean flour, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds and coriander, T. granarium built high population densities rapidly, while on roasted chickpeas, cottonseed cake, hazelnuts, chickpeas, dog food and lentils, its population growth was much less. Broad beans, melons, figs, lima beans, beans, Corinthian currants, pork zelatin and potato flour were less suitable diets for the development of this species. On black pepper, clove, nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, turmeric, sheeps’ wool, goat’s skin, ducks’ feathers, cat food, sultanas, banana chips, apricots, tobacco, black tea, Turk kahvesi, oregano, spearmint, basil, laurel and marjoram, no progeny production was recorded. The proportion of 100% cracked black-eyed peas or mung beans was more suitable for the population growth of T. granarium. Also, the percentages of 50% cracked chickpeas or 10% cracked soybeans enhanced the development of the species, in comparison with the whole kernels of each pulse. Our study indicated that several non-grain commodities are beneficial for the population growth of T. granarium, a fact that should be seriously taken into account in international trade, as this pest may utilize them as “vehicles” of expansion.  相似文献   

In the period between December 5, 1991 and September 17, 1998, 760 maize, 367 wheat, 119 soybean, 222 barley, 85 bran, 32 triticale, 60 oat, 14 rye and 22 sunflower samples were investigated for the presence and concentration of seven fusariotoxins (T-2 toxin, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, diacetoxyscirpenol, HT-2 toxin, fusarenone-X) and OTA. The comparison of analytical data with those of the relevant literature revealed that although the incidence rate and/ or concentration of Fusarium mycotoxins and OTA in Hungarian-grown cereals is occasionally considerable, the position of the country is not worse than the average of countries. Our findings indicate that soybean tends to be good substrate for trichothecene-producing fungi and the rate of contamination is regarded as substantial. The commodities were assorted into one of three quality categories. The proportion of objectionable samples was only 3.0, 2.2, 2.3 and 1.7% in maize, wheat, barley and soybean samples, respectively. However, this low rate of objection might still be a source of great economic loss. The proportion of objectionable samples was much higher in the case of bran, oat and triticale (7.1, 6.7, and 6.3%, respectively). The results of the present investigation indicate a need for regular screening for mycotoxins of importance and individual appraisal of each commodity from the point of their use in animal feeds.  相似文献   

Thirteen species of aquaculture food products, including fresh water and marine fish, prawns, and seaweed were collected from 37 aquaculture farms in Malaysia. Muscle and liver specimens from these species were tested for the presence of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn by using a heat vaporisation atomic absorption spectrophotometer and an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometer. Sea bass from each collected site were comparatively studied, where As concentrations were assumed to be caused by different culture system; and, Hg and Pb concentration were assumed to be due to anthropogenic activities in specific sites. The calculated estimated intake values of Malaysians for total As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn in the muscle of the examined species were 3.713, 0.115, 0.113, 4.268, 0.211, 0.738 and 15.863 μg/kg b.w./day. None of the values exceeded the JECFA guideline values and would pose no health hazards for consumers.  相似文献   

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