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Bluetooth is an enabling technology for Personal Area Networks. A scatternet is an ad hoc network created by interconnecting several Bluetooth piconets, each with at most eight devices. Each piconet uses a different radio channel constituted by a frequency hopping code. The way the devices are grouped in different piconets and the way the piconets are interconnected greatly affect the performance of the scatternet in terms of capacity, data transfer delay, and energy consumption. There is a need to develop distributed scatternet formation algorithms, which guarantee full connectivity of the devices, reconfigure the network due to mobility and failure of devices, and interconnect them such a way to create an optimal topology to achieve gainful performance. The contribution of this paper is to provide an integrated approach for scatternet formation and quality-of-service support (called SHAPER-OPT). To this aim, two main procedures are proposed. First, a new scatternet formation algorithm called self-healing algorithm producing multihop Bluetooth scatternets (SHAPER) is developed which forms tree-shaped scatternets. A procedure that produces a meshed topology applying a distributed scatternet optimization algorithm (DSOA) on the network built by SHAPER is then defined. Performance evaluation of the proposed algorithms, and of the accordingly created scatternets, is carried out by using ns2 simulation. Devices are shown to be able to join or leave the scatternet at any time, without compromising the long term connectivity. Delay for network setup and reconfiguration in dynamic environments is shown to be within acceptable bounds. DSOA is also shown to be easy to implement and to improve the overall network performance.  相似文献   

End-to-end QoS provisioning in 4G with mobile hotspots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The novel concept of mobile hotspots, characterized by a group of wireless users equipped with wireless LAN cards, moving as a whole and requiring Internet connectivity, is gaining the interest of the telecommunications research community. This article intends to contribute to this research topic by proposing alternative solutions for the deployment of a mobile gateway device offering 3G connectivity to the group of WLAN users while they are moving. This is a decisive aspect of the 3G migration to 4G networks. The proposed solutions allow for two-hop wireless paths between WLAN and 3G systems, and performing control over-high layer issues, specifically focusing on end-to-end QoS provisioning. The pros and cons of envisaged design solutions are addressed and their relevance justified considering purposes, target users, and applications.  相似文献   

Future-generation wireless packet networks will support multimedia applications with diverse QoS requirements. Much of the research on scheduling algorithms has been focused on hard QoS provisioning of integrated services. Although these algorithms give hard delay bounds, their stringent requirements sacrifice the potential statistical multiplexing performance and flexibility of the packet-switched network. Furthermore, the complexities of the algorithms often make them impractical for wireless networks. There is a need to develop a packet scheduling scheme for wireless packet-switched networks that provides soft QoS guarantees for heterogeneous traffic, and is also simple to implement and manage. This article proposes token bank fair queuing (TBFQ), a soft scheduling algorithm that possesses these qualities. This algorithm is work-conserving and has a complexity of O(1). We focus on packet scheduling on a reservation-based TDMA/TDD wireless channel to service integrated real-time traffic. The TBFQ scheduling mechanism integrates the policing and servicing functions, and keeps track of the usage of each connection. We address the impact of TBFQ on mean packet delay, violation probability, and bandwidth utilization. We also demonstrate that due to its soft provisioning capabilities, the TBFQ performs rather well even when traffic conditions deviate from the established contracts.  相似文献   

一种基于星上处理的卫星ATM网络动态带宽分配策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种基于星上处理的卫星ATM网络的动态带宽分配方案,它通过对流量的估计动态申请带宽,卫星作为控制中心根据链路利用情况来分配带宽,仿真结果表明,相对于现有的的方法,它可以保持链路效率,提高业务的服务质量,同时这种方法对星上资源要求不高,易于实现。  相似文献   

Broadband satellite networks will play an important role in future integrated services networks. Satellite networks also present unique challenges in system design related to quality of service (QoS) provisioning. In certain system scenarios, medium access control plays a crucial role in the network's ability to deliver a QoS contract. This article focuses on the applications that we envision will utilize future broadband satellite networks, and detail the various system environments which may exist as well as the means by which medium access control protocols can be used to provide QoS. We focus on one system scenario in particular and provide some simulation results on the performance of demand assigned multiple access techniques  相似文献   

We propose a medium access control (MAC) architecture for IEEE 802.11-like WLANs supporting multimedia services. The novel access algorithm, maintaining a Diffserv-like traffic classification, shows a remarkable improvement in all performance measures of the multimedia traffic, especially in heavy load situation.  相似文献   

End-to-end QoS provisioning in mobile heterogeneous networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The remarkable advances in information technologies bring a heterogeneous environment for mobile users and service providers. This heterogeneity exists in wireless access technologies, networks, user terminals, applications, service providers, and so on. The ability to provide seamless and adaptive quality of service in such a heterogeneous environment is key to the success of next-generation wireless communications systems. There has been a considerable amount of QoS research recently. However, the main part of this research has been in the context of individual architectural components, and much less progress has been made in addressing the issue of an overall QoS architecture for the mobile Internet. This article first summarizes the state-of-the-art QoS techniques and standardization activities, then examines in detail important challenges in building a ubiquitous QoS framework over the heterogeneous environment, and finally proposes a QoS framework integrating a three-plane network infrastructure and a unified terminal cross-layer adaptation platform to provide seamless support for future applications.  相似文献   

In this paper, we combine fiber delay lines (FDL) and optical wavelength conversion (OWC) as the solution for the burst contention problem in optical burst switching (OBS). We present a placement algorithm, k-WDS, for the sparse placement of FDLs at a set of selected nodes in the network. The algorithm can handle both uniform and non-uniform traffic patterns. Our extensive performance tests show that k-WDS provides more efficient placement of optical fiber delay lines than the well-known approach of placing the resources at nodes with the highest experienced burst loss. Performance results are also given to compare the benefit of using FDLs alone, OWCs alone, as well as a mixture of both FDLs and OWCs. A new algorithm, A-WDS, for the placement of an arbitrary numbers of FDLs and OWCs is presented and evaluated under different uniform and non-uniform traffic loads using network simulation of the NSFNET topology and randomly generated graphs. The paper is concluded by presenting the design of a cost-effective optical switch equipped with variable-delay FDL bank. Based on the switch design, a scheme to provide differentiated services for multiple classes of traffic is presented and evaluated.  相似文献   

In this paper, the joint resource allocation (RA) problem with quality of service (QoS) provisioning in downlink heterogeneous cellular networks (HCN) is studied. To fully exploit the network capacity, the HCN is modeled as a K-tier cellular network where each tier's base stations (BSs) have different properties. However, deploying numbers of low power nodes (LPNs) which share the same frequency band with macrocell generates severe inter-cell interference. Enhancement of system capacity is restricted for inter-cell interference. Therefore, a feasible RA scheme has to be developed to fully exploit the resource efficiency. Under the constraint of inter-cell interference, we formulate the RA problem as a mixed integer programming problem. To solve the optimization problem we develop a two-stage solution. An integer subchannel assignment algorithm and Lagrangian-based power allocation algorithm are designed. In addition, the biasing factor is also considered and the caused influence on system capacity is evaluated. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms achieve a good tradeoff between network capacity and interference. Moreover, the average network efficiency is highly improved and the outage probability is also decreased.  相似文献   

Wireless Networks - In this paper, we present an analytical framework for the performance evaluation of a pre-emptive priority scheduler in multi-resource networks, like those using Orthogonal...  相似文献   

The concept of tracking fluid policies by packetized policies is extended to input queueing switches. It is considered that the speedup of the switch is one. One of the interesting applications of the tracking policy in TDMA satellite switches is elaborated. For the special case of 2×2 switches, it is shown that a tracking nonanticipative policy always exists. It is found that, in general, nonanticipative policies do not exist for switches with more than two input and output ports. For the general case of N×N switches, a heuristic tracking policy is provided. The heuristic algorithm is based on two notions: port tracking and critical links. These notions can be employed in the derivation of other heuristic tracking policies as well. Simulation results show the usefulness of the heuristic algorithm and the two basic concepts it relies on  相似文献   

Diffserv extensions for QoS provisioning in IP mobility environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We focus on DiffServ for QoS provisioning in radio access networks (RANs). We first give short explanations of the DiffServ model. We then investigate the problems of DiffServ under IP mobility environments. We also present several DiffServ proposals in IP-based access networks. We finally propose a mobility-aware drop precedence scheme for flows experiencing handover events.  相似文献   

With the proliferation of wireless network technologies, mobile users are expected to demand the same quality of service (QoS) available to fixed users. This paper presents a predictive and adaptive scheme to support timed-QoS guarantees in pico- and micro-cellular environments. The proposed scheme integrates the mobility model into the service model to achieve efficient network resource utilization and avoid severe network congestion. The mobility model uses a probabilistic approach to determine the most likely cluster to be visited by the mobile unit. The admission control is invoked when a new call arrives or an existing call performs a handoff to verify the feasibility of supporting the call. The performance of the proposed schemes is compared to the shadow cluster scheme. The performance of the proposed scheme under different traffic patterns is also presented  相似文献   

This paper presents a quality-of-service (QoS) provisioning dynamic connection-admission control (CAC) algorithm for multimedia wireless networks. A multimedia connection consists of several substreams (i.e., service classes), each of which presets a range of feasible QoS levels (e.g., data rates). The proposed algorithm is mainly devoted to finding the best possible QoS levels for all the connections (i.e., QoS vector) that maximize resource utilization by fairly distributing wireless resources among the connections while maximizing the statistical multiplexing gain (i.e., minimizing the blocking and dropping probabilities). In the case of congestion (overload), the algorithm uniformly degrades the QoS levels of the existing connections (but only slightly) in order to spare some resources for serving new or handoff connections, thereby naturally minimizing the blocking and dropping probabilities (it amounts to maximizing the statistical multiplexing gain). The algorithm employs a Hopfield neural network (HNN) for finding a QoS vector. The problem itself is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem. Hardware-based HNN exhibits high (computational) speed that permits real time running of the CAC algorithm. Simulation results show that the algorithm can maximize resource utilization and maintain fairness in resource sharing, while maximizing the statistical multiplexing gain in providing acceptable service grades. Furthermore, the results are relatively insensitive to handoff rates.  相似文献   

Huang  Jane-Hwa  Hsu  Sz-Yan 《Wireless Networks》2020,26(7):5207-5222
Wireless Networks - The cooperative network is an energy-efficient technology to provide ubiquitous broadband access and quality-of-service (QoS). This paper investigates the tradeoffs among QoS,...  相似文献   

We introduce an adaptive call admission control mechanism for wireless/mobile networks supporting multiple classes of traffic, and discuss a number of resource sharing schemes which can be used to allocate wireless bandwidth to different classes of traffic. The adaptive call admission control reacts to changing new call arrival rates, and the resource sharing mechanism reacts to rapidly changing traffic conditions in every radio cell due to mobility of mobile users. In addition, we have provided an analytical methodology which shows that the combination of the call admission control and the resource sharing schemes guarantees a predefined quality-of-service to each class of traffic. One major advantage of our approach is that it can be performed in a distributed fashion removing any bottlenecks that might arise due to frequent invocation of network call control functions.  相似文献   

In cellular networks, QoS degradation or forced termination may occur when there are insufficient resources to accommodate handoff requests. One solution is to predict the trajectory of mobile terminals so as to perform resource reservations in advance. With the vision that future mobile devices are likely to be equipped with reasonably accurate positioning capability, we investigate how this new feature may be used for mobility predictions. We propose a mobility prediction technique that incorporates road topology information, and describe its use for dynamic resource reservation. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the improvement in reservation efficiency compared with several other schemes.  相似文献   

FRR for latency reduction and QoS provisioning in OBS networks   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We propose a forward resource reservation (FRR) scheme to reduce the data burst delay at edge nodes in optical burst switching (OBS) systems. We also explore algorithms to implement the various intrinsic features of the FRR scheme. Linear predictive filter (LPF)-based methods are investigated and demonstrated to be effective for dynamic burst-length prediction. An aggressive resource reservation algorithm is proposed to deliver a significant performance improvement with controllable bandwidth cost. By reserving resources in an aggressive manner, an FRR system can reduce both the signaling retransmission probability and the bandwidth wastage as compared with a system without the aggressive reservation. An FRR-based QoS strategy is also proposed to achieve burst delay differentiation for different classes of traffic. Theoretical analysis and simulation results verify the feasibility of the proposed algorithms and show that our FRR scheme yields a significant delay reduction for time-critical traffic without incurring a deleterious bandwidth overhead.  相似文献   

As the DWDM distributed multi-domain optical networks has been advocated to be the next generation networks, there is a pressing need to propose a set of effective light path provisioning policies. Meanwhile, with the growth of service types, different types of service should be set in different priority levels and pursuit individual QoS requirements. Thus, a new lightpath provisioning policy in support of hierarchical multi-target QoS is proposed, which is self-adaptive to different services, able to support priority, and designed with a dynamic blocking recovery mechanism.  相似文献   

Genetic algorithms (GA) are optimization techniques that are based on the mechanics of evolution and natural selection. They take advantage of the power of cumulative selection, in which successive incremental improvements in a solution structure become the basis for continued development. A GA is an iterative procedure that maintains a population of organisms (candidate solutions). Through successive generations (iterations), the population as a whole improves in a simulation of Darwinism's “survival of the fittest.” GAs have been shown to be successful where noise significantly reduces the ability of other search techniques to work effectively. Satellite altimetry provides useful information about oceanographic phenomena. It provides rapid global coverage of the oceans and is not as severely hampered by cloud cover as infrared imagery. Despite these and other benefits, several factors lead to significant difficulty in interpretation. The GA approach to the improved interpretation of satellite data involves the representation of the ocean surface model as a string of parameters or coefficients from the model. The GA searches in parallel a population of such representations (organisms) to obtain the individual that is best suited to survive, that is, the fittest as measured with respect to some fitness function. The fittest organism is the one that best represents the ocean surface model with respect to the altimeter data.  相似文献   

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