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冷轧薄带板形检测信号正交多项式分解及数学模型 总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11
基于UC轧机板形控制的原理,提出了一种新的采用正交多项式对冷轧薄带板形检测信号进行辨识和分解的数学模型,该模型的特点是在分解过程中避开了三次项的影响,因此,与国外学者所用的勒让德多项多和国内用的一般式项式相比,该模型对板形检测信号进行分解更能反映板缺陷的实际情况,并便于确定板形控制的执行机构。 相似文献
智能识别方法在板形识别中的应用及发展趋势 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对国内外关于板形模式识别技术的研究现状和发展趋势进行了综述。通过比较,提出了传统的基于最小二乘法的多项式拟合法存在的不足,并对模糊分类、神经网络、遗传算法、混沌优化等智能识别方法在板形模式识别中所具有的优势进行了归纳和总结。最后,对智能方法在板形识别问题中的应用以及板形识别技术的发展趋势进行了展望,为板形检测环节得到理想板形信号提供理论研究方法,并将逐步应用于钢铁板形控制的工业过程中。 相似文献
变结构神经网络在板形信号模式识别方面的应用 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
提出了基于模糊距离的变结构神经优化算法,并将其用于板形信号的模式识别过程,有效地解决了板宽变化时神经网络拓扑结构不变的问题,提高了识别速度和精度,从而成为一种新的智能板形信号识别方法。 相似文献
板形模式识别的GA-BP模型和改进的最小二乘法 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
针对板宽变化时需要不同拓扑结构的神经网络才能完成板形模式识别任务,网络学习工作量大,网络存在收敛速度慢,易陷入局部极小等结构性能不佳的问题,首次建立了以勒让德正交多项式为基模式的只用6个输入信号、3个输出信号的板形模式识别GA-BP网络模型。该模型不仅结构简单,而且物理意义明确,识别精度较高,解决了板宽变化时神经网络结构形式不变的问题,从而实现了板形模式识别的智能化。又提出了基于勒让德正交多项式的板形模式识别最小二乘法,该方法简单、实用,识别精度较高,克服了传统的最小二乘模型板形模式识别的缺点和不足。为板形模式识别提供了两种简便实用的新方法,发展了板形模式识别理论和方法。 相似文献
针对目前的板形缺陷识别方法精度不高、识别速度慢的问题,根据Elman神经网络模型可以反映系统动态特性,而且可以逼近任意非线性函数的特点,提出了一种利用改进的遗传算法优化Elman神经网络,使其泛化能力强、学习速度快、识别精度高,并建立板形缺陷模式识别模型的方法。为了验证该方法的识别能力,在隐层节点数与学习次数相同的条件下,分别与遗传算法优化的Elman网络和BP网络模型进行板形识别仿真对比分析。试验结果表明,改进遗传算法优化的Elman神经网络模型对板形缺陷识别精度高于BP网络等模型,并且具有收敛速度快的优点。 相似文献
为了识别含有模糊和仿射混合形变的图像,提出了一种新的基于正交矩模糊和仿射混合不变量的图像识别算法.该算法首先使用归一化方法构造了基于Legendre正交矩的仿射不变量,并结合Legendre正交矩的模糊不变量提出了Legendre正交矩的模糊和仿射混合不变量;然后将该混合不变量作为描述算子,将欧几里德范数作为分类尺度,以最近邻法则作为分类器,对图像进行识别.实验结果表明,与其他基于非正交矩的混合不变量相比,基于Legendre正交矩的模糊和仿射混合不变量在混合形变下能够获得更好的不变性,不会带来信息冗余问题,并且对噪声鲁棒性较好;此外,该图像识别算法比其他算法具有更高的识别率,特别是在图像含有较大噪声的情况下. 相似文献
针对阿尔哈达铅锌矿上向水平分层充填采矿法采场结构参数的确定开展相关研究,采用Flac3D数值模拟软件建立了留顶柱不留底柱、留底柱不留顶柱共2种数值模型,分步模拟计算各方案在回采过程中的应力和位移分布规律,分别从拉应力和底板上鼓量、顶板下沉量分析比较方案的优缺点。研究结果表明:首采分层开挖后,2种方案采空区的顶底板均出现了拉应力集中,采空区两侧围岩出现压应力集中区域;留底柱不留顶柱的方案拉应力出现明显下降,仅为2.30 MPa左右,因此选择留底柱不留顶柱的方案作为阿尔哈达铅锌矿上向水平分层充填采矿法的采场结构布置形式。 相似文献
针对DR9镀锡板在二次冷轧和镀锡拉矫过程中存在的边浪及翘曲等板形问题,分别在二次冷轧、卷取、拉矫等3个镀锡板板形控制的关键工艺环节开展二次冷轧机的板形控制能力与辊形配置及辊端压靠现象、卷取过程带钢板形缺陷变化、镀锡拉矫机对带钢板形翘曲缺陷的调控性能等方面的分析研究。确定了该边浪及翘曲板形缺陷产生的原因与规律,提出了全流程DR9镀锡板板形控制策略与系列板形控制技术,并在首钢京唐镀锡板生产线投入生产应用,使二次冷轧后DR9镀锡基板的板形缺陷由原来20 IU的边浪改善为5 IU的中浪,边浪板形缺陷完全消除,镀锡拉矫后DR9镀锡板的板形缺陷也明显改善,带钢翘曲高度由35降至10 mm以内。 相似文献
为了快速、精确地确定轧机的板形调节机构的最优调节量,实现最大限度地消除带钢的在线板形偏差,建立了一种以板形调控功效为基础的板形闭环控制新方法,即矩阵分析法。矩阵分析法是将板形调节机构的多目标评价函数转化为标准二次型函数,分别求取m个变量在可行域内绝对值最小对应的值,经过矩阵逆变换求得执行机构的最佳调节量,以达到对评价函数进行可行域内最小值求解。为了验证矩阵分析法的正确性,分别将最小二乘法和矩阵分析法应用于1450冷连轧机系统的板形调节机构的最优调节量求解。计算结果表明:在执行机构调节量超范围情况下,与最小二乘法相比,矩阵分析法可以求得全域第二最优解,实现了对板形的最优控制。 相似文献
Aiming at the problem of insufficient prediction accuracy of strip flatness at the outlet of cold tandem rolling,the prediction performance of strip flatness based on different ensemble methods was studied and a high-precision prediction ensemble model of strip flatness at the outlet was established.Firstly,based on linear regression(LR),K nearest neighbors(KNN),support vector regression,regression trees(RT),and backpropagation neural network(BPN),bagging,boosting,and stacking ensemble methods were used for ensemble experiments.Secondly,three existing ensemble models,i.e.,random forest,extreme random tree(ET)and extreme gradient boosting,were used to conduct experiments and compare the results.The research shows that bagging,boosting,and stacking three ensemble methods have the most significant improvement in the prediction accuracy of the regression trees model,which is increased by 5.28%,6.51%,and 5.32%,respectively.At the same time,the stacking ensemble method improves both the simple model and the complex model,and the improvement effect on the simple base model is the greatest,which is 4.69%higher than that of the base model KNN.Comparing all of the ensemble models,the stacking ensemble model of level-1(ET,AdaBoost-RT,LR,BPN)paired with level-2(LR)was discovered to be the best model(EALB-LR)and can be further studied for industrial applications. 相似文献
A model of recognition is described based on cell properties in the ventral cortical stream of visual processing in the primate brain. At a critical intermediate stage in this system, 'Elaborate' feature sensitive cells respond selectively to visual features in a way that depends on size (+/- 1 octave), orientation (+/- 45 degrees) but does not depend on position within central vision (+/- 5 degrees). These features are simple conjunctions of 2-D elements (e.g. a horizontal dark area above a dark smoothly convex area). They can arise either as elements of an object's surface pattern or as a 3-D component bounded by an object's external contour. By requiring a combination of several such features without regard to their position within the central region of the visual image, 'Pattern' sensitive cells at higher levels can exhibit selectivity for complex configurations that typify objects seen under particular viewing conditions. Given that input features to such Pattern sensitive cells are specified in approximate size and orientation, initial cellular 'representations' of the visual appearance of object type (or object example) are also selective for orientation and size. At this level, sensitivity to object view (+/- 60 degrees) arises because visual features disappear as objects are rotated in perspective. Processing is thus viewer-centred and the neurones only respond to objects seen from particular viewing conditions or 'object instances'. Combined sensitivity to multiple features (conjunctions of elements) independent of their position, establishes selectivity for the configurations of object parts (from one view) because rearranged configurations of the same parts yield images lacking some of the 2-D visual features present in the normal configuration. Different neural populations appear to be selectively tuned to particular components of the same biological object (e.g. face, eyes, hands, legs), perhaps because the independent articulation of these components gives rise to correlated activity in different sets of input visual features. Generalisation over viewing conditions for a given object can be established by hierarchically pooling outputs of view-condition specific cells with pooling operations dependent on the continuity in experience across viewing conditions. Different object parts are seen together and different views are seen in succession when the observer walks around the object. The view specific coding that characterises the selectivity of cells in the temporal lobe can be seen as a natural consequence of selective experience of objects from particular vantage points. View specific coding for the face and body also has great utility in understanding complex social signals, a property that may not be feasible with object-centred processing. 相似文献