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This study examined the effects of Ca and Sr addition on the creep and corrosion properties of Mg-Al-Sn based alloys with the aim of developing new Mg-Al-Sn-x alloys for automotive powertrain applications. The materials were cast using the squeeze casting process to obtain a dense microstructure without pores. Creep tests were carried out at a constant temperature between 150 °C and 200 °C and a constant applied stress between 50 and 80 MPa until the minimum creep rate had been reached. Potentiodynamic and immersion tests were carried out to evaluate corrosion properties of the alloys. The creep and corrosion resistance were improved by adding Ca and Sr.  相似文献   

Additively manufactured(AM)biodegradable zinc(Zn)alloys constitute an important branch of orthope-dic implants because of their moderate degradation properties and bone-mimicking mechanical proper-ties.In this paper,the microstructural evolution and corrosion mechanisms of zinc-copper(Zn-Cu)alloys prepared by the laser-powder-bed-fusion(L-PBF)additive manufacturing method were investigated.Al-loying with Cu significantly increases the ultimate tensile strength(UTS)of unalloyed Zn,but the UTS and ductility of unalloyed Zn and Zn-2Cu decrease with increasing laser energy density.Unalloyed Zn has a dendritic microstructure,while Zn-2Cu alloy has a peritectic microstructure.The formation of round peri-tectic grains is due to the low-temperature gradient of unalloyed Zn during the AM.The Zn-2Cu samples exhibited higher corrosion rates,addressing the problem of slow degradation of unalloyed Zn.The grain size distribution influences the corrosion behavior of the material.It enhances the corrosion rates of ma-terials with fine grains in a non-passivating environment.However,the 100%extracts of Zn-2Cu samples exhibited greater values of cellular activity compared to unalloyed Zn samples,thus confirming their bet-ter cytocompatibility.This work demonstrates the great potential to design and modulate biodegradable Zn alloys to fulfill clinical needs by using AM technology.  相似文献   

Ultrafine-grain and high-strength Mg-5Li-1Al sheets were prepared by accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process. Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties of ARB-processed Mg-5Li-1Al sheets was investigated.Results show that, during ARB process, the evolution of deformation mechanism of t Mg-5Li-1Al alloy is as follows: twinning deformation, shear deformation, forming macro shear zone, and finally dynamic recrystallization (DRX). The grain refining mechanism changes from twin DRX to rotation DRX. With the increase in ARB cycles, strength of the Mg-5Li-1Al sheets is enhanced, whilst elongation varies slightly. With the increase in rolling cycles, anisotropy of mechanical properties decreases. It is conclusive that strain hardening and grain refinement dominate the strengthening mechanism of Mg-5Li-1Al alloy.  相似文献   

The effects of Pd on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-6Al-1Zn alloys were investigated. Mg-6Al-1Zn-xPd (x = 0-6 wt.%) alloys were prepared using a permanent mould casting method. The microstructure of the as-cast alloys was characterized by the presence of Mg17Al12 and Al4Pd phases. The volume fraction of the Al4Pd phase was increased by the addition of 1-6 wt.%Pd but the volume fraction of the Mg17Al12 phases decreased. At room temperature, the tensile strength increased with increasing Pd addition up to 2 wt.%Pd, and the elongation to fracture decreased with a concomitant increase in the aggregation of the coarse Al4Pd phase. At 150 °C, the tensile strength increased with the addition of Pd. Therefore, the room and elevated temperature tensile properties of as-cast Mg-6Al-1Zn alloys can be improved by Pd addition.  相似文献   

The microstructure and chemical compositions of the solid solution-treated Mg-3Nd-1Li-0.2Zn alloy were characterized using optical microscope,scanning electron microscope(SEM),transmission electron microscope(TEM),electron probe micro-analyzer(EPMA)and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS).The corrosion behaviour of the alloy was investigated via electrochemical polarization,electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS),hydrogen evolution test and scanning Kelvin probe(SKP).The results showed that the microstructure of the as-extruded Mg-3Nd-1Li-0.2Zn alloy contained α-Mg matrix and nanometric second phase Mg41 Nd5.The grain size of the alloy increased significantly with the increase in the heat-treatment duration,whereas the volume fraction of the second phase decreased after the solid solution treatment.The surface film was composed of oxides(Nd2O3,MgO,Li2O and ZnO)and carbonates(MgCO3 and Li2CO3),in addition to Nd.The as-extruded alloy exhibited the best corrosion resistance after an initial soaking of 10 min,whereas the alloy with 4h-solution-treatment possessed the lowest corrosion rate after a longer immersion(1 h).This can be attributed to the formation of Nd-containing oxide film on the alloys and a dense corrosion product layer.The dealloying corrosion of the second phase was related to the anodic Mg41Nd5 with a more negative Volta potential relative to α-Mg phase.The preferential corrosion of Mg41Nd5 is proven by in-situ observation and SEM.The solid solution treatment of Mg-3Nd-1Li-0.2Zn alloy led to a shift in corrosion type from pitting corrosion to uniform corrosion under long-term exposure.  相似文献   

The effects of Sn addition on the as-cast microstructure, mechanical properties and casting fluidity of the ZA84 magnesium alloy are investigated. The results indicate that adding 0.5–2.0 wt.%Sn to the ZA84 alloy not only can result in the formation of Mg2Sn phase but also can refine the Mg32(Al, Zn)49 phase and suppress the formation of Mg32(Al, Zn)49 phase, and with the increase of Sn amount from 0.5 wt.% to 2.0 wt.%, the morphology of Mg32(Al, Zn)49 phase gradually changes from coarse continuous and/or quasi-continuous net to relatively fine quasi-continuous and/or disconnected shapes. In addition, adding 0.5–2.0 wt.%Sn to the ZA84 alloy can improve the tensile and creep properties, and casting fluidity of the alloy. Among the Sn-containing ZA84 alloys, the ZA84 alloy added 1.0 wt.%Sn exhibits the best ultimate tensile strength, elongation and casting fluidity while the ZA84 alloy added 2.0 wt.%Sn has the best yield strength and creep properties.  相似文献   

A newly developed severe plastic deformation(SPD) technique, i.e. repetitive upsetting(RU), is employed to improve the strength and ductility of a Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy. During the RU processing, dynamic recrystallization occurs in the Mg alloy, which leads to a significant grain refinement from 11.2 μm to 2.8 μm.The yield strength(YS), ultimate tensile strength(UTS) and elongation increase simultaneously with increasing RU passes. The microstructural evolution is affected by processing temperatures. Dynamic recrystallization prevails at low temperatures, while dynamic recovery is the main effect factor at high temperatures. Texture characteristics gradually become random during multiple passes of RU processing,which reduces the tension-compression asymmetry of the Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy.  相似文献   

Ti-32.5 Nb-6.8 Zr-2.7 Sn(TNZS,wt%) alloy was produced by using vacuum arc melting method,followed by solution treatment and cold rolling with the area reductions of 50% and 90%.The effects of cold rolling on the microstructure,texture evolution and mechanical properties of the experimental alloy were investigated by optical microscopy,X-ray diffraction,transmission electron microscopy and universal material testing machine.The results showed that the grains of the alloy were elongated along rolling direction and stress-induced α' martensite was not detected in the deformed samples.The plastic deformation mechanisms of the alloy were related to {112} 111 type deformation twinning and dislocation slipping.Meanwhile,the transition from γ-fiber texture to α-fiber texture took place during cold rolling and a dominant {001} 110_(α-fiber) texture was obtained after 90% cold deformation.With the increase of cold deformation degree,the strength increased owing to the increase of microstrain,dislocation density and grain refinement,and the elastic modulus decreased owing to the increase of dislocation density as well as an enhanced intensity of {001} 110_(α-fiber)texture and a weakened intensity of {111} 112_(γ-fiber)texture.The 90% cold rolled alloy exhibited a great potential to become a new candidate for biomedical applications,since it possesses low elastic modulus(47.1 GPa),moderate strength(883 MPa) and high elastic admissible strain(1.87%),which are superior than those of Ti-6 Al-4 V alloy.  相似文献   

Effect of the addition of trace HA particles into Mg-2Zn-0.5Sr on microstructure, mechanical properties, and bio-corrosion behavior was investigated in comparison with pure Mg. Microstructures of the Mg-2Zn-0.5Sr-xHA composites(x = 0, 0.1 and 0.3 wt%) were characterized by optical microscopy(OM),scanning electron microscopy(SEM) equipped with energy dispersion spectroscopy(EDS) and X-ray diffraction(XRD). Results of tensile tests at room temperature show that yield strength(YS) of Mg-2Zn-0.5Sr/HA composites increases significantly, but the ultimate tensile strength(UTS) and elongation decrease with the addition of HA particles from 0 up to 0.3 wt%. Bio-corrosion behavior was investigated by immersion tests and electrochemical tests. Electrochemical tests show that corrosion potential(Ecorr)of Mg-2Zn-0.5Sr/HA composites significantly shifts toward nobler direction from-1724 to-1660 m VSCE and the corrosion current density decreases from 479.8 to 280.8 μA cm~(-2) with the addition of HA particles. Immersion tests show that average corrosion rate of Mg-2Zn-0.5Sr/HA composites decreases from11.7 to 9.1 mm/year with the addition of HA particles from 0 wt% up to 0.3 wt%. Both microstructure and mechanical properties can be attributed to grain refinement and mechanical bonding of HA particles with second phases and α-Mg matrix. Bio-corrosion behavior can be attributed to grain refinement and the formation of a stable and dense CaHPO_4 protective film due to the adsorption of Ca~(2+)on HA particles. Our analysis shows that the Mg-2Zn-0.5Sr/0.3HA with good strength and corrosion resistance can be a good material candidate for biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Ultralight Mg-Li alloys offer promising applications across various fields.Mg-Li alloys enriched with Al and Zn hold theoretical potential for achieving excellent mechanical strength and corrosion resistance.However,the structural and performance characteristics of such Mg-Li alloys,particularly after thermo-mechanical processing,remain inadequately explored and understood.This study investigated the mi-crostructural evolution of a Mg-9Li-5Al-4Zn alloy after friction stir processing and its consequent effects on the mechanical and corrosion performance.The grain size of the alloy was effectively refined and sta-bilized during friction stir processing at various heat inputs.The yield strength of the alloy increased by 86.4%after friction stir processing under the highest heat input condition,which was attributed to fine grain strengthening,solid solution strengthening and dispersion strengthening.Concurrently,the alloy ex-perienced a slight decrease in elongation after the friction stir processing.The alloy subjected to friction stir processing with the highest heat input exhibited a minimal corrosion current density of 6.10 x 10-6 A/cm2,which was only 25%of the base metal.The enhanced anti-corrosion properties can be attributed to the dispersion and distribution of precipitated particles induced by friction stir processing,which hin-dered the micro-galvanic corrosion and promoted the generation of a compact surface film,leading to minimal and uniform corrosion.This investigation can be significant for understanding the metallurgical mechanisms and performance evolution of Mg-Li alloys during thermomechanical processes.  相似文献   

The effects of minor Ce on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of Mg-3Sn-1Ca alloy are investigated systematically. The minor Ce can refine the eutectic structure between α-Mg and CaMgSn and make the microstructure more uniform. The maximum ultimate tensile strength and elongation of the alloy with the Ce content of 0.3?wt-% were 152.5?MPa and 4.1%, respectively. Meanwhile, the corrosion resistance of the Ce-containing alloys is improved by Tafel curves and electrochemical impedance spectra, especially when the Ce is up to 0.3?wt-%. The minor Ce can promote the formation of the surface film and makes the corrosion product film to become more compact, which effectively prevents further the occurrence of corrosion of the Mg matrix.  相似文献   

The influence of Zr on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of Mg–10Gd–3Y (wt.%) magnesium alloy was investigated. The grain size of alloys decreased with Zr content from 0% to 0.93% (wt.%). The addition of Zr greatly improved the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and the elongation (EL), while slightly improved the tensile yield strength (TYS). The UTS and the EL of the alloy containing 0.93% Zr increased by 125.8 MPa and 6.96% compared with base alloy, respectively. The corrosion resistances were found to decrease with Zr content from 0% to 0.42% and then increase from 0.42% to 0.93%. The differences in the sizes and distributions of the Zr-rich particles have significant effects on the corrosion behaviors. The alloy with 0.42% Zr addition revealed the optimum combination of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.  相似文献   

分别对原始态的双相Mg-8Li-4Al-3Zn-La合金进行固溶及退火处理,通过光学显微镜、扫描电镜以及X射线衍射等方法研究合金在不同热处理状态下微观组织的变化,测定了合金硬度及拉伸性能并分析了断口。研究结果表明,经固溶处理后合金抗拉强度明显提高,由原来的194MPa提升到243MPa,延伸率由18%降至9%;而退火处理后其强度没有提升,塑性反而下降。此外,合金中两相组织与第二相分布具有明显差异,使得各相性能及其对热处理的反应不同。  相似文献   

采用表面活性元素Sb微合金化的方法制备了Mg-5Al-2Sr-xSb(x=0,0.3,0.6,1.0)合金,通过金相显微镜、X射线衍射仪、扫描电镜和力学性能测试等方法研究了Sb含量对Mg-5Al-2Sr合金微观组织和力学性能的影响.结果表明,Mg-5Al-2Sr-xSb合金铸态组织主要由枝晶α-Mg、沿晶界或分布在枝晶间的层状或离异共晶的Al4Sr相、块状三元Mg9Al3Sr相(τ相)和颗粒状SbSr2相组成,随着Sb含量的增加,Sb-Sr2相的数量逐渐增多,τ相逐渐减少.Sb的质量分数为0.6%时,断续分布的Al4Sr相和细小弥散分布的Sb-Sr2相能够提高Mg-5Al-2Sr合金的室温和高温(150℃)机械性能.  相似文献   

Microstructure and crystallographic orientation of directionally solidified Mg-4 wt% Zn alloy were characterized by X-ray computed tomography (XCT) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) in this study. Results reveal that Mg-4 wt% Zn alloy with dendritic microstructure exhibits typical {0002} basal texture along growth direction. Based on this, the effect of grain orientation on corrosion behavior of directionally solidified Mg-4 wt% Zn alloy in 0.9 wt% NaCl solution was investigated. Result shows that {0002} oriented planes have better corrosion resistance than {112¯0} and {101¯0} ones, which is attributed to a synergistic effect of surface energy, atomic packing density and the stability of oxidation film.  相似文献   

High entropy alloy(HEA)-based alloy design is experiencing a conceptual broadening from equiatomic alloys to non-equiatomic alloys.To provide experimental basis for designing Cu-rich non-equiatomic HEAs,in the current study,a dual phase(Cu-rich and CoCrFeNi-rich phases) face-centered cubic CoCrFeNiCu4 alloy was systematically investigated.We provided initial and experiment-based understanding of the behavioral change of the alloy during a variety of thermal cycles and thermomechanical processing.The current results indicate that,during heating,preferred precipitation of Cu-rich particles occurs,leading to more pronounced compositional differences between the two constituent FCC phases and increased relative volume fraction of the Cu-rich phase.The Alloy exhibits a continuous melting and discontinuous solidification of the Cu-rich and CoCrFeNi-rich phases.After being cold-rolled to ~90 % thickness reduction,the alloy exhibits a recrystallization temperature higher than 800℃.Annealing at 300 and 500℃ led to strength reduction and/or ductility decrease;further increasing annealing temperature monotonically caused softening and ductilization due to decreased density of pre-existing dislocations.The yield-drop phenomena observed for the 900℃-and 1000℃-annealed specimens are associated with the locking of pre-existing dislocations by some "atmosphere",the nature of which warrants further elucidation.  相似文献   

In this study,a new Al0.9CoFeNi2 eutectic high entropy alloy(EHEA) was designed,and the microstructures as well as the deformation behavior were investigated.The bulk cast Al0.9CoFeNi2 EHEA exhibited an order face-centered cubic FCC(L12) and an order body-centered cubic(B2) dual-phase lamellar eutectic microstructure.The volume fractions of FCC(L12) and B2 phases are measured to be 60 % and 40 %,respectively.The combination of the soft and ductile FCC(L12) phase together with the hard B2 phase resulted in superior strength of 1005 MPa and ductility as high as 6.2 % in tension at room temperature.The Al0.9CoFeNi2 EHEA exhibited obvious three-stage work hardening characteristics and high workhardening ability.The evolving dislocation substructure s during uniaxial tensile deformation found that planar slip dominates in both FCC(L12) and B2 phases,and the FCC(L12) phase is easier to deform than the B2 phase.The post-deformation transmission electron microscopy revealed that the sub-structural evolution of the FCC(L12) phase is from planar dislocations to bending dislocations,high-density dislocations,dislocation network,and then to dislocation walls,and Taylor lattices,while the sub-structural evolution of the B2 phase is from a very small number of short dislocations to a number of planar dislocations.Moreover,obvious ductile fracture in the FCC(L12) phase and a brittle-like fracture in the B2 phase were observed on the fracture surface of the Al0.9CoFeNi2 EHEA.The re search results provide some insight into the microstructure-property relationship.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties and textures of the ultrafine grained (UFG) Mg-3Al-1Zn (AZ31) alloy with a mean grain size of 1 μm produced by high-ratio differential speed rolling were investigated. The resulting material exhibited high strength and relatively high ductility at ambient temperature. The high strength was attributed to grain-size and texture strengthening, while the high ductility was attributed to suppression of inhomogeneous twinning and increased strain-rate-sensitivity. The rolling temperature and the amount of shear strain accumulated during HRDSR affected the basal texture intensity and the rotation angle of the basal poles. Bimodal grain-size distribution obtained by annealing the UFG AZ31 at 573 K for a short time period resulted in considerable improvement of uniform elongation.  相似文献   

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