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To characterize muscle synergy organization underlying multidirectional control of stance posture, electromyographic activity was recorded from 11 lower limb and trunk muscles of 7 healthy subjects while they were subjected to horizontal surface translations in 12 different, randomly presented directions. The latency and amplitude of muscle responses were quantified for each perturbation direction. Tuning curves for each muscle were examined to relate the amplitude of the muscle response to the direction of surface translation. The latencies of responses for the shank and thigh muscles were constant, regardless of perturbation direction. In contrast, the latencies for another thigh [tensor fascia latae (TFL)] and two trunk muscles [rectus abdominis (RAB) and erector spinae (ESP)] were either early or late, depending on the perturbation direction. These three muscles with direction-specific latencies may play different roles in postural control as prime movers or as stabilizers for different translation directions, depending on the timing of recruitment. Most muscle tuning curves were within one quadrant, having one direction of maximal activity, generally in response to diagonal surface translations. Two trunk muscles (RAB and ESP) and two lower limb muscles (semimembranosus and peroneus longus) had bipolar tuning curves, with two different directions of maximal activity, suggesting that these muscle can play different roles as part of different synergies, depending on translation direction. Muscle tuning curves tended to group into one of three regions in response to 12 different directions of perturbations. Two muscles [rectus femoris (RFM) and TFL] were maximally active in response to lateral surface translations. The remaining muscles clustered into one of two diagonal regions. The diagonal regions corresponded to the two primary directions of active horizontal force vector responses. Two muscles (RFM and adductor longus) were maximally active orthogonal to their predicted direction of maximal activity based on anatomic orientation. Some of the muscles in each of the synergic regions were not anatomic synergists, suggesting a complex central organization for recruitment of muscles. The results suggest that neither a simple reflex mechanism nor a fixed muscle synergy organization is adequate to explain the muscle activation patterns observed in this postural control task. Our results are consistent with a centrally mediated pattern of muscle latencies combined with peripheral influence on muscle magnitude. We suggest that a flexible continuum of muscle synergies that are modifiable in a task-dependent manner be used for equilibrium control in stance.  相似文献   

The current study is one of the first prospective examinations of longitudinal associations between observed father caregiving behaviors and child cortisol reactivity and regulation in response to emotional arousal. Observations of father and mother caregiving behaviors and child cortisol levels in response to challenges at 7 months and 24 months of child age were collected. Analyses were based on a subsample of children from the Family Life Project who lived with both their biological mothers and fathers and for whom there was at least partial cortisol data (7 months: n = 717; 24 months: n = 579). At the challenge conducted at 7 months of child age, 49.0% of the sample were girls; racial composition of the sample was 25.8% African American and 74.2% European American. At the challenge conducted at 24 months of child age 49.9% of the sample were girls; racial composition was 24.7% African American and 75.3% European American. We conducted analyses across assessment points simultaneously using mixed linear modeling for repeated measures data to test for differential effects of fathering across infancy and toddlerhood. Concurrent measures of father negativity were positively associated with greater increases in child cortisol levels in response to emotion challenge at 7 months (p = .01) and with higher overall levels of cortisol at 24 months (p  相似文献   

Anatomical and physiological studies of the primate visual system have suggested that the signals relayed by the magnocellular and parvocellular subdivisions of the LGN remain segregated in visual cortex. It has been suggested that this segregation may account for the known differences in visual function between the parietal and temporal cortical processing streams in extrastriate visual cortex. To test directly the hypothesis that the temporal stream of processing receives predominantly parvocellular signals, we recorded visual responses from the superficial layers of V1 (striate cortex), which give rise to the temporal stream, while selectively inactivating either the magnocellular or parvocellular subdivisions of the LGN. Inactivation of the parvocellular subdivision reduced neuronal responses in the superficial layers of V1, but the effects of magnocellular blocks were generally as pronounced or slightly stronger. Individual neurons were found to receive contributions from both pathways. We furthermore found no evidence that magnocellular contributions were restricted to either the cytochrome oxidase blobs or interblobs in V1. Instead, magnocellular signals made substantial contributions to responses throughout the superficial layers. Thus, the regions within V1 that constitute the early stages of the temporal processing stream do not appear to contain isolated parvocellular signals. These results argue against a direct mapping of the subcortical magnocellular and parvocellular pathways onto the parietal and temporal streams of processing in cortex.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferase activity of both the microsomal and soluble fractions was determined in a variety of aquatic macrophytes. The examined enzyme extract was prepared from a combination of leaves and shoots. Four different model substrates were used. The highest conjugation rate was obtained for 1-iodo-2,4-dinitrobenzene, followed by 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, p-nitrobenzoyl chloride, and 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene. Comparison of several samples of Nuphar lutea L. from two different lake areas revealed increased glutathione S-transferase activity in plants from the site contaminated with polyaromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Pairing a novel taste with provocative vestibular stimulation results in conditioned taste aversions in both rats and humans. Vestibular system involvement in gustatory conditioning was examined in sham-lesioned or labyrinthectomized rats. Three conditioning trials consisted of 30 min access to a saccharin (0.1%) solution followed by 30 min of rotation (70 rpm) or sham rotation. In a taste reactivity test with saccharin, rotated sham-lesioned rats, but not labyrinthectomized rats, exhibited increased oral rejection reactions compared with control rats. When conditioned with lithium chloride, both labyrinthectomized and sham-lesioned rats displayed robust conditioned rejection reactions. The finding that normal vestibular function is necessary in obtaining rotation-induced conditioned taste aversions supports the face and construct validity of a rat model of motion sickness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of lower body negative pressure (LBNP) on transcapillary fluid balance is unknown. Therefore, our objective was to assess leg interstitial fluid pressures (IFP), leg circumference, plasma volume (PV), and net whole body transcapillary fluid transport (TFT) during and after supine LBNP and to evaluate the addition of oral saline ingestion on transcapillary exchange. Six healthy men 23-41 yr old underwent 4 h of 30 mmHg LBNP, followed by 50 min of supine recovery on two separate occasions, once with and once without ingestion of 1 liter of isotonic saline. IFP was measured continuously in subcutis as well as superficial and deep regions of the tibialis anterior muscle by slit catheters. TFT was calculated by subtracting urine production and calculated insensible fluid loss from changes in PV. During exposure to LBNP, IFP decreased in parallel with chamber pressure, foot venous pressure did not change, leg circumference increased by 3 +/- 0.35% (SE) (P < 0.05), and PV decreased by 14 +/- 2.3%. IFP returned to near control levels after LBNP. At the end of minute 50 of recovery, PV remained decreased (by 7.5 +/- 5.2%) and leg circumference remained elevated (by 1 +/- 0.37%). LBNP alone produced significant movement of fluid into the lower body but no net TFT (-7 +/- 12 ml/h). During LBNP with saline ingestion, 72 +/- 4% of the ingested fluid volume filtered out of the vascular space (TFT = 145 +/- 10 ml/h), and PV decreased by 6 +/- 3%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hotien prefecture, Xinjiang Province, China, in the Taklamakan Desert, is an area of severe iodine deficiency. Because usual methods of iodine supplementation failed here, we began supplementation in 1992 with potassium iodate, which was added to irrigation water (Lancet 1994; 334:107-110). We report 4 y experience with this method in 3 townships that contained a total treated population of 37,000. Potassium iodate was dripped into irrigation water (to a concentration 10-80 microg/l) during a 2- to 4-wk period. During the 3 y that followed, no further supplementation was made, and iodine concentrations increased several fold in crops and plants, sheep and chicken thyroid glands, and meat and in urine of children 2-6 y of age and of women who were of childbearing age. Infant mortality decreased 50%, and sheep production increased 43%. Iodine repletion of soil through irrigation water is an effective and cost-efficient way of providing iodine in appropriate situations.  相似文献   

Contradictory results have been reported regarding the effects of cerebellar cortex lesions on the expression of conditioned eyelid responses--either no effect, partial to complete abolition of responses, or disruption of response timing. This uncertainty is increased by debates regarding the region(s) of cerebellar cortex that are involved, by the likelihood that cortex lesions can inadvertently include damage to the interpositus nucleus or other pathways necessary for response expression, and by potential confounds from the degeneration of climbing fibers produced by cerebellar cortex lesions. We have addressed these issues by reversibly blocking cerebellar cortex output via infusion of the GABA antagonist picrotoxin into the interpositus nucleus. After picrotoxin infusion, conditioned responses are spared but their timing is disrupted and their amplitude diminished. In the same animals, conditioned responses were abolished by infusion of the GABA agonist muscimol and were unaffected by infusion of saline vehicle. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that (i) plasticity in the interpositus nucleus contributes to the expression of conditioned responses, as suggested by the responses seen with the cortex disconnected, and (ii) plasticity in the cerebellar cortex also contributes to conditioned response expression, as suggested by disruption of response timing.  相似文献   

A modular organization of bands enriched in high concentrations of D2 receptors are observed throughout the rostral to caudal aspects of the temporal cortex of the normal human at postmortem, but are most frequently observed in the inferior and superior temporal cortices [S. Goldsmith, J.N. Joyce, Dopamine D2 receptors are organized in bands in normal human temporal cortex, Neuroscience 74 (1996) 435-451]. In the tissue derived at postmortem from Alzheimer's disease cases (AD), these D2 receptor-enriched modules were found to be largely absent at rostral and mid-levels of the temporal cortex. Regions exhibiting this loss of receptor binding also showed a marked reduction in the number of pyramidal neurons stained for D2 mRNA. In addition, the AD material exhibited numerous thioflavin-positive plaques and tangle-filled extraneuronal (ghost) pyramidal neurons that were D2 mRNA-negative. Regions that are the earliest affected and most susceptible to classical AD pathology are also most sensitive to the loss of D2 receptors. These results, along with our previous data [J.N. Joyce, C. Kaeger, H. Ryoo, S. Goldsmith, Dopamine D2 receptors in the hippocampus and amygdala in Alzheimer's disease, Neurosci. Lett. 154 (1993) 171-174; H. Ryoo, J. N. Joyce, The loss of dopamine D2 receptors varies along the rostrocaudal axis of the hippocampal complex in Alzheimer's disease, J. Comp. Neurol. 348 (1994) 94-110], indicate that specific pathways enriched with D2 receptors, including that within modules of higher order association cortices of the temporal lobe and continued through segregated pathways within the parahippocampus and hippocampus, are particularly susceptible to the loss in AD. These dopamine D2 receptor-enriched modules may play an important role in the reciprocal activity of large groups of neurons in these high-order association cortical regions. Hence, the loss of the D2 receptor-enriched modules in Alzheimer's disease contributes to disturbances in information processing in these high-order association cortices, and may promote the cognitive and non-cognitive impairments observed in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

1. Two 8 x 8-channel microelectrode arrays were used to map epicortical field potentials from a 3.5 x 3.5-mm2 area in homologous regions of right and left parietotemporal cortex of four rats. Potentials were evoked with bilaterally presented click stimuli and with bilateral tactile stimulation of the 25 major vibrissae. The spatial distribution of temporal components of the somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) and auditory evoked potential (AEP) complex were compared directly with cytochrome oxidase-stained sections of the recorded region. 2. Epicortical responses in both hemispheres to bilateral vibrissal stimuli consisted of a biphasic sharp wave (P1a-N1) constrained to the vibrissa/barrel granular region of primary somatosensory cortex (SmI). A slightly later sharp positive wave (P1b) was localized to secondary somatosensory cortex (SmII) and to perigranular cortex medial to the vibrissa/barrel field. The SEP complex ended with a biphasic slow wave (P2-N2). The P2 was centered on SmI and spread to dysgranular lateral cortex, caudal to but excluding SmII. The N2 was centered on SmII and spread to dysgranular cortex caudal to but excluding SmI. 3. The anatomic organization of the AEP in many ways approximated that of the SEP in the same animals. The timing and morphology of the AEP were nearly identical to the SEP. The AEP consisted of a P1a-N1 sharp wave constrained to the estimated region of primary auditory cortex (AI) in the lateral parietotemporal region, a later P1b localized to secondary auditory cortex (AII), and subsequent slow waves (P2 and N2) that were centered on AI and AII, respectively, and spread to dysgranular regions overlapping the distributions of the P2 and N2 of the SEP complex. 4. These data suggest that the basic neural generators for the SEP and AEP in parietotemporal cortex are quite similar, and provide evidence for the functional anatomy of each temporal component of the sensory evoked potential complex. It is concluded that the early fast waves of the SEP and AEP are modality specific and may represent the parallel activation of primary and secondary sensory cortex through established parallel afferent projections from lateral and medial thalamic nuclei. The later slow waves of the SEP and AEP appear to selectively involve primary and secondary sensory cortex but are more widely distributed, possibly reflecting a less modality-specific level of information processing in dysgranular cortex.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the remyelinating potential of mature oligodendrocytes in vivo, we have developed a model of demyelination in the adult rat spinal cord in which some oligodendrocytes survive demyelination. A single intraspinal injection of complement proteins plus antibodies to galactocerebroside (the major myelin sphingolipid) resulted in demyelination followed by oligodendrocyte remyelination. Remyelination was absent when the spinal cord was exposed to 40 Grays of x-irradiation prior to demyelination, a procedure that kills dividing cells. Quantitative Rip immunohistochemical analysis revealed a similar density of surviving oligodendrocytes in x-irradiated and nonirradiated lesions 3 days after demyelination. Rip and bromodeoxyuridine double immunohistochemical analysis of demyelinated lesions indicated that Rip+ oligodendrocytes did not divide as an acute response to demyelination. Oligodendrocytes were also identified by Rip immunostaining and electron microscopy at late time points (3 weeks) within x-irradiated areas of demyelination. These oligodendrocytes extended processes that engaged axons, and on occasion formed myelin membranes, but did not lay down new myelin sheaths. These studies demonstrate that (a) oligodendrocytes that survive within a region of demyelination are not induced to divide in the presence of demyelinated axons, and (b) fully-differentiated oligodendrocytes are therefore postmitotic and do not contribute to remyelination in the adult CNS.  相似文献   

We have determined the structure of n-butylisocyanide-bound Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome c'. This is the first example of a ligand-bound structure of a class IIa cytochrome c. Compared with the structure of native cytochrome c', there are significant conformational changes of amino acid residues in the haem vicinity, accompanied by a rearrangement of the hydrogen bonding pattern. The results suggest that rearrangements resulting from ligand binding could drive dimer dissociation in some species and also that the haem propionate may participate in proton transfer.  相似文献   

Vestibular inputs to medullary respiratory interneurons were studied in decerebrated and artificially ventilated cats. Extracellular recordings were made from 40 neurons located in the area of pre-B?tzinger complex and activated antidromically from the contralateral ventral respiratory group. Neuronal populations analyzed included inspiratory and expiratory neurons with augmenting, constant and decrementing firing patterns, and a late inspiratory neuron. Seventeen neurons responded to ipsilateral and/or contralateral vestibular nerve electrical stimulation. These responses were observed in all seven cell types. Most neuronal reflex responses consisted of inhibition, while a few consisted of either excitation or a combination of both inhibition and excitation. These results indicate that pre-B?tzinger respiratory interneurons, which may be involved in respiratory rhythmogenesis, also participate in vestibulorespiratory responses.  相似文献   

A tacit assumption since the 19th Century has been that the neocortex serves as the "seat of consciousness." An unexpected challenge to that assumption arose in 1949 with the discovery that high-frequency EEG activation associated with an alert state requires the intactness of the brainstem reticular formation. This discovery became the impetus for nearly three decades of research on what came to be known as the reticular activating system. By the 1970s, however, methodological and philosophical controversies led to the general abandonment of subcortical theories of attention and consciousness, with a return to an almost exclusive focus upon the cortex. With recent advances in the neurosciences the focus is shifting once more, this time to the unique contributions of cortical, thalamic, and brainstem structures in mediating selective attention and perceptual awareness. This paper offers a nontechnical review of the history of these developments up to contemporary interest in the putative role of oscillatory EEG patterns in the integration of perceptual features of experience. It puts forward the thesis that a key to understanding attention and consciousness is an appreciation of the contributions of the thalamus to these cognitive processes.  相似文献   

The ratio of the X-ray intensity in the 002 to that in the 200, 020 in martensite formed in fine-grained 18 pct Ni ~ 1 pct C austenite provides a measure of the strength of the carbon displacement field. Theoretical calculation of the spacial variation of displacement due to carbon in the c-oriented octahedral site coupled with the assumption that such carbon is dispersed randomly then allows computation of the displacement of the two nearest neighbors as 0.6Å in the c-direction, corresponding to a carbon-iron distance of 2.0Å. Aging the martensite for one hour at temperatures above ?40 °C, the temperature of the above measurements, results in a decrease in the 002 intensity with little or no change in the 200 or 020 intensity, and little change in the lattice parameters until +40 °C when precipitation starts. This behavior is expected if clustering of carbon occurs and is contrary to expectations if carbon changes site during aging. If the absence of aging at —40 °C is assumed, then aging corresponds to formation of clusters of two to four carbon atoms.  相似文献   

Optical intrinsic signal imaging (OIS) was used to investigate physiologic interactions between spatially and functionally distinct cortical somatosensory systems. The OIS response magnitude was evaluated after simultaneous stimulation of single whiskers and forelimb digits. Whisker C1 was deflected at a frequency of 10 Hz for 2 seconds while low- or high-intensity vibratory stimuli were applied to forelimb digits. The OIS responses to simultaneous whisker and forelimb stimulation were compared with lone whisker stimulated controls. Overall, addition of a second stimulus caused decreases in barrel cortex response magnitude. Three different response patterns were detected within individual trial sets. Modulation of barrel cortex evoked potentials provided evidence that changes in OIS responses observed here may be partially influenced by vascular responses to changes in neuronal activity. However, OIS responses in the barrel region during lone forelimb stimulation that were unaccompanied by evoked potentials suggested the possibility of independent vascular dynamic influences on response modulation. This study demonstrates that cortical responses at the level of primary sensory processing may be significantly influenced by activity in adjacent regions. Furthermore, it reveals that vascular and neuronal characteristics of interregional modulation do not co-localize and may produce responses in which one component increases while the other decreases.  相似文献   

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