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The thermodynamic behavior of bismuth in the chemical systems associated with copper processing is not well understood. This study was designed to further the understanding of the physical chemistry of bismuth in slags that have similar compositions to those found in copper extractive metallurgical processing. The silicate system investigated was the FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 ternary system in which bismuth was dissolved using an isopiestic experimental technique. Bismuth vapor pressures of 1 • 10−5 atm and 7.5 • 10−4 atm were used, and the silicates were equilibrated with this vapor at temperatures of 1458 K and 1523 K. In these experiments, the slag composition was varied such thatP O 2 ranged from 10−12 to 10−8 atm. Bismuth was found to enter the silicate slag in both neutral and oxidic molecular forms. The oxidic form identified was that of BiO. The data suggest that the activity coefficient of neutral bismuth, γBi, is dependent on the solubility of that species in slag, even at the low concentrations observed in this study. It has been hypothesized, based on the large diameter of neutral Bi, that only a limited number of sites are available to accommodate neutral Bi, and that as the limit is approached γBi increases significantly. That hypothesis is shown to be consistent with the experimental results obtained in the present work as well as the results obtained by other investigators.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic behavior of bismuth in the chemical systems associated with copper processing is not well understood. This study was designed to further the understanding of the physical chemistry of bismuth in slags that have similar compositions to those found in copper extractive metallurgical processing. The silicate system investigated was the FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 ternary system in which bismuth was dissolved using an isopiestic experimental technique. Bismuth vapor pressures of 1 ? 10?5 atm and 7.5 ? 10?4 atm were used, and the silicates were equilibrated with this vapor at temperatures of 1458 K and 1523 K. In these experiments, the slag composition was varied such thatP O 2 ranged from 10?12 to 10?8 atm. Bismuth was found to enter the silicate slag in both neutral and oxidic molecular forms. The oxidic form identified was that of BiO. The data suggest that the activity coefficient of neutral bismuth, γBi, is dependent on the solubility of that species in slag, even at the low concentrations observed in this study. It has been hypothesized, based on the large diameter of neutral Bi, that only a limited number of sites are available to accommodate neutral Bi, and that as the limit is approached γBi increases significantly. That hypothesis is shown to be consistent with the experimental results obtained in the present work as well as the results obtained by other investigators.  相似文献   

Critical assessment is made of the activity coefficients of CaO, MgO, MnO, FeO, Al2O3 and SiO2 in molten silicates, aluminates and aluminosilicates. In this assessment due consideration is given to the consistency of the free energies of formation of the interoxide compounds derived from the oxide activity data, compared with those derived from the compiled thermochemical data. For most oxides, it is found that by using an empirical formulation of the melt composition in ternary systems, the composition dependence of the oxide activity coefficient, γOX, can be represented by a single curve. For example, over a wide composition range in the FeO‐CaO‐SiO2 system, the log(γCaO) is a single function of the melt composition in mol fraction as (?SiO2 + 0.3xFeO); this relation being similar to that in the binary CaO‐SiO2 melts. Therefore, with respect to γCaO, this ternary system is reduced to a pseudo binary system as xCaO ‐ (?SiO2 + 0.3xFeO). With respect to γCaO, the ternary system CaO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 is reduced to a pseudo binary system as xCaO ‐ (?SiO2 + 0.4 xAl2O3). With γSiO2, this ternary system is reduced to a pseudo binary system as (?CaO + xAl2O3) ‐ xSiO2.  相似文献   

B. Terry 《Hydrometallurgy》1983,10(2):135-150
Factors determining the modes of dissolution and reactivities of silicates in acids are discussed. Under the action of acids, ortho-, pyro- and cyclosilicates decompose with dissolution of metal cations and silica. In contrast, partial decomposition of the chain, sheet and framework silicates is the normal result of acid attack. This leads to dissolution of metal cations and leaves a siliceous residue. Silicate reactivity is determined by a combination of structural factors and the properties of the metal cation of the silicate. Complexing of the metal ion with anions is capable of enhancing the dissolution rate of metal silicates in acids. Cases where silicate reactivity is determined by diffusion processes or by properties of the ore containing the silicate are considered.  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic model of submerged gas injection systems and their effects on liquid metal stirring is presented. It is argued that hydrodynamic conditions at the nozzle, tuyere, or plug are not critical to flow recirculation produced in large cylindrical vessels(i.e., furnaces or ladles). An analysis of a buoyancy driven plume generated through gas injection shows that gas voidages are usually quite low (less than 10 pct). By equating the energy supplied by rising bubbles to turbulent energy losses within the bath, it is shown that mean plume velocities can be predicted using the relationship,U p α (Q 1/3 L 1/3)/R1/3 whereU p equals mean plume velocity,Q is gas flow rate (at mean height and temperature),L is depth of liquid, andR is radius of the vessel. Associated rates of liquid turnover as a function of vessel dimensions and gas flow rate can also be predicted and these are similarly presented.  相似文献   

采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法对铁矿石中SiO2 ,CaO ,MgO ,Al2 O3,MnO ,TiO2 的分析进行了试验研究。试液中10mg/mLFe存在时 ,基体效应明显 ,采用基体匹配办法消除铁的干扰。Ca ,Mg ,Al,Si,Ti,Mn ,Ni,Cr ,Cu ,Co ,Zn ,V ,Ba之间没有干扰 ;稀土元素对SiO2 的测定有干扰。Al,Ca ,Mg ,Mn ,Si,Ti的检出限分别为 0.5 ,0.12 5 ,0.0 5 ,0.0 5 ,0.2 5 ,0.0 0 2 5 μg/mL ,回收  相似文献   

The activity of MnO in the systems MnO-Ti2 and MnO-B2O3, and in pseudobinary sections in the systems MnO-TiO2-SiO2, MnO-TiO2-B2O3 and MnO-SiO2-B2O3 have been measured at temperatures in the range of 1400 to 1550 °C by means of the technique in which equilibrium is established between the melt, a gaseous atmosphere of fixed oxygen pressure and a Pt-Mn foil immersed in the melt. The excess free energies of melts in the system MnO-TiO2 at 1500 and 1550 °C are closely represented by the regular solution formalism withG xs = −55280N MnO ·N TiO 2 J, and the form of the variation ofa MnO, within the narrow composition range amenable to study at 1400 °C in the system MnO-B2O3, is characteristic of a system of polyanions. The negative deviations ofa MnO from a proposed model behavior, observed in melts in the systems MnO-SiO2-TiO2 and MnO-B2O3-TiO2, are explained in terms of the influence of preferred ionic interactions between Ti4+ and O2 and between Mn2+ and the O groups on the polysilicate or polyborate anions. The activity of MnO is independent of composition in the system 2MnO · SiO2−3MnO · B2O3 and the thermodynamics of mixing are calculated from application of polymer theory. The influence of B2O3 and TiO2 on the activity of MnO in manganese silicates is discussed with reference to the proposed use of B2O3 and/or TiO2 as substitutes for CaF2 as the flux for steelmaking slags.  相似文献   

The sulfide capacities of CaO-SiO2 melts containing MgO, FeO, TiO2, and A12O3 have been measured by simultaneous equilibration within quartz capsules at 1776 K (1503 °C). The compositions of the melt samples and static gas phase within each capsule adjusted to establish a mutual equilibrium. The sulfide capacities, Cs, of all equilibrated samples must satisfy the following equation: $$C_{{\text{S(}}j{\text{)}}} = \frac{{{\text{pctS}}_j }}{{pctS_i }} \bullet C_{S(i)} $$ The inclusion of several reference slags for which values of Cs are known from previous measurements enabled the calculation of the sulfide capacities of unknown samples. The influences of basic oxide substitutions (FeO and MgO) for CaO and acidic oxide substitutions (TiO2 and A12O3) for SiO2 on the sulfide capacities of CaO-SiO2 melts have been measured. When a basic oxide/acidic oxide ratio of 1.21 is maintained, MgO additions decrease sulfide capacity, while FeO, TiO2 and A12O3 additions increase sulfide capacity. The results are compared with earlier measurements on the influences of CaF2 and B2O3, and the relative effects are discussed in terms of the activity of free oxide ions.  相似文献   

During infiltration of a fiber preform by a binary hypoeutectic alloy, solid metal can form in the composite because of cooling at the fibers or at the mold wall. Contrary to the case of an unalloyed matrix, temperature, composition, and fraction solid may vary in the composite. This results in macrosegregation and microstructural heterogeneity within the composite casting. It is shown that solid metal that forms because of cooling at the fibers grows gradually behind the infiltration front, while the local temperature increases. Metal superheat, when present, serves to progressively remelt solid metal in the composite during infiltration and increases compositional and microstructural heterogeneity within the composite. General expressions are derived to describe heat, mass, and fluid flow during the infiltration process. In the case of unidirectional adiabatic infiltration driven by a constant applied pressure, a similarity method can be used to reduce the mathematical complexity of the problem. Numerical solution of the resulting equations then allows us to predict temperature, fraction solid, and composition profiles within the composite. With the further assumption of negligible thermal conduction, the problem lends itself to an analytical solution. The analysis is performed for the case of unidirectional adiabatic infiltration under constant applied pressure of 24 vol pct δ-alumina preforms by Al-4.5 wt pct Cu. Results indicate that there is significant latitude for control of macro-segregation and microstructure within cast fiber-reinforced alloys.  相似文献   

The selection of the primary solidifying phase in undercooled stainless steel melts is theoretically analyzed in terms of nucleation theory. Nucleation phenomena are considered using different models for the solid-liquid interface energy. The classical nucleation theory for sharp interfaces and an improved modification, the diffuse interface theory, are applied. The influence of deviations of the nucleus composition from the overall alloy composition is also revealed. A preferred nucleation of the metastable bcc phase in fcc equilibrium solidification-type alloys is predicted. The critical undercooling of metastable crystallization as a function of alloy composition is calculated for an isoplethal section at 69 at. pct Fe of Fe69Cr31-x Ni x alloys. The results are summarized in a phase selection diagram predicting the primary solidification mode as a function of undercooling and melt composition.  相似文献   

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a nonprogressive disorder of motor function. Although it has been recognized for more than a century, much remains unknown regarding its etiology. It has been estimated that 17 to 60 percent of the cases of CP have no known perinatal or neonatal complications. Undocumented antenatal events may cause brain damage or increase the infant's vulnerability to future events. The prevalence of CP has remained relatively constant; however, its incidence in the preterm population has increased with the improving survival of the very low birth weight infant.  相似文献   

The interaction of a mixture of Ca, Si, Mg, Al, and Na oxides and fluorides with two chromium-carbon-containing iron-based melts are experimentally studied at 1600°C and p Ar = 0.1 MPa. The equilibrium concentrations of the components in the slag at a holding time of 500 s are determined. The chromate capacities of the oxyfluoride melts are calculated and related to the composition of the melted slag using its optical basicity.  相似文献   

In the present work the solid solubilities of CaS and CaSQ, in burnt lime were investigated by equilibrating lime with CO-CO2-SO2 mixtures at temperatures from 950 to 1300°C. Also, the equilibrium constants for the formation of CaS and CaSO4 were determined. At high oxy-gen activities, corresponding to a CO2/CO ratio >100 in the gas, the sulfur dissolves in lime primarily as sulfate ions. At lower oxygen activities (CO2/CO <30), the sulfur goes into so-lution in lime essentially as sulfide ions. Over the temperature range investigated the limit-ing sulfide solubility is within 0.01 to 0.03 pct S, whereas the sulfate solubility is within 0.03 to 0.1 pct S, increasing with increasing temperature. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

In accordance with the previous phase equilibria in the ternary systems (FeO, MnO, CaO, MgO)- Al2O3-SiO2 even small Al2O3-contents should be sufficient to close the wide mixture gaps in the binary edge systems of FeO-SiO2, MnO-SiO2, CaO-SiO2 and MgO-SiO2, which are stable in the temperature range from 1700 to 2100-2200°C. Thermodynamically this acceptance is not impossible but rather improb-able. Based on phase-theoretical considerations and the previous results of literature about the course of an unstable mixture gap in the system SiO2-Al2O3 two thermodynamically founded versions were developed as possible, resulting phase equilibria in the SiO2-rich, but experimentally not exactly examined part of the mentioned ternary-systems, and were added to the experimentally secured sections of these systems unproblematically.  相似文献   

The kinetics of decarburization of iron-carbon melts with CO-CO2 gas mixtures were investigated at 1700 ° using the levitation technique. The influences of different experimental variables on the decarburization kinetics were determined. It was found that sulfur has a clear and reproducible retarding effect on the decarburization of iron-carbon melts; and this effect is most pronounced at sulfur concentrations in the range of 0 to 0.05 wt pct. The initial carbon concentration has no discernible effect on the decarburization kinetics. Melts containing 2.48 wt pct C and 0.92 wt pct C initially were found to decarburize at virtually identical rates until a substantial portion of the carbon was removed. The decarburization rate of a melt with a specified initial carbon content was found to remain essentially constant until the carbon content fell to a characteristic level below which the rate tended to level off. The partial pressure of CO2 of the gas mixture has a marked effect on the decarburization kinetics. The flow-rate of the gas mixture has a small but finite effect on the rate of decarburization.  相似文献   

A physical model of a ladle degassing operation was developed to simulate the reactions at rising bubbles and at the free surface. Carbon dioxide desorption from a sodium hydroxide solution was used to simulate the liquid-phase diffusion-controlled decarburization of liquid steel. It was found that under reduced pressure, the reactions were faster than attributable to solely the increase in volumetric flow rate. It was possible to separate the reactions with the bubbles from the free surface reactions; 20 to 40 pct of the reactions occurred at the free surface, depending on injection conditions. The free surface desorption rate depended on the gas flow rate and the number of injectors. The mass transfer coefficients to the bubbles were in reasonable agreement with previous work. Plume bending was observed when small bubbles were influenced by the bulk liquid flow patterns.  相似文献   

An analytical model that describes solidification of equiaxed dendrites has been developed for use in solidification kinetics-macrotransport modeling. It relaxes some of the assumptions made in previous models, such as the Dustin-Kurz, Rappaz-Thevoz, and Kanetkar-Stefanescu models. It is assumed that nuclei grow as unperturbed spheres until the radius of the sphere becomes larger than the minimum radius of instability. Then, growth of the dendrites is related to morphological instability and is calculated as a function of melt undercooling around the dendrite tips, which is controlled by the bulk temperature and the intrinsic volume average concentration of the liquid phase. When the general morphology of equiaxed dendrites is considered, the evolution of the fraction of solid is related to the interdendritic branching and dynamic coarsening (through the evolution of the specific interfacial areas) and to the topology and movement of the dendrite envelope (through the tip growth velocity and dendrite shape factor). The particular case of this model is the model for globulitic dendrite. The intrinsic volume average liquid concentration and bulk temperature are obtained from an overall solute and thermal balance around a growing equiaxed dendritic grain within a spherical closed system. Overall solute balance in the integral form is obtained by a complete analytical solution of the diffusion field in both liquid and solid phases. The bulk temperature is obtained from the solution of the macrotrasport-solidification kinetics problem.  相似文献   

The oxidation behaviors of composites SiAlON/MgAlON phases (β-SiAlON, 15R-SiAlON and MgAlON) synthesized from the residue during the leaching treatment of salt cake and corresponding synthetic samples were investigated in air by thermogravimetric measurements. Combined kinetics, viz. linear law + arctan law + parabolic law, are used to describe the kinetics of oxidation in isothermal mode. The oxidation studies reveal the effects of impurities, namely, Fe2O3 and CaO, present in the salt cake residue. The addition of Fe2O3 results in a lower activation energy and more aggressive oxidation. The addition of CaO caused the shrinkage during the synthesis and liquid formation during the oxidation above 1673 K (1400 °C). The impurities of CaO and Fe2O3 in the leaching residue can result in an aggressive oxidation at low temperature and a protective oxidation at temperatures above the eutectic point.  相似文献   

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