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汽轮机末级长叶片常用的拉金形式有圆柱形拉金和椭圆形拉金.由于拉金对气流的阻碍,级内能量损失有一定程度的增加.本文主要运用CFD方法,在同一平面叶栅,对分别装有圆柱形和椭圆形拉金进行了多个工况下气动特性的比较.分析了拉金对叶栅流道气动性能的影响,并且讨论了由两种拉金引起的流动损失在轴向截面上的分布情况.最后,计算了拉金气...  相似文献   

向心透平损失模型和出气角对热力气动计算的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出了一套向心透平各部件损失计算和叶片出气角的计算方法,分析了设计时速度系数和出气角的偏差对总性能产生的影响.  相似文献   

风机叶片翼型大攻角下气动性能的数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以NACA早期的翼型Clark Y为研究对象,采用数值模拟方法,对该翼型在20°攻角下的气体绕流情况进行稳态和瞬态计算,得到翼型的气动性能;通过对比分析稳态、瞬态计算结果,得出Clark Y翼型在20°攻角下的气体绕流运动本质上是一种具有涡街形式的准稳态物理现象,如果强制给它一种稳态模型,则计算将会出现收敛不好、结果不准确的问题.强调了在采集翼型大攻角下的升力阻力系数等参数时,必须注意采取非定常结果的合适时间段的平均值.  相似文献   

在D6114车用柴油机上进行上止点位移测试及基于压缩压力的上止点位置计算,分析各种方法测量误差及发动机运行条件对上止点位置的影响规律,对理想多变指数比对法和绝热压力修正法两种方法进行校核计算;进一步开展车用柴油机、车用汽油机和船用中速柴油机3种不同类型发动机的热力损失角测试与估算研究,确定不同机型热力损失角范围。结果表明:采用两种方法都可以较好地预测车用柴油机热力损失角,上止点曲轴转角测试误差不超过0.2°,其中绝热压力修正法计算更简单直接;车用柴油机的热力损失角较大,车用汽油机次之,而船用中速柴油机的热力损失角最小,并且受转速变化的影响较小。  相似文献   

攻角对透平叶栅气动性能影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用叶栅吹风试验与数值模拟相结合的方法,研究了攻角变化对具有较大前缘半径和进口楔角的透平叶栅气动性能的影响,试验测量在出口马赫数为0.8、攻角-61.0°-+4.0°内进行,对应的雷诺数为6.0×105.在试验验证数值方法可靠性的基础上,对叶栅流动损失进行了数值研究,分析了攻角变化对试验叶栅型面损失中吸力面与压力面边界层损失、尾迹损失和端部次流的影响特性.结果表明:当攻角从+4.0°变化到-41.0°时,叶片表面没有发生流动分离,出口截面的总压损失系数变化幅度不超过0.21%;在负攻角很大(-61.0°)时,压力面边界层发生流动分离,型面损失急剧增大;具有较大前缘半径和进口楔角的试验用叶栅表现出良好的变攻角气动性能.  相似文献   

汽轮机组运行时,冲角的变化可能在叶栅流道内造成流动损失.因此有必要研究来流冲角的变化对涡轮叶栅内流动的影响.通过导向叶片进口气流与轴向偏转一10°,0°和10°建立三个工况.用ANSYS CFX流体动力学软件分别对三个工况进行数值仿真,结果发现仿真叶片的后加载特性具有很好的冲角适应性,在压力面和吸力面的大部分范围内冲角...  相似文献   

从步进炉内方坯间综合系数计算的实际问题出发,推导了非透明介质有限封闭区域综合角系数的精确计算公式,并以Tucker的精确数值计算结果为依据,比较了面间透过率的五种近似算法的计算精度,最终获得了可用于实际计算的较为准确的综合角系数近计算方法。  相似文献   

对燃气发生装置热损失机理进行分析,提出采用分区法分别计算不同部位的表面传热系数,运用试验方法对理论计算的表面传热系数进行了验证,利用经典算法和数值仿真方法分别计算燃气发生装置工作过程中的热损失。结果表明二者具有较好一致性,最后综合两种方法推算出导弹出筒时刻的热损失总量。  相似文献   

谢勇  赵轶飞 《汽轮机技术》2006,48(4):267-268
使用FLUENT软件对某型跨音速涡轮叶栅的导叶进行了S_1流面的粘性流动计算。分析了叶栅能量损失系数随不同后楔角的变化,得到了在该涡轮叶栅内对应最小能量损失的3个典型截面上的后楔角的范围。  相似文献   

邱勇  郭兴文  蔡新 《太阳能》2012,(15):40-42,52
针对不同安装角下的小型垂直轴风轮模型,建立风轮外流场CFD模型,采用移动网格技术,选用SST二维湍流模型和基于压力隐式耦合算法进行瞬态计算,获得风轮气动性能曲线,进而分析不同叶片安装角对小型H型垂直轴风力机风轮功率特性的影响,得出不同尖速比下使风轮获得最大风能利用率的最佳安装角。  相似文献   

使用FLUENT软件对某型跨音速涡轮叶栅的导叶进行了S1流面的粘性流动计算。分析了叶栅能量损失系数随不同后弯角的变化,得到了在该涡轮叶栅内对应最小能量损失的3个典型截面上的后弯角的范围。  相似文献   

汽轮机转子涡动汽流激振力分析与CFD数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
汽轮机转子涡动时轴心偏离静子中心产生轴系失稳的Thomas/Alford汽流激振力,传统的叶顶间隙激振力公式对此不能全面准确评估。该文综合考虑转子涡动以及围带汽封二次流,在动叶通道,根据蒸汽做功分析涡动效应激振力;在叶顶围带汽封,用CFD数值模拟泄漏蒸汽三维粘性流场,确定蒸汽激振力。研究结果表明小的静偏心和动偏心条件下,转子涡动动偏心在动叶通道诱发的激振力要大于静偏心激振力;围带汽封汽流预旋速度对间隙激振力有重要影响;调门不对称进汽也是蒸汽激振力的另一个重要来源。  相似文献   

针对风力机存在尾流效应问题,通过在垂直轴风力机叶片尾缘布置分形孔的方法,建立分形叶片三维实体造型,进行了分形叶片和原始叶片三维非定常不可压流动的分析,得出叶片绕流流场数值模拟结果,重点研究具有分形特征的尾缘对叶片尾流流场及叶片气动特性的影响。结果表明:分形叶片对改善叶片尾流流场有较显著作用。在8°~18°攻角范围内,分形叶片升、阻力系数随攻角变化波动性小于原始叶片;当攻角大于原始叶片失速攻角时,这种波动性差距更大。分形孔的存在使叶片周围流场结构及气动参数对攻角变化敏感性降低:在攻角大于原始叶片失速攻角时,分形叶片阻力系数随攻角变化标准差仅为原始叶片的0.6倍,升力系数标准差仅为原始叶片0.4倍。研究结果将改善垂直轴风力机叶片尾流互相干扰及水平轴风力机叶尖脱落涡情况。  相似文献   

This study proposes to attach stator vanes to PowerWindow, a linear cascade wind turbine, to improve the flow direction in the device. By controlling the angle of attack, the stator vanes increase the acting force and decrease the undesirable force on PowerWindow blades. An analytical model using blade element momentum theory is developed for the new configuration, referred to as stator‐augmented PowerWindow. The analytical model has been verified by a computational fluid dynamic simulation. This study shows that the stator vanes are able to minimize/neutralize the undesirable axial force on PowerWindow so that the thrust coefficient decreases from 0.035 in the original model to ?0.005 in the stator‐augmented one. In addition, by increasing the acting force on the blades, the stator augmentation will simultaneously enhance the coefficient of performance by up to 10%. This study also shows that by using stator vanes to control the angle of attack, unlike in the original PowerWindow, the direction of rotation of the stator‐augmented PowerWindow will remain the same regardless of the wind direction, increasing the utility of the device in practice.  相似文献   

介绍了采用计算流体力学方法对湿法脱硫喷淋塔内流场模拟的理论研究情况,对研究结果进行了分析,并对以后的研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

The prediction of dynamic characteristics for a floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) is challenging because of the complex load coupling of aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and structural dynamics. These loads should be accurately calculated to yield reliable analysis results in the design phase of a FOWT. In this study, a high‐fidelity fluid‐structure interaction simulation that simultaneously considers the influence of aero‐hydrodynamic coupling due to the dynamic motion of a FOWT has been conducted using computational fluid dynamics based on an overset grid technique. The DeepCwind semisubmersible floating platform with the NREL 5‐MW baseline wind turbine model is considered for objective numerical verification with the NREL FAST code. A state‐of‐the‐art computational model based on the coupled computational fluid dynamics and dynamic structure analysis is constructed and analyzed to solve multiphase flow, 6 degrees of freedom motions of OC4 semisubmersible FOWT. A quasi‐static mooring solver is also applied to resolve the constraint motion of floater because of a 3‐line mooring system. The influence of tower shadow on the unsteady aerodynamic performance and loads is also demonstrated. Finally, complex unsteady flow fields considering blade and tower interference effects among blade‐tip vortices, shedding vortices, and turbulent wakes are numerically visualized and investigated in detail.  相似文献   

通过修改发动机多维CFD计算程序KIVA-3V,建立了内燃机压缩过程冷态流场的大涡模拟(LES)计算模型.利用此模型对内燃机压缩过程中缸内流场的水平速度及湍流动能进行分析,同时,分析了网格密度对内燃机缸内流场大涡模拟的影响.结果表明,当采用k-ε模型计算时,网格的精细程度对流场结构影响不大;在相同的计算网格下,与采用k-ε模型计算相比,采用LES计算显示了更为复杂的湍流结构,而且LES所能捕捉到的涡团结构范围要大于k-ε模型,计算得到的湍流动能也要低于k-ε模型;同时,网格越精细,这种效应越明显.  相似文献   

在Einstein制冷循环系统中,气泡泵竖直提升管内为弹状流时效率较高。选取VOF(流体体积函数)模型对其管内气泡的运动状态进行计算流体力学数值模拟。结果表明:当过热度恒定时,随着压力增加,单个气泡的生成时间延长且体积变小,但气泡均匀性提高;当压力恒定时,随着过热度增大,气泡生成速率加快,融合体积增大,易于形成系统所需的弹状流。因此,在Einstein制冷循环系统中,在压力为0.4 MPa的工况下,需采取较高的过热度才能保证气泡泵的正常运转;与水相比,氨水溶液更适合作为气泡泵工质。  相似文献   

The thermosiphon is a passive heat exchange method, which circulates a fluid within a system without the need for any electrical or mechanical pumps. The thermosiphon is based on natural convection where the thermal expansion occurs when the temperature difference has a corresponding difference in density across the loop. Thermosiphons are used in different applications such as solar energy collection, automotive systems, and electronics. The current study aims to investigate thermosiphon thermal performance used in domestic applications. The thermal performance of a thermosiphon has been studied by many researchers; however, according to the knowledge of the authors, the influence of the amount of the working fluid on the thermal output has not yet been investigated. Therefore, the influence of the amount of working fluid within the riser pipe has been investigated on the thermal performance of the thermosiphon. In the current study, a computational fluid dynamics model is involved. This model has been validated by comparison with experimental findings. The maximum variation between numerical and experimental results is 14.2% and 11.2% for the working fluid at the inlet and outlet of the absorber pipe, respectively. Furthermore, the results show that the amount of working fluid inside the closed thermosiphon has a great influence on the thermal performance of the system. Additionally, it is found that Case-B, when the amount of working fluid is less than by 10% compared to the traditional model, is the best case among all cases under study. Furthermore, a correlation equation to predict water temperature at the exit of the absorber pipe has been established with an accuracy of 95.05%.  相似文献   

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