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This paper deals with the problem of twisting of a non-homogeneous, isotropic, half-space by rotating a circular part of its boundary surface (0ra, z = 0) through a given angle. A ring (a<r<b, z = 0) outside this circle is stress-free and the remaining part (r>b, z = 0) is rigidly clamped. The shear modulus is assumed to vary with the cylindrical coordinates r, z by the power law ( = , r z ). Such a dependence is of practical interest in the context of Soil Mechanics. The problem leads to a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind which is solved numerically, giving an evaluation of the influence of non-homogeneity on the torque at the surface and the stress intensity factor. The homogeneous case studied in [16] is recovered. Expressions for some quantities of physical importance such as the torque applied at the surface and stress intensity factor are obtained. It appears from our investigation that the influence of clamping dies out with increasing and . Quantitative evaluations are given and some curves for the relative increase, due to clamping, in the torque and in the stress intensity factor are presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical treatment of a penny-shaped crack in an interfacial zone, along the thickness of which the elastic modulus is assumed as 2(z) = ( +bz) k , wherek represents the distribution parameter independent of material properties and interlayer thicknessh. The theoretical formulations governing the torsion deformation behavior of the material are based on the use of a dislocation density function and integral transform technique. The stress intensity factor is obtained by solving a singular integral equation. Numerical examples are given to show the effects of material properties, interlayer thickness, and especially the distribution parameterk on the stress intensity factor. In the numerical procedure, modified Bessel functions are used, and the rate of convergence depends greatly on the ratio ofh/c, wherec is the crack radius.  相似文献   

The axisymmetry problem of a penny-shaped crack opened out by thermal loads is studied. The linear theory of micropolar elasticity is employed. Two types of thermal loads are considered—prescribed temperature on the crack faces and prescribed heat flux across the faces. It is shown that, in both the cases, the problem is equivalent to the isothermal problem of the crack opened out by suitable normal tractions on the crack faces. The stress intensity factors are found to depend on, in addition to the usual parameters, two parameters N and M; N is a number characterising the coupling of the displacement field with the microtation field and M is the ratio N/τ where τ is a non-dimensional material characteristic length. The classical values of the stress intensity factors are recovered as a limiting case. Numerical results are presented for the case of constant heat flux across the crack faces. These results show that the presence of couple stresses elevates the values of the stress intensity factors.  相似文献   

In the linear theory of micropolar elasticity, the problem of a penny-shaped crack in a transverse field of constant uniaxial tension is studied. By means of Hankel transforms and dual integral equations the problem is reduced to a regular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind and is then solved numerically. The singular fields arising at the crack-tip are studied in detail and the results are compared with those of the couple stress theory. Classical results are derived as limiting case.The stress environment at the periphery of the crack is found to depend on, apart from Poisson's ratio and a material length-parameter, another parameter which characterises the coupling of the microstructure with the displacement field. This parameter does not occur in the analogous problem in couple stress theory.  相似文献   

In this paper the theory of small deformations superposed on large is used to examine the axisymmetric problem of a penny-shaped crack located in an incompressible elastic infinite solid which is subjected to a uniform finite radial stretch. The small axisymmetric deformations are due to a uniform stress applied in the axial direction. Formal integral expressions are derived for the displacements and stresses in the elastic solid. An exact expression is developed for critical stress necessary for the propagation of a penny-shaped crack in a finitely deformed elastic solid.
Résumé Dans le mémoire, on utilise la théorie des petites déformations superposées à de larges déformations pour examiner le problètrique d'une fissure en disque noyée dans un solide élastique infini incompressible soumis à un étirement uniforme fini radial. Les déformations axisymétriques de faible amplitude sont dues à une contrainte uniforme appliquée suivant la direction axiale. Des expressions intégrales formelles sont déduites des déplacements et des contraintes dans le solide élastique. Une expression exacte relative à la contrainte critique nécessaire pour la propagation d'une fissure en forme de disque est développée dans le cas d'un solide élastique déformé de manière finie.

We investigate the effect of local frictional heating of the surface of a half-space on the stress intensity factors at the vertices of a surface cut.  相似文献   

The problem considered is that of the torsion of an elastic cylinder which is embedded in an elastic half-space of different rigidity modulus. It is assumed that there is perfect bonding at the common cylindrical surface and also that the torque is applied to the cylinder through a rigid disk bonded to its flat surface. The problem is reduced, by means of the use of integral transforms and the theory of dual integral equations to that of solving a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. The results obtained by solving this equation are exhibited graphically in Fig. 2.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional problem of crack-microcrack interaction is solved. Both the crack and microcrack are embedded in an infinite isotropic elastic medium which is subjected to constant normal tension at infinity. One of the cracks is circular while the other is elliptic and they are coplanar and are positioned in such a way that the axis of the elliptic crack passes through the centre of the circular crack. A recently developed integral equation method has been used to solve the corresponding two dimensional simultaneous dual integral equation involving the displacement discontinuity across the crack faces that arises in such an interaction problem. A series of transformations first reduce them to a quadruplet infinite system of equations. A series solution is finally obtained in terms of crack separation parameter which depends on the separation of the crack microcrack centre. Analytical expression for the stress intensity factors have been obtained up to the order 6. Numerical values of the interaction effect have been computed for and results show that interaction effects fluctuate from shielding to amplification depending on the location of each crack with respect to the other and crack tip spacing as well as the aspect ratio of the elliptic crack. The short range interaction can play a dominant role in the prediction of crack microcrack propagation.  相似文献   

In this paper we deal with finding the stress intensity factors under the transient thermal loading in a circular cylinder with infinite length containing a penny-shaped crack. Variations of the stress intensity factors with time, which are closely related with the crack propagations, are obtained and illustrated in figures. From these figures we can obtain useful suggestions respecting crack propagation.
Résumé On traite, dans cette étude, de la recherche des facteurs d'intensité de contraintes dans un cylindre circulaire de longueur infinie comportant une fissure en forme d'angle et soumise à sollicitation thermique en régime transitoire.On obtient, et on donne des valeurs à titre d'exemples pour les variations de facteur d'intensité des contraintes en fonction du temps, qui sont en relation étroite avec la propagation de la fissure. Ces valeurs conduisent à des suggestions utiles en ce qui regarde la propagation d'une fissure.

In this paper, the axisymmetric crack problem in a non-homogeneous interfacial region between two homogeneous half-spaces is considered. It is assumed that the shear modulus varies continuously between that of the two half-spaces; and the shear modulus for the interface region is approximated by = 0 emz. By using Hankel transform technique the problem is reduced to a pair of singular integral equations. The solutions of the problem are obtained for different material combinations and loading conditions; and modes I and II stress intensity factors, and the direction of a probable crack growth are calculated.  相似文献   

The small-time Reissner-Sagoci problem in a bi-material elastic half-space under an impulsive twist is investigated. The problem is reduced to an integral equation, which, by asymptotic analysis and application of the Wiener-Hopf technique, is further reduced to a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. Approximate analytical results, whose accuracy can be improved by retaining higher order terms in the approximations, are obtained for the free surface displacement outside the disc and the reactive couple necessary to keep the disc in the twisted position, for a bi-material medium with small shear wave speed disparity between the two media.  相似文献   

The paper examines the axisymmetric problem related to the indentation of the plane surface of a penny-shaped crack by a smooth rigid disc inclusion. The crack is also subjected to a far-field compressive stress field which induces closure over a part of the crack. The paper presents the Hankel integral transform development of the governing mixed boundary value problem and its reduction to a single Fredholm integral equation of the second kind and an appropriate consistency condition which considers the stress state at the boundary of the crack closure zone. A numerical solution of this integral equation is used to develop results for the axial stiffness of the inclusion and for the stress intensity factors at the tip of the penny-shaped crack.  相似文献   

The axisymmetric problem of a sphere containing a penny-shaped crack in a nonequitorial plane is solved with the use of Bousinesq stress functions. Two coordinate systems—oblate spheroidal for representing the crack surface and spherical polars for the spherical surface, translated along the z-axis with respect to each other—are used to satisfy boundary conditions. Integral representations and transformations of harmonic functions are used to relate stress functions in the two coordinate systems. This procedure-leads to a system of algebraic equations which is solved, for axisymmetric tractions on both the surfaces. Graphical results are presented for a specific loading case.  相似文献   

This paper concerns fracture dynamic problems for elastic cracked solids with allowance for crack faces contact interaction. The contact problem for a penny-shaped crack with an initial opening under normally incident tension-compression wave is solved by the method of boundary integral equations. The contact forces and the displacement discontinuity of the crack faces are studied. The solution is compared with those obtained without allowance for crack faces contact interaction for various shapes of the initial opening.  相似文献   

The penny-shaped crack at the interface between two bonded dissimilar media is reconsidered on the basis of recent developments on the elimination of oscillatory singularities. This is accomplished by assuming an annular frictionless contact zone at the crack circumference and reducing the problem to a Fredholm integral equation. Expressions for the strain energy, crack opening force and bond stresses are obtained and numerical results given for specific material combinations.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we deal with finding the stress intensity factors under transient thermal loading in an infinitely long circular cylinder containing a penny-shaped crack. Variations of the stress intensity factors with time, which will be closely related with crack extension, are illustrated in the figures.  相似文献   

Summary We consider the problem of determining the stress intensity factor and the crack energy in a transversely isotropic composite medium, containing a penny-shaped crack. We assume that the crack surface is perpendicular to the bond face and the crack is opened by constant internal pressure. By use of integral transform, we reduce the problem to solving a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. Numerical results are given for the combination of some practical materials such as magnesium and cadmium. The effect of transverse isotropy upon the stress intensity factor, the crack energy and the deformation on the crack surface is discussed.
Ein transversal, isotropes, komposites Medium mit einem münzenförmigen Riß
Zusammenfassung Das Problem der Bestimmung des Spannungsintensitätsfaktors und der Rißenergie, in einem transversalen, isotropen, kompositen Medium mit einem münzenförmigen Riß, wird betrachtet. Es wird vorausgesetzt, daß die Rißoberfläche normal zur Verbundfläche liegt, und der Riß sich durch konstanten inneren Druck öffnet. Durch Anwendung einer Integraltransformation, wird das Problem auf die Lösung einer Fredholmschen Integralgleichung zweiter Art reduziert. Numerische Ergebnisse werden für die Kombination einiger Materialien, wie Magnesium und Cadmium angegeben. Der Einfluß der transversalen Isotropie auf den Spannungskonzentrationsfaktor, die Rißenergie und die Deformation an der Rißoberfläche werden diskutiert.

With 3 Figures

This work is supported by the Board of Scientific and Industrial Research, Orissa (India).  相似文献   

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