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A theoretical approach has been put forward for predicting the strengthening of materials by the introduction of surface compressive stresses. An approximate technique was used to determine the closure length of a linear surface crack which extends through the compressive surface layer. The stress intensity factor of the partially closed crack was then determined for the case of an applied tensile stress, with the assumption that the residual surface compressive stress was uniform within the surface layer (step function). The analysis shows that the strengthening depends on the magnitude and depth of the compressive surface stress. It is found that partial crack closure decreases the amount of strengthening compared with that predicted for an open crack, and that for large compressive surface stresses the amount of strengthening can saturate.  相似文献   

Several different statistical fracture theories are developed for materials with cracks confined to the surface. All assume that crack planes are normal to the surface, but are otherwise randomly oriented. The simplest theory assumes that only the component of stress normal to the crack plane contributes to fracture. This theory is in fair agreement with biaxial fracture data on Pyrex glass obtained by Oh. When the contribution of shear is included in the analysis, the crack shape has to be considered. Several shapes are examined and the corresponding fracture statistics are derived. Two failure criteria are employed. In one the fracture occurs when the maximum tensile stress on some part of the crack surface reaches the intrinsic strength of the material. The other is based on a critical strain energy release rate. The assumption of shear-sensitive cracks leads to improved agreement with experiment, but really good agreement appears to require the assumption that the cracks have a preferred orientation.  相似文献   

毋伟  蔡意文  陈建峰  谢京芳 《功能材料》2004,35(Z1):2522-2525
纳米氧化锌是一种重要的无机紫外吸收剂,在应用时需要对其进行表面改性和分散,本文研究了不同的改性方式对纳米氧化锌紫外吸收性能的影响,分析研究了其不同的改性机理.结果表明原位改性是一种较好的改性方式,但对纳米氧化锌的外观形貌产生了影响,主要原因是聚乙二醇作为模板剂和表面活性剂影响了其前驱体氢氧化锌的形貌,而纳米氧化锌粉体表面改性是通过聚乙二醇的空间位阻作用使纳米氧化锌分散程度提高.使用同一种改性剂对纳米氧化锌原位改性和对纳米氧化锌粉体改性,对其紫外吸收性能没有大的影响.  相似文献   

The results of an experimental dynamic fatigue study on glass-ceramic specimens containing indentation flaws are analysed in terms of the theory developed in Part 1. A Vickers indenter is used to introduce the flaws, and a conventional four-point bend apparatus to break the specimens. Base-line data for testing the essential theoretical predictions and for evaluating key material/environment parameters are obtained from polished surfaces, i.e. surfaces prepared to a sufficient finish to ensure removal of any pre-existing spurious stresses. The fatigue tests are carried out in water. Inert strength tests in dry nitrogen are used to calibrate appropriate equilibrium fracture parameters, with dummy indentations on selected control specimens providing a convenient measure of the critical crack dimensions at failure. Regression analysis of the dynamic fatigue data yields values for apparent kinetic parameters, which are converted to true kinetic parameters via the transformation equations of Part I. Regeneration of the fatigue function from the theory using the parameters thus determined gives a curve which passes closely through the experimental data points, thereby providing a self-consistent check of the formalism. The implications of the results in relation to the use of macroscopic fracture parameters in the prediction of strength properties for materials with small-scale flaws is an important adjunct to this work. Finally, a recommended procedure for the general testing of dynamic fatigue properties of ceramics using indentation flaws is described.  相似文献   

A two-part study has been made of the fatigue characteristics of brittle solids using controlled indentation flaws. In this part a general theory is developed, with explicit consideration being given to the role played by residual contact stresses in the fracture mechanics to failure. The distinctive feature of the formulation is a stress intensity factor for well-defined indentation cracks, suitably modified to incorporate the residual component. Taken in conjunction with a standard power-law crack velocity function, this leads to a differential equation for the dynamic fatigue response of a given material/ environment system. Reduced variables are then introduced to facilitate generation of universal fatigue curves, determined uniquely by the crack velocity exponent,n. A scheme for using these curves to evaluate basic fracture parameters from strength data is outlined. In this way the foundation is laid for lifetime predictions of prospective brittle components, as well as for reconstruction of the crack velocity function. One of the major advantages of the analysis is the manner in which the residual stress parameters are accommodated in the normalized fracture mechanics equations: whereas it is understood thatall strength data are to be taken from test pieces in their as-indented state, so making it unnecessary to have to resort to inconvenient stress-removal procedures between the contact and failure stages of testing,a priori knowledge of the residual stress level is not required. The method is proposed as an economical route to materials evaluation and offers physical insight into the behaviour of natural flaws.  相似文献   

着重介绍纳米材料在涂料中的改性与应用,论述了纳米材料的选择及分散方法,研究表明,纳米材料改性涂料的各项性能显著提高.  相似文献   

Metals, in addition to ceramics and polymers, are important class of materials considered for replacement of non-functional parts in the body. Stainless steel 316, titanium and titanium alloys, Co-Cr, and nitinol shape memory alloys are the most frequently used metallic materials. These alloys are prone to corrosion in various extents. This review briefly discusses the important biomaterials, their properties, and the physiological environment to which these materials are exposed. Corrosion performance of currently used metallic materials has been assessed and threat to the biocompatibility from corrosion products/metal ions is discussed. The possible preventive measures to improve corrosion resistance by surface modification and to increase the bioactivity of the metallic surfaces have also been discussed. Importance of the formation of oxide layers on the metal surface, another aspect of corrosion process, has been correlated with the host response. The gap areas and future direction of research are also outlined in the paper.  相似文献   

以Mo粉和Si粉为原料,通过自行设计的高能机械化学球磨机在室温下制备出了微纳米Mo-Si粉体,利用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)进行物相分析和粒度分析,结果表明,在不同的反应阶段会生成MoSi2和Mo5Si3,并且生成物之间相互有一定的转化,反应生成率接近100%,制备出的微纳米Mo—Si粒度在100nm左右,在Mo和Si的高能机械化学反应中,适当地提高球料比和转速可以加快反应的进程。  相似文献   

为了研究形状记忆合金(SMA)丝增强环氧树脂复合材料的界面粘结行为,首先通过单纤维拔出试验测定了SMA/环氧树脂界面的粘结强度,重点考察了埋入深度对界面极限粘结强度及其拔出行为的影响。然后,结合ABAQUS有限元分析方法,利用基于表面内聚力行为的单元对SMA丝拔出过程中应力分布随拔出时间的变化关系进行了模拟。最后,针对SMA/环氧树脂复合材料界面粘结强度较弱的缺陷,提出了利用纳米SiO2改性SMA丝表面提升材料界面粘结强度的方法,并通过拔出试验进行了验证。结果表明:随着埋入深度从1.0cm增加到1.5cm和2.0cm,最大拔出载荷显著增加,平均界面粘结强度却逐渐下降。当纤维埋入深度为2.0cm时,在0.300s时临界脱粘出现。利用在SMA表面涂覆纳米SiO2颗粒的方法可以增加纤维的表面粗糙度,进而有效提高SMA丝增强环氧树脂复合材料的临界拔出强度。研究结论为SMA丝在实际工程领域中的应用提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

Creating micro-/nano-scale topography on material surfaces to change their wetting properties has been a subject of much interest in recent years. Wenzel in 1936 and Cassie and Baxter in 1944 proposed that by microscopically increasing the surface roughness of a substrate, it is possible to increase its hydrophobicity. This paper reports the fabrication of micro-textured surfaces and nano-textured surfaces, and the combination of both on stainless steel substrates by sandblasting, thermal evaporation of aluminum, and aluminum-induced crystallization (AIC) of amorphous silicon (a-Si). Meanwhile, fluorinated carbon films were used to change the chemical composition of the surfaces to render the surfaces more hydrophobic. These surface modifications were investigated to create superhydrophobic surfaces on stainless steel substrates. The topography resulting from these surface modifications was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and surface profilometry. The wetting properties of these surfaces were characterized by water contact angle measurement. The results of this study show that superhydrophobic surfaces can be produced by either micro-scale surface texturing or nano-scale surface texturing, or the combination of both, after fluorinated carbon film deposition.  相似文献   

采用微米级的铁粉和铝粉,按Fe:A1原子比72:28进行配料,磨料为氧化锆(Zr02)陶瓷球,在试验中分别将球料比设为8:1,12:l以及15:1,将转速设为l000r/min,l200r/min以及1400r/min,通过x射线衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析各球磨条件对反应过程的影响,研究表明,在机械球磨过程中,塑性原材料生成新相的过程主要是反复撞击、压缩和剪切过程,相较脆性材料更易于发生颗粒团聚。试验成功地制备出铁铝金属间化合物,并且最终得到最佳试验条件为转速1200r/min,球料比12:1。转化率为93%以上。  相似文献   

金红石型纳米TiO2紫外屏蔽性能的相关应用及改性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金红石型纳米TiO2对可见光的透射性强,具有极好的吸收、散射紫外线能力,可作为紫外屏蔽剂广泛应用于涂料、化妆品、纺织、木材加工等行业.但纳米TiO2同时也具有光催化性能,是有机基体发生光氧化的催化剂,且在有机基体中的分散性和稳定性不好,需经表面处理以解决这些问题.本文针对金红石型纳米TiO2防紫外性能的相关应用、存在的...  相似文献   

针对微纳坐标测量机的高精度性能指标无法精确校准的问题,提出了一种间接校准的方案。使用量块及标准球板校准微纳坐标测量机的尺寸测量示值误差,用标准球校准仪器的探测误差。并对中国计量科学研究院的微纳坐标测量机进行了校准实验,实验结果表明,该仪器的尺寸测量示值误小于0.2μm,探测误差仅为0.125μm,校准结果均优于仪器的最大允许误差,验证了校准方案的合理可行性。  相似文献   

炭黑表面接枝改性在智能材料中应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了炭黑粒子表面接枝改性的几种方法及湿 /气 /汽敏材料的制备工艺。描述了功能化炭黑粒子 /聚合物复合材料对溶剂蒸汽、气体、湿度的响应机理及影响响应性的因素  相似文献   

Methodologies that we developed recently for the fabrication of molecular crystals with size variation in the nano to micro regime and polyelectrolyte templated mono and multilayer Langmuir-Blodgett films, are reviewed. The electronic absorption and strong fluorescence in the molecular nano/microcrystals are found to be size-dependent. Crystal structure and computational investigations provide a unified model to explain these observations. Role of polyelectrolyte templating in achieving stable and enhanced optical second harmonic generation response from LB films based on a hemicyanine amphiphile is highlighted.  相似文献   

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