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Free-standing epitaxially grown nanowires provide a controlled growth system and an optimal interface to the underlying substrate for advanced optical, electrical, and mechanical nanowire device connections. Nanowires can be grown by vapor-phase epitaxy (VPE) methods such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or metal organic VPE (MOVPE). However, VPE of semiconducting nanowires is not compatible with several microfabrication processes due to the high synthesis temperatures and issues such as cross-contamination interfering with the intended microsystem or the VPE process. By selectively heating a small microfabricated heater, growth of nanowires can be achieved locally without heating the entire microsystem, thereby reducing the compatibility problems. The first demonstration of epitaxial growth of silicon nanowires by this method is presented and shows that the microsystem can be used for rapid optimization of VPE conditions. The important issue of the cross-contamination of other parts of the microsystem caused by the local growth of nanowires is also investigated by growth of GaN near previously grown silicon nanowires. The design of the cantilever heaters makes it possible to study the grown nanowires with a transmission electron microscope without sample preparation.  相似文献   

Scanning probe microscope (SPM) oxidation was used to form zirconium oxide features on 200?nm thick ZrN films. The features exhibit rapid yet controlled growth kinetics, even in contact mode with 70?V dc applied between the probe tip and substrate. The features grown for times longer than 10?s are higher than 200?nm, and reach more than 1000?nm in height after 300?s. Long-time oxidation experiments and selective etching of the oxides and nitrides lead us to propose that as the oxidation reaches the silicon substrate, delamination occurs with the simultaneous formation of a thin layer of new material at the ZrN/Si interface. High-voltage oxide growth on ZrN is fast and sustainable, and the robust oxide features are promising candidates for multiscale (nanometre-to-micrometre) applications.  相似文献   

Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography is currently considered as the leading technology for high-volume manufacturing below sub-20 nm feature sizes. In parallel, EUV interference lithography based on interference transmission gratings has emerged as a powerful tool for industrial and academic research. In this paper, we demonstrate nanopatterning with sub-10 nm resolution using this technique. Highly efficient and optimized molybdenum gratings result in resolved line/space patterns down to 8 nm half-pitch and show modulation down to 6 nm half-pitch. These results show the performance of optical nanopatterning in the sub-10 nm range and currently mark the record for photon-based lithography. Moreover, an efficient phase mask completely suppressing the zeroth-order diffraction and providing 50 nm line/space patterns over large areas is evaluated. Such efficient phase masks pave the way towards table-top EUV interference lithography systems.  相似文献   

We introduce the concept of wafer bowing to affect nanoimprinting. This approach allows a design that can fit the key imprinting mechanism into a compact module, which we have constructed and demonstrated with an overlay and resolution of <0.5 microm and <10 nm, respectively. In the short term, this wafer bowing approach makes nanoimprint lithography much more accessible to a broad range of researchers. More importantly, this approach eliminates machine movement other than wafer bowing and shortens the mechanical path; these will enable the achievement of excellent patterning and overlay at a much lower cost. In the long term, wafer bowing is extensible to step-and-repeat printing for volume manufacturing.  相似文献   


Local equilibrium principles can provide boundary conditions for modeling internal oxidation. For example at the moving boundary between the oxidized and oxide free regions, the principles require that average concentrations and matrix concentrations are equal and strongly suggest that “enrichment” of the oxidized region with solute will not occur. Instead, depletion of solute is always predicted for dilute alloys. Also, a flux of solute from the internally oxidized region toward the free surface is always predicted except in the limiting case of a zero solubility limit.  相似文献   

Bublat T  Goll D 《Nanotechnology》2011,22(31):315301
Large-area hard magnetic L1(0)-FePt nanopatterns with out-of-plane texture were fabricated by using a top-down approach. For the fabrication process, ultraviolet nanoimprint lithography (UV-NIL) in combination with inductively coupled plasma reactive Ar-ion etching was used. By this technique a continuous L1(0)-Fe(51)Pt(49) film was nanostructured into a regular arrangement of nanodots over an area of 4 mm(2). The dot dimension and distribution was specified by the stamp, resulting in a dot size of 60 nm and a periodicity of 150 nm. For the large-scale L1(0)-FePt nanopatterns, huge coercivities up to 4.31 T could be achieved. By means of magnetic force microscopy it could be verified that the nanodots were magnetically decoupled from each other and occurred in the single-domain state with perpendicular magnetization.  相似文献   

Versatile SPM     
《Materials Today》2003,6(3):59

Brown CV  Kriezis EE 《Applied optics》2004,43(28):5287-5294
The first-order diffraction efficiency eta1 of surface-stabilized ferroelectric liquid-crystal (SSFLC) phase gratings is calculated for device thicknesses in the range d = 1 to 5 microm and for pitches p of 5 to 20 microm assuming incident light at 633 nm. The peak value of eta1 as a function of d has negligible dependence on the incoming polarization when p = 20 microm. For smaller pitch values the peak value of eta1 decreases and becomes increasingly dependent on the orientation of the incoming polarization owing to the influence of the domain walls that occur between the SSFLC pixels.  相似文献   

Bio-nanopatterning of surfaces is becoming a crucial technique with applications ranging from molecular and cell biology to medicine. Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is one of the most useful tools for nanopatterning of flat surfaces. However, these patterns are usually built on homogeneous surfaces and require chemical functionalization to ensure specific affinity. Layered magnesium-aluminum hydroxide-silicates have already shown unique self-assembly properties on DNA molecules, due to their peculiar crystal chemistry based on alternating positive and negative crystal layers. However, patterns on these surfaces tend to be randomly organized. Here we show etching and oxidation at the nanometer scale of magnesium-aluminum hydroxide-silicates using the same SPM probe for the creation of organized nanopatterns. In particular, it is possible to produce three-dimensional structures in a reproducible way, with a depth resolution of 0.4?nm, lateral resolution of tens of nm, and a speed of about 10?μm?s(-1). We report, as an example, the construction of an atomically flat charged pattern, designed to guide DNA deposition along predetermined directions without the need of any chemical functionalization of the surface.  相似文献   

Metal-mesh lithography (MML) is a practical hybrid of microcontact printing and capillary force lithography that can be applied over millimeter-sized areas with a high level of uniformity. MML can be achieved by blotting various inks onto substrates through thin copper grids, relying on preferential wetting and capillary interactions between template and substrate for pattern replication. The resulting mesh patterns, which are inverted relative to those produced by stenciling or serigraphy, can be reproduced with low micrometer resolution. MML can be combined with other surface chemistry and lift-off methods to create functional microarrays for diverse applications, such as periodic islands of gold nanorods and patterned corrals for fibroblast cell cultures.  相似文献   

Photon-sieve lithography   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We present the first lithography results that use high-numerical-aperture photon sieves as focusing elements in a scanning-optical-beam-lithography system [J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 21, 2810 (2003)]. Photon sieves are novel optical elements that offer the advantages of higher resolution and improved image contrast compared with traditional diffractive optics such as zone plates [Nature 414, 184 (2001)]. We fabricated the highest-numerical-aperture photon sieves reported to date and experimentally verified their focusing characteristics. We propose two new designs of the photon sieve that have the potential to significantly increase focusing efficiency.  相似文献   

A novel approach to local anodic oxidation technique, which leads to approximately equal 50 nm wide line patterns, is described. The technique is utilized to prepare quantum point contact on a low-mobility semiconductor heterostructure. Transport measurements show quantized conductance in zero magnetic field at 4.2 K thanks to very short one-dimensional constriction. The technique is also used for the definition of low-to-room temperature sub-micrometer Hall probes to show its applicability for the room temperature applications. The magnetic-field resolution and the sensitivity of the probes are evaluated in dependence of the probe dimensions, bias current, and temperature. The 200-nm probe shows magnetic-field resolution of 47 microT/(Hz)(1/2) at 140 Hz and at 4.2 K, when it is driven by 5 microA bias current. The novel approach is promising for the development of the future nano-devices operated both at low and room temperatures. To our knowledge, local anodic oxidation technique applied directly to shallow semiconductor heterostructure has been successfully used for the room temperature application for the first time.  相似文献   

An original solution phase approach was developed for the synthesis of single-crystal Au nanoprims with anisotropic structure of triangular, hexagonal and truncated triangular, nanometre or micrometer scale, and nanometer thickness. It has been confirmed that the Fe3O4 magnetite nanoparticles and (3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane (APTES) coated on the magnetite nanoparticles play important roles in the formation of Au nanoplates. Significantly, such Au nanoplates exhibit remarkable optical properties, both the dipole plasmon resonance and the quadrupole plasmon resonance were observed. And the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern shows the nanoplates obtained were single crystals with (111) plans as two basal surfaces. The growth of gold nanoplates in the solution with time had been monitored by microscopic and spectroscopic techniques to allow the detection of several key intermediates in the growth process. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the production of large planar gold nanostructures with gamma irradiation in combination of another nanocomposite materials (APTES-Fe3O4).  相似文献   

Evanescent interferometric lithography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Blaikie RJ  McNab SJ 《Applied optics》2001,40(10):1692-1698
Simulation results are presented to illustrate the main features of what we believe is a new photolithographic technique, evanescent interferometric lithography (EIL). The technique exploits interference between resonantly enhanced, evanescently decaying diffracted orders to create a frequency-doubled intensity pattern in the near field of a metallic diffraction grating. It is shown that the intensity in a grating's near field can be enhanced significantly compared with conventional interferometric lithography. Contrast in the interference pattern is also increased, owing to a reduction in the zeroth-order transmission near resonance. The pattern's depth of field reduces as the wavelength is increased beyond cutoff of the first-order diffracted components, and results are presented showing the trade-offs that can be made between depth of field and intensity enhancement. Examples are given for a 270-nm-period grating embedded in material with refractive index n = 1.6 and illuminated with wavelengths near 450 nm. Under these conditions it is predicted that high-intensity, high-contrast patterns with 135-nm period can be formed in photoresists more than 50 nm thick.  相似文献   

Absorbance-modulation optical lithography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a new mode of optical lithography called absorbance-modulation optical lithography (AMOL) in which a thin film of photochromic material is placed on top of a conventional photoresist and illuminated simultaneously by a focal spot of wavelength lambda1 and a ring-shaped illumination of wavelength lambda2. The lambda1 radiation converts the photochromic material from an opaque to a transparent configuration, thereby enabling exposure of the photoresist, while the lambda2 radiation reverses the transformation. As a result of these competing effects, the point-spread function that exposes the resist is strongly compressed, resulting in higher photolithographic resolution and information density. We show by modeling that the point-spread-function compression achieved via AMOL depends only on the absorbance distribution in the photostationary state. In this respect, absorbance modulation represents an optical nonlinearity that depends on the intensity ratio of lambda1 and lambda2 and not on the absolute intensity of either one alone. By inserting material parameters into the model, a lithographic resolution corresponding to lambda1/13 is predicted.  相似文献   

We present a novel technique called electrical nano-imprint lithography (e-NIL) for topographic and electrostatic patterning of thermoplastic electret films at the nanometer scale. This versatile parallel process consists of simultaneously transferring micro-?or nano-patterns from a conductive mold into a thermoplastic electret film and injecting positive or negative electrical charges into the bottom of the imprinted patterns. As proof of concept, we used this e-NIL process to fabricate arrays of 5?μm and 300?nm wide topographic charged patterns into polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) thin films coated on silicon wafers. We demonstrated that these patterned PMMA films, exhibiting thousands of topographically confined and electrostatically active sites, can be used for high-throughput directed assembly of colloidal nanoparticles.  相似文献   

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