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PURPOSE: This experiment examined the influence of acute exercise on anxiety following caffeine-induced elevations in self-rated anxiety. METHODS: Eleven physically active, moderately fit males aged 25.1 +/- 3.8 yr completed four conditions in a within-subject, counterbalanced design involving 60 min of (1) cycling at 60% VO2peak or (2) quiet rest following placebo consumption (800 mg of lactose), as well as (3) cycling at 60% VO2peak and (4) quiet rest following 800 mg of caffeine. State anxiety and blood pressure were assessed 10 min before and 10 and 20 min after the conditions. RESULTS: A main effect for drug (caffeine vs placebo) determined by repeated measures ANOVA, (F(1,8) = 9.77; P = 0.01), indicated that state anxiety was elevated by caffeine. Drug effects were not obtained for blood pressure. Experimental hypotheses were tested by drug-by-condition (exercise vs quiet rest)-by-time (10 and 20 min postcondition) repeated measures ANOVA of change scores from the precondition baseline. A main effect for drug (F(1,8) = 5.81; P = 0.043) indicated that reductions in state anxiety were larger after caffeine ingestion. A condition-by-time effect (F(1,8) = 5.02; P = 0.055) indicated greater reductions in state anxiety 20 min after exercise compared with quiet rest. A condition effect for systolic blood pressure (F(1,10) = 4.56; P = 0.058) and condition-by-time interactions for diastolic (F(1,10) = 8.87; P = 0.014) and mean arterial blood pressures (F(1,10) = 8.46; P = 0.016) indicated reductions after exercise but not after quiet rest following both caffeine and placebo. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that exercise can reduce anxiety elevated by a high dose of caffeine.  相似文献   

The basal ganglia are an interconnected set of subcortical regions whose established role in cognition and motor control remains poorly understood. An important nucleus within the basal ganglia, the striatum, receives cortical afferents that convey sensorimotor, limbic and cognitive information. The activity of medium-sized spiny neurons in the striatum seems to depend on convergent input within these information channels. To determine the degree of correlated input, both below and at threshold for the generation of action potentials, we recorded intracellularly from pairs of spiny neurons in vivo. Here we report that the transitions between depolarized and hyperpolarized states were highly correlated among neurons. Within individual depolarized states, some significant synchronous fluctuations in membrane potential occurred, but action potentials were not synchronized. Therefore, although the mean afferent signal across fibres is highly correlated among striatal neurons, the moment-to-moment variations around the mean, which determine the timing of action potentials, are not. We propose that the precisely timed, synchronous component of the membrane potential signals activation of cell assemblies and enables firing to occur. The asynchronous component, with low redundancy, determines the fine temporal pattern of spikes.  相似文献   

Riluzole is used clinically in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. As oxidative stress, in addition to excitotoxicity, may be a major mechanism of motoneuron degeneration in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, we examined whether riluzole protects against nonexcitotoxic oxidative injury. Probably reflecting its weak antiexcitotoxic effects, riluzole (1-30 microM) attenuated submaximal neuronal death induced by 24-h exposure to 30 microM kainate or NMDA, but not that by 100 microM NMDA, in cortical cultures. Riluzole also attenuated nonexcitotoxic oxidative injury induced by exposure to FeCl3 in the presence of MK-801 and CNQX. Consistent with its antioxidative effects, riluzole reduced Fe3+-induced lipid peroxidation, and inhibited cytosolic phospholipase A2. By contrast, riluzole did not attenuate neuronal apoptosis induced by staurosporine. Rather unexpectedly, 24-48-h exposure to 100-300 microM riluzole induced neuronal death accompanied by nuclear and DNA fragmentations, which was attenuated by caspase inhibitor carbobenzyloxy-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethyl ketone but not by protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. The present study demonstrates that riluzole has direct antioxidative actions, perhaps in part by inhibiting phospholipase A2. However, in the same neurons, riluzole paradoxically induces neuronal apoptosis in a caspase-sensitive manner. Considering current clinical use of riluzole, further studies are warranted to investigate its potential cytolethal effects.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Detailed structural information on ribosomal proteins has increased our understanding of the structure, function and evolution of the ribosome. L14 is one of the most conserved ribosomal proteins and appears to have a central role in the ribonucleoprotein complex. Studies have indicated that L14 occupies a central location between the peptidyl transferase and GTPase regions of the large ribosomal subunit. RESULTS: The crystal structure of L14 from Bacillus stearothermophilus has been solved using a combination of isomorphous replacement and multiwavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) methods. The structure comprises a five-stranded beta-barrel, a C-terminal loop region that contains two small alpha-helices, and a beta-ribbon that projects from the beta-barrel. An analysis of the structure and the conserved amino acids reveals three surface patches that probably mediate L14-RNA and L14-protein interactions within the ribosome. CONCLUSIONS: The accepted role of ribosomal proteins is to promote the folding and stabilization of ribosomal RNA. The L14 structure is consistent with this notion, and it suggests that the RNA binds in two sites. One RNA-binding site appears to recognize a distinct region of ribosomal RNA during particle assembly. The second site is smaller and may become occupied during the later compaction of the RNA. The surface hydrophobic patch is a likely site of protein-protein interaction, possibly with L19.  相似文献   

To assess the role of ascorbate (AA), an antioxidant vitamin, in modulating striatal activity, single-unit recording was combined with iontophoresis in awake, unrestrained rats. Brief applications of AA (20 s, 5-80 nA) elicited few changes in either basal activity or activity evoked by continuous application of glutamate (GLU), but relatively high AA ejection currents (>40 nA) often inhibited fast-firing units. Comparable results were obtained with the antioxidant isomer, iso-AA, suggesting the AA-induced inhibition represents a high-dose, antioxidant effect. When applied for prolonged periods (2-4 min) at doses that failed to alter basal activity, AA either enhanced or attenuated the excitatory response to test pulses of GLU. The AA-induced enhancement occurred more frequently (16 vs. 6 applications) and was characterized by a more rapid (shorter onset and peak latencies) and more pronounced (greater peak magnitude) excitation to GLU without an evident change in offset latency. In most cases, further increases in AA ejection current attenuated the GLU response. Iso-AA, in contrast, had only inhibitory effects, which occurred at moderate- to high-dose applications. Collectively, these results suggest that AA, apart from its antioxidant effects, modulates phasic changes in striatal excitability induced by GLU. Because extracellular levels of striatal AA fluctuate in relation to behavioral activation, this neuromodulatory action of AA may contribute to behaviorally relevant changes in sensorimotor responsivity.  相似文献   

Both silent and spontaneously firing spiny projection neurons have been described in the neostriatum, but the reason for their differences in firing activity are unknown. We compared properties of spontaneously firing and silent spiny neurons in urethan-anesthetized rats. Neurons were identified as spiny projection neurons after labeling by intracellular injection of biocytin. The threshold for action-potential firing was measured under three different conditions: 1) electrical stimulation of the contralateral cerebral cortex, 2) brief directly applied current pulses, and 3) spontaneous action-potentials occurring during spontaneous episodes of depolarization ( state). The average membrane potential and the amplitude of noiselike fluctuations of membrane potential in the state were determined by fitting a Gaussian curve to the membrane-potential distribution. All neurons in the sample exhibited spontaneous membrane potential shifts between a hyperpolarized state and a depolarized state, but not all fired action potentials while in the state. The difference between the spontaneously firing and the silent spiny neurons was in the average membrane potential in the state, which was significantly more depolarized in the spontaneously firing than in the silent spiny neurons. There were no significant differences in the threshold, the amplitude of the noiselike fluctuations of membrane potential in the state, or in the proportion of time that the membrane potential was in the state. In both spontaneously firing and silent neurons, the threshold for action potentials evoked by current pulses was significantly higher than for those evoked by cortical stimulation. Application of more intense current pulses that reproduced the excitatory postsynaptic potential rate of rise produced firing at correspondingly lower thresholds. Because the membrane potential in the state is mainly determined by the balance between the synaptic drive and the outward potassium conductances activated in the subthreshold range of membrane potentials, either or both of these factors may determine whether firing occurs in response to spontaneous afferent activity.  相似文献   

As psychomotor stimulants, both amphetamine and cocaine elicit episodes of repetitive motor activation (focused stereotypy) known to involve the mesostriatal dopamine system. During amphetamine-induced focused stereotypy, motor-related neurons in the striatum respond with either an excitation or inhibition, depending on dose and behavioral pattern, whereas nonmotor-related units are inhibited. To assess striatal activity during the focused stereotypy induced by cocaine, both types of striatal units were recorded in ambulant rats. Either 20 or 40 mg/kg cocaine caused highly focused sniffing and head bobbing, which occurred in conjunction with activation of both motor- and nonmotor-related neurons. The activation of motor-related units was evident even when firing rate was compared during periods of matched pre- and post-drug behavior, arguing against movement as the sole basis for the drug-induced neuronal excitation. Subsequent administration of haloperidol (1.0 mg/kg) reversed but did not completely block the neuronal activation, while the behavioral response shifted away from focused stereotypy toward an increase in ambulation. Thus, the level of activation of both motor- and nonmotor-related striatal neurons may play a critical role in the behavioral response pattern induced by cocaine.  相似文献   

Atypical antipsychotic drugs, such as clozapine, are distinguished from classical antipsychotics (e.g. haloperidol) by their lower liability for producing motor side-effects. Although initial studies suggested that the clinical efficacy of antipsychotic drugs is related to their affinity for the D2 dopamine receptor, the delayed onset of both the therapeutic effects and the extrapyramidal symptoms associated with these drugs implicates a more complex mechanism of action. In this study, we found that continuous (but not acute) treatment of rats with either drug caused an increase in dye coupling between neurons in the limbic component of the rat striatal complex (i.e. the shell region of the nucleus accumbens) after withdrawal of the drugs. Furthermore, continuous treatment with haloperidol, but not clozapine, also increased dye coupling in the motor-related part of the striatal complex (i.e. the dorsal striatum). Thus, both therapeutically effective drugs show a delayed effect on dye coupling between neurons in the accumbens shell, whereas only the drug associated with motor side effects altered coupling between cells in the dorsal striatum. Antipsychotic drugs may therefore alleviate the profound disturbances in cognitive function of schizophrenics by producing sustained alterations in the way signals from the cortex are integrated within these brain regions.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanisms by which basal ganglia neurons express acquired activities during and after behavioral learning, selective dopamine (DA) receptor antagonists were applied while recording the activity of striatal neurons in monkeys performing behavioral tasks. In experiment 1, a monkey was trained to associate a click sound with a drop of reward water. DA receptor antagonists were administered by micropressure using a stainless steel injection cannula (300 microm ID) through which a Teflon-coated tungsten wire for recording neuronal activity had been threaded. Responses to sound by tonically active neurons (TANs), a class of neurons in the primate striatum, were recorded through a tungsten wire electrode during the application of either D1- or D2-class DA receptor antagonists (total volume <1 microl, at a rate of 1 microl/5-10 min). Application of the D2-class antagonist, (-)-sulpiride (20 micrograms/microl, 58 mM, pH 6.8), abolished the responses of four of five TANs examined. In another five TANs, neither the D2-class antagonist nor the D1-class antagonists, SCH23390 (10 micrograms/microl, 31 mM, pH 5.7) or cis-flupenthixol (30 micrograms/microl, 59 mM, pH 6.6) significantly suppressed responses. In experiment 2, four- or five-barreled glass microelectrodes were inserted into the striatum. The central barrel was used for extracellular recording of activity of TANs. Each DA receptor antagonist was iontophoretically applied through one of the surrounding barrels. SCH23390 (10 mM, pH 4.5) and (-)-sulpiride (10 mM, pH 4.5) were used. The effects of iontophoresis of both D1- and D2-class antagonists were examined in 40 TANs. Of 40 TANs from which recordings were made, responses were suppressed exclusively by the D2-class antagonist in 19 TANs, exclusively by the D1-class antagonist in 3 TANs, and by both D1- and D2-class antagonists in 7 TANs. When 0.9% NaCl, saline, was applied by pressure (<1 microl) or by iontophoresis (<30 nA) as a control, neither the background discharge rates nor the responses of TANs were significantly influenced. Background discharge rate of TANs was also not affected by D1- or D2-class antagonists applied by either micropressure injection or iontophoresis. It was concluded that the nigrostriatal DA system enables TANs to express learned activity primarily through D2-class and partly through D1-class receptor-mediated mechanisms in the striatum.  相似文献   

To evaluate the relative ability of those striatal neuron types containing calbindin or parvalbumin to withstand a Ca(2+)-mediated excitotoxic insult, we injected the NMDA receptor-specific excitotoxin quinolinic acid (QA) into the striatum in mature adult rats and 2 months later examined the relative survival of striatal interneurons rich in parvalbumin and striatal projection neurons rich in calbindin. To provide standardization to the survival of striatal neuron types thought to be poor in Ca2+ buffering proteins, the survival was compared to that of somatostatin-neuropeptide Y (SS/NPY)-containing interneurons and enkephalinergic projection neurons, which are devoid of or relatively poorer in such proteins. The various neuron types were identified by immunohistochemical labeling for these type-specific markers and their relative survival was compared at each of a series of increasing distances from the injection center. In brief, we found that parvalbuminergic, calbindinergic, and enkephalinergic neurons all showed a generally comparable gradient of neuronal loss, except just outside the lesion center, where calbindin-rich neurons showed significantly enhanced survival. In contrast, striatal SS/NPY interneurons were more vulnerable to QA than any of these three other types. These observed patterns of survival following intrastriatal QA injection suggest that calbindin and parvalbumin content does not by itself determine the vulnerability of striatal neurons to QA-mediated excitotoxicity in mature adult rats. For example, parvalbuminergic striatal interneurons were not impervious to QA, while cholinergic striatal interneurons are highly resistant and SS/NPY+ striatal interneurons are highly vulnerable. Both cholinergic and SS/NPY+ interneurons are devoid of any known calcium buffering protein. Similarly, calbindin does not prevent striatal projection neuron vulnerability to QA excitotoxicity. Nonetheless, our data do suggest that calbindin may offer striatal neurons some protection against moderate excitotoxic insults, and this may explain the reportedly slightly greater vulnerability of striatal neurons that are poor in calbindin to ischemia and Huntington's disease.  相似文献   

Huntingtin, the protein product of the Huntington's disease (HD) gene, is expressed with an expanded polyglutamine domain in the brain and in nonneuronal tissues in patients with HD. Huntingtin-associated protein 1 (HAP-1), a brain-enriched protein, interacts preferentially with mutant huntingtin and thus may be important in HD pathogenesis. The function of HAP-1 is unknown, but recent evidence supports a role in microtubule-dependent organelle transport. We examined the subcellular localization of HAP-1 with an antibody made against the NH2-terminus of the protein. In immunoblot assays of mouse brain and immortalized striatal neurons, HAP-1 subtypes A and B migrated together at about 68 kD and separately at 95 kD and 110 kD, respectively. In dividing clonal striatal cells, HAP-1 localized to the mitotic spindle apparatus, especially at spindle poles and on vesicles and microtubules of the spindle body. Postmitotic striatal neurons had punctate HAP-1 labeling throughout the cytoplasm. Western blot analysis of protein extracts obtained after subcellular fractionation and differential centrifugation of the clonal striatal cells showed that HAP-1B was preferentially enriched in membrane fractions. Electron microscopic study of adult mouse basal forebrain and striatum showed HAP-1 localized to membrane-bound organelles including large endosomes, tubulovesicular structures, and budding vesicles in neurons. HAP-1 was also strongly associated with an unusual large "dense" organelle. Microtubules were labeled in dendrites and axonal fibers. Results support a role for HAP-1 in vesicle trafficking and organelle movement in mitotic cells and differentiated neurons and implicate HAP-1B as the predominant molecular subtype associated with vesicle membranes in striatal neurons.  相似文献   

In ambulant rats, iontophoresis of low concentrations of dopamine (DA) enhances the response of neurons in striatum and nucleus accumbens to iontophoretic glutamate. In an extension of this line of investigation, we tested the effects of acetylcholine (ACh), a presumed modulator of neuronal function in these same brain regions, and assessed possible DA-ACh interactions. Data were obtained from spontaneously active neurons known to respond to ACh (5-30 nA) when the animals rested quietly with no overt movement. ACh iontophoresis either excited or inhibited striatal and accumbal activity but excitatory effects predominated in both areas. With multiple applications of ACh, especially at the lowest currents tested, either response often was interspersed with instances of no change in firing rate. Responsiveness to ACh also diminished during periods of spontaneous movement when basal firing showed phasic increases in activity. In fact, neurons with the highest rates of basal activity showed the smallest magnitude response to ACh. Prolonged applications (120-180 s) of DA attenuated basal firing as well as the iontophoretic effects of ACh both during the DA application itself and for up to 1 min after DA ejection offset. The result of these inhibitory effects was no net change in the relative magnitude of the ACh response. Thus, although ACh can modulate striatal and accumbal neuronal activity, DA does not regulate this effect in the same way that it regulates the neuronal responsiveness to glutamate.  相似文献   

Human N-type Ca2+ channels were rapidly and reversibly inhibited by 5-100 microM BW619C89 (IC50 = 16.4 microM at Vtest = + 10 mV and Vhold = - 90 mV). In the presence of 20 microM BW619C89, activation kinetics were significantly faster. The degree of inhibition observed was affected by both test and holding potential, indicating state-dependent interactions with the N-type Ca2+ channel.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, groups of mice were administered either saline or MPTP (2 x 30 mg/kg, s.c., separated by a 24-hr interval) 30 min after being injected either PBN (15, 50 or 150 mg/kg, s.c., low, medium and high doses, respectively) or L-Deprenyl (0.25 or 10.0 mg/kg, s.c., low and high doses, respectively), the reference compound used, or saline. Tests of spontaneous motor activity 14 days later indicated that the MPTP-induced hypokinesia for locomotion and rearing was alleviated by prior administration with PBN (50 or 150 mg/kg) or L-Deprenyl (10.0 mg/kg); lower doses of PBN (15 mg/kg) and L-Deprenyl (0.25 mg/kg) did not affect the MPTP-induced deficits. Dopamine (DA) concentrations in the striatum confirmed a more severe loss of DA in the MPTP, PBN (15) + MPTP and Deprenyl(0.25) + MPTP groups than in the control group. Significant protection of DA was observed in the PBN(50) + MPTP, PBN(150) + MPTP and Deprenyl(10) + MPTP groups that did not exhibit an hypokinetic behaviour. In Experiment 2, the effects of repeated treatment with PBN (50 mg/kg, s.c. over 12 days), post-MPTP, were studied in aged (15-month-old) and young (3-month-old) mice. Subchronic administration of PBN increased substantially the motor activity of old and young mice that had received MPTP. Aged control (saline) mice showed an activity deficit compared to young control mice; this deficit was abolished by repeated PBN treatment. The results suggest that moderate-to-high doses of PBN whether injected in a single dose prior to MPTP or subchronically following MPTP injections may afford protective effects against both the functional changes and DA-loss caused by MPTP treatment, possibly through an antioxidant mechanism.  相似文献   

The ability to control the degree and spatial distribution of cooling in biological tissues during a thermally mediated therapeutic procedure would be useful for several biomedical applications of lasers. We present a theory based on the solution of the heat conduction equation that demonstrates the feasibility of selectively cooling biological tissues. Model predictions are compared with infrared thermal measurements of in vivo human skin in response to cooling by a cryogen spurt. The presence of a boundary layer, undergoing a liquid-vapour phase transition, is associated with a relatively large thermal convection coefficient (approximately 40 kW m-2 K-1), which gives rise to the observed surface temperature reductions (30-40 degrees C). The degree and the spatial-temporal distribution of cooling are shown to be directly related to the cryogen spurt duration.  相似文献   

This study investigated the firing patterns of striatal and cortical neurons in rats in a temporal generalization task. Striatal and cortical ensembles were recorded in rats trained to lever press at 2 possible criterion durations (10 sec or 40 sec from tone onset). Twenty-two percent of striatal and 15% of cortical cells had temporally specific modulations in their firing rate, firing at a significantly different rate around 10 sec compared with 40 sec. On 80% of trials, a post hoc analysis of the trial-by-trial consistency of the firing rates of an ensemble of neurons predicted whether a spike train came from a time window around 10 sec versus around 40 sec. Results suggest that striatal and cortical neurons encode specific durations in their firing rate and thereby serve as components of a neural circuit used to represent duration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Point mutations at the tumour suppressor gene p53 are one of the most frequent genetic alterations in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN), which lead to the nuclear accumulation and overexpression of inactive p53 protein. The overexpression of mutant p53 protein can induce a specific humoral response in cancer patients. p53 protein was studied in 112 SCCHN. Biopsies and sera samples were collected before initiation of treatment. 74 patients received neoadjuvant chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil-cisplatin-folinic acid). p53 protein expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC) on paraffin-embedded sections. The analysis of mutations was assessed by PCR-SSCP of exons 5-10 on DNA from 28 representative cases. Antibodies specific for p53 protein were analysed in sera of 74 patients by an ELISA procedure. Overexpression (> 20% positive cells) of p53 protein was frequent (56%: 63/112) and was correlated with localisation of the primary tumour and tumour stage. p53 mutations were detected in 57% (16/28) of studied cases. The prevalence of p53 antibodies in sera was high (44% 32/74) and among this population, 68% (20/29) had a positive immunophenotype and 67% (6/9) a p53 mutation in the tumour. In addition, the presence of anti-p53 antibodies was slightly associated with complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. If the humoral response seems to be an indicator of the p53 protein status, the detection of anti-p53 antibodies could be a good approach in the early detection of the presence of p53 alterations in SCCHN and recurrent tumours or the appearance of second primary cancer.  相似文献   

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