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With the increased demand in multimedia applications, the need to provide better system support is greater than ever. Multimedia applications have an added dimension of time in their execution which results in stringent timing requirements. Existing systems incorporate such stringent timing requirements either at the system-level or the application-level. System-level supports are typically operating-system-dependent whereas application-level supports are achieved by building timing controls into the application itself. This lengthens the application development time and fails to take full advantage of operating system's capabilities. In this paper, we propose a framework that resides between the system-level and application-level support. The framework consists of two layers: an interface layer that incorporates high-level end-to-end timing constraints, and a system layer that implements a host-end scheduling mechanism to support high-level end-to-end timing specifications. Two applications have been developed using this framework. The results indicate that the framework is able to support rapid-prototyping of multimedia applications with stringent timing requirements.  相似文献   

Rapid Prototyping of Activity Recognition Applications   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The CRN Toolbox enables fast implementation of activity and context recognition systems, featuring mechanisms for distributed processing and support for mobile and wearable devices. CRN Toolbox is a tool set specifically optimized for implementing multimodal, distributed activity and context recognition systems running on Posix operating systems. Like conventional rapid- prototyping tools, the CRN Toolbox contains a collection of ready-to-use algorithms (signal processing, pattern classification, and so on). Unlike classic event detection in homogeneous sensor networks-for example, DSWare (Data Service Middleware)-it supports complex activity detection from heterogeneous sensors. Its implementation is particularly optimized for mobile devices. This includes the ability to execute algorithms, whether in floating-point or fixed-point arithmetic, without recoding. Moreover, with its mature functionality, the CRN Toolbox isn't likely to suffer from limited user acceptance as the Context toolkit framework did.  相似文献   

In the emerging Internet Suspend/Resume mobile computing model, users exploit pervasive deployments of inexpensive, mass- market PC hardware rather than carrying portable hardware. ISR's driving vision is that plummeting hardware costs will someday eliminate the need to carry computing environments in portable computers. Instead, ISR will deliver an exact replica of the last checkpointed state of a user's entire computing environment (including the operating system, applications, files, and customiza- tions), on demand over the Internet to hardware located nearby.  相似文献   

普适计算的特点使得营造以人为本的信息服务环境成为可能。然而构建具有可行性和高满意度的普适计算应用却是一项需要投入时间和精力的复杂工程。首先分析了构建普适计算应用面临的挑战;然后总结、比较和分析了设计方法和仿真测试技术等相关研究;最后展望了当前技术的研究难点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

蕴涵着高度动态变化特性的移动和普适计算环境给分布式系统的设计提出了新的挑战,上下文感知框架汇聚了感知和处理各种易变因素的基础设施.依托框架开发移动和普适应用,能加快开发速度,提高应用程序的健壮性.本文分析了各种上下文信息及其作用,给出了上下文感知框架XAF的设计,探讨了框架中的关键技术,包括上下文转换和服务自适应选择.  相似文献   

Pervasive 2D Barcodes for Camera Phone Applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a previous study, we evaluated six 2D barcodes using eight criteria for standardization potential: omnidirectional symbol reading, support for low-resolution cameras, reading robustness under different lighting conditions, barcode reading distance, error correction capability, security, support for multiple character sets, and data capacity. We also considered the fidelity of the camera phone's captured image as a metric for gauging reading reliability. Here, we review the six 2D barcodes and then use an additional metric - a first-read rate - to quantitatively verify our earlier results and better gauge reading reliability.  相似文献   

飞行控制系统快速原型设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
快速原型仿真是实时仿真的一种,它处于产品研发的算法设计阶段与具体实现阶段之间,是产品研制过程中的一个重要环节。介绍了快速原型技术的发展与优势,搭建了基于DSP的快速原型硬件平台;针对仿真平台,开发了simulink下的底层接口驱动;实现了飞行控制系统的仿真模型在快速原型上的自动代码生成,并完成了半实物仿真。研究表明,通过使用快速原型对算法进行验证,可以方便快捷地将simulink模型应用于半实物仿真系统,降低了算法验证的难度,缩短研制周期,并提高仿真系统的灵活性和可靠性。  相似文献   

The clinical set-up tool integrates fast parameter selection and a user-friendly interface to help electrical muscle stimulators more efficiently treat patients with neurological injuries. A key challenge in increasing functional electrical stimulation systems' clinical acceptance is facilitating or automating parameter selection, optimization, and programming to make the underlying engineering transparent to the user. To this end, we present the clinical set-up tool (CST), a finite-state-machine-based controller that integrates accurate, automatic parameter optimization in an intuitive user interface. Unlike other approaches, we employ a numerical algorithm that uses real-life data and well-defined criteria to rapidly optimize parameter values.  相似文献   

智能手机:普适感知与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
智能手机正在迅速成为个人计算和通讯的核心设备.得益于硬件技术的进步和移动互联网的普及,基于智能手机的感知手段日益丰富,可感知信息的维度不断增加,在健康、医疗、生活、交通、教育和娱乐等领域的应用层出不穷.该文从智能手机感知的硬件基础、智能手机可感知的信息和智能手机感知的应用3个层面对当前的研究进展进行阐述与分析,并对未来的研究趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

李晅松  陶先平  宋巍 《软件学报》2018,29(6):1622-1634
运行时验证是提升普适计算应用可靠性的重要手段.这类应用的很多性质同时涉及时间关系和空间位置关系,这样的时空性质给运行时验证带来了特有的挑战.一方面,传统的时态逻辑难以描述空间性质;另一方面,适合描述空间性质的Ambient Logic在真值不确定等情况下不能很好支持有限轨迹中时间性质的描述.为支持普适计算应用时空性质的运行时验证,本文引入三值逻辑语义,提出了AL3(3-valued Ambient Logic);并在此基础上设计实现了基于AL3的性质检验算法和运行时监控器.最后,通过案例分析和运行效率实验阐明了所提方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

快速成型制造中零件制作方向的优化方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析STL模型的几何特性和快速成型的工艺过程,建立了台阶效应、支撑面积和制作时间3个目标的优化模型,并分别利用遗传算法进行了求解,建立了独立满意度;然后采用线性加权法建立了综合满意度函数。利用遗传算法求解,得到优化的制作方向.实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地解决快速成型中的制作方向优化问题.  相似文献   

快速成型切片数据的优化算法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了能够顺利地进行 STL模型切片轮廓数据的进一步处理 ,提出了对切片数据进行优化处理的算法 .对由于STL模型的缺陷造成切片之后的轮廓信息数据有大量的冗余数据 ,提出了一种冗余数据的滤除算法 ;针对切片轮廓的不封闭 ,给出了有效的修正算法 ;同时给出了对切片轮廓的内外边界进行自动识别的算法 .该算法高效简单 ,提高了后续的数据处理的效率和成型件的加工质量 ,改善了零件成型的加工性能  相似文献   

The paper is to outline a new process for manufacturing rapid graphite electrode. It detailsthe steps in Providing integration with Rapid Prototyping (RP) into rapid electrode abrading Process.The key to this combination is the successful model or patted creating using the RP technology.Significantly reduced lead-time, shortened learns curve, lowered revision changes cost and eliminatedor reduced mold polishing are the consequent results. high quality Electrical Discharge Machining(EDM) electrodes are sometimes difficult to be manufactured rapidly and are very time-consumingby conventional methods, even using Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines. Abradingprovides a simple way to create etuemely detailed and complex electrode to make molds in toolingmaking industries. Integration with the rapid development of the Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing(RP&M) technology, the rapid electrode abrading process has been regarded as one of the majorbreakthrough in tooling making technology.  相似文献   

普适计算环境下基于中间件的上下文质量管理框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑笛  王俊  贲可荣 《计算机科学》2011,38(11):127-130
随着信息技术的快速发展,分布式计算技术逐渐向普适计算技术演化,从而达到信息空间和物理空间融合的最终目标,为用户提供普适的智能化服务。为了达到这个目标,一个主要的困难就是如何有效地连续监测、才甫获与解释环境相关的上下文信息来确保精确的上下文感知性。很多研究者已先后投身于上下文感知的普适应用的研究工作中,但大多数往往直接针对原始上下文进行处理,没有考虑上下文质量(QoC)的影响。因此,提出了一种基于中间件的上下文质量管理框架,即通过上下文的质量门阂管理、重复与不一致的上下文丢弃等不同层次的控制机制,为上下文感知服务和应用用户提供有效而可靠的上下文服务。  相似文献   

基于Windows的快速成形实时控制系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了光固化快速成形机控制系统功能需求,设计了单机型快速成形机的控制系统,并且详细介绍了控制系统的总体结构及其特点。对于基于Windows的控制系统实时性进行了详细的论述,由于Windows系统在中断处理、线程调度和内核可被抢先等的特点,该文通过设计定时器的虚拟设备驱动程序和提高线程的优先级的方法,达到了控制系统的实时性能。  相似文献   

Prototyping Applications to Document Human Experiences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The XINCA-STRES component-based infrastructure can help the developer prototype and build capture-and-access applications by providing abstractions to many of their shared characteristics. It supports live experiences at a higher abstraction level by offering metadata-enhanced components that support the preparation, capture, and review of information associated with each experience.  相似文献   

Guest Editors' Introduction: Rapid Prototyping for Ubiquitous Computing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This issue's articles represent some of the best recent advances in applying rapid prototyping to ubiquitous systems development.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于网络化的快速成型工艺选择决策支持系统.针对该决策问题中多方案、多目标的特点,建立了指标体系,提出了使用最小加权均方差法实现多目标优化.为考虑零件几何特征对工艺指标的影响,建立了表达零件几何特征映射关系的产生式规则库,并用数据库管理系统实现对数据库和知识库的统一管理和维护.本文设计和实现了该系统的网络结构和功能,通过Web平台将用户、专家和服务中心联结起来,并论述了其中所采用的网络技术.通过一个应用实例说明了优化算法和系统的运作过程.  相似文献   

User interface adaptation has been proposed in recent years as a means to achieve personalized accessibility and usability of user interfaces. Related user interface architectures, as well as a variety of related development method and tools, have also been elaborated. Admittedly, however, despite the recognized validity of the approach, which has been proved in practice in a series of prototype systems, the wider adoption and uptake of user interface adaptation approaches are still limited. One of the identified obstacles is the complexity intrinsic in designing such interfaces and the need of radically revising the current user interface design practice to account for (a) the alternative designs required for adaptation, (b) the parameters involved in driving adaptations (i.e., selecting among alternatives at a given point during interaction), and (c) the logic of adaptation at runtime. This article proposes a twofold tool-based support strategy for user interface adaptation development, based on (a) an adaptation development toolkit and related widget library, which directly embeds lexical level adaptations into common interactive widgets, and (b) embedding such a library in a common integrated development environment, thus allowing designers to define and view alternative adaptations at design time and create adaptable user interfaces through traditional prototyping. The aforementioned approach has been implemented in the domain of adaptable applications for older users, producing tools that are currently in use in the development of a large suite of interactive applications in various domains. The approach presented in this article is claimed to be the first and so far unique supporting rapid prototyping of adaptable user interfaces, thus minimizing the divergence between typical development practices and user interface adaptation development.  相似文献   

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