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Asplenia syndrome in conjoined twins: a case report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Incomplete fission of the primordial cell mass is generally believed to be the cause of conjoined twinning. It may also explain the tendency towards increased symmetry in these twins. We report a case of the rostral duplication type of conjoined twins with an absence of symmetry; one twin had the asplenia syndrome, whereas the other twin was normal. Local environmental factors acting upon the organ anlage may explain the asymmetric development in these conjoined twins.  相似文献   

HS Lai  PH Lee  SH Chu  MT Chen  TW Lin  YC Duh  WJ Chen 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,40(2):139, 141-139, 142
Premature xipho-omphalopagus conjoined twins were successfully separated at 7 days of age. The total body weight of the twins before separation was 3502 g. One twin had persistent patent ductus arteriosus and signs of cardiac failure at 4 days of age. This was managed with indomethacin. Thirty-six hours later the second twin became anuric, necessitating early emergency separation. The twins were joined from the lower sternum to the infraumbilical area. The liver was fused, but there was no major vascular connection. There were no other major anomalies. The babies stood the procedure well and were healthy at follow-up 8 months after separation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine two components of psychological well-being--life satisfaction and affective well-being--in community-dwelling elderly with (n = 321) and without chronic headache (n = 4955). METHODS: A checklist of chronic medical conditions was used to determine whether respondents were suffering from headache. Cantril's ladder was employed to measure life satisfaction. The subscale, Mental Health, from the MOS SF-20 was used to assess affective well-being. RESULTS: Headache sufferers reported lower life satisfaction as well as lower affective well-being. However, the difference in life satisfaction between the two groups disappeared after controlling for comorbidity. The difference in affective well-being disappeared after controlling for neuroticism. CONCLUSIONS: Lower life satisfaction in patients with chronic headache is caused by more comorbid diseases in the headache group. Lower affective well-being in headache sufferers is due to higher levels of neuroticism in the headache group.  相似文献   

Embryoscopic diagnosis of conjoined twins presenting with a missed abortion has never been reported. The morphological and pathological examinations, and the exact time of death in the conceptus of a missed abortion are seldom clearly delineated. The newly developed field of embryoscopy has created a new frontier in early embryonic/fetal visualization and is able to confirm the sonographic diagnosis. In this report, we used a transcervical endoscope to verify conjoined twins (thoraco-omphalopagus) in a 10-week missed abortion. Based on the size and the external features of the dead embryo, which exhibited developmental arrest at nine weeks and three days of menstrual age, we estimated that the embryo had died four days before examination. The whole procedure proceeded smoothly without any immediate complications.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence and development of an acardiac monster is a rare event. Even more rare are conjoined acardiac, acephalic twins complicating a triplet pregnancy with TRAP sequence. The mortality for the acardius is 100%, and morbidity for the normal, pump fetus is 50%. The morbidity of the pump twin or triplet is attributed mostly to in utero congestive heart failure. CASE: A 24-year-old woman, gravida 1, para 0, at 35 weeks' intrauterine pregnancy, gave birth via low transverse cesarean section to a normal female and a pair of conjoined, acardiac, acephalic, pelvipagus twins. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of acardius in multiple gestation pregnancy, with no fetal heart tone on ultrasound, must be ruled out in every case so that proper counseling, management and avoidance of complications in these patients can be achieved.  相似文献   

Conjoined twinning is a rare obstetric event that has fascinated physicians and laypersons alike for centuries. When this event occurs, early diagnosis, close prenatal management, and the proper route of delivery will assure the best possible outcome for mother and affected infants. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used both as an ancillary technique to the sonography for the antepartum diagnosis and in the preoperative planning for the surgical separation of conjoined twins. This report describes the MRI findings in conjoined twins of the thoraco-omphalopagus symmetricus type, a condition incompatible with extrauterine life. The twins were delivered at 21 weeks gestation. The MRI was used to evaluate the anatomic nature of the internal anomalies. These findings were then used to develop an autopsy approach plan that preserved the external phenotype. After dissection, the specimen was preserved by using polyethylene glycol and ultimately prepared for use as a teaching specimen.  相似文献   

The authors report the successful delivery, preoperative management, and postoperative courses of ischiopagus tripus twin girls successfully separated at 5 months of age. Surgical objectives were predicated on survival and optimum postseparation reconstructive potential for both girls. Each twin has subsequently undergone additional procedures, and both are doing well 2 years after separation. The authors reviewed 17 known cases of ischiopagus tripus separation, comparing anatomic findings, use of the tripus limb, operative strategies, and attainment of abdominal closure. This 18th case includes the first report of splitting the tripus limb and giving each girl a femur. The authors found that detailed systemic investigation, advanced coordinated teamwork with appropriate technical support, applications of new technologies or reapplication of existing technologies, meticulous planning, and favorable anatomy were vital in yielding favorable outcomes.  相似文献   

A patient developed Candida albicans endocarditis and fungemia after undergoing aortic valve replacement with an allograft. The allograft had been found during tissue bank processing to be contaminated with C. albicans, but it was culture-negative for C. albicans after routine disinfection with an antifungal-containing antimicrobial solution. Comparison of the preimplantation and postimplantation C. albicans isolates revealed remarkable genetic similarity, but antifungal susceptibility testing showed that the postimplantation isolate was more resistant to fluconazole and amphotericin B than the preimplantation isolate, suggesting emergence of resistance after disinfection. Implantation of a contaminated heart valve allograft can occur despite disinfection during processing and can result in endocarditis in the recipient. Antimicrobial disinfection protocols that include antifungal drugs may be ineffective. Current U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations do not require companies to specify details concerning allograft processing. Additional measures may be required to prevent tissue bank release of allografts contaminated with C. albicans or other pathogens.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Elevated arterial lactate concentrations in patients with sepsis have been interpreted as evidence of peripheral, nonpulmonary tissue hypoxia. These patients often develop pulmonary failure manifested by the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). As the result of tissue hypoxia or inflammation, the lungs of patients with sepsis and ARDS may become a source of lactate release into the circulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pulmonary lactate release was measured in 19 patients with sepsis, arterial lactate > or = 2.2 mm, and gastric mucosal pH > 7.30. A normal gastric mucosal pH served as a marker of adequate splanchnic oxygenation. Pulmonary lactate release was computed as the product of the cardiac index and the difference in plasma L-lactate concentration in simultaneously obtained arterial and mixed venous blood samples. Lung injury was graded with the Lung Injury Score using radiographic and physiologic data. RESULTS: The lungs of patients with minimal or no lung injury (lung injury score <1) produced significantly less lactate than those with moderate or severe lung injury (lung injury score > or = 1) (P < .005). The Lung Injury Score correlated with pulmonary lactate release (r2 = .73; P < .0001). This relationship resulted primarily from increases in mixed venous-arterial lactate differences (r2 = .59). The Lung Injury Score correlated weakly with the cardiac index (r2 = .32). Arterial lactate concentration did not correlate with pulmonary lactate release, systemic oxygen transport, or systemic oxygen consumption. CONCLUSIONS: The lungs of patients with sepsis and ARDS may produce lactate. Pulmonary lactate release correlates with the severity of lung injury. The contribution of pulmonary lactate release should be considered when interpreting arterial lactate concentration as an index of systemic hypoxia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection plays a central role in the pathogenesis of mixed cryoglobulinemia through molecular mechanisms which remain to be elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of antibody responses to HCV in the pathogenesis of cryoglobulinemia through characterization of the anti-HCV specificity and immunochemical characteristics of the immunoglobulins involved in cryoprecipitation. METHODS: Sera from 50 consecutive patients with chronic HCV infection (RNA positive) were screened for the presence of cryoglobulins. The two major components of cryoprecipitates, IgM rheumatoid factors and IgG, were separated by high performance liquid chromatography and analyzed for immunochemical composition by immunoblotting and antibody specificity by ELISA and immunoblotting using recombinant HCV proteins and synthetic peptides as antigens. RESULTS: Cryoprecipitates were observed in 27 patients and characterized by immunofixation: 13 (48%) were classified as type II and 14 (52%) as type III. Monoclonal immunoglobulins were detected by immunoblotting in 20 cryoprecipitates: IgM in 14 samples and IgG in 14, with a clear preponderance of IgG3 (12/14). Specificity studies on sera and purified IgM and IgG fractions from cryoprecipitates revealed enrichment in cryoglobulins, predominantly polyclonal IgG1, reactive with the HCV structural proteins, whereas specificities for nonstructural viral proteins were relatively less represented compared to whole serum. No restricted pattern of fine specificity was observed. IgG3 subclass was apparently not involved in HCV nucleoprotein binding. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings do not support a direct link between monoclonal cryoglobulins and immune response to HCV According to the proposed pathogenetic model, HCV infection can induce the formation of cryoprecipitable rheumatoid factors, sustain their production, and eventually lead to monoclonal B-cell expansion through several cooperative mechanisms.  相似文献   

Inadequate knowledge of pathogenesis and pathophysiology has contributed to the high mortality and morbidity associated with neonatal Escherichia coli meningitis. We have shown previously that outer membrane protein A (OmpA) contributes to E. coli K1 membrane invasion of brain microvascular endothelial cells. In this study we report that this OmpA+ K1 E. coli invasion of brain microvascular endothelial cells was inhibited by wheat germ agglutinin and chitooligomers prepared from the polymer of 1,4-linked GlcNAc, chitin. The specificity of the interaction between OmpA and GlcNAc beta 1-4GlcNAc epitopes was verified by the demonstration that chitotriose-bound OmpA and wheat germ agglutinin-bound brain microvascular endothelial cell membrane proteins inhibit E. coli K1 invasion. Of interest, OmpA+ E. coli invasion into systemic endothelial cells did not occur, but invasion similar to that of brain microvascular endothelial cells was observed when systemic cells were treated with alpha-fucosidase, suggesting that the GlcNAc beta 1-4GlcNAc moieties might be substituted with L-fucose on these cells. More importantly, the chitooligomers prevented entry of E. coli K1 into the cerebrospinal fluid of newborn rats with experimental hematogenous E. coli meningitis, suggesting that the GlcNAc beta 1-4GlcNAc epitope of brain microvascular endothelial cells indeed mediates the traversal of E. coli K1 across the blood-brain barrier. A novel strategy with the use of soluble receptor analog(s) may be feasible in the prevention of devastating neonatal E. coli meningitis.  相似文献   

Contemporary peacekeepers frequently confront complex stressors including the need to directly enforce peace between warring factions, to deliver humanitarian aid in the midst of political-social devastation, and to balance shifting rules of engagement. As such, it is proposed that participants may be at increased risk for the development of psychiatric distress. The present study examined the types of stressors encountered by 3,461 peacekeepers in Somalia, their current psychiatric functioning as measured by the Brief Symptom Inventory, and the relationship between exposure to various stressors and adjustment. Over one third of participants met criteria for psychiatric caseness. The most commonly reported symptoms included hostility, psychoticism, depression, and paranoid ideation. The best predictors of current functioning were found to be exposure to traditional war-zone-related stressors and general military pride and cohesion. These findings highlight the mental health consequences that service in a peacekeeping mission may have for United States solidiers. Further research is needed to investigate potential mechanisms that could serve as buffers to the stress associated with peacekeeping service.  相似文献   

The Multiple-Trait Gibbs Sampler for Animal Models programs were extended to allow analysis of ordered categorical data using a Bayesian threshold model. The algorithm is based on data augmentation, where a value on the unobserved underlying normally distributed variable (liability) is generated in each round of iteration for each categorical observation. The programs allow analysis of several continuous and ordered categorical traits. Categorical traits can have any number of response levels. Models can be different for each trait. The programs were used to analyze twinning and ovulation rates from a herd of cattle selected for twinning rate at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center. Data included number of calves born at each parturition for the lifetime of a cow and number of eggs ovulated for several estrous cycles before first breeding as heifers. A total of 6,411 calvings was recorded for 2,087 cows with 83.2% single and 16.8% multiple births. A total of 19,849 ovulations was recorded for 2,332 heifers with 85.2% single and 14.8% multiple ovulations. Mean posterior estimates of heritability and fraction of variance accounted for by permanent environmental effects (PE) were .128 and .103 for twinning rate and .168 and .079 for ovulation rate. Mean posterior estimate of genetic correlation was .808, and correlation of PE effects was .517. Use of a threshold model could allow for more rapid genetic improvement of the twinning herd through improved identification and selection of genetically superior animals because of higher heritability on the underlying scale.  相似文献   

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