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Luc Jaulin 《Computing》2012,94(2-4):297-311
In this paper, we consider the resolution of constraint satisfaction problems in the case where the variables of the problem are subsets of ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$ . In order to use a constraint propagation approach, we introduce set intervals (named i-sets), which are sets of subsets of ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$ with a lower bound and an upper bound with respect to the inclusion. Then, we propose basic operations for i-sets. This makes possible to build contractors that are then used by the propagation to solve problem involving sets as unknown variables. In order to illustrate the principle and the efficiency of the approach, a testcase is provided.  相似文献   

We make a number of contributions to the study of the Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problem (QCSP). The QCSP is an extension of the constraint satisfaction problem that can be used to model combinatorial problems containing contingency or uncertainty. It allows for universally quantified variables that can model uncertain actions and events, such as the unknown weather for a future party, or an opponent's next move in a game. In this paper we report significant contributions to two very different methods for solving QCSPs. The first approach is to implement special purpose algorithms for QCSPs; and the second is to encode QCSPs as Quantified Boolean Formulas and then use specialized QBF solvers. The discovery of particularly effective encodings influenced the design of more effective algorithms: by analyzing the properties of these encodings, we identify the features in QBF solvers responsible for their efficiency. This enables us to devise analogues of these features in QCSPs, and implement them in special purpose algorithms, yielding an effective special purpose solver, QCSP-Solve. Experiments show that this solver and a highly optimized QBF encoding are several orders of magnitude more efficient than the initially developed algorithms. A final, but significant, contribution is the identification of flaws in simple methods of generating random QCSP instances, and a means of generating instances which are not known to be flawed.  相似文献   

We combine the concept of evolutionary search with the systematic search concepts of arc revision and hill climbing to form a hybrid system that quickly finds solutions to static and dynamic constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). Furthermore, we present the results of two experiments. In the first experiment, we show that our evolutionary hybrid outperforms a well-known hill climber, the iterative descent method (IDM), on a test suite of 750 randomly generated static CSPs. These results show the existence of a “mushy region” which contains a phase transition between CSPs that are based on constraint networks that have one or more solutions and those based on networks that have no solution. In the second experiment, we use a test suite of 250 additional randomly generated CSPs to compare two approaches for solving CSPs. In the first method, all the constraints of a CSP are known by the hybrid at run-time. We refer to this method as the static method for solving CSPs. In the second method, only half of the constraints of a CSPs are known at run-time. Each time that our hybrid system discovers a solution that satisfies all of the constraints of the current network, one additional constraint is added. This process of incrementally adding constraints is continued until all the constraints of a CSP are known by the algorithm or until the maximum number of individuals has been created. We refer to this second method as the dynamic method for solving CSPs. Our results show hybrid evolutionary search performs exceptionally well in the presence of dynamic (incremental) constraints, then also illuminate a potential hazard with solving dynamic CSPs  相似文献   

Solving a quantified constraint satisfaction problem (QCSP) is usually a hard task due to its computational complexity. Exact algorithms play an important role in solving this problem, among which backtrack algorithms are effective. In a backtrack algorithm, an important step is assigning a variable by a chosen value when exploiting a branch, and thus a good value selection rule may speed up greatly. In this paper, we propose two value selection rules for existentially and universally quantified variables, respectively, to avoid unnecessary searching. The rule for universally quantified variables is prior to trying failure values in previous branches, and the rule for existentially quantified variables selects the promising values first. Two rules are integrated into the state-of-the-art QCSP solver, i.e., QCSPSolve, which is an exact solver based on backtracking. We perform a number of experiments to evaluate improvements brought by our rules. From computational results, we can conclude that the new value selection rules speed up the solver by 5 times on average and 30 times at most. We also show both rules perform well particularly on instances with existentially and universally quantified variables occurring alternatively.  相似文献   

The solution of constrained satisfaction and constrained optimization problems using a Hopfield model requires determination of the values of a certain number of coefficients linked to the surrounding conditions of the problem. It is quite difficult to determine these values, mainly because a heuristic search is necessary. This is not only time-consuming but may lead to solutions that are far from optimal, or even nonvalid ones. So far, there have been no works in literature offering a general method for the search for coefficents with will guarantee optimal or close to optimal solutions. This paper proposes a fuzzy approach which allows automatic determination of Hopfield coefficients.  相似文献   

李飞龙  赵春艳  范如梦 《计算机应用》2019,39(12):3584-3589
为了求解具有增长取值域的随机约束满足问题(CSP),提出了一种基于禁忌搜索并与模拟退火相结合的算法。首先,利用禁忌搜索得到一组启发式的初始赋值,即由一个随机初始化的可行解通过邻域构造一组候选解,再利用禁忌表使候选解向最小化目标函数值的方向移动;如果得到的最优赋值不是问题的解,就把它作为启发式的初始赋值,再执行模拟退火对这组赋值进行修正直到得到全局最优解。数值实验结果表明,所提算法在接近问题的理论相变阈值时仍然能有效地找到问题的解,与其他局部搜索算法相比,表现出了显著的优越性,可用于随机CSP的算法设计。  相似文献   

First-order logic provides a convenient formalism for describing a wide variety of verification conditions. Two main approaches to checking such conditions are pure first-order automated theorem proving (ATP) and automated theorem proving based on satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). Traditional ATP systems are designed to handle quantifiers easily, but often have difficulty reasoning with respect to theories. SMT systems, on the other hand, have built-in support for many useful theories, but have a much more difficult time with quantifiers. One clue on how to get the best of both worlds can be found in the legacy system Simplify which combines built-in theory reasoning with quantifier instantiation heuristics. Inspired by Simplify and motivated by a desire to provide a competitive alternative to ATP systems, this paper describes a methodology for reasoning about quantifiers in SMT systems. We present the methodology in the context of the Abstract DPLL Modulo Theories framework. Besides adapting many of Simplify’s techniques, we also introduce a number of new heuristics. Most important is the notion of instantiation level which provides an effective mechanism for prioritizing and managing the large search space inherent in quantifier instantiation techniques. These techniques have been implemented in the SMT system CVC3. Experimental results show that our methodology enables CVC3 to solve a significant number of quantified benchmarks that were not solvable with previous approaches.  相似文献   

We introduce WSimply, a new framework for modelling and solving Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problems (WCSP) using Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) technology. In contrast to other well-known approaches designed for extensional representation of goods or no-goods, and with few declarative facilities, our approach aims to follow an intensional and declarative syntax style. In addition, our language has built-in support for some meta-constraints, such as priority and homogeneity, which allows the user to easily specify rich requirements on the desired solutions, such as preferences and fairness. We propose two alternative strategies for solving these WCSP instances using SMT. The first is the reformulation into Weighted SMT (WSMT) and the application of satisfiability test based algorithms from recent contributions in the Weighted Maximum Satisfiability field. The second one is the reformulation into an operation research-like style which involves an optimisation variable or objective function and the application of optimisation SMT solvers. We present experimental results of two well-known problems: the Nurse Rostering Problem (NRP) and a variant of the Balanced Academic Curriculum Problem (BACP), and provide some insights into the impact of the addition of meta-constraints on the quality of the solutions and the solving time.  相似文献   

We describe a simple CSP formalism for handling multi-attribute preference problems with hard constraints, one that combines hard constraints and preferences so the two are easily distinguished conceptually and for purposes of problem solving. Preferences are represented as a lexicographic order over complete assignments based on variable importance and rankings of values in each domain. Feasibility constraints are treated in the usual manner. Since the preference representation is ordinal in character, these problems can be solved with algorithms that do not require evaluations to be represented explicitly. This includes ordinary CSP algorithms, although these cannot stop searching until all solutions have been checked, with the important exception of heuristics that follow the preference order (lexical variable and value ordering). We describe relations between lexicographic CSPs and more general soft constraint formalisms and show how a full lexicographic ordering can be expressed in the latter. We discuss relations with (T)CP-nets, highlighting the advantages of the present formulation, and we discuss the use of lexicographic ordering in multiobjective optimisation. We also consider strengths and limitations of this form of representation with respect to expressiveness and usability. We then show how the simple structure of lexicographic CSPs can support specialised algorithms: a branch and bound algorithm with an implicit cost function, and an iterative algorithm that obtains optimal values for successive variables in the importance ordering, both of which can be combined with appropriate variable ordering heuristics to improve performance. We show experimentally that with these procedures a variety of problems can be solved efficiently, including some for which the basic lexically ordered search is infeasible in practice.  相似文献   

The subgraph isomorphism problem consists in deciding if there exists a copy of a pattern graph in a target graph. We introduce in this paper a global constraint and an associated filtering algorithm to solve this problem within the context of constraint programming. The main idea of the filtering algorithm is to label every node with respect to its relationships with other nodes of the graph, and to define a partial order on these labels in order to express compatibility of labels for subgraph isomorphism. This partial order over labels is used to filter domains. Labelings can also be strengthened by adding information from the labels of neighbors. Such a strengthening can be applied iteratively until a fixpoint is reached. Practical experiments illustrate that our new filtering approach is more effective on difficult instances of scale free graphs than state-of-the-art algorithms and other constraint programming approaches.  相似文献   

Constraint Programming (CP) allows to model and solve combinatory problems by specifying some partial information on variables, unknowns of the problem. We have studied musical constraint problems, either stated by contemporary composers, or of musical analysis, or instrumentation, in collaboration with IRCAM (french Institute for Research and Coordination Acoustics / Music). Fourteen such problems have been modeled and solved, which allowed to give a detailed typology. This has been used to conceive and implement OMClouds, a library in the Computer Assisted Composition environment OpenMusic. It is based on a local search algorithm called adaptive search. Its architecture allows in particular to define a constraint problem visually, to solve it, and eventually to edit partial or approached results during the resolution process.  相似文献   

The Semiring Constraint Satisfaction Problem (SCSP) framework is a popular approach for the representation of partial constraint satisfaction problems. In this framework preferences can be associated with tuples of values of the variable domains. Bistarelli et al. [S. Bistarelli, U. Montanari, F. Rossi, Semiring-based constraint solving and optimization, Journal of the ACM 44 (2) (1997) 201-236] defines a maximal solution to a SCSP as the best set of solution tuples for the variables in the problem. Sometimes this maximal solution may not be good enough, and in this case we want to change the constraints so that we solve a problem that is slightly different from the original problem but has an acceptable solution. We propose a relaxation of a SCSP, and use a semiring to give a measure of the difference between the original SCSP and the relaxed SCSP. We introduce a relaxation scheme but do not address the computational aspects.  相似文献   

This paper considers a generic approach to runtime verification of temporal properties over first-order theories. This allows especially for the verification of multi-threaded, object-oriented systems. It presents a general framework lifting monitor synthesis procedures for propositional temporal logics to a temporal logic over structures within some first-order theory. To evaluate such specifications SMT solving and classical monitoring of propositional temporal properties are combined. The monitoring procedure was implemented for linear-time temporal logic based on the Z3 SMT solver and evaluated regarding runtime performance.  相似文献   

In early phases of designing complex systems, models are not sufficiently detailed to serve as an input for automated synthesis tools. Instead, a design space is constituted by multiple models representing different valid design candidates. Design space exploration aims at searching through these candidates defined in the design space to find solutions that satisfy the structural and numeric design constraints and provide a balanced choice with respect to various quality metrics. Design space exploration in an model-driven engineering (MDE) context is frequently tackled as specific sort of constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). In CSP, declarative constraints capture restrictions over variables with finite domains where both the number of variables and their domains are required to be a priori finite. However, the existing formulation of constraint satisfaction problems can be too restrictive to capture design space exploration in many MDE applications with complex structural constraints expressed over the underlying models. In this paper, we interpret flexible and dynamic constraint satisfaction problems directly in the context of models. These extensions allow the relaxation of constraints during a solving process and address problems that are subject to change and require incremental re-evaluation. Furthermore, we present our prototype constraint solver for the domain of graph models built upon the Viatra2 model transformation framework and provide an evaluation of its performance with comparison to related tools.  相似文献   

Backjump-based backtracking for constraint satisfaction problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of backtracking algorithms for solving finite-domain constraint satisfaction problems can be improved substantially by look-back and look-ahead methods. Look-back techniques extract information by analyzing failing search paths that are terminated by dead-ends. Look-ahead techniques use constraint propagation algorithms to avoid such dead-ends altogether. This paper describes a number of look-back variants including backjumping and constraint recording which recognize and avoid some unnecessary explorations of the search space. The last portion of the paper gives an overview of look-ahead methods such as forward checking and dynamic variable ordering, and discusses their combination with backjumping.  相似文献   

Argumentation is a promising approach for defeasible reasoning. It consists of justifying each plausible conclusion by arguments. Since the available information may be inconsistent, a conclusion and its negation may both be justified. The arguments are thus said to be conflicting. The main issue is how to evaluate the arguments. Several semantics were proposed for that purpose. The most important ones are: stable, preferred, complete, grounded and admissible. A semantics is a set of criteria that should be satisfied by a set of arguments, called extension, in order to be acceptable. Different decision problems related to these semantics were defined (like whether an argumentation framework has a stable extension). It was also shown that most of these problems are intractable. Consequently, developing algorithms for these problems is not trivial and thus the implementation of argumentation systems not obvious. Recently, some solutions to this problem were found. The idea is to use a reduction method where a given problem is translated in another one like SAT or ASP. This paper follows this line of research. It studies how to encode the problem of computing the extensions of an argumentation framework (under each of the previous semantics) as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). Such encoding is of great importance since it makes it possible to use the very efficient solvers (developed by the CSP community) for computing the extensions. Our encodings take advantage of existing reductions to SAT problems in the case of Dung’s abstract framework. Among the various ways of translating a SAT problem into a CSP one, we propose the most appropriate one in the argumentation context. We also provide encodings in case two other families of argumentation frameworks: the constrained version of Dung’s abstract framework and preference-based argumentation framework.  相似文献   

Ants can solve constraint satisfaction problems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We describe a novel incomplete approach for solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) based on the ant colony optimization (ACO) metaheuristic. The idea is to use artificial ants to keep track of promising areas of the search space by laying trails of pheromone. This pheromone information is used to guide the search, as a heuristic for choosing values to be assigned to variables. We first describe the basic ACO algorithm for solving CSPs and we show how it can be improved by combining it with local search techniques. Then, we introduce a preprocessing step, the goal of which is to favor a larger exploration of the search space at a lower cost, and we show that it allows ants to find better solutions faster. Finally, we evaluate our approach on random binary problems  相似文献   

Constraint satisfaction is at the core of many applications, such as scheduling. The study of phase transition has benefited algorithm selection and algorithm development in constraint satisfaction. Recent research provides evidence that constraint graph topology affects where phase transitions occur in constraint satisfaction problems. In this article, a new phase transition predictor which takes constraint graph information into consideration is proposed. The new predictor allows variation in the tightness of individual constraints and node degree variation in constraint graph. Experiments were conducted to study the usefulness of the new predictor on random binary constraint satisfaction problems. Results show that the new predictor is able to produce predictions as good as the state-of-the-art predictor in general, but do considerably better in sparsely constrained problems, particularly when the node degree variation in their constraint graphs is high.  相似文献   

If k = O(log n) and a predicate P is approximation resistant for the reoptimization of the Max-EkCSP-P problem, then, after inserting a truth-value into the predicate and imposing some constraint, there exists a polynomial algorithm with the approximation ratio q(P) = \frac12 - d(P) q(P) = \frac{1}{{2 - d(P)}} , where d(P) = 2 - k| P - 1(1) | d(P) = {2^{ - k}}\left| {{P^{ - 1}}(1)} \right| is a “random” threshold approximation ratio of the predicate P. The ratio q(P) is a threshold approximation ratio.  相似文献   

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