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在差分吸收光谱(DOAS)傅里叶变换(FFT)滤波数据处理中引入频谱校正,针对单组分SO2和NO2气体进行了实验研究,并进行了模拟谱线漂移的实验.结果表明:对于单组分SO2和NO2气体,传统的最小二乘法与校正FFT滤波法均能取得不错的效果,误差在5%以下,但校正FFT滤波法较FFT滤波法的效果更好;在漂移2个波长时校正FFT滤波法的最大误差为3.65%,传统最小二乘法的平均误差为32.80%,前者效果明显优于后者.  相似文献   

差分吸收光谱法(DOAS)应用于固定污染源烟气排放监测时,烟气温度对NO2的紫外可见吸收特性影响较大.在自制的试验台上,对NO2气体在温度30~390℃范围内的差分吸收光谱特性进行了实验研究.结果表明:温度在30~150℃范围内,差分吸收截面随温度的升高呈现跳跃性变化,但其谱线形状不变;温度在150~270℃之间时,温度升高使得差分光谱峰值减小、谷值增大;当温度高于270℃后,差分吸收谱线的精细结构发生明显变化,峰谷数目增多.  相似文献   

利用差分吸收光谱法(DOAS)对SO2气体进行了实验研究,对光谱数据的处理方法、反演波段、反演波长间隔以及240nm以下的紫外光对SO2的光解作用进行了分析.实验结果表明:遗传算法对短光程低浓度气体的浓度反演具有较高精度;不同浓度的SO2气体其最小误差所对应的反演波段是不同的,通过寻优可以大幅度提高浓度反演精度和DOAS方法的测量上限.而反演波长间隔大于15 nm后,浓度反演误差基本不变.  相似文献   

水电系统规划是一个庞大、动态、随机、相互关联的非线性优化问题,在这个模型中,最小化的热互补作为目标函数,水电厂在每个周期的泄水量作为决策变量,遗传算法和差分进化算法这2个适应性进化算法的提出解决了这些问题.这些方法在既定情况下考虑了一整套解决方案,该方案允许在一定的探索空间里找到更加高效的解决方法作为替代.仿真测试结果与目前使用的方法对比表明,进化法可改善目前的解决方案,也可带来高效替代解决方案.  相似文献   

通过对PDM系统的介绍,阐述了现代企业利用该系统可以实现何种目的,达到何种目标。  相似文献   

介绍了紫外分光光度法测定化学需氧量(COD)的特点与功能,紫外分光光度法测定COD具有投资小、运行费用低、无化学污染、监测快速、操作简便等优点。并介绍了紫外分光光度法COD测定仪在广东阳西电厂污染源监测系统中的应用,通过与pH测定仪、流量计的联合监测,完成当地环保部门对阳西电厂污染总量控制。  相似文献   

基于差分进化算法的水电站短期经济运行研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以水电站运行成本最小为目标,提出了一种用差分进化算法(differential evolution, DE)实现大型水电站最优运行的方法。差分进化算法是一种基于群体的多目标进化算法,通过群体内个体间的合作与竞争产生的群体智能指导优化搜索。将改进的方法应用于水电站经济运行,模型考虑了机组能量特性差异,并能在旋转备用、启停成本、气蚀振动区、机组可用性等约束条件下,制定出电站日内96段最优运行计划。计算表明,该方法避免了动态规划等算法处理多约束、大型优化问题的困难,同时提高了进化算法的精度。  相似文献   

采用改进差分进化算法(IDEA)进行模型参数估计,利用3σ准则和Butterworth滤波器进行脱硫数据的处理,通过决策树分析进行模型输入变量的选择,将选取的最优变量集作为湿法烟气脱硫系统(WFGD)的输入变量,将浆液pH和出口SO_2质量浓度作为WFGD的输出变量,以此建立多输入双输出的传递函数矩阵模型,并利用湿法烟气脱硫系统的历史数据进行辨识。结果表明:与差分进化算法(DEA)相比,IDEA的辨识结果更精确,具有很好的适用性和可拓展性。  相似文献   

针对高尘环境下的烟气浓度测量,提出了采用小波滤波结合遗传算法反演气体浓度的光谱数据处理方法,并对信号噪声比较低的实测光谱数据进行了浓度反演.结果表明:在各种烟尘浓度下,利用该算法都能大幅度减少烟尘颗粒物Mie散射对差分吸收光谱(DOAS)法的影响,气体浓度反演结果接近于真实值,表明该算法具有较高的浓度反演精度和良好的抗粉尘干扰能力,且具有很小的零点误差.  相似文献   

A combined cycle capable of heating and adsorption refrigeration is proposed, and the experimental prototype has been installed. The system consists of a heater, a water bath, an activated carbon–methanol adsorption bed and a ice box. This system has been tested with electric heating, and has been found that with 61 MJ heating, the 120 kg water in the bath can be heated up from 22 to 92 °C meanwhile 9 kg ice of −1.5 °C is made. The calculated COPsystem is 0.0591 and COPcycle is 0.41. After reconstruction to a real hybrid household water heater–refrigerator, when 55 MJ heating is added to 120 kg 21 °C water, and the condensing temperature is controlled at about 30 °C, the result is the 4 kg water contained inside the methanol refrigerant evaporator was iced to −2 °C, the cooling capacity of the ice and the refrigerant in the evaporator will maintain the 100 l cold box for about three days below 5 °C. The experiments show the potentials of the application of the solar powered hybrid water heater and refrigerator. Theoretical simulation has been done, which is in good agreement with experimental results. This research shows that the hybrid solar water heating and ice making is reasonable, and the combined cycle of heating and cooling is meaningful for real applications of adsorption systems.  相似文献   

针对目前光伏发电系统两种主要运行模式所存在的缺陷,提出了带有备用支撑电源的供电系统和基于对地方性负荷功率参数跟踪反馈的控制方法,较好地解决了并网模式和孤岛模式平滑过渡的问题。该供电系统可以运行在并网模式、孤岛模式和两种模式之间的转换过渡过程。文章给出的仿真波形、试验结果与理论分析一致,证明所提出的控制措施是正确的。  相似文献   

智能配电网是电网发展的一个重要趋势,新型配电终端向集中式测控保护方向发展。新型配电终端由于需要测量和控制的线路较多,遥信、遥测、遥控的实现依靠处理器的IO口和自身的AD转换已经力不从心,FPGA技术为这些功能的实现提供了很好的途径,并得到了工程上的大量应用。  相似文献   

为了解决用户负荷需求在时间上的变动和传统冷热电联供(Combine Cooling, Heating & Power, CCHP)系统大部分时间处于非设计工况下运行导致系统的能源利用效率较低的问题,提出了一种耦合压缩空气储能系统(Compressed Air Energy Storage system, CAES)和蓄热装置的新型CCHP系统(CAES based CCHP system,CAES CCHP),建立系统的热力学模型,在给定的充、放电工作条件下对CAES CCHP系统的热力学性能进行分析,并对影响该系统性能的CAES压气机压缩比、透平进气口压力、流经CAES的烟气质量流量3个关键参数进行敏感性分析。研究结果表明:CAES CCHP系统能实现冷热电灵活调控,且系统的CAES功转换效率为57.41%,一次能源利用率、一次节能率及火用效率分别为76.22%,24.84%和31.97%,比传统的CCHP系统分别提高10.97%,18.15%和7.58%。  相似文献   

介绍了太阳能空调技术的研究现状,分析了太阳能溴化锂双效吸收式制冷机的工作原理,提出了采用直通式真空集热管、槽式抛物面聚光机构跟踪和聚焦太阳能加热产生热媒水驱动双效吸收式空调运行的技术构思,并对其结构、工作流程和推广应用进行了研究和展望。  相似文献   

The chromosome model showing system operation pattern is applied to GA (genetic algorithm), and the method of optimization operation planning of energy system is developed. The optimization method of this operation planning was applied to the compound system of methanol‐steam‐reforming‐type fuel cell, geothermal heat pump and the electrolysis tank of water. The operation planning was performed for the energy system using the energy demand pattern of the individual residence of Sapporo city. From analysis results, the amount of outputs of a solar module and the relation of the operation cost of the system, which are changed by the weather were clarified. The representation day in February of the ratio of the operation cost in case of (0% of output rates) the rainy weather to the time of fine weather (100% of output rates) is 1.12. And the representation day in July is 1.71. Furthermore, the optimal capacity of accumulation of electricity and thermal storage was estimated, and they are 308 and 23 MJ, respectively. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the current work, thermodynamic examination for cogeneration of electricity and cooling based on a polymer exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell was carried out. To the waste energy in the fuel cell, an absorption refrigeration unit is employed in two modes with ejector and without ejector. This system includes a PEM-FC, an absorption refrigeration unit, a hydrogen storage tank, an ejector, and an air compressor. The produced thermal energy in the fuel cell is received entirely by a working fluid and is given to the absorption chiller generator. The system simulation was carried out from two perspectives of energy and fuel saving. Findings showed that the energy efficiency of the combined cooling and power (CCP) unit and the CCP system equipped with the ejector (CCP-E) was 63.72% and 78.33%, respectively. It indicated that adding the ejector to the system increases the energy efficiency of the system by 23%. The fuel economy percentages of the CCP system and CCP-E were 44.43% and 45.9%, respectively. The results also showed that adding the ejector in the refrigeration system increases the system performance by up to 44%. The presence of the ejector causes the working fluid flow in the evaporator to increase with the suction of the secondary flow, and the cooling capacity increases significantly. Moreover, with increasing generator and evaporator pressure, the suction ratio of the cooling system equipped with the ejector decreases and increases, respectively.  相似文献   

This study investigates the performance of a combined industrial molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) system, including a turbo expander, which was recently installed by Enbridge Inc. in Toronto, Canada. It entails a comprehensive thermodynamic analysis regarding energy and exergy calculations, subject to varying operating conditions. Furthermore, a simplified and novel method is used for a cost analysis to assess the amortization of the system. The results from the base case study suggest that an overall energy efficiency as high as 60% is achievable while fuel cell stack energy and exergy efficiencies of 50.6% and 49.3%, respectively, are reached. The cost analysis indicates that the amortization of the system may take up to 15 years of operational time, depending on the price of electricity and natural gas. However, carbon offsets may make a paramount contribution to the overall savings and economic viability of future combined MCFC systems.  相似文献   

This paper describes a super-small-scale MHD power system, which can generate 4-10 W pulse power with a plasma produced by explosives or combustion as a working substance. Heat shielding material was made and tested, with the result that the property of electrical insulation is desirable. This power generator can be used as an electrical power source of rocket or missile fuses  相似文献   

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