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Yang Yang, Dang Ruirong and Ren Zhiping. Research on transient electromagnetic method in borehole. PI, 2009,23(3) .1 - 3,7
The fundamental theory of transient electromagnetic method in borehole is researched. The distribution characteristics of transient electromagnetic field in borehole, calculation procedure of apparent conductivity and the method of time-depth conversation are expounded, and loop configuration in the borehole is introduced. These provide theoretical basis for further studying transient electromagnetic systems in borehole.  相似文献   

光阴似箭,岁月蹉跎,转眼间,《石油知识》已经创刊20周年了.到了风华正茂的年龄了.翻看今天的编辑精心,内容精彩,栏目精致,印制精美的大16开本,国内外发行的《石油知识》,让我们这些曾经亲历这个刊物的酝酿、诞生、试刊,创刊到今天全过程的老石油,老作者.老读者们的心绪难平,兴奋不已,也不由地追忆起当年的桩桩往事。  相似文献   

Study on Oil and Gas Pipeline Standards of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Wang Chunhai (Zhongjiao Coal Gas Thermal Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Shenyang, Liaoning, 110026, China) Han Xiaoling (China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd. Southwest Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610041, China) Hao Yuelin (Liaoning Petroleum Industrial Development Co., Ltd., Shenyang, Liaoming, 110000, China) Wu Junfeng (CNPC Southeast Asia Pipeline Co., Ltd., Beijing, 100028, China) Wu Bin (Shanghai Huanqiu Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai, 200032, China) NGO, 2014, 32 (4):01-03 ABSTRACT: Aiming at China petroleum industry standardization field strategic goals during the twelfth five-year plan, we will actively take part in preparation and revision of international standards and advanced technologies in China pipeline industry will be prepared into international standards. For this reason, introduced are preparation procedures of ASME standards and treatment programs of votes and negative votes of draft standards, listed are ASME technology committees and ASME standards closely relative to pipeline industry. Moreover, introduced are some advanced experiences and practices in auto update and information services of ASME standards, analyzed are problems existing in China pipeline industry standard internationalization works and proposed are some suggestions in adoption of ASME standards and participation in preparation of ASME standards.  相似文献   

SUBJECT ON TURKMENISTAN GAS FIELD ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY Application of Top Design in Project Management of Stage II Engineering Design of Gas Field A Liu Youchao, Niu Gang (PetroChina Amu Darya Gas Company, Beijing, 10001 1, China) NGO, 2014, 32 (1): 01-06 ABSTRACT: Conducted is system analysis on Stage II Engineering Design of Gas Field A in Turkmenistan, applied is the top-level design idea to study the business contract module, project definition module and project organization and construction module in the project. Discussed is the mode used for governmental financing loans and providing EPCC services and introduced are methods used for project start- up and planning, avoiding contract disputes, realizing project overall goals and pursuing the largest economic benefits for every party involved in the project. Top-level design lays a solid foundation for efficient propulsion and risk control of the project and provides harmonious inner and outer circumstance. KEYWORDS: Top-level design; Project management; Contract programming; Technical support  相似文献   


Establishment of Coordination Office Platform for Digital Gas Field Based on 2D and 3D GIS Techology Du Yi, Du Tonglin, Bai Junbo, Peng Xiaokang (China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd. Southwest Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610041, China) NGO, 2013, 31 (6):01-03 ABSTRACT: As a core part of gas field operation management system, digital gas field office platform covers important data in gas exploration, development and production process and full usage of these data has a decisive significance to the working platform. In order to make better use of all data in the working platform, 2D and 3D GIS technology can be used together with virtual reality technology and data and GIS elements can be tied to each other to build a digital gas field coordination office platform based on 2D and 3D GIS technology so as to improve the ability of the enterprise information summary, optimize system office environment and realize resources integration, information collection, working coordination and decision assistance. KEYWORDS: Virtual reality; GIS; Digital gas field; Collaborative office  相似文献   





在辞旧迎新的爆竹声中,我们满怀丰收喜悦迎来了虎年的春天,编委会向本刊广大读者致以新春的祝贺,恭祝大家合家平安,万事如意!  相似文献   


值此新年伊始暨“十一五”开始实施之际,《天然气与石油》向广大读者朋友致以新春的问候!  相似文献   

光阴荏苒,转眼我们度过了艰辛的2009年,迎来了充满生机与活力的2010年。在这里,我代表油气井测试公司向多年来给予公司支持、指导、帮助的各级领导和朋友表示诚挚的感谢和衷心的祝愿!  相似文献   

读罢《中国石油石化》2009年第11期的特别策划文章《布阵三年石化兴》一文,掩卷沉思,感觉有许多话要说。  相似文献   

Sinochem Petroleum Exploration & Production Co., Ltd. (SinochemE&P), established in 2002, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinochem Corporation(Sinochem). As a key state- owned enterprise, Sinochem has been named to the list of Fortune Global 500 for 18 consecutive years, ranking the 257th in 2008.  相似文献   

克拉玛依依有名气.克拉玛依是中国成立以业发现的第一个大油田.在那个锣鼓喧天,红旗招展,中国人民团结一心奔向新生活的年代,克拉玛依就像是一个新坐标,因黑油山一号井喷出的原油,因歌唱家吕远的<克拉玛依之歌>,闻名天下.  相似文献   

贵刊今年第18期发表的《遭遇熊市的〈中国牛市〉》是一篇好文章,读后让人乐观,心态平和。  相似文献   

每月的1日和15日是《中国石油石化》出版的日子,也是我期待的日子,犹如期待一个渴望见面的老朋友,不知不觉问成为一种默契,成为一个“约会”。  相似文献   

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