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Ion implanted KNbO3 channel waveguides were annealed at 150°C for several hours. The waveguide losses were considerably reduced at visible and near-infrared wavelengths showing a minimum loss coefficient of 1.7 dB cm-1 at 633 nm. No significant change of the refractive index profile was observed  相似文献   

In this paper variations of structural positions of Fe3+ ions in KNbO3 crystals depending on iron content in growth components have been studied by the ESR method. Crystals of KNbO3 have been grown by the Czochralski method. In addition to finding two EPR spectra published by Siegel we have found two novel types of paramagnetic centers (I, IV) caused by incorporation of iron impurity. One of them is observed at the low concentration of iron impurity. This center (I) has C3V symmetry, S=5/2 and is due to incorporation of Fe3+ ions into the potassium positions of regular lattice. Increasing iron content in growth mixture up to 200 ppm resulted in disappearance of this center and two ESR spectra (II, III) described by Siegel arose. Limited content of (II) and (III) iron-containing defects is due to a restricted solubility of iron in KNbO3 crystal. An increase of iron content in growth mixture over 400 ppm produces new a type of defect—(IV). This center has C3V symmetry, electronic spin S=1/2 and is due to 3d5 electronic state of Fe3+ ion in strong crystalline field. The structural models of observed centers are discussed.  相似文献   

空心圆柱体管道类的声表面波检测是目前工程检测领域常见的问题.通过势函数和位移假设,建立了声表面波在空心圆柱体内传播的频散方程.数值计算结果表明在空心圆柱体内传播的声表面波与平板中传播的兰姆波存在类似,位移表现为对称和反对称模态.随着频率的增加,低阶模态的相速度逐渐趋于声表面波波速,同时空心圆柱体的壁厚对声表面波相速度的...  相似文献   

空心圆柱体管道类的声表面波检测是目前工程检测领域常见的问题.通过势函数和位移假设,建立了声表面波在空心圆柱体内传播的频散方程.数值计算结果表明在空心圆柱体内传播的声表面波与平板中传播的兰姆波存在类似,位移表现为对称和反对称模态.随着频率的增加,低阶模态的相速度逐渐趋于声表面波波速,同时空心圆柱体的壁厚对声表面波相速度的...  相似文献   

Cerenkov-type second-harmonic generation using KNbO3 channel waveguides produced by MeV He+-ion implantation is presented from the viewpoint of device design. We derive the Cerenkov phase-matching condition for multimode waveguides and utilize Cerenkov-angle analysis as a tool for contact-free measurement of the effective indexes of guided modes of ion-implanted KNbO3 channel waveguides at a wavelength of 860 nm. The measured mode indexes are in full agreement with calculations based on the effective-index method and the refractive index-depth profiles of ion-implanted KNbO3 waveguides. The efficiency of Cerenkov-type second-harmonic generation is modeled using analytical approximations of the field distributions of the fundamental and the Cerenkov-radiation modes in embedded-channel waveguides. The acceptance width for Cerenkov-type frequency doubling in these ion-implanted waveguides is about one order of magnitude wider than for noncritical phase-matched second-harmonic generation in bulk KNbO3 crystals. Based on the theoretical simulations, guidelines for optimum device design are given, and the possibility to increase the ultimate conversion efficiency to about 30% W-1 cm-1 through lateral-resonance enhancement of the second-harmonic field in KNbO3 channel waveguides is demonstrated  相似文献   

The surface acoustic waves (SAWs) technique is becoming an attractive tool for accurately and nondestructively characterizing the mechanical property of the fragile low dielectric constant (low-k) thin film used in the advanced ULSI multi-layer interconnects. The dispersion features of SAWs propagating on the layered structure of low-k/SiO2/Si substrate and low-k/Cu/Si substrate are investigated in detail. The influence of the film thickness on the dispersion curvature is provided as an instruction for an accurate and facile fitting process. Numerical results indicate that the mechanical property of low-k films is expected to determine effectively when the broadband frequency is up to 300 MHz.  相似文献   

We performed the first-principles calculation to investigate the electronic structure and polarization behaviors in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 (PST) superlattices. The DOS (density of state) profiles show that there are strong hybridizations of atom Ti–O and Pb–O which play very important roles on ferroelectricity of the PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices. Comparing to the corresponding paraelectric phase, we find the electrons of the PT (PbTiO3) layers occupy lower energy states and electrons of the ST (SrTiO3) layer occupy higher energy states. It is shown that the polarizations of the superlattices decrease with proportion of SrTiO3 increasing. The constant polarization of local layer indicates that PST superlattices with small modulation lengthen can be approximately considered as a single ferroelectric material. Furthermore, according to electrostatic model, we find that directions of internal electric fields in PT and ST layers are opposite. In PST superlattices, internal electric field in PT layer leads to the loss of polarization of this layer, but the polarization of ST layer is induced by internal electric field of this layer. Compared to the value of the polarization in bulk PbTiO3, polarization of PST is smaller.  相似文献   

光学限制器是光学系统的保护装置,其保护特性 是由光限制材料与光强或功率有关 的光学非线性效应所产生的,其中光折变晶体中的光感生散射便为该效应之一,多年来受到 世界研究者的广泛研究和关注。对于这类光感生散射,有人提出它是由晶体的表面和体散射 产生的,研究使用的晶体为 LiNbO3:Fe、LiTaO3、BaTiO3,并使用固定的晶体样品和 聚焦透 镜间距。为了进一步探索该散射的产生机理,本文研究了掺铁铌酸钾晶体在激光照射下产生 的光感生各向异性散射特性,利用Z扫描技术测量了该晶体中的 光感生折射率变化,并对晶 体中光散射形成的光学限制特性进行了研究。分析表明该各向异性散射主要是由掺铁铌酸钾 晶体中光感生的柱面透镜效应所导致的。利用光折变晶体中光感生光散射效应的光学限制器 ,一方面可以通过改变晶体尺寸、透镜焦距、小孔光阑大小等来调整其性质,另一方面因其 利用的是低功率连续波激光进行工作,所以能够承受更大的功率和更长的寿命。  相似文献   

We present a theoretical and experimental analysis of a diode-pumped Yb3+-doped Ca4GdO(BO3)3 (Yb:GdCOB) laser. A new model for a diode-pumped quasi-three-level laser is described. The effects of absorption saturation, temperature profile, and the beam quality M2 factor of the pump diode have been taken into account, for the first time to our knowledge. We have obtained a good agreement between experimental measurements and theoretical calculations with two different pump wavelengths, 902 and 976 nm. Our model has given good predictions of the laser performances for different crystal temperatures and different M2 factors of the pump beam. As much as 440 mW of output power (at 1082 nm) have been achieved for 640 mW of absorbed pump power at 976 nm, corresponding to one of the highest slope efficiencies (81%) ever obtained with Yb-doped lasers  相似文献   

采用扫描电声显微镜(SEAM)和电子背散射衍射(EBSD)对异质外延在Al2O3衬底上GaN界面区域成像测试分析。异质外延失配应力导致在Al2O3和GaN界面附近的微区晶格畸变在SEAM的声成像中可以清楚看到,而且受应力影响集中区域的微区衬度差异明显。利用EBSD色带图及质量参数分析了失配应力变化,晶格应变和弹性形变在200nm内可以得到释放。  相似文献   

Photoconductivity study of a semiconductor using the SAW convolver is presented. The semiconductor is placed either on or a small distance above the SAW delay line. A fast rise time pulse of light is applied to the semiconductor surface through the piezoelectric substrate, and the resulting change in the semiconductor conductance is observed by the relaxation of the SAW propagation loss. This technique has the important advantage that no ohmic contact to the semiconductor is needed.  相似文献   

以钛酸丁酯和乙酸钡为起始原料,采用液相法制备了纳米钛酸钡。研究了纳米钛酸钡和碳酸锰的掺杂对普通亚微米级钛酸钡的形貌及介电性能的影响。结果表明,在普通钛酸钡中加入一定量的纳米钛酸钡可以促进晶粒的生长,同时提高陶瓷的介电常数。而在普通钛酸钡中加入一定量的碳酸锰则可以抑制晶粒的生长。但同时添加碳酸锰和纳米钛酸钡,碳酸锰对晶粒生长的抑制作用将居于主导地位,并且此时钛酸钡陶瓷的介电常数温度特性曲线与单独添加锰离子时的走势基本相同,室温附近的介电常数峰将由于钛酸钡陶瓷的细晶效应而弥散。  相似文献   

Implantation of Co or Mn into single-crystal BaTiO3(K), SrTiO3 or KTaO3(Ca), followed by annealing at 700 °C, produced ferromagnetic behavior over a broad range of transition metal concentrations. For BaTiO3, both Co and Mn implantation produced magnetic ordering temperatures near 300 K with coercivities 70 Oe. The MT plots showed either a near-linear decrease of magnetization with increasing temperature for Co and a non-Brillouin shaped curve for Mn. No secondary phases were detected by high-resolution X-ray diffraction. The same basic trends were observed for both SrTiO3 and KTaO3, with the exception that at high Mn concentrations (5 at.%) the SrTiO3 was no longer ferromagnetic. Our results are consistent with recent reports of room temperature ferromagnetism in other perovskite systems (e.g. LaBaMnO3) and theoretical predictions for transition metal doping of BaTiO3 [Nakayama et al., Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 40 (2001) L1355].  相似文献   

潘其坤  陈飞  石宁宁  李殿军  谢冀江  何洋  郭劲 《红外与激光工程》2017,46(7):705002-0705002(5)
采用旋转光栅法实现了声光调Q CO2激光器可调谐脉冲激光输出。理论分析了CO2激光波长调谐特性,发现调节各支谱线腔内损耗是实现激光波长调谐的有效方法。进而理论计算了特定设计波长闪耀光栅的衍射效率与激光波长间的关系,结果显示光栅调谐的激光谱线自准直角与光栅闪耀角一致时具有最高的衍射效率。采用闪耀角分别为31.97(闪耀波长10.59 m)和28.71(闪耀波长9.60 m)的光栅实验研究了声光调Q CO2激光器波长调谐特性,分别获得了65条和75条激光谱线。实验结果显示:光栅设计闪耀波长处于弱激光增益分支时可获得更多条激光谱线,该实验与理论计算结果相符。在脉冲重复频率为1 kHz时,获得10.59 m激光脉冲宽度为160 ns,平均功率4.2 W,脉冲峰值功率26.25 kW,且稳定性良好。  相似文献   

Our theoretical findings demonstrate for the first time a possibility of band-gap engineering of monolayer MoS2 crystals by oxygen and the presence of vacancies. Oxygen atoms are revealed to substitute sulfur ones, forming stable MoS2-xOx ternary compounds, or adsorb on top of the sulfur atoms. The substituting oxygen provides a decrease of the band gap from 1.86 to 1.64 eV and transforms the material from a direct-gap to an indirect-gap semiconductor. The surface adsorbed oxygen atoms decrease the band gap up to 0.98 eV depending on their location tending to the metallic character of the electron energy bands at a high concentration of the adsorbed atoms. Oxygen plasma processing is proposed as an effective technology for such band-gap modifications.  相似文献   

Low-frequency noise was characterized in Si0.7Ge0.3 surface channel pMOSFETs with ALD Al2O3/HfO2/Al2O3 stacks as gate dielectrics. The influences of surface treatment prior to ALD processing and thickness of the Al2O3 layer at the channel interface were investigated. The noise was of the 1/f type and could be modeled as a sum of a Hooge mobility fluctuation noise component and a number fluctuation noise component. Mobility fluctuation noise dominated the 1/f noise in strong inversion, but the number fluctuation noise component, mainly originating from traps in HfO2, also contributed closer to threshold and in weak inversion. The number fluctuation noise component was negligibly small in a device with a 2 nm thick Al2O3 layer at the SiGe channel interface, which reduced the average 1/f noise by a factor of two and decreased the device-to-device variations.  相似文献   

The magnitudes of linear electrooptic coefficients r13 and r33 in Zn:LiTaO3 repoled channel waveguides are reported. The measurements were made at 0.633-μm wavelength using a Fabry-Perot interferometer. The waveguides were produced by diffusion from the vapor phase at a temperature above the Curie temperature. For full recovery of the Pockels effect, an electric field of 200 V/cm is needed during repoling. The measured values of r13 and r33 at 32-MHz modulation frequency are 7.2 and 30.3 pm/V, respectively. The difference between unclamped and clamped coefficients is comparable to that from bulk crystals. Measurements were also made on Ti:LiNbO3 waveguides that did not require repoling, and good agreement with bulk crystal values was obtained  相似文献   

A dielectric resonator technique has been used for measurements of the permittivity and dielectric loss tangent of single-crystal dielectric substrates in the temperature range 20-300 K at microwave frequencies. Application of superconducting films made it possible to determine dielectric loss tangents of about 5×10-7 at 20 K. Two permittivity tensor components for uniaxially anisotropic samples were measured. Generally, single-crystal samples made of the same material by different manufacturers or by different processes save significantly different losses, although they have essentially the same permittivities. The permittivity of one crystalline ferroelectric substrate, SrTiO3, strongly depends on temperature. This temperature dependence can affect the performance of ferroelectric thin-film microwave devices, such as electronically tunable phase shifters, mixers, delay lines and filters  相似文献   

《Microelectronics Journal》1992,23(8):665-669
The high-Tc superconducting material YBa2 Cu3 Oy, well known as a 1–2–3 compound, shows other very interesting properties. One of them is very strong conductivity-oxygen content dependence. On the basis of our previous measurements, an investigation of dilatation synthesis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and conductivity measurements were performed. The results on quenched and slowly cooled samples show a phase transition region and an obvious interdependence between conductivity, unit cell volume and oxygen content.  相似文献   

Amorphous Gd2O3 and Sc2O3 thin films were deposited on Si by high-pressure sputtering (HPS). In order to reduce the uncontrolled interfacial SiOx growth, firstly a metallic film of Gd or Sc was sputtered in pure Ar plasma. Subsequently, they were in situ plasma oxidized in an Ar/O2 atmosphere. For post-processing interfacial SiOx thickness reduction, three different top metal electrodes were studied: platinum, aluminum and titanium. For both dielectrics, it was found that Pt did not react with the films, while Al reacted with them forming an aluminate-like interface and, finally, Ti was effective in scavenging the SiO2 interface thickness without severely compromising gate dielectric leakage.  相似文献   

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