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A total of 191 colorectal adenocarcinomas, obtained from consecutive patients with a median follow-up of 6 years, were studied in order to evaluate the possible association of Ki-ras mutations with tumour stage, tumour differentiation and survival time. Resected full-cross tumour samples were screened for Ki-ras mutations in codons 12 and 13 using temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE). Ki-ras mutations were detected in 62 (32%) of the samples. The most frequent mutation, observed in 21 samples, was from GGT to GAT changing glycine to aspartic acid in codon 12. The study did not show any association between Ki-ras mutations and Dukes' stage or tumour differentiation. Patients with Ki-ras mutations had a marginally shorter survival time (median 50 months) compared with patients without (median 59 months), but the difference was not statistically significant. The results indicate that Ki-ras gene mutations have no relevant prognostic importance in this cohort of colorectal cancer patients.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyze the prevalence and clinical importance of p53 gene mutations in surgically treated squamous cell lung carcinoma. Sixty patients were included. Fifty-one patients in stages I to IIIa were submitted to radical resection. Twenty-five samples tested positive for the p53 immunohistochemistry assay, and were analyzed for p53 gene mutations. Eleven mutations were found. Patients harboring p53 gene mutations suffered a higher incidence of recurrence and a higher mortality rate. Disease-free interval and overall survival were shorter for patients with mutated p53 gene (p=0.03 and p=0.005, respectively).  相似文献   

Early reconstruction of the thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) joint after traumatic dislocation, when instability is present, may decrease the incidence of recurrent instability and post-traumatic joint degeneration. We report two retrospective cohort groups of patients who had sustained a traumatic thumb CMC joint dislocation. The first 8 patients, group A, were treated with closed reduction and pinning. Because the results were unsatisfactory with 4 patients, requiring revision surgery for recurrent instability in 3 and degenerative arthritis in 1, the treatment plan was changed to open reduction with a flexor carpi radialis weave, group B. The 9 patients in group B underwent early (an average of 7 days after injury) ligamentous reconstruction to decrease the incidence of joint damage from recurrent instability and improve long-term functional results. For patients in group B with a minimum follow-up period of 2 years, pain was not a major problem, and range of motion and grip strength were essentially preserved. The functional variables affected most in both groups were thumb abduction, which was decreased by 10%, and pinch strength, which was decreased by 13%, in group B, as compared to 20% and 19%, respectively, for the patients in group A. Radiographically, the joint space was slightly narrowed (Eaton stage II) in 3 cases in group B; however, these were asymptomatic. In group A, 5 patients demonstrated degenerative changes of the CMC joint (3 Eaton stage II, 2 stage III), and 3 patients were symptomatic after treatment.  相似文献   

Point mutations in the Ki-ras gene belong to the genetic key events in tumorigenesis of colorectal cancer. The type and number of point mutations were detected in specimens from patients with colorectal carcinomas stages as Dukes B and C using single-stranded conformational polymorphism analysis and sequencing. G-A transitions in codon 12 were exclusively found in Dukes B tumors, G-T transversions mainly in Dukes C, and G-C transversions only in Dukes C tumors. Apparently, the G-T and G-C transversions are associated with metastatic behavior of colorectal carcinomas, while G-A transitions are not. In several samples, multiple point mutations could be detected in codon 12, the frequency of multiple mutations increasing with the stage of the tumor.  相似文献   

The expression of p53 protein in 66 cases of colorectal cancer and its relationship to cell proliferative activity, lymph node metastasis as well as prognosis were investigated by means of AB-PAP immunohistochemical technique. The results showed that 62.1% of colorectal cancer was positive. The cell proliferative activity and the frequency of lymph node metastasis in p53-positive cases were significantly higher than those of p53-negative cases (P < 0.05). The survival rate in patients with p53-positive tumors was significantly shorter than those with p53-negative tumors (P < 0.05). Our results suggest that the abnormal expression of p53 and cell proliferation associated with mutations are involved in both human carcinogenesis and lymph node metastasis of colorectal cancer. Examination of p53 expression is of value in understanding the degree of malignancy, and evaluating prognosis of the disease.  相似文献   

Cardiac disease continues to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality following peripheral vascular surgical procedures. Although the mechanism of sudden myocardial infarction remains elusive, many possibilities exist. The role of catecholamines is intriguing in view of the evidence that beta-adrenergic blockers reduce cardiac morbidity and mortality in vascular surgical patients. To ascertain whether the plasma catecholamine levels rise significantly during abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, serial determinations of plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine levels were performed in 18 patients. Epinephrine levels rose significantly from preoperative baseline values both during the operation and postoperatively, and norepinephrine levels rose significantly at 24 hours postoperatively. Although only one patient studied developed a myocardial infarction, the finding that patients undergoing aortic surgery uniformly experienced abnormally high serum catecholamine levels supports other evidence that perioperative myocardial ischemic events have a hormonal component.  相似文献   

CYP2C19 (S-mephenytoin hydroxylase) is a polymorphically expressed enzyme. Currently, two defective alleles are known--CYP2C19*2 and CYP2C19*3. The authors have developed an oligonucleotide ligation assay to detect these two alleles. This assay combines the hybridization of one common, biotinylated capture probe and two allele-specific probes to the target DNA, with the ability of a DNA ligase to distinguish mismatched nucleotides. The probes are only ligated if they are base paired correctly to the target strand. The biotin is bound to streptavidin, and all DNA not covalently bound to the biotin-labeled capture probe, is removed in a washing procedure. The allele-specific probes are labeled with either europium or samarium, and their emission can be measured simultaneously. The ratio between the emission separates the genotypes. This method was applied on DNA from 19 whites and 21 Vietnamese living in Denmark. All genotypes determined by the assay were consistent with the results from restriction enzyme cleavage. There were 12 poor metabolizers; 10 homozygous CYP2C19*2/CYP2C19*2, one heterozygous CYP2C19*2/CYP2C19*3, and one heterozygous CYP2C19*1/CYP2C19*2. The authors conclude that this assay is well-suited for a high throughput of samples in a routine laboratory. The finding of an apparently heterozygous CYP2C19*1/CYP2C19*2 poor metabolizer, confirms that there are still unknown mutations in CYP2C19.  相似文献   

The aim of the study of 41 multiform glioblastomas was the analysis of p53-protein immunoreactivity in neoplastic cells and evaluation of relationship of this biologic marker to tumour proliferation activity. Positive p53 expression was observed in 24 (58.5%) tumours, the negative one in 17 tumours (41.5%). Proliferation indexes of PCNA, anti-Ki6 and AgNORs showed high values in the multiform glioblastoma p53 positive group, but without statistical differences in comparison with the group of p53-negative glioblastomas. Significant differences were observed in survival time of patients with p53 positive tumours in comparison with p53-negative ones. In 15 patients with p53-positive multiform glioblastomas survival time was less than 6 months (62.5%) on the contrary with only 4 patients with similar survival time in p53-negative glioblastoma group (23.5%). Our results suggest that p53 expression in multiform glioblastoma cells, generally considered as the indirect index of p53 suppressor gene, reflects aggressive stadium of neoplastic disease and significantly worsens the prognosis.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is a frequent complication in pulmonary fibrosis. Overexpression of p53 proteins has been demonstrated by immunostaining in bronchoepithelial cells in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. However, it is still unclear whether this overexpressed p53 protein is wild-type or mutant. It was hypothesized that pulmonary fibrosis may be a precancerous lesion with deoxyribonucleic acid point mutations in bronchoepithelial cells. Mutations of the p53 gene were tested for by fluorescence-based single-strand conformation polymorphism (FSSCP), cloning-sequencing and immunostaining techniques. Out of 10 tissue samples that demonstrated overexpression of p53 protein by immunostaining, nine (90%) exhibited point mutations and eight (80%) exhibited heterogeneous point mutations of the p53 gene. The mutations found in pulmonary fibrosis were scattered throughout the central part of the p53 gene, and both guanine (G):cytosine (C) to adenine (A):thymine (T) and A:T to G:C transitions were frequently observed. In conclusion, frequent heterogeneous point mutations of the p53 gene were detected in pulmonary fibrosis. These mutations may have resulted from several types of deoxyribonucleic acid damage that occurred in bronchoepithelial cells and this may explain previous findings of a very high incidence of lung cancer complicating pulmonary fibrosis.  相似文献   

Genetic instability is a typical feature of tumor cells. This evidence has stimulated the development of rapid methods for detection of gene mutations. A new, improved protocol for denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), to screen for point mutations in genomic DNA, is reported: double gradient (DG) DGGE. In this technique, to the primary, denaturing gradient (typically 30-80% or 40-80% urea/formamide) a secondary gradient, colinear with the first, is superimposed: a porosity gradient (typically 6.5-12% polyacrylamide). The secondary gradient acts by recompacting smeared and diffuse bands of heteroduplexes, which are often indistinguishable from background fluorescence, and by augmenting the resolution between closely spaced homoduplex zones. This allows proper densitometric quantitation of the ratio of the two homoduplex bands. The reliability of this technique has been documented by detection of a number of mutations in exons 6 and 8 of the p53 gene which had escaped revelation by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Additionally, the precise assessment of ratio of the doublet of homoduplex bands has allowed quantitation of the extent of p53 mutation in a mixed cell population extracted from a tumor specimen.  相似文献   

Risk of colorectal cancer recurrence has traditionally been determined by use of pathologic staging. However, it is apparent that subgroups of patients exist within tumor stages whose clinical behavior differs. This study was undertaken to identify tumor-associated factors that might be predictive of outcome in patients with intermediate stages who will benefit the most from postsurgical adjuvant therapy. Seventy patients with stage II and III colorectal cancer were assessed for DNA index, S-phase fraction, p53 expression, and Ki-67 index. Tumor recurrence was analyzed by means of nonparametric tests and Cox proportional hazard models incorporating standard clinical and pathologic criteria. Of the four prognostic markers evaluated, Ki-67 index was significantly associated with disease recurrence (P = 0.02), whereas DNA index, S-phase fraction, and p53 expression were not. After stratification by tumor stage, significant associations between Ki-67 index and disease recurrence were retained in stage II tumors (P = 0.01) but not in stage III tumors (P = 0.23). Cox proportional hazard regression analysis indicated that among stage II patients, those with a Ki-67 index >45% were associated with 6.5 times greater risk for disease recurrence than those with a Ki-67 index >/=45%. It was concluded that an elevated Ki- 67 index is associated with an increased risk of tumor recurrence in stage II colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Two screening techniques for identifying point mutations (single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and dideoxyfingerprinting (ddF)) were compared to sequencing to determine their efficiency in detecting mutations in exons 5-8 of the p53 tumor suppressor gene. Twelve human glioblastoma cell lines were studied by each of the three methods. Ten mutations were identified by sequencing; of these, 10/10 were detected by ddF, while SSCP detected 6/10 true mutations and falsely identified two presumed mutations not confirmed by sequencing. We examined the impact of parameters which influence DNA conformation (gel temperature, gel composition, and PCR product size) on the ability of SSCP and ddF to detect mutations. The sensitivity of SSCP varied with both gel temperature and the size of the PCR product; in contrast, ddF was not influenced by either gel temperature or product length (up to 460 nucleotides). We conclude that the increased sensitivity of ddF, together with its greater ease of application due to the lack of need for optimization, provides significant advantages over SSCP in screening DNA sequences for the presence of point mutations. Our results also suggest that the incidence of p53 mutations may be underestimated in studies of human cancers which utilize SSCP as the method of mutational screening.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to elucidate the clinicopathological significance of p53 overexpression in elderly patients with colorectal cancer. p53 positivity for elderly patients and control was 41% and 57%, respectively. There was a significant difference between these two groups. Regarding the rate of hematogenic metastases, there was no significant difference between patients with positive for p53 and negative for p53 in the elderly group (44% vs 39%), on the other hand, there was a significant difference between patients with positive for p53 and negative for p53 in the control group (70% vs 48%). Regarding prognosis, there was no significant difference between patients with positive for p53 and negative for p53 in the elderly group (73.3% vs 72%), on the other hand, there was a significant difference between patients with positive for p53 and negative for p53 in the control group (51.2% vs 68.7%). These results suggest that the significance of p53 overexpression was negligible in elderly patients with colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

We assessed Ki-ras mutations by single-strand conformation polymorphism followed by DNA sequencing, p53 expression by immunohistochemistry, ploidy status, and S-phase fraction in 66 stage II and 163 stage III colon cancer patients enrolled on a randomized trial of surgery followed by observation or adjuvant levamisole or 5-fluorouracil (5FU) plus levamisole (Intergroup Trial 0035) to see whether these factors were independently associated with survival or with differential effects of adjuvant therapy. A Cox proportional hazards survival model was used to describe marker effects and therapy by marker interactions, with adjustment for the clinical covariates affecting survival. A Bonferroni adjustment was used to account for multiple testing. Mutation of the Ki-ras gene was found in 41% of the cancers and was associated with a poor prognosis in stage II but not stage III. In stage II, 7-year survival was 86% versus 58% in those with wild type versus Ki-ras mutations. After adjustment for treatment and clinical variables, the hazard ratio (HR) for death was 4.5; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.7-12.1 (P = 0.012). p53 overexpression was found in 63% of cancers and was associated with a favorable survival in stage III but not stage II. Seven-year survival in stage III was 56% with p53 overexpression versus 43% with no p53 expression (HR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.3-3.6; P = 0.012). Aneuploidy was more common in stage III than in stage II (66 versus 47%; P = 0.009) but was not independently related to survival in either group. The proliferative rate was greater in aneuploid than in diploid cancers but was not related to survival. There was no benefit of adjuvant therapy in stage II nor in any of the stage II subgroups defined by mutational status. In stage III, adjuvant therapy with 5FU plus levamisole improved 7-year survival in patients with wild-type Ki-ras (76 versus 44%; HR, 0.4; 95% CI, 0.2-0.8) and in those without p53 overexpression (64 versus 26%; HR, 0.3; 95% CI, 0.1-0.7). Adjuvant therapy did not benefit those with Ki-ras mutations or p53 overexpression. The effects of adjuvant therapy did not differ according to ploidy status or proliferative rate. Ki-ras mutation is a significant risk factor for death in stage II, and the absence of p53 expression is a significant risk factor for death in stage III colon cancer after adjustment for treatment and clinical covariates. Exploratory analyses suggest that patients with stage III colon cancer with wild-type Ki-ras or no p53 expression benefit from adjuvant 5FU plus levamisole, whereas those with Ki-ras mutations or p53 overexpression do not. An independent study will be required to determine whether response to adjuvant therapy in colon cancer depends on mutational status.  相似文献   

To determine whether the expression of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha), its receptor (epidermal growth factor receptor [EGFr]), p53 nuclear protein, and proliferation influences prognosis of patients with liver metastases, a study was performed in 45 liver metastases and 33 corresponding primary colorectal carcinomas in patients referred for liver surgery. The expression of TGF-alpha, EGFr, p53 nuclear protein, and proliferation rate was correlated with clinicopathological characteristics and survival after partial liver resection. In liver metastases, TGF-alpha expression was low in 42%, intermediate in 35%, and high in 23%. TGF-alpha expression was higher in liver metastases derived from lymph node-positive primary carcinomas, in synchronous and in irresectable liver metastases compared with those derived from lymph node-negative primary carcinomas, metachronous, and resectable liver metastases. Nuclear p53 expression was found in 83% of primary tumors and 71% of liver metastases. p53 expression did not correlate with the various clinicopathological characteristics. Ki67 expression was not associated with clinicopathological characteristics in primary and metastatic tumors. In the 38 patients in whom a partial liver resection was performed, median survival was 25 months in patients with a higher TGF-alpha expression in the metastasis than in the primary tumor and 60 months in patients with comparable or lower TGF-alpha expression in the metastasis than in the primary tumor (P = .036). Median survival after liver resection was 21 months in patients with p53-negative liver metastases and 58 months in patients with p53-positive metastases (P = .043). By multivariate analysis, p53 and EGFr expression on liver metastases were the best predictors of disease-free survival after partial liver resection, with relative risks of 2.38 and 3.33, respectively. In patients with colorectal liver metastases, referred for liver surgery, a higher TGF-alpha expression is associated with unfavorable tumor characteristics, whereas p53 and absence of EGFr expression is associated with a better survival after partial liver resection.  相似文献   

Recent investigations of colorectal cancer (CRC) have suggested that the accumulation of specific alterations in cell-growth regulating genes trigger the stage-wise progression to malignancy and that at least some of them could be useful for prognosis. In this study, the frequency, location and type of mutations of the Ki-ras proto-oncogene exons 1-2 and p53 tumour-suppressor gene exons 5-9 were analysed in colorectal carcinomas of 72 patients from the European Saar-Luxembourg region using PCR-SSCP screening and direct sequencing. The incidences of Ki-ras activating and p53 inactivating point mutations in these European samples were much lower (Ki-ras: 5 (6.9%) and p53: 13 (18.1%)) than reported for both genes in American studies (40-50% at least) (P < 1 x 10(-3)). These results suggest that other genetic mechanisms than those proposed for the classic adenoma-carcinoma sequence model can frequently underlie CRC development and that Ki-ras and p53 mutations should not be considered as universal markers for CRC.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest a role for p53 in prostate cancer progression. Although p53 mutations in primary prostate cancer tissues are relatively infrequent, they occur at significant levels in metastatic disease. Here we describe a novel approach to the molecular analysis of p53 in paired specimens of primary and metastatic prostate cancer that results in quantitative estimates of the extent of clonal expansion. In 20 pairs with 1 or both specimens p53 immunopositive and in 6 pairs with both specimens immunonegative, the frequency of mutations was estimated by microdissection of the cancer from fixed and sectioned tissues, isolation of the DNA followed by PCR amplification of p53 genomic fragments, and cloning of the PCR products into plasmid vectors. At least 90 clones/tissue specimen were screened for mutations by single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis. DNA from abnormally migrating single-strand conformational polymorphism samples was sequenced to confirm mutations. Missense mutations in exon 5, 7, or 8 were detected in 9 of 20 immunopositive pairs and in 1 of 6 immunonegative pairs. A marked heterogeneity of mutations in primary prostate cancer was apparent. The frequency of p53 mutations was greater in the metastases than in the primary tumors. In three immunopositive pairs, the same p53 mutation was demonstrated at a low frequency in the primary tumor but was demonstrated at a greater frequency in the metastasis, indicating relatively limited clonal expansion of cells harboring specific p53 mutations in the primary tumor, yet significant clonal growth at metastatic sites as determined by this novel method.  相似文献   

Tumor suppressor genes such as p53 contribute to the oncogenic process via loss-of-function mechanisms such as genetic mutation or complex formation with other cellular or viral proteins. p53 is mutated in approximately 50% of human tumors and has an important role in the genesis or progression of both colorectal and hepatocellular cancers. Colorectal cancer is leading cause of cancer mortality in the United States, whereas hepatocellular cancer is the leading worldwide cause of cancer death; the liver is a primary site of morbidity in both diseases. Because systemic tumor suppressor gene therapy is currently not feasible, we have chosen to develop a regional form of such therapy directed at primary or metastatic liver neoplasms. Gene replacement therapy with p53 is a promising new strategy to treat advanced human cancers.  相似文献   

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