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吴虹  袁佳杰  刘军  梁裕民  张冀  丁勇 《电子学报》2007,35(7):1357-1359
针对OFDM系统存在的对载波频偏非常敏感的问题,提出一种低复杂度无导频小数倍频偏的同步方法.根据OFDM符号本身以及循环前缀的特性,在MLE算法之后对残余小数频偏进行同步.在频域完成子载波数据相位差的提取.通过重新利用MLE算法中的取复数相位运算模块,节约了硬件资源.仿真证明该方法能够有效纠正采样引起的频率偏差.  相似文献   

OFDM同步跟踪阶段的频偏估计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OFDM对栽频偏差是很敏感的,因此不仅在同步的捕获阶段,而且在同步的跟踪阶段,精确的频偏估计是很重要的。文献[3]提出了一种简化的相干判决反馈的迭代算法来估计同步跟踪阶段的载频偏差,对于128个子载波、QPSK调制的OFDM系统,在多径衰落信道下,当频偏小于子载波间隔的15%时,频偏估计的标准方差小于1%,但是这个结果是在假设信道频率响应、定时偏差、载波相位等参数已知的条件下取得的,而当这些参数的估计存在误差时,由仿真结果可看出,频偏估计性能恶化了,因此,提出了采用差分判决反馈的频偏估计算法,虽然只能估计小于子载波间隔 8%的频偏,但差分判决反馈算法不需要知道信道的参数,由于在同步跟踪阶段,频偏一般都较小,因此采用差分判决反馈算法可以很好地估计出同步跟踪阶段的频率偏差。  相似文献   

对OFDM系统中一种基于接收时域信号重构的载波频率盲估计算法进行了进一步的研究,分析了在这种方法中影响估计精度的4个方面的因素。为了减少载波频率估计的剩余误差,通过在频率补偿时增加反馈因子,提出了一种基于判决反馈的载波频率同步环路结构。通过调整同步环路的环路增益,可以获得更好的频率跟踪性能。如果信噪比达到9dB,即使存在较大的频率漂移,剩余频偏也被限制在子载波间隔的1%以内。  相似文献   

正交频分复用(OFDM)因其在抗频率选择性衰落和窄带干扰方面具有良好的性能而被广泛应用,但是OFDM系统比单载波系统对定时和频偏更加敏感。提出了一种简单有效的帧同步与频率跟踪算法,与传统的最大似然估计算法相比,实现更加容易,而且能保证精确的帧和频率同步。  相似文献   

彭端  尹长川  乐光新 《无线电工程》2006,36(1):33-35,58
在分析OFDM系统载波频偏信号模型的基础上,提出了基于单OFDM前导符号载波同步的高效算法。将基于前导符号相关的方法和基于循环前缀相关的方法融合,应用信道估计和均衡补偿信道中的残留频偏,从链路级研究易于实现的载波同步算法,在高速无线多径Rayleigh信道下,相对频偏ε<±0·5的条件下车速120km/h时获得十分理想的载波同步结果。  相似文献   

提出了一种正交频分复用(OFDM)系统的频率同步方案。该方案包含一个细同步算法和一个粗同步算法。细同步算法是对MOOSE算法的改进,使其频率捕获范围扩大一倍;粗同步算法通过对特殊的长训练序列进行频域相关运算,来估计大范围的频率偏移,它与改进的细同步算法相结合,能够纠正达到半个系统带宽的频偏。仿真表明这是一种准确而可靠的频率同步方案。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种正交频分复用(OFDM)系统的频率同步方案。该方案包含一个细同步算法和一个粗同步算法。细同步算法是对MOOSE算法的改进,使其频率捕获范围扩大一倍;粗同步算法通过对特殊的长训练序列进行频域相关运算,来估计大范围的频率偏移,它与改进的细同步算法合,能够纠正达到半个系统带宽的频偏。仿真表明这是一种准确而可靠的频率同步方案。  相似文献   

Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for OFDM Systems with Null Subcarriers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An accurate estimation of carrier frequency offset (CFO) is a crucial task for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems but should be performed with affordable computational complexity for practicality. In this paper, the authors derive two new estimation algorithms (one for the integer part and the other for the fractional part of CFO), each of which utilizes only one OFDM block with null subcarriers but offers improved accuracy and reduced complexity. The proposed estimator for fractional CFOs operates iteratively and is insensitive to the initial CFO. The other proposed estimator for integer CFOs employs a pseudonoise binary random sequence to assist in subcarrier arrangement and accurate estimation of the integer CFO. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methods, numerical results are provided from computer simulation and analysis, and comparisons are made with other existing methods in the literature.  相似文献   

一种基于双周期循环前缀的OFDM频偏估计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文设计了一种具有双周期毗邻结构的新型循环前缀(Heter-cycle abutted CP,HCA-CP),并提出了相应的OFDM 频偏估计算法.该双周期毗邻结构循环前缀由CP1和CP2两部分构成,使OFDM符号具有双周期特征.论文方法通过引入较短的CP1,牺牲极少的资源,可以有效克服现有频偏估计方法中的固定频偏估计范围的缺陷,同时具有频偏估计范围大,精度高的特点.  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems are highly sensitive to carrier frequency errors. In this paper, a new method utilizing pilots to do frequency synchronization in frequency domain is proposed with large estimation range. It needs no such prerequisite assumption that a perfect symbol timing synchronization [IEEE Transactions on Communications 42 (1994) 2908; 45 (1997) 1613] has been done before performing integer carrier frequency synchronization. Also, a new adjusting model for fine carrier frequency is proposed. Simulation and performance analysis show that our overall frequency estimator has high accuracy. The corresponding FPGA circuit through test in high definition TV (HDTV) prototype in Team of Expert Engineering Group (TEEG) in China proves its availability and feasibility.Bo Ai (M2001) was born in Shannxi Province in China on February 7, 1974. He received a B.Sc. degree from Engineering Institute of Armed Police Force and a Master degree, a Ph.D degree from Xidian University in 1997, 2002 and 2004 in China respectively. He has once participated in the key research project on HDTV in TEEG (Team of Engineering Expert Group) of China, and has published over forty papers in his research area till now. He is senior member of Chinese Electronics Institute (CIE), an editorial commitee member of journal of Computer Simulations. His current interests are the research and applications of OFDM technique with emphasis on synchronization.Jian-hua Ge was born in September, 1961 in JiangSu Province in China. He received the B.Sc., Master and Ph.D. degree from Xidian University in 1982, 1985 and 1989 respectively. He is now the professor in both Xidian University in Xian and Shanghai Jiaotong University in Shanghai. He is the senior member of Chinese Electronics Institute. He has won lots of scientific and technical prizes in China and published many papers. His interests are transmission communications and web security.Yong Wang (M2003) was born in Shannxi Province in China in 1976. He received a B.Sc. and Master degree from Xidian University in China in 1997 and 2002 respectively, and is now working towards the Ph.D. degree on communications in the Key Laboratory of ISN in Xidian University. He has once participated in the key research project on HDTV in TEEG of China and his interests are broadband multimedia communications.Dian-fu Zhang was born in Shannxi Province in China in 1954. He received a B.Sc. degree from Xidian University in China in 1977. He is now working as a professor and the chairman of the telecommunication department in Engineering College of Armed Police Force. His interests are mobile communications.Jun Liu was born in Beijing in China in 1963. He received his B.Sc. degree from Nanjing University Of Aeronautics and Astronautics in China in 1984. He is now a professor in Engineering College Of Armed Police Force. His research interests include integrated circuit design and artificial intelligence.  相似文献   

MIMO OFDM短波无线通信的频率同步技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多输入多输出(MIMO)技术是最近几年发展起来的无线通信技术。目前利用MIMO技术提高短波通信的传输速率和可靠性的研究已经开展。论文着重研究了MIMO OFDM短波无线通信的频率同步技术,利用频域正交的训练序列完成了系统各个发射/接收天线对之间频偏不同时的载波频偏估计。  相似文献   

近年来结合OFDM的传输分集技术得到了普遍关注。可是OFDM的一个固有缺点是其对频率偏移非常敏感,因此如何对基于OFDM的传输分集系统进行有效的频偏估计和校正是一个值得探讨的问题。为此该文给出了一种基于导频的粗频偏估计方法和盲自适应细频偏估计算法,并通过仿真验证了所给方法的有效性。  相似文献   

一种新的OFDM系统载波频率偏移估计和跟踪方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对载波偏移使OFDM系统出现严重的子载波干扰和性能的下降,该文提出一种OFDM频偏估计和跟踪方案,载频捕获阶段频偏估计采用时域内插入等值导频的方法,载频跟踪阶段不需要导频,而是利用循环前缀来估计频率偏移并进行校正。仿真结果证实,该方案中导频辅助的频率偏移估计和载频跟踪不仅估计范围大,而且估计值准确,频偏校正后系统的性能能达到信道理想估计条件下的误比特率。  相似文献   

一种新的OFDM系统载波频率捕获算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
该文从OFDM信号的特性出发,采用单一训练帧,将OFDM系统的载波频率捕获等效为单载波频差估计。该文提出的算法仅使用一帧辅助数据;具有较高的精度,较少的计算量和较大的捕获范围;且不受多径信道,时偏及帧同步误差的影响。  相似文献   

文中给出一种应用于正交频分复用系统中帧同步和载波同步的最大似然估计算法,它是基于循环前缀和脉冲成形推出的。本文详细阐述了算法推导过程,并给出了计算机仿真结果分析了其性能,最后由此算法提出一种估计器的设计方案。  相似文献   

该文将基于训练序列的发射分集正交频分复用(OFDM)系统视为一个多时隙系统,利用空时信道空间(波达方向)子空间和时延子空间慢变的特点,将空时信道多时隙估计技术应用到发射分集OFDM系统中,并根据衰落幅度快变的特点提出了使用自适应滤波技术的空时子空间幅度跟踪信道估计算法,明显提高了系统的信道估计精度。该文对各种算法的跟踪性能进行了仿真和分析比较。  相似文献   

李轩  王茜 《电子测试》2021,(3):73-74
正交频分复用(OFDM)技术是多进制、多载频、并行传输的,其能够提高频带利用率、抗多径传输能力,并且以更高的速率传输数据.面对其多普勒频移会导致系统存在载波频率偏差(CFO)的问题,本文介绍了基于训练序列的Moose和Classen频域CFO估计技术,然后发现两者结合后系统的频偏估计更稳定.通过MATLAB仿真发现:在...  相似文献   

基于各种OFDM同步算法,针对PN序列算法存在的不足,提出了一种新的时频同步算法。该算法利用2个训练序列进行时频捕获,同时给出了一种频率跟踪方案。通过仿真验证了新算法性能,并与PN序列算法进行比较,频率估计精度得到了提高。对于给出的频率跟踪方案,理论分析和仿真结果都表明该方案具备实用性。  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems are highly sensitive to carrier frequency offset (CFO), especially in doubly-selective fading environment. Cyclostationarity-based blind synchronization methods are appealing in high-data-rate applications and low signal-to-noise regions. However, the cyclostationarity has not been exploited for frequency synchronization of OFDM systems under doubly-selective fading channels. In this paper, we derive the close-form second order cyclic statistics of the received OFDM signal in presence of CFO, by modeling the doubly-selective fading channel with basis expansion model. Both transmitter-induced cyclostationarity and doubly-selective channel information are contained in the derived cyclic moments, and they are efficiently utilized for CFO estimation. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed estimator provides significant improvements on frequency synchronization performance.  相似文献   

 本文提出一种使用叠加的、弱能量序列进行时间同步和频偏估计的方法,其中所构造的训练序列具有低/零自相关性及弱能量性能,该序列被叠加在信息符号上并仅分配发射机总能量的4.1%;传统利用循环前缀信息估计频偏范围只局限于0.5内,该法使频偏估计范围可达到1,在利用本地序列与接收信号的相关性后可使整个频偏估计范围达到1/4带宽.理论和仿真表明,该法具有比常规算法更优的时间估计精度和频偏估计范围.  相似文献   

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